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McMinn County
Grant Book Excerpts A-I

Grant Book A


267    1 Dec 1829  Act of Relief by the General Assembly for Nancy Allison, widow of Uriah Allison dec’d late of Roane Co. and for benefit of his heirs, three small female children.  (302)  11 Jan 1836  The heirs are Mariah S., Catherine I. And Mary Allison.


288    10 Nov 1820  Abraham Heard enters land;  1824, James Kennedy, Sr. pays the interest; 21 July 1835  Nancy Kennedy, late Nancy Heard, Abram A. Heard, John Joseph Heard, Pryor Lea and wife late Minerva Ann Heard, George Felix Hears, and Joshua T. Heard, legatees of Col. Abraham Heard dec’d, pay the balance.


294  8 Nov 1820  Henry Bradford of Jefferson Co. makes Entry and assigns it


302    Copy of Will of Samuel Tillery dec’d of Rhea Co., executed Feb. 1827, and registered May 1827; to wife Anna; my daughters as they come of age; my four sons, Coffel, Thomas, Hugh and Samuel as they come of age; brother John and brother-in-law Thomas Bell, both of Knox Co., to be Execs.


305    John Brown of Roane Co. enters land.


306    7 Sep 1822  Charles White assigns Entry to Welcome Howel; 28 Dec 1827, Benjamin Longacre, Adm. Of Welcome Howel, dec’d, pays balance.


351    19 Dec 1830  John Walker, Esq., Gdn. Of Elizabeth H. Murphy, heir of James Murphy dec’d, pays balance on Entry made by James Murphy 18 Nov 1820.


411    18 Feb 1827  John Richardson assigns his entry in McMinn Co. to James Fry at request of his mother Susannah Fry.


421    15 Nov 1828  William Grant assigns his entry in Monroe Co. to Nathaniel H. Canseler; 9 Nov 1831  William, Mary and John Cansler assign same.


435    28 Jul 1824  Lewis Ball enters as occupant enterer; 28 Mar 1826  Ball assigns to Howel Houston, proven at Green Co. Court Jan 1833 by witness John Gladin; 13 May 1826 Howel Houston assigns to William Houston, acknowledged Mar 1833 at Green Co. Court before V. Sevier, Clk. By M. Payne Deputy Clk.; 2 Aug 1830 William Houston assigns to John Dickson, acknowledged mar 1833 at Greene Co. Court before Andrew Patterson by V. Sevier, D.C.;  2 Feb 1833 assigned by Dickson to Thomas Crowder and acknowledged Mar 1833 at Greene Co. Court; Grant issued to Crowder 13 Sep 1837.  Land in Monroe Co.


503      17 Dec 1826  John Marshall assigns to John Flannegan land in McMinn Co.;30 Jun 1835  Washington Co., Ill., the lawful heirs of John Flanagin dec’d assign to James B. Falnagin; signed by Arthur Foster, William McMillian, Azy J. Flannigan, Thomas A. Flennigan, Allen Lawson, Marget Craseale, Osburn Roberson Flenigan, John B. Flennigen.


509    10 Nov 1820  Elijah Hurst assigns entry in McMinn Co. to Isaac Lane of Claiborne Co.; 28 Oct 1822  Isaac Lane assigns to Tidence C. Lane of McMinn Co.


516    Johnnah, wife of Peter Bond, Rachel, Rosannah and Elizabeth Bond, Heirs of Peter Bond dec’d.


521    16 Dec 1828  Rhea Co., Thomas Lucas swears that he had a certificate assigned to him by Miles Vernon and it was burnt when house burnt.


524    21 Feb 1921  Miller Francis assigns to John A. Smith;  7 Sept 1829  John A Smith assigns to Robert Locke; 8 September 1830 Robert Locke assigns to John Smith, Jr.; 28 Jul 1832 John W. Smith assigns to the heirs of John A. Smith dec’d.


529    24 Nov 1820  William Smith Enters Land; 12 Oct 1847  John, Israel C., Joseph, and Nancy Smith assign to Elisha Brient, with James T. and Robert E. Smith as witnesses.


530    21 Nov 1820  Nathaniel H. Cansler makes entry;  1 Jan 1830, widow and heirs make payment;  7 Sept 1843 Martha S.  (Patsy) Chapman formerly Cansler and her husband Lemuel Chapman, heirs, transfer their right to William Cansler; 7 Sept 1843  William Cansler as heir and as assignee transfers his right.


531    25 Nov 1820  Henry Bond makes entry;  16 Feb 1824 Henry assigns to Peter Bond;  29 Oct 1830 and 16 Oct 1832 Joanah Bond makes payment; 4 Oct 1844, Grant issued to heirs of Peter Bond dec’d.




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537    18 Nov 1820  Charles McClung makes entry; 17 Apr 1823 assigned to John Lea who pay balance in 1830;  1831 William T. Gillenwaters and Pleasant M. Lean adms. Of John Lea dec’d assign, by virtue of a bond given and by said John Lea and registered in Rhea Co.


547    27 Nov 1820  David Vaughn makes entry; 5 Feb 1824  legatees of David Vaughn, Roane Co., Assign to David R. Brazeale and Hugh Woody and signing are Mary Carnut, William Vaughn, Nancy Farmer and Jesse, Archelaus, William and James Vaughn.


555    15 June 1838  James F. Bradford makes oath that George Wear handed over to him a Grant for land in McMinn Co. which is lost; 1 Nov 1838 George Wear in Cherokee Co., Ala. assigns land.


556    14 Aug 1821  William McGill is assigned entry;  29 Oct 1830  Daniel Heiskell for Patsey McGill, assignee on this certificate, makes payment.


561    3 June 1828 Thomas Wilson assigns to George Wilson Sr.; 30 Oct 1830 Samuel Wilson, adm. Of George Wilson dec’d, makes payment.


562    16 Nov 1820  Malcolm Gilchrist makes entry; 1824 acknowledges transfer in Bedford Co.


572    26 Nov 1820  Samuel Grigsby of Roane Co. makes entry


572    30 Nov 1820  Sampson David makes entr;  12 Feb 1823 at Jacksborough assigns to David P. Walker.


573    6 Nov 1820  Thomas Brown of Roane Co. makes entry and assigns.


574    14 Nov 1820  Asa Wilson makes entry; 28 Oct 1820  Betsy S. Wilson and Gideon Ragland, Execs., pay balance.


578    18 Sept 1821  Joseph Karr is assigned entry, witnessed by Elender Karr: 1 May 1826 William Karr, Adm. Of Jospeh Karr dec’d assigns.



Grant Book B
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112    13 Feb 1828  Miller Francis, Treas. Of East Tenn., to pay John Miller of the Cherokee Nation of Indians for his reservation; land in Rhea Co.


133    7 Nov 1820  John Bunch of Grainger Co. purchases land in McMinn Co.;  5 May 1821 he assigns entry


184  30 July 1824  John and William Goddard enter land n McMinn Co. as occupant enterer 6 Nov 1830 William Goddard and John Campbell, Adms. Of John Goddard  dec’d assign the entry.


193    3 May 1831  Cause heard in Chancery Court.  James, Benjamin, William, John, Joseph, Rolla, and Polly Hawkins, David Newman and wife, Sally, formerly Hawkins, john Campbell and wife Blanche late Hawkins, Greenville, William, Nancy and Polly Templeton, children of John Templeton and wife Nancy, late, Hawkins are complainants and heirs of Benjamin Hawkins for land in McMinn Co.


388    24 Aug 1825  24 Aug 1825  James Kennedy Sr. and Seaborn J. Saffold enter land in McMinn Co.;  13 June 1836 S.J. Saffold relinquishes his interest to Mrs. Nancy Kennedy;  10 August 1836  Pryor Lea, Exec. Of  James Kennedy Sr. dec’d, according to provisions of the Will, assigns entry to Mrs. Nancy Kennedy.


Grant Book  C

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3        28 Apr 1824  Charles Matlock assigns his entry to Jessee and John Davidson; John assigns; 2 June 1828  Jessee assigns to Catharine Davidson and Sarah Beal.


94    “William Casey, John Casey, james Casey, Nancy wife of Benjamin Casey, George Watson, Eliza Casey, Lariat Casey wife of Ruse Sterling Casey, Sam Casey and Elizabeth Casey, widow of James Casey, deceased, her dower.  William John James, Nancy wife of Benjamin McKinsey, Elizabeth wife of George Watson, Sarah wife of Ruse Sterling, Samuel and Elizabeth Casey.  Lewis, widow of james Casey, Dec. her dower.”  Grant issued 3 Feb 1839 on Act of General Assembly of 25 Oct 1831, Chapter 27, to heirs of James Casey dec’d.


381    21 Sept 1847  Mary Fulks now Mary Ivins has lost her Certificate.

                                                                                       Deed Book A
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3        12 Sept 1833  Isaac Anderson, Mary W. Anderson, A.B. Weir, Elizabeth Weir, Newton Armstrong, Martha Armstrong formerly Elizabeth and Martha Anderson to William W. Anderson, All of McMinn Co.;  Power of Atty. To sell land in Rockbridge Co., Va. On waters of North River and being land owned by Robert Anderson dec’d; land adjoins Daniel and Robert Rhea on the East and Land formerly owned by William Walker on the South.
7        23 Jan 1834  Lewis Clark of Lumpkin Co., Ga. To Isaac Lowery of McMinn Co.; Bill of sale for slave Lucy.
11    30 Oct 1833  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Samuel Shelton; Judgment recovered 17 Apr 1830 against Rachel and Aaron Bennet.
21    15 Jan 1834  James W. Hope of Washington Co., Va to David Pearce.
23     27 Oct 1833  Henry Bradford to Henry E. Bradford, age about one year, son of Henry C. Bradford; Bill of Sale for slave
24    8 Sept 1826  [sic] John McEntosh of McMinn Co to Samuel Parks and James McDaniel of Monroe Co; proven in Court 16 Mar 1821, Young Colville, Clk
26     11 Apr 1821  Templin W. Ross and wife Eliza of Cherokee Nation to George Harlin of same.
31    20 Sept 1821  John Walker Sr. to John Walker, Jr.; bill of sale for slaves.
32    14 June 1821  John Walker Sr. to Thomas C. Henderson of Rhea Co.;  lots in Calhoun.
33    7 Dec 1821  John Walker Sr. to Gideon Morgan Jr. of Monroe Co.; distinctly understood that the town of Calhoun is not considered a part of conveyance although included within its lines.
40    16 Apr 1821  John Walker Sr. to Sterling Camp of Roane Co.
44     26 Apr 1824  James McDaniel and John McIntosh of McMinn Co and Samuel Parks of Monroe Co. by his Atty. In fact James McDaniel to James C. Mitchel and Thomas Kelly of Rhea Co.;  John McIntosh’s Reservation on South Fork of Mouse Creek.
45     28 Feb 1824  Archibald Fitzgerrell to James Standfield: land in Franklin Co., West Tennessee
46     23 Feb 1824  William Tipton of Blount co. to Robert Cowan of McMinn Co.
47     1 May 1824  Rubin Walker and wife, Susan, late, Susan Rice, daughter of Isaac Rice dec’d of McMinn Co. to Henry Matlock; land in Roane Co. being lot no. 7 in division of real estate; also the undivided 1/12 part of land in McMinn Co., being land laid off as dower for widow Martha and now held by her.
50        3 March 1824  Robert Thompson for himself and as Exec. Of Will of David Thompson dec’d to David and Oliver Dodson.
53      6 Mar 1824  Capt Fox Taylor of Cherokee Nation to McGees and McCarty of the Cherokee Agency; Bill of Sale for slave Yedoke.
54      4 Sept 1823  Nathan Hambrick of Rutherford Co., N.C. to Daniel Newman of McMinn Co.
57     21 Apr 1824  John Walker Sr. of McMinn Co. to George W. Lavender of Cherokee Nation;  lot in Calhoun.
61       30 June 1823  Gideon Margan Jr. to Joseph McMinn, John Hambright and Silas Morgan, Trustees for Presbyterian Church; one acre near Calhoun on road from Calhoun to Blair’s Ferry on Tenn. River Roane Co,; for building meeting house and graveyard
62       20 Apr 1824  Samuel Parks of Monroe Co. to James McDaniel of McMinn Cherokee Nation:  Power of Atty. To sell his interest in undivided half of land known as John McIntosh Reservation where said McIntosh has a mill and distillery and whereon he has lived for several years.
66    19 Oct 1822  George P. Hogg of McMinn Co. to James Turk and Thomas Maxwell of Blount Co.; Trust Deed for personal property.
70    15 Aug 1824  Tolontiskee  (Tah-lon-tee-skee or John Rogers, Sr.) of Cherokee Nation to Stanwix Hord of Hawkins Co.
71    26 Feb 1824  Archibald Turk of McMinn Co. to George F. Reynolds of Knox Co.
72    4 June 1825  Samuel McConnell, George Colville, Alexander C. Robeson, John Walker, William H. Cooke, Thomas Armstrong, John B. Flanagin, and Elijah Hurst, Commissioners for town of Athens, to Aaron Matthews; Lot No. 120.  Signature of Samuel McConnell is not on deed.
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80      15 August 1824  John Hilderbrand to Woody Jackson of Oglethorpe Co., Ga. And Samuel McConnell of McMinn Co.
84      6 Jan 1826  Daniel C. Carmichael of Granger Co. James Carmichael of same;  his share of joint entry.
85      2 Nov 1822  William Barnes to Augustine P. Fore of Jefferson Co.,; land on Conasauga Creek.
89      5 Sept 1826  Solomon Kean and Hiram Worley to John Miller, James McCamey, Nathaniel Smith, Joseph Robeson, and Isaac W. Fiffe and their successors for Cumberland Presbyterian Church; land on Eastanallee Creek including place known as Jerusalem Camp Ground; two acres
90      5 Sept 1826  Solomon Kean and Hiram Worley to Charles F. Keith, Irby Holt, Augustus P. Fore, Tidence Lane, Nathaniel Smith, Horace Hickox, Return J. Meigs, Thomas J. Campbell, John H. Porter, James McCamey, Jesse Mayfield, John Miller, Esq.,  Isaac W. Fyffe, and Elijah Hurst, Trustees of Forrest Hill Academy; three acres near Eastanallee Creek.
                                                                                            Deed Book B

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1        4 Sept 1826  Matthias Firestone to Samuel Firestone:  signed in German
4        3 Nov 1825  Elizabeth and James Fields heirs of Andrew Miller dec’d of the Cherokee Nation to Samuel McConnell; land, part in McMinn Co and part in Monroe Co., claimed by said Miller as a life estate reservation.
7        3 Nov 1825  Joseph Crutchfield and George Hicks, Execx. Of Andrew Miller dec’d, all of Cherokee nation, to Samuel McConnell; said miller’s Reservation part in McMinn Co and part in Monroe Co.
8        8  27 Oct 1826  Jourdon T. Counsel of Knox Co. to George M. Lavender of the Cherokee nation.
16    30 Jan 1828  William Forester of McMinn Co. to Robert Forester of Monroe Co
20    1 Sept 1828  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to heirs of Stanwix Hord:  Bill of Sale for Slave
21     Nov 1825  Unstequah or Big Mush of Cherokee Nation to Gideon Morgan Jr of McMinn Co.;  Chocktaw, a Cherokee, on 21 Jul 1819 registered as head of an Indian family, for a reservation between South and middle fork of Goodfield Creek and he has died leaving Unstequah his natural born son and only heir.
24     30 Mar 1824  John Oldham of Thea Co. to Nat Smith; Bill of Sale for slave.
      25  29 Dec 1826   Thomas Taylor of Claiborne Co. to Nat Smith:  Bill of sale for    slaves.
27    30 Apr 1828  David Kounts of Grainger Co. to Nathaniel Smith; certified by John Cocke Clk. By Wm. E. Cocke, Deputy of Grainger Co.
30    2 Oct 1826  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Joseph Cobbs, Sr.;  Bill of Sale for three slaves sold under judgment levied on jones Griffin of Monroe Co in suit Welker VS said Griffin and William Lee.
31    22 Apr 1827  Carter and Indiana Wright to David A. Cobbs; mortgage of slave Metilda.
35     5 Dec 1828  Abner Lea to Alexander McConnell of Harlin , Ky.
36    29 Oct 1825  William craig to Joseph Gilbreath of Knox Co.
39    30 Apr 1825  John Walker Sr. to Franklin C. Heard acting Exec. Of Abraham Heard late of McMinn Co.,  dec’d.
41    21 Feb 1829  John Walker Sr. to John Hardwick, both of Cherokee Nation.
59     5 Mar 1827  John Armstrong of McMinn Co. to Robert, Moses and Aron Armstrong of Knox. Co.
60    27 Feb 1828  Gideon Morgan Jr. to William S. Leuty of Rhea Co.; martgage.
63       25 Sept 1826  Joseph Gilbreath of McMinn Do. To John and Thomas B. Love of Knox. Co.
66    2 Oct 1828  Levi Spencer Jr. of McMinn Do. To John Hunney of Claiborne Co.
80    23 Sept 1829  Isaac and Mary Tenney by mutual consent to Ezekiel Spriggs; mortgage for slave and our new still.
83    29 Dec 1826  Henry and Peter Bond to Israel Boone.
89    27 Mar 1830  On 7 Jan 1830  General Assembly passed Act for relief of Robert Armstrong of Knox Co.; Lot No. 32 in Athens.
90    10 Feb 1830  William Beene Sr. to William Beene Jr. both of McMinn Co.
98    29 Jan 1827  Benjamin Hawkins to Elijah Hurst; Bill of Sale for Slave Dorcas; Attent:  Jacob T. Bradford and Solomon Bogart.  Apr 1830, handwriting of Bradford who resides out of limits of State proven by James F. Bradford.
101    10 Oct 1829  Isaac Brock of Perry Co., Ala. to William White.
104    8 June 1830  Robert Forester of Monroe Co. to William Forester; land in McMinn Co. where William now lives.
106  1 Dec 1824  Coloneaskee an Indian woman of Cherokee Nation to Robert Hood of McMinn Co.;  her right to land claimed as life estate reservation whereon said Hood now lives.
107  30 June 1830  Miller Francis, Treas, of East Tenn., to John McGee; Act ofGeneral Assembly 11 Jan 1830 directed the Treas. To sell the reservation of Andrew Mill or his heirs.

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110    19 July  1830  Washington C. McMahan to Caswell M. McMahan; his share of their joint entry.


111    19 June 1830  Nutty Colville, Adminx. Of Young Colville dec’d, to Robert M. McClary; Bill of Sale for slaves.


120    7 Dec 1830  Nathl. Smith to James and John Spencer of Rhea Co,; land in Rhea Co.


128    7 Dec 1830  George Morgan to Thomas J. Campbell of Rhea Co.


129    4 Aug 1826  Agilahah, granddaughter of Conouskee a Cherokee woman to Samuel Chunn and Robert H. Patton.


132    26 June 1830  A deed, barely legible, registered by Deputy Clerk William Sherrill has written below:  “O want it distinctly understood that I did not register the foregoing deed.  As Wm. P. Turk done the same.  Wm. Sherrill.”


140    18 Dec 1830  John H. Porter of Rhea Co. to Carter Melton.


155    3 May 1831  In Equity, Circuit Court.  James Benjamin, William, John, Joseph, Rolland and Polly Hawkins, David Newman and wife Sally late Hawkins, John Campbell and wife Blanche late Hawkins, Granville Williams and Nancy late Hawkins, Nancy and Polly Templeton children of John Templeton, all heirs and devisees of Benjamin Hawkins dec’d VS George McInturff.


156    4 Jun 1831  Martha, William H., Sarah M. Polly Ann C., Catherine .M., Margaret and James Bell, heirs of Robert Bell dec’d to Elijah Reese of Morgan Co.


169  31 May 1831  Robert Stephenson to Gideon Cate; for $1000 in part of said  Cate’s                                       wife’s legacy.


171      25 Apr 1831  Wade Hampton one of lawful heirs of William Hampton dec’d to         John L. McCarty;  his share of undivided land. 


175     6 Jun 1831  Nancy Pickins. Robert Pickens, John Smith and wife Mary late  Pickens, Israel C. Smith and wife Dorcas late Pickens, Andrew Pickens, Abraham B. Neal and wife Rebecca late Pickens, for themselves, and William C., Charles A., Nancy and Patsy Pickens minors by their Gdns.  Goerge Bowman and Nancy Pickens, all heirs of John Pickens dec’d, to Mary F., Elizabeth H., Pegga A., James L., sarah j., Samuel L., and Joseph Gilbreath, all heirs of Joseph Gilbreath dec’d.  Attest: Robert and Reece Pickens.


178    2 Feb 1831  Daniel Anderson to George Harris of Roane Co.; Deed of Trust.


182    26 Oct 1831  Chonookee wife of Toloteskee dec’d of the Cherokee Nation and Saunatee the only surviving heir to Robert Sloan.


185    2 Oct 1831  Robert Wakefield of Burk Co., N.C. to Charles Wakefield of McMinn Co.  Attest:  A. and Thomas Wakefield


186     4 Aug 1826  Agilahah granddaughter of Colonuskee a Cherokee woman to Robert Sloan


192    1 Dec 1824  Colonuskee an Indian woman of the Cherokee Nation to Robert Sloan;                             land where said Sloan now lives.


193    March 1831  Rhea Co. Circuit Court:  Samuel Kean VS Thomas C. Wroe;  Kean filed   deed to lot in Athens executed by Henry Parkis and wife Jane;  Kean also filed title to   land in tract appropriated by Acts of Congress for Military bounties in the late territory   now the state of Mousire; land had been levied on by defendant.


196      24 Sept 1831  Whereas on 21 Mar 1829  William C. McKamy surviving Adm. Of James         McKamy dec’d filed a Bill in McMinn Court against John Ewen McKamy, Minerva          McKamy and Isabella McKamy minor heirs of said James McKamy by their Gdn. Joseph         Robeson, and William S. McEwen, William F. Mason and wife Eliza late McEwen, adult     heirs of John McEwen dec’d and John C., Robert N., Martha T., and Margaret McEwen         minor heirs of John McEwen dec’d who were sued by Elizabeth McEwen.


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       205  18 May 1831  Samuel, George and Jane Hale to Daniel Lowry.


      223b   7 Sept 1824  On 2 Apr 1823 Blount Co. Court Suit of Robert Neal VS James. F.               Chisolm, Andrew Miller and Woods Lackey; Sheriff of McMinn Co to sell land            reserved to Andrew Miller Heirs.


238    238    18 May 1831  Cahterine Hale widow of James Hale dec’d and Gdn. Of his minor heirs and Casper Easterly of Greene Co. to Daniel Lowry:  Title Bond of land in McMinn Co. when youngest child reaches age of twenty-one.


242    30 Jul 1829  Samuel Newman of Jefferson Co. to Robert M. Newman


243    Isaac Newman to Robert M. Newman;  land purchased by Isaac, Samuel and Robert M. Newman and others.  Deed proven 5 March 1832


249    19 May 1832  Joseph Cobb Sr. to son-in-law John Cox.


250    19 May 1832  Joseph Cobb Sr. to son Joseph Cobb Jr.


256    15 Mar 1832  Samuel Kane of Pike Co., Mo. To Isaac Crow; Lot No. 43 in Athens.


259  25 Oct 1832  Henry C. Bradford of McMinn Co. to John Bradford Jr. of Bedford      Co.; 2/5 of land in Bedford Co. of which Joseph Taylor died seized, the 2/5 being           shares of Sarah Campbell of Washington Co and Samuel Thompson and wife    Nelly of Blount Co., representatives of said Taylor dec’d.


261 10 March 1832  George Morgan to William H. and Robert M. Cary of Henderson      Co., Ky.


263    19 Mar 1832  Joseph Cobb to son-in-law Samuel Firestone.


264    4 June 1832  Joseph Thomas and wife Elizabeth formerly McKehan, daughter of James mcKehan dec’d of McMinn Co. to Aaron and Jobe McKehan;  her undivided 1/3 of land of her father


278   26 Feb.  1831  David Roper of Rhea co. to Solomon Hayes.


279    26 Dec 1832  John McCully to Joseph Brandon of Monroe Co.


282    22 March 1833  John B. Morrison to Return J. Meigs in trust for Lewis Ross and George M. Lavender of Cherokee Nation: Morrison to deliver 266 gallons of whiskey at  cents per gallon at bend of Coosa, Floyd Co., Ga by 1 Aug 1833.


282      28 Mar 1833  John M. Gibbs to Solomon Bogart in trust for Thomas A. Anderson;                           Gibbs’ printing establishment to secure the debt.


287     8 Apr 1833  William Lowry to Williamson Smith of Murray Co., Tenn.;  Bill of Sale                           for slave.


292    5 Mar 1833  martin Casady Jr. to Julia Thomas and heirs of Goerge Thomas dec’d.


293    18 Feb 1833  james Ellison of Roane Co. to Larkin Buttram of Rhea Co. land in McMinn Co.  where Hinson Ellison now lives, between Robert and james Ellison.


296    3 Nov 1828  Charles Medlock to Nathaniel Brittain of Rhea Co.


297    24 Dec 1832  Matthew and Stephen Kelly to Alexander and David Cleage and Thomas Crutchfield;  Deed of Trust for land where they live and also land on which Kelly’s Mills are situated.


298    14 June 1832  Mouse Pain and Yetsey his wife of Cherokee Nation to Henry Bradford:  part of Pains’s Reservation.


307    31 Dec 1831  Samuel John of Knox Co. to Elias Presnell.


310    1 Jan 1833  James H. Ragan to Benjamin Maxfield of Roane Co.


314    21 Jan 1832  Andrew Thomas of Monroe Co. to Sarah McCall.


319     25 Jan 1833  Thamas Garvin to Jacob Dick of Jefferson Co.


330    11 Mar 1831  Thomas Ireland of Sevier Co. who intermarried with Hannah Wood one of the heirs of Richard Wood dec’d to William Wood of McMinn Co,; land of Richard Wood dec’d;  witnesses are Richard and james R. Wood.


344    11 Oct 1832  Robert S. Holt to James H. Reagan;  his share of land of his father Irby Holt.


349    6 Dec 1832  Archibald R. Turk,  James H. Fyffe, William W. Anderson, Joel K. Brown, Solomon Bogart, Onslow G. Murrell, James Bradford, Urial Johnson, and Elijah Hurst, Comm. Of town of Athens and successors to Isaac Rice, Samuel McConnell, John Walker, John B. Flanigan, William H. Cook, Alexander C. Robeson, Geoge Colville, Thomas Armstrong and Elijah Hurst, former Commissioners, to Return J. Meigs of Athens;  Lots 112 and 113 whereon said Meigs now resides.

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350    26 May 1833  Charles T. Thornton to John Martin of Murray Co., Ga.;  Trust Deed


357    29 May 1833  William T. McCallie to Thomas McCallie and Robert M. Hooke of Rhea Co.;  Deed of Trust.


367    14 Feb  John McCallon of Thea Co. to John McMahan.


368    31 Dec 1832  Woody Jackson of Georgia to Samuel McConnell; Title Bond for land.


372    16  Jan 1833  Federick T.C. Ford to son Fedrick Ford;  personal property.


373    23 Apr 1833  nathaniel Smith to John Hayns of Monroe Co.


377    5 Jan 1833  Ambler Casey to Abner Casey.


380    31 may 1833  Thomas Thompson to Edward Newton and W.L. Sewell, Trustees of Double Springs Chruch of Christ called “Separate Baptist” of McMinn Co.;  for his good will and for better maintanance of the gospel; one acre.


381    11 Oct 1832  William Stubblefield to Robert Stubblefield.


384    5 June 1833  thomas A. Anderson to Solomon bogart, James H. Reagan, George W. Mayo, Victor Moreau Campbell and T. Nixon Vandyke and their successors, “lot of ground whereon the brick wall of an Academy House has been lately erected above the dwelling house of the said Anderson”;  tract lately conveyed by Wm. Lowry Esq. To Anderson;  “For a publick Library Lyceum and Museum whenever suitable building can be by subscription or otherwise erected thereon”; said trustees shall in addition to Literature and Science cause elementary and practical instruction to be given in the useful arts upon the plan of the Institution of Fellenberg at Hafeoyl in Switzerland.


385     29 Nov 1831  Nancy Hampton, James Tedford, George Willson, Waden Hampton and Morgan Hampton to John Camp;  part of John Walker’s reservation.


386    29 Feb 1832  John L. McCarty  to John Camp;  two undivided moieties of land conveyed by John Walker, Sr., to Wm. Hampton dec’d on 14 Jul 1831


392    2 Dec 1831  James Tedford and George Willson to John Camp;  Their undivided moiety; two of the heirs of Wm. Hampton dec’d.


393    24 Jul 1832  Sterling Camp to John Camp;  $1.00;  it is to be distinctly understood that the land is part of Sterling Camp’s real estate and that John Camp does not have the power to convey said tract in Sterling Camp’s lifetime.


394    2 May 1833  John F. Davis to Isaac George;  his interest as heir of Wm. Davis dec’d.


404     26 Aug 1833  America Boxley to Return J. Meigs;  Power of Atty.  To recover a slave from Henry G. Bradford, the slave her property by descent from her father.


                                                                                       Deed Book  C


Page 11 


2     28 Feb 1820  Nancy Starr to John Bean of Cherokee Nation:  Bill of Sale for slave.


3    Sep 1833  Anthony and Nancy Davis, Adms. Of Wm. Davis dec’d to Wm. Davis         of                     Logan Co., Ky;  Bill of Sale for slave.


3     7 Nov 1833  Gilbert Cruse to William M. Herron;  Deed of Trust;  his interest in estate of Benjamin Riddle dec’d which descended to him by his wife Frances Riddle.


7     2 Dec 1833  Benjamin Paden of Arnoha District in Cherokee nation to Jeremiah Horn;  Deed of Trust


8     24 Jan 1834  John Cobbs to Solomon Bogart for use of firm of S. Bogart and Co.;  Deed of Trust; a new wagon made and finished by Isaac Crow and James Bowers of Athens together with harness and four horses, one with eye out and one bay horse, blind.


9    24 Dec 1832  james W. Jenkins of Sevier Co. to Elizabeth Wolff.


17    24 Nov 1833  Z. Jayne to Thomas A. Anderson;  Deed of Trust for use of James Campbell of Knoxville, Jesse Kerr of Blount Co., James H. Ragan Adm. Of Irby Holtdec’d personal property including 700 copies of Appendix to the Practical monitor, 700 copies of Appendix to Females Guide to Health.


 22   1 Sept 1833  Wm. Davis of Logan Co., Kyu. To Samuel Blackburn;  Bill of Sale          for        slave.


23    22 Sept 1831  James Clowr to Samuel Edman of Thea Co.


24    6 Feb 1834  Abner Casey to Thomas Bottom of Rhea Co.:  land in McMinn and Rhea Counties where Bottom now resides.


37    17 Feb 1834  William Wrtight to son Alfred Wright; personal property.


45    17 Jan 1832  William and Jesse bean to Moses Long.


51    13 Apr 1831  John Walker Sr. to John Hardwick, both of Cherokee Nation; lots in Calhoun.


54    5 Mar 1833  Jeremiah Fields and wife Patsey to Matthew Davis;  Bill of Sale for slave.


55    20 Sept 1833  Nathaniel Smith of Athens to Mathew Davis of Roane Co.


56    6 Feb  1834  Thomas M. Roberts to George Roberts a free man of color;  Deed of Gift for two persons of color, Richard and Zelpha children of said George;  Thomas is owner by descent from his mother Elizabeth Roberts dec’d.


59    3 Mar 1834  William Triplett to Joel Triplett.


62    5 Nov 1833  John Dickerson to Scot Powell of Rhea Co.


63    12 Aug 1833  Christopher Huffaker to Elizabeth, james L., Sary J., Samuel L., and Joseph Gilbreath;  for sum paid by Thomas Gilbreath for their benefit.


64    3 Mar 1834  David Harkrider to John Harkrider.


65    5 Mar 1834 mary Sr., Joseph W., William and Mary McMillin Jr., Joseph Billingsly and wife Nancy late McMillin, Charles Cate and wife Narcissa late McMillin, heirs of David McMillin dec’d, to Benjamin Maxfield.


68    4 Jan 1834  John Burk Sr. to John Burk Jr.; Mortgage


76    15 mar 1834  john McCamish to daughter Polly Ann McCamish;  Deed of Gift for personal property.


83    7 Oct 1833  Henry and George Burch and Elizabeth Burch now Elizabeth Davis,  heirs of William Burch dec’d Power of Atty. To Aaron Davis to sell land in Claiborne Co.


83     7 Oct 1833  Thomas A. Anderson to Joseph Anderson of Washington, D.C.; 12 1?2 acres beginning at a spring on the bank of Eastanallee Creek commonly called Rudd’s Spring.


94    2 Dec 1833  Thomas Divine Sr. to Alfred Devine son of James Devine, for good will, two sows and their increase; to William Devine son of James Devine, a bay mare.

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99    21 Apr  1834  21 Apr 1834  John B. Hood to Solomon Bogart & Co., Deed of Trust for personal property and everything pertaining to the printing office, also the East end of Lot 41 in Athens where the printing office stands;  Bogart has engaged to haul a load for said Hood to Cassville in the Georgia part of the Cherokee Nation at a price of $2 a day while the team is performing the trip there and back, the said Hood feeding the team and driver while engaged.


101  1 May 1832  Thomas Hodges to Anderson Hodges.


149    15 Jan 1834  Silas Witt to Sally Witt; dividing line between Polly Witt’s land; Attest:  Joseph Witt, Silas Witt Jr.


150    28 May 1834  William P. Reid, Deed of Trst for use of David Shields of Grainger Co and David Chewell of Greene Co:  Reid owes Shields for paper and Chewell for binding and delivering to Athens 1550 copies of Pearson’s Analysis.


157    7 June 1824  Henry Bradford to son Patten A. Bradford:  Deed of Gift for slaves.


160    27 Nov 1833  Lewis and Abraham Riddle to Tidence Lane”  their 26 part of land whereon Gilbert Cruse now lives and the same devised to them by their father Benjamin Riddle.


171    31 May 1834  Commissioners of Town of Athens to Sarah, Isaac, Aron B., Sarah, Joseph , Abraham, Jesse and Naomi Brown, heirs of Jonathan Brown dec’d; lot no. 47


182    21 Dec 1832  William C. Adams of McCoupin Co., Ill. By his atty. In fact John J. Adams to John Harkrider.


185    2 Jan 1832  martin Wiseman to Wesley Campbell of Blount Co.


186    31 May 1834  Samuel Patterson to Trustees of the poor house.


192    24 Apr 1832  Joseph Callaway of Monroe Co.  to Commissioners of Athens:  4 acres, $250


193    1 May 1832  John Ballard of Claiborne Co. to John Courtney.


201    15 Oct 1833  John Courtney to John M. Courtney.


202    19 June 1833  Mathew and Stephen Kelly to Samuel M. Gantt:  part of land donated by Legislature for town of Athens and conveyed by Commissioners of said town to Mathew Kelly, adjoining land laid out by said Commissioners for use of religious Societies.


208    7 June 1831  Noah Jarnagin of Granger Co. Caswell Jarnagin.


213    4 Dec 1833  Robert H. Jordan and wife, Emily late Emily Holt, one of Children of Irby Holt dec’d to Tidence C. Lane.


219    10 Aug 1834  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Alexander Sowell of Knox Co., agent for John Sowell.


228    18 Sept 1828  Tituroy McCoy of Greenville District, S.C. to John Lankford.


241    16 Sept 1834  Julius W. Blackwell to George C. Graves of Knoxville:  his household furniture (listed).


242    12 Jul 1834  William W. Berry of Hardeman Co. to John S. Burnett of Calhoun.


243    10 Sep 1833  Mary Bradford to james F. Bradford:  $1000., the quarter section on which she now lives.


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244    28 May 1834  John Walker Sr. of Cherokee Nation to Archibald R. Turk:  lot in Calhoun was sold to Joseph Shinpock who did not pay and left the country 8 or 10 years ago.


256    30 Nov 1831  William Ward of Tazewell Co., Va. To Minerva, Stephen, Rachel, William and John Thompson, children and heirs of Alexander B. Thompson of McMinn Co.;  Bill of Sale for three slaves.


260    25 Nov 1831  William Cansler to Lewis Brewer of Va.


263    3 Dec 1831  Jon W. Bower to John Bower


267    24 Oct 1834  Article of Agreement between Edward Ellems (Elms) for himself and in rigt of his wife Polly and of his ward Nathaniel H. Cansler Jr. of White Co. and Lemuel Chapman in right of his wife Patsey and John Cansler and William Cansler Jr.;  Bill in Circuit Court; right of the Elms and Chapmans in the land where Nathaniel H. Cansler dec’d lived.


279    28 Oct 1834  George Bowman to John Westwood, John Tunnell, and Christopher Hale, “Trustees appointed in Bowman’s Society of the Methodist E. Church”;  Title Bond for ¾ acre lying in the forks of the Columbus and Chestua Valley Roads, for purpose of erecting a meeting house.


299    18 Dec 1834  Asbury M. Coffey to Nathaniel Smith and A.P> Fore:  his right, granted by Act of Assembly 19 Nov 1833, to open and construct a Turn Pike Road from a certain point on the Hiwassee River to the State line in the Direction of the County Seat of Lumpkin Co, GA.


311    27 Sep 1834  Elizabeth Smith Lipscomb to James Glasgow Williams for use of her daughter-in-law Nancy Martha wife of her son Dr. E.P.Kupscomb.


323    26 Jan 1835  Silan and James Perry to Joshua Morgan:  $500;  their interest in Copyright of Gunn’s Domestic Medicine for 36 counties in Indiana including the county in which Indianapolis is located


329    28 Jan 1835  William Dodson, one of sons of Jesse Dodson Sr. and Ruth his wife now deceased of McMinn Co., to Robert Renfro; his interest in estate.


333    28 Jan 1835  James Bowers of Roane Co to Ephraim Sawtell; Lot No. 120 in Athens.


364    16 Feb 1835  Moses McSpadden of Monroe Co. to Andrew Lawson.


365    17 Jan 1835  john and Elijah Mizer to William B. Porter.


366    21 Feb 1835  Elizabeth Smith Lipscomb to John F. Lide for use of her daughter Caroline Lide Smith wife of Dr. Milo Smith now of St. Clair Co., Ala.;  Bill of Sale for slave.


367    24 Feb 1835  John Mizer to Michael mizer.


368    14 Feb 1835  Adam Pitner to Archibald R. Turk and Benjamin Hambright;  privaledge of free use of firewood upon his land adjoining the Reservation of Lewis Ross called Walker’s Reservation, on which said Pitner now lives.


369    15 Dec 1834  nathan Hicks of Cherokee Nation to Archibald R. Turk and Gavan R. Hambright, merchants:  Bill of Sale for slave.


370    13 Dec 1834  Thomas Sherman to Allen G. Goss;  Deed of Gift of slave; for love and for better maintenance of said Goss.


371    17 Mar 1835  Jessie Elliott to John F. and Jonathan Kelly, monor sons of John Kelly, for natural love and affection.


372    2 Mar 1835  Commissioners of Athens to William Brazelton of Jefferson Co., lots 84 & 85


378    5 Jul 1834  Hamilton Stewart to United Baptist Church at Short Creek near Benjamin Newton’s, 1 ½ acres;  for his regard for Church Society.


379    30 March 1835  Benjamin and James Hawkins to Archibald R. Turk.




387    20 May 1835  Hiram Brandon to Austin Fry of Monroe Co;  land bequeathed to him by his father John Brandon.


391    25 Jan 1831  William McKamy of Anderson Co. to Solomon Bogart; half of section granted 1824 to William and James McKamy.


392    26 Jan 1835  William C. McKamey surviving Adm. Of James McKamey dec’d to Solomon bogart;  Bill filed 1829 in McMinn County Circuit Court against John McEwin McKamy, Minerva McKamey and Isabella McKamy heirs of said James McKamey dec’d and against William S. McEwen, William F. Mason and wife Eliza late Eliza McKewen, John C. McKewen, Robert N. McEwen, Mathew P. McEwen, and Margaret McEwen, heirs of Johyn McEwen dec’d;  James McEwen was the dec’d partner.


398    28 May 1835  Thomas A. Anderson of Roane Co. to Ezekiel Ellis.


402    3 Apr 1835  John S. Burnette to James W. McSpadden of Washington Co., VA;  Lot No. 61 in Calhoun where Burnette now lives.


403    3 June 1835  Franklin Hail to Sarah Hudson.


411    4 Dec 1837  Reuben White to John McAllen of McMinn Co.


417    21 Nov 1834  William Haymes Sr. to Caleb Haymes.


418    5 Jan 1835  Hezekiah P. Sanfod and Amy Dunn to James Chesnutt.


421    15 Mar 1830  Andrew Williams of Smith Co. to Allen Blevins.


425    14 Jul 1834  Abraham Cox surviving parner of Thomas Cox dec’d of Thea Co to Hamilton Stewart.


429    11 Dec 1834  Walter Billingsly Jr. of Ala. to Benjamin Wasson.


430    13 Aug 1831  Sarah Beal and Catharine Davidson to James Small.


435    3 Sep 1835  William W. Anderson of Athens to D & M Shields & Co.,  mfgs of paper in Knox and Grainger Counties.


440   29 Aug 1835    Thomas Meyers to well beloved son Gideon Myers, Freedom                             Gift, for love and affection; sets him at liberty to act and do for himself and Thomas                   will not be accountable for any of Gideon’s acts and deeds.


444    22 Sep 1835  Oswell Phillips to Francis P. Pettitt of Monroe Co.


447    12 Dec 1835  Henry Bradford to James F. Bradford.


448    “We, George W. Mayo Register of McMinn County and Lon Blizard Deputy Register do certify that the foregoing is a full true and perfect copy of Book “C” now in a nihilated condition in said office…December 30th 1885.”



                                                                                                    Deed Book  D​

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1        16 July 1835  James Smith of Lincoln Co., Power of Atty. To Mathew Stephenson and John Lyons both of Habersham Co., Ga., to sell land on Red River is Texas;  acknowledged in Davidson Co.


4        29 Sept 1835  James Smith of Lincoln CO. by his Attys. In fact Mathew Stephenson and John Lyon of Habersham Co, Ga.  To Wiott W. Bailey and david Cochran of Smith Co:  $3,864.50; undivided 22ned part of two tracts of land on SW bank of Red River between the Cado Lake and the sulphur fork of the same containing twenty-two leagues of 4428 acres each, one tract known as granted to citizen Vicente Sanchez of Town of Goliad by State of Coahuila and Texas on 16 March 1831, the other tract lying on Red River immediately below Mill Creek thence to the Cado Lake near the Louisiana line containing eleven leagues of 4428 acres each and known as granted to Citizen Jose Del Rea of Town of Goliad 2 Feb 1830; Bailey and Cochran to have one league.


11      Sep 1832  Jediah Fields of Rhea County to John Hemphill; land in Rhea Co.


14      4 Jul 1835  Paul C. Hudnall of Knox Co, KY, to John Matlock; land in McMinn Co               where Hudnall once lived.


20    1 Oct 1835  Carey Allen Armstrong, Atty, in fact for William Farmer late of McMinn Co, to Russell Smith.


38    26 Oct  1835  John Cromley of McMinn Co to John L. Cromley of Butler Co KY, Power of Atty to sell lot in Morganton, KY whereon said John L. now lives.


39    28 Oct 1835  Ruben White to Willis White; Bill of Sale for Slaves.


49    20 June 1835  Jacob Wormack to Daniel Wormack


52    4 Nov 1835  Rachel Davis to James R. Davis, both of McMinn Co; Power of Atty. To collect money willed to her by James Russell dec’d, from John Russell of Cabarrus Co., NC, Exec. Of James Russell dec’d.


55      22 May 1833  William Cate Sr. to William Bryan of Sevier Co;  Bill of Sale for slave.


60    11 Apr 1835  William Johnson to Matilda and Vevica Bigham.


62  13 Nov 1835  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to William Crow; land of Robert C. Crow,      which was sold to satisfy judgment, was bid in by John Davis who directed title to be   made to William Crow.


65  14 Mar 1831  Micah Sellers to James Gallant of Rhea Co.


69    5 Sep 1835  Robert Ash to grandson Robert Ash Firestone, son of Alfred Firestone and wife; personal property


71  29 Aug 1833  Stephen Kelly to William Lowry; 5 acres covered by Lowry’s mill pond.


72   5 Sep 1835  Orville Bradley, acting Exec. Of Joseph mcMinn dec’d, to William W.      Cowan’; the Reservation granted to Eliza Ross by Treaty of 1819 and sold by her and her       husband Templin W. Ross to George Harlin and by Harlin to the late Joseph McMinn    dec’d, it being the tract on which John McMinn and family now live and have lived for        several years;  land on N. side of Hiwassee River joining the Reservation of Major John             Walker on which the Town of Calhoun stands, now belonging to Lewis Ross, above, and         Berry Atkerson, below, this tract.


80    1 Jan 1835  Caleb Haymes and wife Oney to Jeremiah F. Strange, Vincent Haymes, Robert McKnight, Alexander C. Roberson, and Joseph Gaston, Trustees, for 25 cents, land adjoining Malcom McDougald “that they shall or have builded or erected thereon a house of place of worship for the use of the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America”;  also use of the spring.



81    23 Jan 1835  Malcom McDougald to same Trustees in D 80 above; 25 cents; land adjoining Caleb Haymes; Church to be called Clark’s Chapel.


84    21 Oct 1835  Asbury Atkerson to Archibald R. Turk:  land on Spring Creek adjoining said Turk and formerly owned by John McDowell dec’d.



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88    20 Nov 1835  John rudd to William and Thomas Rudd;  Deed of Trust for personal property and for his share of father’s estate that may descend to him at mother’s death.


91    19 Oct 1835  William P. Reid to Robert S. Reid, Trustee for Alexander Stowell.


95    9 Dec 1835  Ruben Dodson to James Dodson; personal property.


98    10 Dec 1835  Eliza Ditmore to John Jack;  loan of a horse


99    25 Dec 1833  Elijah Hurst to Lewis R. Hurst:  land willed to Amos Cate by Charles Cate dec’d and purchased by said Elijah.


107  1833  Elijah Hurst to Lewis R. Hurst; land willed to Amos Cate by Charles Cate dec’d and purchased by said Elijah.


112      Nov 1835  William and Margaret Mathew to Hugh Preston Wilson for use of John F. Hays;  Deed of Trust for personal property;  Hays became security for Mathews to john Wilson and Judgment was rendered against Hays and Mathews.


116    7 Dec 1835  Charles and John Matlock to Jonathan Thomas;  land whereon Goerge Greenway formerly lived.


120    10 Nov 1834  Reece, Robert, Nancy, William C. and Andrew Pickens and Abraham B. Neal to Jacob Lingerfelt;  Title Bond;  “the condition of this obligation is such that of when the minor heirs of John Pickens deceased marries or comes of lawful age”; proven by witnesses and registered 13 Jan 1836


121    13 Jan 1836  William Armstrong Sr. to Absolam Armstrong


127    8 Jan 1836  Nathaniel Smith to William Clark late of Davidson Co but now of McMinn Co


133      April 1834  John Foster, Exec, and Lovy Pearson, Exec, of Doctor Pearson dec’d to Adam Slyger; land in Monroe and McMinn Counties


137    14 Feb 1834  Alexander Brown to Thomas Brown


146    4 May 1835  William Thornburgh of Sevier Co to William Bates; land in Calhoun; acknowledged in Sevierville 4 May 1836 {sic} before I.  Riggen, Deputy Clerk, P.M. Wear, Clk. Of Circuit Court of Sevier Co.  Registered 5 Feb 1836


151    26 Jan 1836  Elizabe4th Meigs to daughter Elizabeth Jane Hawke late Meigs;  Deed of Gift of slaves.


152    4 Feb 1836  James F. Pryon and wife Matilda, John Grubb and wife Lydia, David Kelly and wife Rebecca and William H. McCoy to Wade Hampton; their for undivided shares in land of William McCoy dec’d; deed not signed by Kellys and McCoy


160  21 Jan 1836  William B. Lenoir of Roane Co to William Orr;  land entered 1824 jointly.


16215  May 1833  Thomas A. Anderson to Thomas Chilton of Roane Co



168    Jan 1836  Hezekiah Angel to Andrew Burk Sr. for use of William Burk and Alexander C. Robeson;  Deed of Trust


175    18 March 1836  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to William S. Russell of Thea Co;  land of Daniel D. Stockden on which Stockden then lived, sold to satisfy judgment


183    30 Jan 1836  james H. Fyffe, Onslow G. Murrell, J.K. Brown, Solomon Bogart, and W.W. Anderson, five commissioners of Athens, to John W. J. Breazeal;  Lot No. 61 lying on s side of the street now called Jackson Street.


191    30 Dec 1835  Peter Kinser of Monroe Co. to Isaac W.H. Odonald; for natural love and affection


193  25 Feb 1836  Nathaniel Smith to William Bryan of McMinn Co.


196    6 Jan 1834  Thomas Shearman to John F. Shearman; bill of sale for slaves


203    18 Oct 1834  Isaac Huffaker to Amos Huffaker of Knox. Co


204    26 Mar 1836  John Threwitt and Thomas Mitchell of Roane Co to Joseph B. Carr for use of J.W. Blackwell & Co; notes executed by Grantors to be payable in whiskey delivered at Blairs’s Ferry at 30 cents per gallon, in spun cotton delivered at their cotton factory in Roane Co;  Deed for one new flat half patent copper still and new copper doubling still cotton delivered at their cotton factory in Roane Co.; Deed for one new flat half patent copper still and one new copper doubling still.

                                                                                           Deed Book D


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210  26 Sept 1835 George M. Haynes to James M. Fyffe for use of Aron Haynes; George M. to feed and fatten hogs.


223    25 January 1832 Samuel Conner of Blount Co. to James Hickey.


233   6 Apr 1836  Tidence Laine to Pleasant W. Laine.


236   9 Oct 1835  John Moody to James McClure, Trustee, both of McMinn Co., for use of John McClure of Monroe Co.


240   16 Feb 1836  Jessee C. Moore to John Cansellor; Title Bond; $10,000.; Cansellor has obligated himself to Moore to make 4000 gallons of whiskey and 10,000 pounds of pork a year for five years.


250  5 Jan 1830  John Priest and James Kennady to Thomas Dickson; their interest in land.


252   31 Oct 1835  William Rice of Rhea Co. to James D. Sewell.


260  26 April 1836  Elizabeth Walker of Bradley Co. to daughter Margaret Morgan and four grandchildren, Margaret Ann W. Hanks, Elizabeth Lowery Morgan, Cherokee America Morgan, and Rufus Montazuma Morgan; for natural love; deed for slaves, live stock, and furniture, all listed.


282  6 Jun 1836  Charles and Elizabeth Rice to William Ballew.


288  13 Jun 1836  John Rudd to Spencer Beavers, Trustee for use of Thomas Crutchfield and Thomas Rudd; Deed of Trust for personal property and for his interest in his father’s estate that may come at mother’s death.


290  9 Jun 1836  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to John White;  land that William Tomlin family lived on as the property of William Tomlin, sold to satisfy judgment rendered May 1832 against Susana Tomlin, Admx. of Wm. Tomlin dec’d; land bid off by  Abraham Linder Agent for John White,  all of rights of Susan Tomlin and heirs of    Wm. Tomlin.


294  25 Jan 1836 Wm. H. McCoy and David Kelly and wife Rebecca Kelly, all of Greene Co. to James F. Priest; their undivided interest in lands of Wm. McCoy dec’d; acknowledged in Greene Co.


298  4 Nov 1835  Samuel Cleage to Samuel Martin of Jefferson Co.


300  23 Jul 1836  Simeon and Thomas Cate to Charles Metcalf..


302-314  McMinn Co. Circuit Court, Oct Term 1834:  James H. Fyffe, Nathaniel Smith, and William Hogan, Adms. of Isaac W. Fyffe dec’d VS Randolph Eason, Margaret Eason late Fyffe, Isaac W. Fyffe, the widow and children and heirs of said Isaac W. Fyffe dec’d, and Thomas H. Calloway, Nancy L. Caloway, Fanny L. Caloway, and Joseph Donohoo and wife Rebecca C., the heirs, legatees, and devisees of Joseph Caloway dec’d, and John Caloway, Arthur H. Henly, and Thomas H. Calloway, Execs. of said Joseph Caloway, and Archibald R. Turk and other Commissioners of Athens. by decree Nov 1834 land and lots in Athens to be sold to pay debts.  Final decree, Apr 1836, title to lots 6 and 10 divested out of Fyffe’s heirs and title to one acre adjoining Athens and the other land adjoining Athens divested out of Fyffe’s heirs and Calloway’s heirs.


314  28 Jul 1836  Stephen Bedford to Joseph Bedford of Rutherford Co., N.C.; Title   Bond; Stephen indebted to Joseph.


 315  26 Feb 1836 Thomas Brown to James Cole of Monroe Co.


319  7 Sep 1831  Charles Metcalfe to Jane F. Johnson let Orr, John W., Josiah J., Francis G., Robert H., Lucinda A., William W., Nancy Jane, and Hetty Ann Orr, heirs of William Orr dec’d; Metcalf to build dam across junction of Little and Big Mouse Creeks.


326  1 Aug 1834  William Golden of Rhea Co. to James Dyer; land in Rhea Co.               



347  1 Aug 1834  John Dearmon of Benton Co., Ala. to Edward Moss.


349  1 Sept 1836  John L. Bridges to James S. Bridges; parcel of land adjoining Athens, laid off by John K. Farmer on the N side of his new street running through his out lots at the W end of Athens, it being the first lot as designated in the plan of lots.


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350  21 Jun 1836  Copy of Chancery Court Decree at Madisonville: John Locke and Palatiah Shelton, Execs. of William S. Leuty dec’d, Robert N. Gillespie and wife Hannah formerly Leuty, William N. Gillespie and wife Sidney Ann late Leuty, Staunton Leuty, Thomas Leuty, Benton Leuty, and Mary Leuty, widow, children and legatees of William S. Leuty dec’d VS Gideon Morgan Jr.


363  19 Sept 1836  John Beeler to John Graham of Monroe Co. and Onslow G. Murrell.


372  3 Oct 1836  John Byler to Noah White of Jefferson Co.; Bill of Sale for slaves.


374  5 Oct 1836  Charles T. Thornton to John Martin of Bradley Co.; mortgage of personal property.


379  29 Dec 1834  Mourning Witt to John McDonald.


386  3 Feb 1836  Reuben Lemmons to William Lemmons.


394  19 Oct 1836  Thos. Nixon Vandike, Sec. to Bd. of Trustees of the Normal School near Athens, to Thos. A. Anderson and Solomon Bogart; lot of ground whereon the brick Academy house has been erected, and including said house. 


399  22 Feb 1836  James Hankins of Roane Co. to Wm. Armsted; signed by James and Anna Hankins.


405  15 Jun 1836  George C. Bradford to Henry Bradford; Bill of Sale for slave.


406  13 May 1834  Nathaniel Smith to John Martin of Cherokee Tribe of Indians.


408  7 Nov 1836  Edward Roberts, Sr. to son Thomas M. Roberts; for love.


412  5 Jan 1835  James Carroll of Carroll Co., Ga. to Daniel McPherson of Roane      Co., land in Rhea Co.


418  15 Nov 1836  Joshua (signed John) T. Heard through his Atty. in fact Pryor Lea to Jesse Mayfield; Bill of Sale for slave.


419  12 Nov 1836  Samuel Prater of Roane Co. to James Gettys.


428  3 Apr 1832  Abner Casey of Rhea Co. to Micah H. Sellers.


434 27 Jun 1835  William Cate Sr. to William Cate Jr.


436  29 May 1828  Elizabeth Walker of the Cherokee Nation to John Walker, Jr. of the same; Bill of Sale; 6 Dec 1836, Lewis Ross swears to the handwriting of witness James McDaniel who is out of the limits of the U.S. and is in the Cherokee Nation beyond Mississippi.


437  6 Oct 1836  Chas. Havens to Mary Helvy.


441 4 Feb 1836  Benjamin S. Crow of Rhea Co. to James Gallant of McMinn Co.; land willed to Benjamin by his father John Crow dec’d.


443  10 Sep 1835  Newton Cowan of Campbell Co. to Lawson Rogers; acknowledged before Wm.Casey, Clk. of Co. Ct. of Campbell Co.


448  4 Dec 1836  John K. Farmer of Athens to Sally Lusk; lot on his new street.


449  10 Dec 1836  Sally Lusk to Tom Wear a free man of color; the lot in D 448 above.



                                                                                                   Deed Book E


Page 19


1  8 Feb 1836 Miranda Thompson, Michael C. Derrick and wife Emily late Thompson, and Mary Thompson widow of Samuel Thompson Sr. dec’d to Wm. H. Cook;  their undivided part of land. being the part bought of Samuel Thompson Jr. which is 1/6 part; also the part conveyed by Robert Thompson to said Miranda and said Derrick, and the part of Miranda and Michael and wife Emily and of Elizabeth Masters widow of James Masters dec’d late Elizabeth Thompson, all  the said parts being undivided and all the said Mary Thompson’s dower; land on            which   the forge is built; on which is the ore bank.


3    9 Dec 1836  Mat M. Gaines and wife Margaret, Amanda M. Horne, and James C. Luttrell of Knox Co. to George Horne; Power of Atty. to sell land in McMinn County.


 4  21 Dec 1836  Grantors on E3 and George Horne husband of Amanda M. Horne all of Knox Co. to James Cowan Jr.


5  8 Jan 1835  Aron Parker to Andrew and Elisha Hayze and Alberto Largen.


7  3 Jan 1837  John Dearmon Adm. of James McMahan dec’d late of McMinn Co. to William H. Wilson; McMahan in his lifetime made Title Bond to Willson 21 Sept 1833 and on same date made Title Bond to Joel Pettitt which Pettitt transferred to Willson.


 13  11 Nov 1836  Daniel and Dennis H. McCoy of Lumpkin Co., Ga. to James F. Pyron; 5 undivided shares from Daniel and one undivided share from Dennis H.


 14  14 Jan 1837  James F. Pyron to Wayd Hampton; one undivided share of  land being 1/10 part, the interest of Dennis H. McCoy as heir of William McCoy dec’d.


17  19 Jan 1837  Elijah Walker one of Execs. of William Orr dec’d of Blount Co., John Arwine the other Exec. refusing to serve, to Charles Metcalfe; William Orr made his Will on 4 Nov 1830.


21  31 Oct 1836  John B. Jackson to David Bell of Monroe Co.; Lot 34 in Athens.


29  20 Aug 1836  William Clark of Athens to the President and Directors of Planters Bank of Tenn.; Lot No. 4 in Athens.


31  29 Jan 1837  Peter Felker to John Grubb of Monroe Co.


34  23 Mar 1827  John Walker and Gideon Morgan Jr. to Moses Lindsey of KnoxCo.


35  8 Feb 1837  Lewis Huffaker to Edward Stone; land “reserving that part of Cane Creek and its banks so far up the same as Gilbreath’s mill dam now pond the same being heretofore sold by me to Thomas Gilbreath for the use and        benefit of the heirs of Joseph Gilbreath deceased”.


41 1 Mar 1837  James White of Abingdon, Va. to Julius W. Blackwell of Athens; Title  Bond;  $8000.; Lots 95 and 107 in Athens, one being the lot whereon said  Blackwell now resides and the other lying behind and adjoining the lot whereon James H. Fyffe now resides.


42  14 Jun 1833  David Hoyl to Peter Hoyl Jr., Bill of Sale for slaves; witnessed by Elizabeth M. and Caleb R. Hoyl.


46 10 May 1834  John Matthews to Benj. Isbell and Isham Keith, Deacons of the Baptist Church; and including the meeting house, “ for the promotion of the Redeemer’s    Kingdom”.


49  Apr 1836  Circuit Court Decree:  S. Bogart and Jacob Hoss surviving Execs. of Wm. L Welker dec’d VS Nathaniel McKinney and Commissioners of Athens.


 52  11 Feb 1837  Return J. Meigs to Augustine P. Fore; acknowledged by Meigs in Davidson Co.


53  12 Jan 1837  Wm. Cate to Elijah Cate.


60  27 May 1837  Stephen and Joseph Bedford to Chas. Matlock.


67  4 Apr 1837   John, Israel C., and Joseph Smith, heirs and Execs. of Wm. Smith dec’d to Abraham Barb.


69  3 Apr 1837  George R. Cox to Alexander C. Robeson, Jeremiah F. Strange, and Vincent Haymes, Trustees of the poor house for McMinn Co.


73    27 Mar 1837  Samuel McConnell and James Griffin acting for firm of Samuel McConnell, James Griffin, Wm. Young, Wm. Armstrong, Wooddy Jackson, and Conway Garlington, to Michael Hildebrand; Lot No. 32 in Town of Columbus.


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75    16 Apr 1837  Francis Kindrick (her) to John Rudd.


76    18 Mar 1837  Henry C. Bradford of Bedford Co. to John M. Seahorn of same; Deed of Trust; Bradford’s interest in 800 acres in McMinn Co. known as the Pain Town farm, 300 or 400 acres on Holston River on Poor Valley Creek, and another tract in Haywood Co. and his books (listed) both professional and miscellaneous and furniture; Bradford   married Elizabeth Hoard widow of the late Standwix Hoard of McMinn Co. and this is his interest in her dower.


78       28 Mar 1837  Joshua Morgan to John M. Seahorn of Bedford Co.; Deed of Trust; Morgan indebted to Benjamin P. Bradford.


81       9 Nov 1836  Nancy Kennedy, Pryor Lea and wife Minerva Ann, Abram A. Herd, John` Joseph Herd, George Felix Heard, and Joshua T. Heard, the last four by their Atty. Pryor Lea to Caswell Lea; land near Hiwassee Old Town; Nancy Kennedy and Pryor Lea    acknowledge in Knox Co.


82  17 Mar 1837  Caswell Lea to Robert H. Hynds, both of Jefferson Co.; Deed of Trust.


88  18 Jul 1834 Hugh Reavely and wife Elizabeth to Elizabeth Gilbreath; Elizabeth Reavly’s undivided interest in five Negroes which are estate of Joseph Gilbreath dec’d.


 98  30 Mar 1837  William W. Anderson of Athens to David Reid, Wm. H, Deaderick, David Willson, Samuel Hale, W.W. Anderson, George W. Mayo, and Charles Bogart, ruling   elders in the Presbyterian Church at Athens, said church known as Mars hill Church;      $300.; Lot No. 19 with its appurtenances to be used as a site for the erection of a house of        worship.


 99  16 Apr 1830  Thomas, Henry, and George W. Burch, and Elizabeth Davis, Heirs of William Burch dec’d to John Arnewine.  June 1833, witness Absolem Rush is now dead.


100  30 May 1837  Prier D. Romines to Thomas J. Caldwell of Monroe Co.; Power of Atty. to collect his pay for services as a private in Capt. Russell Hurst’s Co. of East Tenn.mounted volunteers.


109  3 Nov 1832  Samuel McConnell, Jones Griffin, William Young, William Armstrong,Woody Jackson, and Conway Garlington, acting for firm of Samuel McConnell, James Griffin & Co. to Elijah Gillenwaters; Lot No. 2 in Columbus. 3 Jun 1837, witness Jac F. Fout has removed out of limits of State of Tenn.


110     7 May 1835  Circuit Court Decree in case of James H. Fyffe, Nathaniel Smith, and Wm. Hogan, Adms. of Isaac W. Fyffe dec’d, VS Randolph Eason, Margaret Eason late Fyffe widow of said Isaac Fyffe dec’d and Sarah, William, and Isaac W. Fyffe, children of Isaac W. Fyffe dec’d and Thomas H., Nancy L., and Fanny L. Calloway, and  Joseph Donahoo and wife Rebecca C. late Calloway, Arthur H. Henly and Thomas H. Calloway, Execs. of said Joseph Calloway dec’d, and the Commissioners of the Town of Athens.


114  12 Dec 1836  Anderson Trim to James McClure,William Harralson, and James M. Howell, Trustees for the Baptist Church at Pond Creek; land including meeting house and camp meeting ground.


115  23 Jun 1837  Reuben P. Southard to Thomas Wakefield for use of Micajah Southard; Deed of Trust.


 122  8 Jul 1837  William Jack, a private in Capt. Abraham Barb’s Co. of mounted volunteers, to James S. Bridges; Power of Atty. to collect his money under proclamation of the Gov. of Tenn. 6 Jun 1836.


124  No date.  Joseph W. and William M. McMillian, Joseph and Nancy Billingsly, Charles and Narcissa Cate, William and Polly Karr, and Mary McMillian to William B. Porter.  Sworn to by witnesses 15 Jul 1837.


127  22 Jul 1837  John M. Seahorn of McMinn Co. to Benjamin B. Bradford of Bedford Co.; Henry C. Bradford had right in lands of Stanwix Hord dec’d through his intermarriage with the widow of said Hord; Pain Town farm.



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130  4 May 1837  Franklin L. Blair to Mary F. Ely.


131 18 Jul 1837  Jessee Scot to Daniel Purcell; Deed of Trust for land, building with machine for making linseed oil, a mill house, and cabinet making shop, all on Little Suey; half of above belongs to Henry Carroll.


132  15 Sep 1836  John Byler to Zion Hill Church, that part of the church who contend for the old united Baptist faith and not to any part who contend for the Baptist convention or any other of the new institutions of man that is contrary to the rule of the old faith and order; land where meeting house and grave yard are now located.


133  [numbered 233 in error]  3 Aug 1837  Samuel John to William John; mortgage of personal property.


143  10 Mar 1837  A.H. Napier of Bradley Co. to Jonathan Longly.


145  16 Jan 1837  James S. Green, Allen Barkesdale, Mary and Lettice Green, all of McMinn Co., Thomas Russell of Monroe Co., and John O. Green of Jefferson Co. to Alexander Green of McMinn Co.


147  17 Aug 1837  James Culton to son James W. Culton.


152  30 Aug 1837  Charles McClure of McMinn Co. to John McClure of Monroe Co.; Mortgage.


154  31 Aug 1837  Samuel M. Chapman and wife Margaret Ann G. late Gilbreath, one of heirs of Joseph Gilbreath dec’d to Elizabeth Gilbreath; their share in land and Negroes.


157  12 Jan 1836  Elizabeth Meigs to daughter Grace Calloway late Meigs; deed to slaves.


161  26 Sep 1837  Henry Price, Adm. of John Richardson dec’d, to Rachel Zeigler.


165  4 Feb 1837  Solomon Farnsworth to Martha R. Moor.


169  10 Oct 1837  Ira White, one of minor heirs of Nathaniel White dec’d, to  Alfred H. Lawson; his undivided share of plantation whereon Elizabeth White widow of said Nathaniel now lives.


176  1 Aug 1836  John Moody to Charles McClure of Monroe Co.; land on big Mouse Creek whereon Moody now lives.


177  5 Oct 1837  William McKamy Sr. of Anderson Co. to William McKamy Jr. of McMinn Co.


184  5 Sep 1836  Amos Potts to Bradley Co. to John Baker.


186  20 Sep 1837  Edmund Roberts to Benjamin Roberts; witnessed by Thomas M. and Edmund D. Roberts.


199  4 Mar 1829  Joseph Hurt of Wayne Co., Ky. to Isaac Chrisman of Rhea Co.; land in Rhea Co.


200  1 May 1834  Nicholas P. Dotson to Jessee Dotson; land with exception of a piece conveyed to Jessee Dotson Sr. Where E. Dotson now has a mill.


224  23 Jan 1838  Thornton C. Goddard and Hugh Goddard to Dickerson Morris.


228  7 Jan 1837  Manuel Parkeison to John Parkieson.


240  22 Aug 1837  Abraham Slover to James Ross of Anderson Co.


242  7 Feb 1838  William B. Cunningham of Jefferson Co., agent for Henry Powell, to George W. Mayo; $25; the entire right to make use and vend Beardens Patent zig zag spring for making saddles, for the County of McMinn.


243  1 Dec 1836  Joseph Russell to Stephen K. and Franklin Reeder of Athens.


249 2 Mar 1838  Lawson H. Seitez (Seitz) of Sinclere Co., N.C. to Robert Smith, 20 acres.


250  11 Nov 1837  Daniel Seitez (Seitz) to Robert Smith;  20 acres to east of Abraham Seitez dec’d.


251  26 Feb 1838  Jesse Seitz of Overton Co. to Robert Smith; 1/8 of 160 acres belonging to heirs of Abraham Seitz dec’d whereon said Smith now lives.


252  27 Feb 1838  William Cate of Bradley Co. to John Parshall.


258  9 Mar 1838  Margaret Blackburn to Ephraim Sawtell; witnessed by John and Maise Blackburn.



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265  19 Mar 1838  Circuit Court Decree:  James Gettys VS Margaret Elizabeth, James Henry, and William Thomas Welker, heirs of William L. Welker dec’d.


269  “I delivered the above notice to Tidence Lane to his little son Nathaniel at the residence of his father he being absent at the time from home May the 9th 1837.  A.H. Gamble.”


279  20 Feb 1838  Jeremiah Hamrick to Mary Cobbs Gdn. for Julett C. Cobbs; Bill of Sale for a slave.


279  13 Feb 1838  Joseph Smith to William Yearwood of Monroe Co.


281  17 May 1837  Peter Neil to John Neil; Bill of Sale for slave.


290  10 Feb 1837  Thomas Thompson to John E. Wheeler Gdn. of minor heirs of  Horace Hickox  dec’d viz: Mary Elizabeth, Richard John Elliott, and Lemira Jane Hickox.


294   11 Apr 1838  Joseph M. Alexander, Jackson Smith, and John E. Wheeler, Adms/of Horace Hickox dec’d to Abraham B. Neal; Hickox had made Title Bond.


296  12 Apr 1838  Patrick L. Trotter to James Gettys and William Rudd; Deed of Trust for his interest in a certain title bond executed 29 Mar 1828 to John, James, and the said Patrick L. Trotter , and assigned by John and James Trotter to the said Patrick.


300  31 Jan 1839  Heil Buttram to Larkin Buttram, both of Rhea Co.; land in Rhea Co.


301  14 Feb 1838  Ephraim Maples to Peter Maples.


302  30 Apr 1834  Walter Carruth to Joseph Hamilton late of N.C.


308  21 Jun 1836  Decree of Chancery Court at Madisonville:  William H. Cook VS Jeremiah Lillard and wife Jemimah, Samuel, Miranda, Francis, Catherine, and Alfred Thompson, children and heirs of Alfred Thompson dec’d, and Mary Thompson widow of Samuel Thompson Sr., dec’d and Daniel, Samuel, Robert, Miranda, John, William, Amy and Sarah Thompson, Samuel Riggs  and wife Mary, Michael C. Derrick and wife Emily, and Elizabeth Master, children and heirs of Samuel Thomson Sr. dec’d; Complainants judgments are liens upon interest of the heirs of  Alfred Thompson dec'd in the Iron works and lands     mentioned; sale ordered; land on water of Connasauga Creek; proceeds  partitioned among claimants and heirs “the intrust of the heirs of Alfred Thompson deceased in said partnership being one third part thereof and one sixth part, being two children’s parts to which said Alfred was entitle out of his father’s   interest in said partnership half thereof be paid to complainant in discharge of his said judgments, and if there be more than sufficient to discharge said judgments, then the balance to be paid to the heirs of said Alfred Thompson deceased.  That one sixth part of the whole proceeds of the sale and one twelfth part (or a child’s part of Samuel Thompson Senior deceased) be paid to the order of Samuel Thompson Junior; and that the balance of the proceeds of the sale of the intrust to which Samuel Thompson the Father was entitled be equally divided between his other heirs mentioned.


312  22 Aug 1834  Wesley Baley to John McClatchy; land on Eastanallee Creek.


313 16 Jul 1835  Lucy and Harmon Baley to John McClatchy; land on Eastanallee Creek.


316  29 Mar 1837  John Thompson to Josiah Maples Sr.


324  1838  Simeon Cate to Zechariah Rose Trustee for Greenberry Cate.


327  24 May 1838  A.P. Fore to John White of the Town of Columbus, McMinn Co.; Lot No. 49 in Columbus.


330  22 Nov 1828  James Dennis to Isam Dennis; acknowledged 2 Jun 1838.


332  8 Aug 1837  Nancy Ramsey to Lewis Ramsey; $100; property to remain hers during her lifetime.


333 15 Mar 1838  Elihu H. Randolph of Clinton Co., Ky. to Jessee R. Blackburn.


334  12 Jun 1838  James M. Anderson of Jefferson Co. to T. Nixon Vandyke; piece  of land south of and near Athens beginning at SE end of a two acre lot belonging to the Presbyterian Church commonly called the Camp Ground.

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336  15 Jan 1833  John Byler to William H. White of Hawkins Co.


338  25 Dec 1837  William H. White of  Bradley Co. to Micajah Southard.


340   No date.  Caleb Starr to Henry Carothers of Green Co., Pa,; Obligation; Starr to deliver to Carothers on premises whereon said Starr resides $1300 worth of produce and property on 15 Oct next 1838 and Carothers executes note             for $1300 to be discharged in two wagons, eight head of horses with five pair of Gearing to each wagon; Carothers to have privilege of placing any improvement on premises until 15 Oct 1838 when he is to have possession of all                   the lands and appurtenances; Starr makes bond 20 Jun 1838.


342  18 Jun 1838  Caleb Starr and wife Nancy to Henry Carrothers of Greene Co., Pa.; Obligation; Starrs this day have sold to Carrothers 10 tracts of land [listed]total of 1540 1/2 acres, including 640 acres known as reservation granted unto          Austin Rider with the dwelling as the center.


345  25 Jun 1838  Tidence Lane late of McMinn Co. but now of Mississippi to William Clark Cashier of Planters Bank at Athens; Lane was endorser of note of Cyrus Waterhouse; Lane to have until 25 Sep 1838 to pay judgment.



353  13 Jul 1838  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Peter Hoyl; land of Zebulon and John Dill sold to satisfy judgment recovered 17 Sep 1834.


356  24 Jul 1838  Henry Carothers of Greene Co., Pa. to Caleb Starr and wife Nancy; rescinds contract on page 340 above.


361  30 Sep 1825  John Walker of Cherokee Nation to William P. Smith of Roane Co.; witnessed by Lewis Ross and James G. Williams.  1 Mar 1838. Ross proves deed.  6 Aug 1838, handwriting of Williams proven, he having removed out of         limits of Tennessee.


365  9 Aug 1838  James Madison Anderson of Jefferson Co. to Pierce B. Anderson of same; land in McMinn Co. willed to James Madison Anderson by his father Joseph Anderson of Washington, D.C.


369  14 Dec 1837  William and Clemson Brown to Gabriel Cantrell.


370  20 Jun 1838  Sarah Williams and her heirs, viz: Birden (his mark) McCoy.


376  5 Oct 1837  John H. Beck to Robert Brinkley, both of Meigs Co.; land in McMinn Co.


381  28 Aug 1838  Elizabeth Couch to her youngest son Alfred Couch, aged 2 yrs 6 mos 8 days, personal property.


382  8 Jul 1837  Samuel McRoberts to Andrew McRoberts.


383  5 Sep 1838  John Middleton to Hugh L. and J.J. Middleton.


384  4 Sept 1838 William W. Anderson of Athens to Pierce B. Anderson of Jefferson Co.


386  11 Sep 1838  Absalem C. and Elish Hays to Samuel Workman Trustee for William Burk and Henry Walker.


395  3 May 1837  Solomon Bogart to Miss Eliza S. Reid; Title Bond for Lot No. 83 lying in extreme south corner of Athens sold to her 18 Apr 1836. 12 Jun 1838, James Turner and wife Eliza S. Turner formerly Reid assign Bond to Mary P. Reid.


401  24 Oct 1838  Daniel P. Shepherd to Andrew Burk Trustee for William Burke.



                                                                                               Deed Book F


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4   5 Nov 1838  Andrew Fox to Mary Fox; Power of Atty. to receive his share of estate of Andrew Fox dec’d ; late of Greene Co.


7   3 Nov 1838  David Reid Sr. to Martin D. Anderson.


12   21 Dec 1825  Robert C. Crow to John H. Beck of Rhea Co.; his part of undivided land wille to him by his father John Crow dec’d.


13  23 Nov 1838  Caleb Starr and wife Nancy to William H. Cook and Thomas Cooper; $8350; plantation of about 1533 1/2 acres on both sides of Connasauga Creek including their reservation.


16  30 Nov 1838  Fanny Romines to A. J. Ballew Trustee for Dempsey Casey; Casey is security for personal appearance bond of Devenport Romines at next Circuit Court.


17  4 Dec 1838  Charles Madaris to William Cate Trustee for William Madaris.


19  5 Jan 1837  Sarah McCall [sic] to George Cloud; signed Sarah McCloud.


28  25 Sep 1838  John Moor Sr. to John Moor Jr.


34  5 Oct 1838  John Ware of Bradley Co. to John M. Rankin of Blount Co.; Power of Atty. to sell two lots in Calhoun.


35  26 Jul 1837  Abijah Bogges of Meigs Co. to John Rogers.


41  17 Apr 1837  Elijah Cate, Exec. of Charles Cate dec’d , to Elijah Hurst.


51  26 Sep 1838  Amon (Amos) and Seth Atchley to William White.


52  11 Jan 1839  William W. and Michael D. Box to James Parkieson Trustee for William Burns.


57  11 Jan 1839  Robert B. Carr (Karr) to John McCartney Trustee for William Karr.


62  5 Jun 1834  Moses Cunningham to Peter Airhart, both of McMinn Co.


63  21 Jan 1839  Peter Airhart of Bradley Co. to James Hardy and Biron Allen.


70  10 Feb 1839  Phebe Campbell to John Matlock.


72  12 Feb 1839  Madison C. Hawk to Elizabeth Meigs.


73  26 Jan 1839  Preston Hail to James C. Hail Trustee for Robinson Snider.


76  14 Feb 1839  Joel K. Brown and Solomon Bogart; Article of Agreement; they have by mutual consent constructed their building on Lot No. 7 in Athens so that part of each building is on other’s land.


81  6 Mar 1839 George W. Gaut to Thomas and John Duckworth.


88  12 Mar 1839  Nathaniel Smith for himself and Williamson Smith late firm of W. Smith & Co. of Athens, to John Matlock.


89  28 Feb 1839  James Madison Anderson to James W. Deaderick, both of Jefferson Co.; land adjoining Athens now occupied by Col. V.M. Campbell beginning at Rudd Spring on Eastanallee Creek, except so much that has been                    conveyed to T. N. Vandyke, about two acres, and so much as was conveyed by Thomas A. Anderson for the benefit of the Normal Academy, about 1/4 acre, leaving about 11 1/4 acres.


98  19 Mar 1839  Andrew Cowan to John Mount, both of Bradley Co.; Deed of Trust.


99 12 Feb 1829  Marriage Contract between John Hoyle and Mary Love; have agreed to marry on this evening; property and Negroes willed to Mary by her former husband Samuel Love; if said Mary have no children; sworn to by         witnesses and registered 26 Mar 1839.


103  7 Jan 1832  Celia (Selah) Suttles late Celia Hambrick to Nathaniel Smith; her life estate in land willed to her by her father Nathan Hambrick.


110  27 Jul 1837 Israel Boon to Simeon Eldridge of Roane Co.


114 9 Apr 1839  William Rogers to son Thomas Rogers.


114  18 Mar 1839  John, Israel, and Joseph Smith, heirs and Execs. of William Smith dec’d to Nathan St. John.


116  28 Feb 1838  Phillip Cooper to Thomas Cooper.


117  16 Jan 1836  Joseph Worley of Grainger Co. to Tidance Lane.


120  21 Mar 1834  Thomas B. Mayfield, D.A. Cobb, and W.T. Mayfield Adms. of  Jesse Mayfield dec’d, to Mahulda Mayfield, to Thomas B. Mayfield Gdn. for Carter Mayfield, to Elizabeth Mayfield, and to Thomas B. Mayfield (four          documents); Bill of Sale for slaves; Attest to all four: B. D. Smith and Samuel M. Mayfield.  All Acknowledge by Thomas B. Mayfield and David A. Cobb, two of the Adms. 20 Apr 1839.

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122  30 Nov 1830  John J. Brown of Jackson Co., Ala. to Aaron B. Brown.


124  7 Jan 1832  Vinsant Hambrick, Syndarilla Pearce late Syndarilla Hambrick,Callaway Hodge and Mary Hodge late Mary Hambrick to Nathaniel Smith; their right to land after death of Celia Suttles late Celia Hambrick to whom life estate was given by Will of Nathan Hambrick; proven Apr 1839. {The will of Nathan Hambrick was proven in Rowan Co., N.C.}

126  5 Jul 1832  Drury Hambrick of Ala. to Nathaniel Smith; his right to land as in page 124, above; proven Apr 1839.


127  25 Apr 1839  Sterling Camp to Thomas Camp; for love.


131  29 Mar  1839  Nat Smith to daughter Mary M. Hunter and her husband Dctr. James Hunter of Cherokee Co., N.C.; Bill of Sale for slave.


152  17 Jan 1829  Jeremiah Fields to Green Fields, both of Rhea Co.; Title Bond.


156  5 Jun 1839  Pascal G. Hamblen and wife Jane Ann to William B. Porter; their 1/9 part of land  of heirs of Thomas Parsons dec’d.


157  26 Feb 1838  Solomon Kean of Decalb (Dekalb) Co., Ala. to George Morgan of Taladego (Talladega) Co., Ala.; land in McMinn Co. except 34 acres heretofore sold by Solomon to Trustees of Forest Hill Academy; Teste: Irby Morgan, E. Hightower.


158  3 Feb 1838  George Morgan and wife Frances of Taladego (Talladega) Co., Ala. to Dr. John Lyde; same land as in deed on page 157, above. Morgans acknowledge before Henry Sims, J. P. of Taladego (Talladega) Co., Ala. who is  certified by Felix G. McConnell Clerk and Green T. McAfee, Judge of Court.



160  28 Aug 1830  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Daniel Carmichael. Writ issued by Knox Co. 11 Aug 1830 to make sale of goods and chattels of David B. Ayres dec’d which were in the hands of Calloway Hodges, Adm. , to satisfy judgment obtained by Daniel Carmichael and Jessee Ayres and also by writ issued 21 Aug 1830 in McMinn Co. to make sale of good and chattels of Harris D. Thorp one of the heirs of David B. Ayres dec’d to satisfy judgment obtained by Joseph Lusk. Bill of Sale for slaves, acknowledged 14 Jan 1839.


164  18 Jun 1839  Ephraim Maples o Josiah Maples; land except 80 acres already sold to Moses Long and Peter Maples.


168  No date.  John f. Lane to Russell Lane; acknowledged 24 Jun 1839.


174  3 Jul  1839  Lymon Rice to Albert G. Rice; land on which said L. Rice now lives.


175  27 Jan 1839  William Parson to Hiram Ingram; land being part of the section left by Thomas Parson dec’d to his heirs.


178  19 Dec 1838  Thomas Crutchfield of Athens to the President and Directors of the Branch Bank of Tenn, at Athens; Lot No. 68 and twenty feet off south side of Lot No. 59 adjoining.


179  Jan 1838  James C. Henderson and wife Frances late Frances Holt, one of the children of Irby Holt dec’d to James H. Reagan.


180  14 Dec 1837  John K. Farmer to Dempsey Casey; “lot on which my house formally my residence is all except my medical office.”


186  10 Jan 1839  Nancy C. Mayfield widow of William T. Mayfield to Thomas B. Mayfield. Teste: James Parkison and Williams Mayfield.


187  11 Dec 1838  Williams, Jesse, and Mahulda Mayfield, David A. Cobb and wife  Prussia, Jessee Mayfield Jr., John and Samuel Mayfield, Elizabeth Hill, and Nancy Mayfield for herself and as Gdn. for William, Thomas, James, Walks, Clemons, and Parson Mayfield, to Thomas B. Mayfield.


189  11 Dec 1838  Jessee and Mahulda Mayfield, David A. Cobb and wife Prusia, Jessee Mayfield Jr., John and Samuel Mayfield, Elizabeth Hill, and Nancy Mayfield for herself and as Gdn. for William, Thomas, James, Walker, Clement, and Prussian Mayfield and  to Thomas B. and Williams Mayfield.


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190  25 Jul 1839  Joseph Rudd to John Rudd.


191  25 Jul 1839  John Rudd to Thomas Rudd.


193  22 Sept 1838  D.H. Thomas to James Thomas


204  10 Aug 1839  George W. Pearson to John Fagan; Lot No. 10 in Town of Columbus.


206  27 Oct 1838  David Hawkins of Union Co. , Ga. to John Torbert; place where Thomas Polk now lives; line between Jeremiah Polk and said Hawkins.


208  18 Mar 1839  Robert S. Holt to Frances S. Henderson (her); his 1/7 undivided interest as an heir in dower land of Sarah Holt widow of Irby Holt dec’d.


209 19 Aug 1839  David J. Patterson late of Miss, but now of McMinn Co. to William Clark; Bill of Sale for slave.


211  24 Aug 1839  Lawson Thomas a free man of color to Joel K. Brown; Deed of  Trust for his barber shop built on the lot of Julius W. Blackwell.


212  26 Feb 1839  Charles Martin to Abagil Martin; Bond to secure payment of  $90 on condition that Abagil drops suit in a case of Bastardy against said Charles Martin.


212  26 Mar 1839  Nat Smith to John Matlock; Power of Atty. to convey to R.D. Jones Lots Nos. 118 and 119, upon Jones complying with conditions of a bond.


213  28 Aug 1839  James Bacon of Monroe Co. to John B. Jackson; Bill of Sale for  slave.


214  15 Jan 1839  John Matlock, John C. Haley and wife Elizabeth, Henry and William Matlock, Martha Rice, Elisha Dodson and wife Mary, heirs and devisees of Charles Matlock dec’d to Stephen Bedford.


215  29 Sep 1838  William W. Haines of Walker Co., Ga. to William S. Haynie; Bill of Sale for slave.


216  4 Dec 1839  Micagah Southard Sr. to Micagah Southard Jr.; Deed of Trust.


218  5 Sep 1839  John Neill to granddaughter Martha Ann Neill, daughter of Geo. D. Neill; for love; cows and calves.


219  No date.  Able Peek to Blewford Peek.


221  25 Nov 1831  Warren Sams of Rhea Co. to Thomas Sliger of Monroe Co.; land in Rhea Co.


222  16 Sep 1839  Margaret Waters to Mark Massey, Trustee for Burrel Barker; personal property.


226  17 Nov 1838  James L. Senter to Richard and Alfred Swafford; title Bond; witness F.W. and R.W. Earnest prove before John H. Robeson (Robertson) Clerk of Bradley Co. by his deputy Euclid Waterhouse.


231  4 Oct 1839  Joel Kelly of Bradley Co. to John Wilson; land where Joseph Carter now resides and where Richard Kelly formerly lived.


232  23 Sep 1839  James Witt of Bradley Co. to William Burns.


235  6 May 1839  John Heart (Hart) Sr. to John Heart Jr.; proven 5 Oct 1839 by witness Isaac Gollahon who saw witness Benjamin Hart, who has since died, sign.


259  24 Oct 1839  Joab Hill to William Hill. Teste: Anderson, John, John R., and William Neil.


263  29 May 1837  John McCartney Sr. to Aaron Haynes, both of Benton Co., Ala.;   acknowledged before Mathew M. Houston, Clk. of Benton Co., Ala. and certified by C.A. Green, Judge.


266  18 Nov 1839  Lewis Waters to Bennet Waters.


270  1 Dec 1839  William Shook to John Shook; Deed of Trust for personal                                         property.


276  21 May 1839  Aaron Haynes of Benton Co., Ala. to John G. Doren; part of Lot No. 31 in Athens being the NE end beginning at corner running 35 or 40 feet with the    Broad Street     towards said Doren’s house, from thence the full length of said lot to the corner of Benjamin Ragsdale's’ lot adjoining the Methodist Meeting House             lot.


277  20 Feb 1839  Benton Co., Ala.:  Pleasant H. Pearson to Mrs. Alley Pearson of McMinn Co.; Power of Atty. to sell his interest in land where she now lives, for which title was made to heirs by State of Tennessee.


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283  10 Dec 1839  Robert W. McClary of Polk Co. to Joseph Smith; land known as lime Hill tract.


284  14 Aug 1839  George W. Pearson to Mrs. Ally Pearson; Power of Atty. as in deed on page 277, above.


285  17 Sept 1839  Ally Pearson, Atty. in fact for Pleasant H., Jesse W., George W., and William H. Pearson , and Gdn. for Christopher C. and Lucinda J. Pearson, and Louiza Pearson for herself to David Maxwell; lands granted to  George W. Pearson dec’d by the State of Tenn.


288  23 Jan 1838  Sarah Witt to Willis Wright; 80 acres with exception of one acre where the meeting house now stands... east side of Mouse Creek...dividing line between Polly Witt line and said land.  6 Jan 1840, witness Richard McAdoo saw witness Silas Witt, who has since died, sign.


289  6 Dec 1839  Willis Wright to Allen Dennis; land he bought of Sarah Witt, dec’d.


291  7 Oct 1836  John Hardwick to Leven L. Ball; land except so much as is described in a deed f from said Hardwick to said Ball and A. Edens for the use of  the Methodist Camp ground and ground yard.


295  13 Jan 1840  William Collins to John M. Gibbs for use of Malvina Ady; Deed of Trust for personal property; Malvina is his security on notes.


301  27 Dec 1838  Tidence Lane of Brandon, Miss. to James T. Lane.


304  27 Jan 1840  John W.M. Brazeale to Samuel H. Jordan, Trustee for Wm. Lowry who is security on note made by Brazeale to John Winton of Roane Co.; personal property.


311  27 Dec 1839  John Blankinship to Spencer Blankinship of Monroe Co.; Teste: Wm. and Isom Blankenship.


319  2 Dec 1839  Sidney S. Wright and wife Sarah formerly Sarah Kee to James                                              Hickey.


320  13 Mar 1839  Anderson P.H. Jourdan to Rachel Zeigler.


321  1 Feb 1840  George W. Gaut and wife Nancy A., Micagah Dorsey, Richard T.  Goode and wife Martha to Gideon Cate; the three undivided shares of land of Nancy, Micagah, and Martha as children of Dimmon Dorsey dec’d; Title Bond.


323  18 Sep 1835  Samuel Martin to A.B. Brown; land where Jasper Romins formerly lived.


325  27 Feb 1840  Kenedy Lonergan of Knox Co. to James Quinlin of McMinn Co., Trustee for George E. Mountcastle of McMinn Co.; personal property.


328  29 Feb 1840  Jonathan Richardson to Mark Richardson of Jacksborough; his 1/8 undivided interest in land in McMinn Co. as heir of William Richardson dec’d. Teste: David Richardson.

343  30 Dec 1838  Nancy Parsons heir of Thomas Parsons dec’d to Mandawill Parsons; her right in farm of father Thomas.


343  29 Feb 1840  Thomas Parsons of McMinn Co. and John Rutledge of Cherokee Co., Ala. to Mandawell Parsons; their undivided interest as heirs of Thomas Parsons dec’d.


346  6 Mar 1840  James and Nancy O’Neal heirs of Thomas Parsons dec’d to William B. Porter; their 1/9 equal part of land including their part of dower at  mothers decease.


348  14 Mar 1840  Kenedy Lonergan of Knox Co. to Thomas Lonergan of McMinn Co., Trustee for Richard C. Jackson and Moss & Jackson of McMinn Co. and Joseph Jackson & Co. of Knox Co.; Deed of Trust for 2500 shares of stock  in the Hiwassee R.R.


353  17 Mar 1840  Mandawell Parsons to James Parkison Trustee for David Cleage; his 1/9 part of land of his father Thomas Parsons dec’d including  interest in dower of his mother, also the interests of heirs Thomas Parson, John Rutledge, Nancy, William, and John Parsons, which he had purchased.

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355  24 Feb 1840  Celia Hambrick, Joseph G. and Nancy Ivy, Delilah Hambrick, heirs of Nathan Hambrick dec’d by their Atty. in fact the said Celia Hambrick of  Cherokee Co., Ala. to Nat and Stephen Smith.


356  29 June 1835  Monroe Co.: Mary D. McCamon to Francis P. Pettitt; Bill of Sale for slave.


359  18 Feb 1840  Wm. Thompson of Benton Co., Ala. to Samuel W. Thompson and Wm. E. Gibson.


369  27 Mar 1840  Samuel P. and Washington P. Bayless to James Baker for use of Granham Emerson & Co.., their security on note to George Magors; Deed of Trust for personal property.


373  13 Jan 1840  Barney Casteel of Cherokee Co., N.C. to John Jack.


375  17 Sep 1838  George Winton of Anderson Co to John Hartley.


377  16 Mar 1840  Chancery Court at Madisonville:  Eveline Cunningham widow of Pleasant T. Cunningham, dec’d and Sara and Pleasant T. Cunningham,, heirs of said Pleasant T. dec’d by their Gdn. Marshall W. Cunningham,; sale of land.


378  4 Sep 1838  John Howel of Rhea Co. to Charles H. Royster.


384  20 Oct 1839  Michael H. Sellers of Roane Co. to John Burnett.


387  4 Dec 1834  Article of Agreement between Jesse Kerr of Blount Co. and John W.M. Brazeale of McMinn Co.; said Brazeale agrees to take charge of the Tennessee Journal printing office now in operation in Athens which said Kerr has this day purchased.  12 Nov 1835: Jesse Kerr transfers to Brazeale but holds mortgage for notes.


 389  18 Apr 1840  John Glaze to Jefferson Glaze; his undivided interest in lands of Henry Glaze dec’d and interest in dower of Susan Glaze.


 390  10 Jan 1834  Tidence Lane to Charles Matlock.  21 Apr 1840: John M. Gibbs identifies handwriting of witness Samuel M. Hood who resides outside Tenn.


400  8 May 1840  Robert Pharris of Meigs Co. to Wm. Clark, Cashier of Planters Bank of Tenn. at Athens; Deed of Trust for land in Meigs Co.


405  7 May 1840  Peter Fite Sr. to Rachel Simpson formerly Rachel Fite wife of John  Simpson, Henry, Jacob and Peter Fite Jr., his children; for love and affection.


408  21 May 1840  Abraham Gonce to John Gonce of Monroe Co.


409  30 May 1840  William Shook Sr. to Solomon Bogart; Lot No. 6 in Athens on which Shook now lives and as laid down in the plan of lots run out on the donated land adjoining Athens on NW side; lot conveyed 24 Feb 1837 by Commissioners of Athens to John O. Shook minor son of said William Shook but lot is really the property of said William.


413  13 Apr 1839 (1840)  Henry Rice to Thomas L. Twomey; land with exception  of two acres where Columbiana Church is now situated.


416  27 Jan 1840  John Glaze to Elihu  A. Taylor of Monroe Co.


418  16 Jun 1840  Lewis Hale to John Cansler; Deed of Trust for land and personal property for use of wife Sally and three children, Granville H., Patsy, and William L. Hale; for regard and to secure them a comfortable support.


424  1 Apr 1839  John Devine Sr. to Thomas H.S. Smith of Monroe Co.


430  31 Jul 1840  William W. Bayless of Meigs Co. to Thomas Williams of same; land in McMinn Co.


431  31 Jul 1840  Elizabeth McKenzie now a resident of Randolph Co., Ala. to son Absalom H. McKenzie of same; Power of Atty. to collect her dower in estate of her late husband Chesley McKenzie late of McMinn Co. Teste: Mark                           McKenzie, Reuben Phillips.


432  23 Apr 1839  William F. Briant to Lewis F. and John G. Briant, twin sons of Allison and Ann Briant; for love.


437  8 Aug 1840  John Rogers to James H. Rogers, Trustee for Jesse Wallin.


441  12 Aug 1840  James W. Culton to Sarah Hudson.


444  7 Jan 1838  John and William Bryant to James Pelly.


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445  11 Aug 1840  William M. Brothington to Margaret D. and Mary D. Moore;                                              personal property; for love and affection and their kindness.


447  11 Aug 1840  Henry Bradford of Polk Co. to Asbury M. Coffey; Bill of Sale for slave.


448  27 Feb 1840  James A. Turnly of Cherokee Co., Ala. to Daniel R. Mitchell of Floyd Co., Ga.; Deed of Trust.  Acknowledged before John S. Wilson, Clerk of County Court of Cherokee Co., “sealed with private seal there being no seal of office”; George Birdwell, Judge.


457  15 Sep 1831  Thomas Jefferson Cate to Elijah Cate; his undivided share willed to him by his father Charles Cate dec’d.


460  15 Mar 1839  John Matlock Exec. of Charles Matlock dec’d to Peter Smith.


466  4 Apr 1838  William Price of Bradley Co. and of Cherokee Nation to Jesse                                              Wallen.


466  22 Sep 1840  Sarah B. Stogdon to William H. Stogdon; Bill of Sale for slave.


469  22 Oct 1840  Tyra Lawson to James Humphrey of Niagara Co., N.Y.


477  10 Nov 1840  Benedick Plank to Hiram Plank; Christian Plank’s line.


479  14 Oct 1840  Ambrose N. Armstrong and William McKamy to Joseph M. Alexander; land in McMinn and Polk counties on the Hiwassee River formerly the property of Elizabeth Meigs.


482  26 Oct 1840  William Bates of Cannon Co. to William Cumming; Power of Atty. to sell the rights in Tenn. for Parsons Patented Upright Vibrating Shingle Machine; acknowledge before Rezin Fowler, Clk. of Co. Ct. of Cannon Co.


482  23 Nov 1840  James C. and Churchwell Hail to Andrew Hutsell; Deed of Trust for bay mare named Eliza Ross.


483  20 Nov 1840  Whereas I William Bates of Cannon Co., Tenn. have purchased of Thomas G. Abel of Fredonia, N.Y. who purchased of the original Ludlam Parsons of Castleton, Rutland Co., Vt. the sole right for State of Tenn. to          vend a machine for manufacture of shingles known as Parsons Upright Vibrating Shingle Machine; for $1000, sells to W. H. Cook, J. W. Lyde, John Parshall, P.B. Anderson, and J. M. Gibbs of McMinn Co. the rights to McMinn, Meigs, and              Polk counties.


485  21 Nov 1840 John H. Torbett to Samuel Wolff and wife Ann.


487  7 Dec 1840  Washington Breedwell to Henry Goforth, Trustee for John Callahan of Barren Co., Ky. who hath paid John Smith formerly of Meigs Co. as security of said Breedwell; personal property.


500  16 Nov 1840  James Hickey to Penelope E. Irvine.


505  23 Sep 1840  Nancy Pickens Sr., Robert, Reece, Andrew, William K., and Charles A. Pickens, John Smith, Israel C. Smith and wife Dorcas formerly Pickens, Abram B. Neill and wife Rebecca formerly Rebecca Pickens, Henry B.                   Davis, and wife Nancy formerly Nancy Pickens, Warner Trew and wife Martha formerly Martha Pickens, all of McMinn Co. and all heirs of John Pickens dec’d, to John Lowry.


510  12 Jan 1841  John Graham to Onslow G. Murrell; his claim to four tracts of land together with buildings, paper mill, saw mill, machinery; same land heretofore conveyed by John Beeler to said Murrell and said Graham and now                       known as Glenmore Paper Mill.


520  29 Jan 1841  John Hill of Murray Co., Ga. to John Moss, R.C. Jackson, S.K. Reeder, and John F. Reeder; Bill of Sale for slave.


521  27 Jan 1841  Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to George E. Mountcastle; Lot No. 104 in Calhoun sold by Court for $3.291/2 taxes, costs, and charges for 1838, the heirs of John Walker Sr. the reputed owners.

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5  30 Jan 1841  William Clark to Absalum Beck and Brooks Brown; Title Bond to the Athens Race Course embracing land purchased from A.D. Keyes and from Doctor Deaderick, now under fence and over which a part of the track is made.


7  2 Feb 1839  Scott Powell to Tubal Zigler of Henry Co., Va.


8  2 Feb 1841  Rachel Zigler to Terrell Nance; Teste: Benjamin T. and Tubal Zigler.


11  10 Feb 1841  Given R. Hambright of Bradley Co. to John Hambright.


17  2 Feb 1841  Robert and Barton McKamey of Anderson Co. to William McKamey; our interest as heirs of William McKamey dec’d of Anderson Co.; acknowledged before Wm. Cross Clk. of Anderson Co. by his Deputy John G.Whitson.


19  14 Oct 1839  Wm. Haymes, W.W. Haymes, Henry King, D.D. Haymes, John Carter, and Jane Haymes to Caleb Haymes; Power of Atty. to sell land where Jane Haymes now lives formerly owned by Wm. Haymes, dec’d; Teste: David R. Haymes and A.C. Robeson.


21  Feb 1841  Vinsant Haymes, Caleb Haymes, James and Nancy Cowan formerly Nancy Haymes, Robert and Polly Lacky formerly Polly Haymes, daughters and heirs of late Wm. Haymes dec’d Wm. Haymes Sr. and Jr., Daniel         D. Haymes, John and Pemella Carter, Henry and Elizabeth King formerly Elizabeth Haymes, Permilla and Elizabeth Haymes heirs of late Wm. Haymes dec’d  and Jane Haymes widow of Wm. Haymes dec’d, to John McDonald.


23  23 Sep 1840  Robert, Reece, Andrew, and Wm. K. Pickens, John Smith, Israel C. Smith and wife Dorcas formerly Pickens, Abraham B. Neal (Neill) and wife Rebecca formerly Pickens, Henry B. Davis and wife Nancy formerly Pickens,   Warner Trew and wife Martha formerly Pickens, all heirs of John Pickens dec’d and all of McMinn Co. to Charles A. and Nancy Pickens Sr.; 2/3 of land to Charles A. and 1/3 to Nancy.


27  23 Sep 1840  Grantors and Grantees as in deed on page 23 above to Robert Pickens of Bradley Co., heir of John Pickens dec’d.


29  2 Aug 1840  Grantors and Grantees as in deed on page 23 above to Reece Pickens of Benton Co., Ala., heir of John Pickens dec’d.


38  1 Mar 1841  Samuel W. Thompson and Wm. C. Gibson to John Matlock; land known as Wm. Thompson tract..


43  8 Mar 1841 Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to John Matlock, Exec. of Charles Matlock dec’d; land of Tidence Lane; notice given to James T. Lane the tenant in possession


47  1 Mar 1841  Elizabeth Sperman(Spearman) to Jemima, John H., Stephen H., Daniel, Elisha E., Thomas Jefferson, Malinda, and Nancy Miller, and George Morris; her share of land belonging to the heirs of Thomas Miller dec’d.


48  1 Mar 1841  William McKamey and John H. Miller, Adms. of Thomas Miller dec’d to Elizabeth Sperman widow of Wesley Sperman dec’d.


52  15 Mar 1841  John F. Power to minor son Miles Power; land for love.


57  3 Feb 1840  Augustus W. Elder to Francis Boyd in trust for M. Shields & Co.; Lot No. 59 in   Madisonville on which said Elder published the Hiwassee Patriot about a year ago, buildings, a    printing press now in possession of Jonston and Elder in Monroe Co., and type and press now in use by Elder in the Patriot office in Athens, also one dun guildin named Henry Clay and one Baroush.


60  19 Mar 1841  Edward Brown to son Henry Brown; for love; personal property.


70  16 Nov 1840  Julius A. Blackwell to Robert Frazier in trust for Ann, John E.S., and Adaline A. Blackwell of Knox Co.; personal property and one lot in Athens  on which is his residence and one lot on which is his coppersmith shop; Julius  received cash for benefit of Ann from Marcus D. Bearden who received the amount from Daniel Ruff, Exec. of Stephen Blackwell dec’d of New Orleans, who bequeathed same to Ann Blackwell.


73  23 Jan 1841  David Penington and wife Matilda to William B. Carter.

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752  2 Mar 1841 Paschal G. Hamblin of Bradley Co. to Daniel C. Kenner; Bill of sale for slave.


761 1 Jul 1839F.W. Earnest of Bradley Co. to Daniel C. Kenner; Lot No. 61 in Calhoun that James Senter dec’d occupied.


771 Feb 1836Nathaniel McKinney of Allegany Co., Va. to Solomon Bogart; Power of Atty. to sell his house and lot in Athens; acknowledge in Allegany Co., Va.before John L. Baswell, J.P., Andrew Fudge Clk.


871 3 Apr 1841 John Camp, Adm. of Andrew Bigham dec’d, to John Matlock.


88 25 Feb 1840 Samuel Johnston Sr. to W. Josiah Rowan, both of Monroe Co.; land in McMinn Co. granted to Willis Webb and transferred by him to Johnston.


89 24 Mar 184 [sic] Gideon Morgan of Monroe Co. to Robert T. Hanks; the undivided half of and near the mouth of Eastanallee Creek of McMinn Co., to be cut off from tract know as Walker Reservation, commencing at Lewis Ross’ lower corner on the Hiwassee River “so as to include half of a Spring near where G. I. Washamnow lives’; proved 17 Apr 1841.


90 30 Dec 1840 Agreement, John Hambright with James H. Fyffe, A.D. Keyes, and John L. McCarty, Agents of Hiwassee Rail Road Co.; Hambright being the owner of land on which there are valuable beds of iron ore; Rail Road Co. toerect an establishment for the manufacture of iron.


92 2 Jan 1840 [sic] Agreement as above, with Frederick Michael.


93 2 Jan 1841 Agreement as above, with Samuel Kelly.


94 30 Dec 1840 Agreement as above, with Sterling Camp.


95 2 Jan 1841Agreement as above, with John Poe.


96 1 Jan 1841 Agreement as above, with George Cobb.


97 2 Jan 1841 Agreement as above, with John and Sampson Bishop.


103 13 Mar 1841 Tyler Drake to his grandchildren Susannah, William, and TylerHardy, minor children of Thomas Hardy; Deed of Gift of slave.


104 10 Jul 1840 James F. Benton to Edmond Benton; Teste: Jeremiah Benton,JohnJack.


115 12 Sept 1840 David R. Brazeale of Roane Co. to James Thomas.


123 7 Jun 1841 Jonathan Thomas to Isam Dennis and Allen Butler as Trustees of Rogers CreekBaptist Meeting House; $5.00; one acre and 36 poles as long as said church shall continue or have any house.


124 9 Feb 1841 Francis Crews, James B. Riddle, and John Miller, Gdns. for Benjamin Riddle Jr., minor heir of Benjamin Riddle dec’d, to John McMahan.


127 Jun 1841 John L. McCarty, Exec. of John Walker Jr. dec’d, to William Clark; slave sold at public auction.


134 15 Mar 1837 W.H. Cooke to Joseph Robison, Joel K. Brown, John F. Lane, James H. Fyffe, Ebenezer Cooper, and John Dorsey, Elders of CumberlandPresbyterian Church; $250.; Lot No.40 in Athens.


143 6 Jul 1841 Jacob Gilbert to William L Atlee; Deed of trust for Bt. Gilbert of Adams Co., Pa.


146 10 Jul 1841 George Hinkle to John A. Gouldy of Bradley Co.


153 2 Mar 1841 Return J. Meigs to Alexander D. Keyes; Power of Atty. to sell lot in Athens on which James T. Reid now resides and has resided for some years; acknowledged in Davidson Co.


167 20 May 1841 James B. Riddle to Frances Crew (Frances Riddle); his share of land purchased as one of the Gdns. of Benjamin Riddle, minor heir ofBenjaminRiddle dec’d whereon Pleasant W. Lane now lives.


170 3 Sep 1841 Elisha Bishop to Jesse Wallin; his 1/7 part of land of Thomas Bishop dec’d ; Deed of Trust for Isaac Wallin.


176 13 Jul 1841 Henry C. Bradford and wife Elizabeth, Hamilton Bradford Sr.,and Benjamin B. Bradford, all of Warren Co., to Malvena Hord, William Hord,and Nancy E. Mercer formerly Hord; Thomas Hord Gdn. of Malvena, Williamand Nancy obtained decree in Chancery Court at McMinnville against said Henry `C. Bradford; deed for 1/3 part of land in McMinn Co. known as Pain

                                                                                             Deed Book G

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178 18 Sep 1841 JONATHAN THOMAS to ELIGHA CATE;Deed of Trust; land whereon GEORGE GREENWAY formerly resided.


18524 Oct 1838 JAMES ELLISON of Roane Co., to HINSON ELLISON.


18626 Apr 1834 ROBERT ELLISON, SR. of Murry Co., GA, to HINSON ELLISON.






1993 Jul 1841  J.W.M. BRAZEALE to T. B. EMMERSON & Co.; Obligation; BRAZEALE has contracted with EMERSON & Co. for paper upon which to print 5000 copies of a work entitled Life As It Is or Matters and Things in General;  $6 per ream; note for six months.


20426 Aug 1841 JOSEPH ROPER of Shelby Co., AL to DAVID CANTRELL; land beginning near a fence or spring that WM. SMITH Sr. settled or built near to known as the Tanyard Spring.


20523 Oct 1841 GEORGE W. GAUTT and wife NANCY A., formerly DORSEY,and MICAGAH DORSEY, heirs of DIMMON DORSEY dec’d, to GIDEON CATE.


20611 Oct 1841 JERMIAH S. WILSON and wife LUCINDA formerly HAMBRICK, JOSEPH G. IVY and wife NANCY formerly HAMBRICK, JOHN SMITH and wife ELIZABETH formerly HAMBRICK, all of Marshall Co., AL to CELAH HAMBRICK of Cherokee Co.,AL;  Power of Atty to transact their business as legatees of NATHAN HAMBRICK dec’d.  Acknowleded in Marshall Co., AL before R. S. RANDALS, Clk of Co. Ct. not having  a public seal of office.”


208 27 Oct 1841 JOHN P. MORDIS and wife DELILAH formerly HAMBRICK  and CALOWAY HODGES and wife MARY formerly HAMBRICK to CELAH HAMBRICK, all of Cherokee Co., AL;  Power of Atty to collect monies due them  as legatees of NATHAN HAMBRICK dec’d.  Acknowledged before JOHN S. WILSON, Clk, JOSEPH C. MILLER J.P., and MATHEW J. TURNLEY,  Judge  all of Cherokee Co., AL.


210 11 Oct 1841 CELAH HAMBRICK deposes before JAMES CHILDRESS, J.P.of Marshall Co., AL, that CELAH HUNT alias CELAH  HAMBRICK, daughter of said CELAH HAMBARICK and heir  of NATHAN HAMBRAICK, dec’d, has departed this life without issue since she made the last application for her part of the estate; 

RICHARD S. RANDOLS Clerk of Court of Marshall Co.,WASHINGTON T. MAY, Judge.


211 5 Nov 1841  Grantors in deeds on pages 206 and 208, above, by their Atty in fact CELAH HAMBRICK, to STEPHEN SMITH; all their right to land and estate of NATHAN HAMBRICK dec’d.



255 18 Sep 1841 THOMAS H. MITCHELL to HENRY B. DAVIS of Bradley Co.


228 11 Mar 1832 GEORGE MORGAN of Athens to WARREN E., BATHADNE, and AMANDA M. COLVILLE of Warren Co., heirs of YOUNG COLVILLE, dec’d;COLVILLE had paid for the land.


229 4 Oct 1841JAMES, EZEKIEL, GEORGE H.,  JOSEPH McMINN and ELLIS STARR, MARY (POLLY) RIDER late STARR and husband, JOHN BEAN and wife RUTH late STARR, JESSE MAYFIELD and wife SARAH late STARR, RICHARD NEWLAND and wife DEBORAH late STARR, children and heirs of CALEB STARR dec’d, all of Washington Co., AK and Cherokee Nation West, to WILLIAM H. COOKE and THOMAS COOPER;  640 acres known as CALEB STARRr Reservation on Conosauga Creek making said CALEB STARR’s dwelling house place in the center thereof; ten signatures: POLLY RIDER, JOHN and RUTH BEAN,SARAH MAYFIELD, DEBORAH NEWLAND, and JAMES EZEKIEL, ELLIS, JOSEPH M., and G. H. STARR.  Witnesses: L. EVENS, WILLIAM M. Karr.  All acknowledge in Washington Co.,  AK before LEONARD SHULER, J.P. for Vinyard Township, B. H. PIERSON Clk,  and Ex Officio Recorder


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23219 Nov 1841ALEXANDER and SUSANNAH PETIT to WILLIAM HARTLEY; Power of Atty to sell land; witnesses EZEKIEL and RACHEL HAYS prove in Roane Co.


233 1 Dec 1841WILLIAM HARTLEY, Atty, in fact for SUSANNAH and ALEXANDER PETTITT to HUGH P. WILSON; land set apart for SUSANNAH PETTIT of Greene Co. widow of NATHANIEL PETTITT dec’d as her dower, and all rights of the said JOEL PETTITT  (this is the first mention of JOEL PETTITT in the deed).


238 13 Dec 1841 JOSHUA ELLIS of Walker Co., GA to JESSE ELLIOTT of Monroe Co.


2449 Dec 1841NATHANIEL L. BLAIR to JOHN CANNON of Sevier Co., his right as heir in undivided land of SAMUEL BLAIR dec’d; witness JAMES McNALLY proves deed in Sevier Co., before P.H. Toomy, Clk.


245 22 Jun 1841  LUKE CARRELL to son-in-law RICHMOND GADY; for love; personal property.


248 24 Dec 1841 AUGUSTUS W. ELDER to MARY E. McCLUSKEY; Bill of Sale for slave.


255 23 Jul 1841CHARLES W. PARKS of Benton, Polk Co., to DAVID S. VANKLUCK of New York City; $5,000.  5,000 acres in McMinn Co.;  acknowledged by PARKS in New York City before JOHN A. STEMMLER, No. 9 Wall Street, Commissioner of the State ofTN in and for the State of NY.


26012 Jun 1841  WILLIAM, DAVID, JOHN C., and ISRAEL SMITH, MARY B., SAMUEL, MOURING, and GEORGE JULIN, all heirs of JAMES SMITH dec’d, to EBENEZER FAIN;  they claim title to the land by certificate of TN under MARY SMITH, widow of JAMES SMITH dec’d; their 6/7 part of land on Middle Creek;  MARY B. JULIN questioned apart from her husband; whereas EBENEZER FAIN is in possession and claims title adversely to our title; witnessed by JAMES and ROBERT P. JULIN;  signed by WILLIAM, DAVID, and JOHN C. SMITH and MARY and SAMUEL JULIN.


264 13 Jan 1842  RICHARD T. GOOD and wife MARTHA formerly DORSEY of Bradley Co., heir of DIMMON DORSEY dec’d, late of McMinn Co., to GIDEON CATE; their 1/7 undivided interest.


265 4 Mar 1840CARTER and ELISHA Hays to EPHRAIM MAPLES, Sr.


271 27 Jul 1835TAYLOR DRAKE to THOMAS HARDY; for love for his only child, SUSAN, wife of THOMAS HARDY;  acknowledged 15 Jan 1842.


273 Jan 1842 THOMAS ARMSTRONG to son JAMES ARMSTRONG; Power of Atty.


275 16 Sep 1831 WILLIAM ANDERSON of Monroe Co., to JAMES ROBERTS of same; land in Monroe and McMinn counties.


27725 Jan 1842  SOLOMON BOGART to A. D. KEYES;  Deed of Trust; part of donated land on west side of Athens, beginning where the road leaves the jail street, crosses the line of Lot No. 9 of said donated land...being the lot on which the house stands that was formerly occupied by Mrs. SUSAN MOORE.


282 25 Jan 1842  SOLOMON BOGART to ALEXANDER D. KEYES; Deed of Trust;  Lots Nr. 3,4,5,10,11,12,13,17,18.19.20,21,29,30, and 9, containing two acres each except Nr. 9 which contains 1-1/4 acres,being part of the land donated by the  Legislature of Tennessee for the benefit of the Town of Athens and adjoining Athens on the West side, except so much of said lots as is occupied by the branch of the Hiwassee Rail Road running from said road to Athens; also one undivided half of a lot with the brick academy building thereon lying south of Athens, also the Gold land in Ococee District of Monroe Co., on which MONDAY YANCY now resides


291 26 Jan 1842  BENJAMIN RAGSDALE to JOSEPH H. RUDD; Deed of trust; Lot Nr. 38 in Athens, with the brick dwelling house, stables, and out-houses, the frame building now occupied by PIERCE B. ANDERSON as a store, the frame building occupied by JOHN L.BRIDGES as a confectionery, and the frame shop now used  by me as a Tailor Shop, all of said buildings on said Lot Nr. 38; also personal property, also interest in merchandise in store belonging to WILLIAM J. ABLE and myself at Matlocks Mill in Meigs Co.


323 24 Apr 1841 THOMAS and SALLY EPPERSON, WILLIAM and NANCY RUCKER, GEORGE W. and MARY CATE, KATHERINE and WILLIAM WITT, heirs and distributors of estate of NATHANIEL WITT dec’d of McMinn Co., to MORDECAI RUCKER, signed and acknowledged only by WM. RUCKER and WM. WITT.



Page 34


330 16 Feb 1842 JOSEPH ROBINSON of Roane Co, to WILLIAM O. BARRETT


339 4 Mar 1842 RUBIN FAULKNER to JOHNSON MINTON; release of his interest in land where WILLIAM HODGES formerly lived, mortgaged to him by ANDERSON HODGES, 2 Nov 1835.


342 2 Mar 1842JAMES WALKER to JOSEPH C. WARE;  Deed of Trust; land willed by father ROBERT WALKER that I then lived on in Bradley Co.,  is indebted to the legatees of ROBERT WALKER, dec’d and L.L. BALL, Exec. Of ROBERT WALKER.


3459 Mar 1842 JAMES WILLIN to ISAAC WALLIN;  Deed of Trust; Attest:STEPHEN and JOHN WALLIN.


346 5 Apr 1839  WILLIAM H. DEADERICK to Hiwassee Rail Road Co., Lots 22 and 23 and half of lot 21 in Athens, said half not being adjoining the lot and immediately in front of the house hitherto occupied by said DEADERICK and more recently by T. NIXON VANDYKE.  Attest:  A.M. COFFEY, MANLOVE HAYES, JR. 10 Mar 1842  THOMAS P. MOORE certifies handwriting of witness HAYES who is in City of Philadelphia.


347 10 Mar 1842 Hiwassee R.R. Co., A.M. COFFEY, Agent, to S. K. REEDER & Co.;  Lots as in deed on page 346 above.


34 9 Jun 1841 JOHN L. McCARTY, Exec. of JOHN WALKER, JR. to BARBARA CATRIN; Bill of Sale for slave DORCAS.


349 11 Mar 1842 BARBARA KETRING to GEORGE SEAHORN; Deed of Trust; personal property including slave DORCAS, and one undivided half of tavern lot now occupied as a tavern by JOHN M. GIBBS in Athens.


352 11 Mar 1842 Hiwassee R. R. Co., by A. M. COFFEY, Agent, to DAVID CLEAGE, Cashier of Branch of Planters Bank of TN at Athens; $1,000; half lot of ground in Athens whereon stands the R. R.



355 8 Mar 1842Hiwassee R. R. Co., to HENRY WILTON, Obligation:  WILTON the contractor for building bridge across the Hiwassee River, to finish the whole bridge inside in same style as span now up, “with doubles floored carriage ways cattle guards wheel guides  venetian windows in sted of glass, the upper floor single corked & pitched.  So as to be perfectly water tight. substantial gates with locks at each end”;  to be completed by 1 Dec next;  $32,900.00.  WILTON to hold lien on bridge and have right of receiving “tols” on said bridge until 1 Dec next.  JOHN McGAUGHEY, Pres.


357 18 Mar 1842 JOHN PARSONS to MANDERVILLE G. R. C. PARSONS; his 1/9 part which fell to him by heirship; signed in Cherokee Co., AL


3582 2 Mar 1842 BARBARA KETRING, Deed of Trust for lot as in deed on page 349 above; Lot is No. 108 and on Eastanallee Creek.


3602 6 Mar 1842 JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, successor to SPENCER BEAVERS, to JOHN HOYLE:  lands of SAMUEL SNODDY.


362 29 Mar 1842 JAMES W. ERWIN to STEPHEN H. MILLER; Deed of Trust; land formerly owned by WILLIAM ERWIN and once sold by SPENCER BEAVERS, Sheriff.


369 1 Mar 1842GEORGE W. LOCK now of Rhea Co., to FRANKLIN LOCK of same; LOCK acknowledged in Meigs Co. before DRURY GODSY, Clk. by Deputy B. F. LOCK.


370 7 Apr 1842 JOHN A. and PEGGY C. McKAMEY of Anderson Co., to WM McKAMEY; a tract of 800 acres their interests being 266 and 2/3 acres as heirs of WM McKAMEY, dec’d, of Anderson Co.; attest: BURTON and ROBERT McKAMY; proven in Anderson Co., before  WM. CROSS, Clk by Deputy CHARLES Y. OLIVER


374 5 Jan 1835 DANIEL McPHERSON of Roane Co., to GEORGE CARRELL of

Rhea Co.; land in Rhea Co.


379 13 Apr 1842 ELIJAH HURST to LEWIS R. HURST; Deed of Trust for land worth about $1,000. and for five slaves now at residence of WILLIAM S.  CALLAWAY, for love and affection for daughter SARAH ANN CALLAWAY, wife of WILLIAM S. and her children, born and yet to be born, it being an advance to her of my estate equal to part I have given each of my other children up to this time.





Page 35


384 7 Oct 1839ARCHIBALD R. TURK to THOMAS K. TURK; Title Bond; assigned 14 Apr 1842 to WILLIAM TURK.


398 28 Mar 1842 JOHN K. FARMER of Hamilton Co., to JAMES STEED JR.


399-407  Mar and Apr 1842  ONSLOW G. MURRELL to T. NIXON VANDYKE; several of Trust to secure his notes and notes of T.B. EMMERSON & Co mortgage of land, lots in Athens, horses, paper mill machinery, slaves, and a long list of household effects including one piano forte, one china dining set of 82  pieces, one china tea set of 72 pieces, one tea and coffee set of 52 pieces, 100 volumes of books.


416 18 Apr 1842 GEORGE SEHORN to WILLIAM M. SEAHORN, both of Athens


420 5 Apr 1841A. N. ARMSTRONG of Bradley Co., to JESSEE WALLIN.




429 25 Mar 1842 JAMES HICKEY and wife ANNA to JAMES WILSON; Bill of Sale for slaves JACOB, age 24, SALLY, age 17, CARROLL, age 3, and JENNY, age 5 months.


432 29 Nov 1841THOMAS L. and WILLIAM H.UPTON to CARTER MELTON; Bill of Sale for slaves.


435 13 Dec 1829 THOMAS CANTRELL of Warren Co. to ELIJAH CANTRELL; acknowledged 21 Oct 1841.




444 2 May 1842  JAMES H. FYFFE to GEORGE E. MOUNTCASTLE; his interest

being a portion of a widow’s dower interest in land; also three undivided shares; also land upon which JAMES S. GREEN formerly lived and now occupied by the tenant of said FYFFE, the legal title to which is in FLOYD MACGONIGAL; also one undivided half of 400 acres called the lead hill on the north side of Hiwassee River at mouth of Mouse Creek.


4482 May 1842 JAMES H. FYFFE to JOHN MATLOCK, Power of Atty. to sell slaves which were received by W. FAMBRO from Dr. EDMOND GANTT and SARAH GANTT, Adms. of SAMUEL GANTT, dec’d.


45229 Apr 1842 HUGH SMITH to JOHN SMITH of Knox Co.;  Bill of Sale for slaves.


464 9 May 1842 JOHN W. LIDE, witness to deed made 23 Feb 1842, is now dead.


474 9 May 1842 THOMAS LARGANT JR. and ELIJAH LARGANT to JAMES WARE;  Deed of Trust for personal property.


476 2 May 1842  JOHN D. LOWRY to JAMES LOWRY JR; land Johnson’s Reservation Corner.


486 27 May 1838WILLIAM MOSS of Gasgonad Co., MO, to THEORDORE P. JOHNSON.


488 21 May 1842THOMAS SMITH to STEPHEN H. MILLER; Deed of Trust for personal property; to pay debts listed and pay $50. to POLLY ANN SMITH if there should be a sufficiency.


492 18 May 1842 JAMES PARKISON to  MANUEL PARKISON; 2/3 of lot 36 in Athens being the West end.


494 26 May 1842WILLIAM RUDD to MARY RUDD.


497 23 Apr1842 MARY MATTHEWS, widow of AARON MATTHEWS, dec’d,and Gdn. of minor heirs, to A. M. COFFEY AARON sold to COFFEY by contract 1 May 1835 and since has died.


5004 May 1842 MARK MURRY of Monroe Co., KY to ALFRED MARSH of Rhea Co.; acknowledged before WILLIAM BUTLER, Clk. Of Monroe Co., KY, SAMUEL RAY, J.P.


505 2 Jun 1842 WILLIAM S. STEPHENSON and wife ELIZABETH H. formerly MURPHY heir of JAMES MURPHY, dec’d, to STEPHEN H. MILLER; Deed of Trust.


5083 Jun 1842 THOMAS FRAZIER to CHARLES T. THORNTON, MOSES CUNNINGHAM, MARSHALL CUNNINGHAM, DAVID and ALEXANDER CLEAGE, and THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD; mortgage; FRAZIER indebted to THORNTON 8563 gallons of rectified proof whiskey delivered at FRAZIER’s Still Home, and indebted money to other grantees.


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520 6 Jun 1842 JANE PARSONS, widow of THOMAS PARSONS, SR., MARY CRAIGHEAD, JOHN RUTLEDGE and wife REBECCA, formerly PARSONS, THOMAS PARSON, MANAWILLPARSON and JOSEPH PARSON, by his Gdn. JANE PARSON all heirs of THOMAS PARSON SR., dec’d of McMinn Co., to BENJAMIN MAXWELL; their interests and also interests of William, JOHN, and NANCY PARSONS, which were deeded to MANDAWILL; their “eighth ninth” and dower of JANE. Grantors sign both PARSON and PARSONS.


551 24 Jul 1841SAMUEL BLAIR to JOHN CANNON; headed Hambleton Co., TN; undivided interests in lands of father SAMUEL BLAIR, dec’d; witnesses JOHN W. and JAMES TRUNDLE prove deed in Blount Co.




556 28 Jun 1842 CHARLES K. GILLESPIE of Bradley Co., to WILLIAM H.



558 1 Jul 1842  ISAAC WALLEN JR to THOMAS ROGERS; Deed to Trust for land where WALLEN now resides; indebted to estate of JOHN McCLATCHY, dec’d.


564 9 Jul 1842  ANDREW J. PUGH to JONATHAN F. PUGH, trustee for JOHN



569 19 Nov 1840JOSIAH M. STEWART to HENRY SMITH of Meigs Co.; proven


15 Jul 1842 by witness REUBEN FAULKNER who also deposes that ROGERS WILKERSON, the other witness, resides outside



575 20 Jul 1842BENJAMIN RAGSDALE to FRANCIS BOYD; part of Lot No 38

in Athens where said RAGSDALES Taylor Shop now is.


5856 Jun 1842 JOHN I. ELLIS of Polk Co., to H. C. Cooke; Bill of Sale for slave


590 19 Sep 1838 JACOB SHARP to son JOEL SHARP .  11 Apr 1842, witness NATHAN RICHARDSON resides outside of TN.




6056 Aug 1842REUBEN CASADA to JOHN C. CASADA; land whereon REUBEN now resides at the Cedar Springs except so much asheretofore conveyed to JOHN STEED’s representatives, toWILLIAM RUDD, and to the Trustees of Cedar Springs Camp Ground.


60729 Jul 1840JOHN HOYL SR. to THOMAS W. MASTIN, JOHN NEILL,CHRISTIAN BAKER, JAMES LONG, and JOHN HOYL, SR.,Trustees for Methodist O.P. Church, Piney Grove Meeting House; for love and good will; land on Chestua Creek.




6203 Sep 1841JOSIAH F. MORFORD, Clerk of Chancery Court at McMinnville,to JAMES W. NETHERLAND; Decree of Court July 1839;JAMES H. RHODES, Special Commissioner to sell land which had descended to heirs of THOMAS HOPKINS, dec’d; Lot No 99 in Athens; acknowledged before WILLIAM LUSK, Clk, of J. D. LUSK, D.C.


622 11 Aug 1842 WILLIAM RUDD to HEROD H. RUDD. 




629 30 Jul 1842BENJAMIN W. PATTY to BOED PATTY, THOMAS COOPER, GEORGE O. PATTY, and WILLIAM BROWN, all of McMinn Co., and BENNETT COOPER of Bradley Co., and BENNETT COOPER as Exec. of PHILIP COOPER, dec’d, and Branch Bankof TN at Athens, and Planters Bank at Athens; Mortgage.


634 12 Aug 1842 CHRISLY BAKER to DAVID SMITH; Deed of Trust; Indebted to estate of CASWELL JARNAGIN and to the estate of CASWELL McMahan.


638 12 Aug 1842 CHARLES T. THORNTON to THOMAS LAMBERT in trust for sole use and benefit of BETSEY FRAZIER and her children now born and any that may hereafter be born; personal property.


645-650  13 Aug 1842 PLEASANT CREW to JOHN C. MULLOY; Deed of Trust; land on west side of Chilhowee Mountain in section adjoining Starr’s Old Reservation and being known as Huffakers Springs and to include the Chalybeate Springs above the house now occupied by said CREW; personal property (long list includes one large tavern bell); note due CREW for work done as carpenter on brickhouse of J. W. NETHERLAND where NETHERLAND now resides; note due CREW for work done for J. W. LIDE, dec’d, on two brick buildings where LIDE resided.

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651 16 Aug 1842 PLEASANT W. LANE of Bradley Co. and JAMES T. LANE to JOHN McMAHAN; 1/6 undivided interest in land formerly belonging to heirs of BENJAMIN RIDDLE, SR., dec’d. 
658 20 Aug 1842 ANDREW HELVY, DANIEL HELVY, ABNER H. HENLY and wife MARY, WILLIAM MADDON and wife RODA, and ANN HELVY, to BOYD PORTER; being line agreed upon by CHARLES HELVY and MARY HELVY Sr., dec’d, former
Deed Book H
Page 38
2  11 Sep 1826 ABNER LEA, OLIVER, ELIJAH, WILLIAM, JESSE, and LAZARUS DODSON to WILLIAM DODSON;  Obligation; they appoint ABNER LEA and OLIVER DODSON, the two “Gardeans” of the estate of LAZARUS DODSON, dec’d, to make deed to WILLIAM DODSON; also agree to give land to heirs of DAVID DODSON, dec’d, that was assigned to him by LAZARUS DODSON, dec’d;  3 Oct 1842, the handwriting of witnesses GARRETT F. LANKFORD and DAVID RHODES is identified, as they reside outside the State of TN.
3 2 Feb 1842HENDERSON, ROBERT B., and CALLOWAY H. (W.) SMITH, MALINDA PICKENS formerly SMITH and husband CHARLES A. PICKENS, heirs of JOSEPH SMITH, dec’d, to ISAAH SMITH: their interest in land, part paid to JOSEPH in his lifetime.
6 4 Oct 1842A. D. KEYES and O. H. LIDE, Adms. of JOHN W. LIDE, dec’d, to JAMES S. BRIDGES; Bill of Sale for slaves.
9 1 Oct 1842LEONARD P. CHEATHAM of Davidson Co., to WILLIAMS WYNNE of same;  one half interest in stallion named Merman now standing at the house of H. HUMPHREYS in Athens; Deed of Trust.
14  21 Oct 1842 ROBERT FRAZIER and JARVIS WILLIAMS to JOHNCRAWFORD and A. J. and W. H. BALLEW; Deed of Trust foreverything pertaining to the printing office; FRAZIER and WILLIAMS to rent it all for $40 per year.
21  25 Oct 1842 ISAAC and GEORGE W. GALLAGHER to HIRAM PLANK; Deed of  Trust.
23  28 Oct 1842 WILLIAM SHAMBLIN of Polk Co., to JOSEPH McCULLY;
Bill of Sale.
24  8 Sep 1842JAMES PARKISON to ERBY BOYD of Polk Co.; Bill of Sale.
26  15 Oct 1842 CHARLES CATE to  DAVID SMITH; Deed of Trust; ELIZABETH McMAHAN, Gnd of JOHN McMAHAN holds note.
28  1 May 1837  WILLIAM BROWN to JAMES S. GREEN; 3 Nov 1842, witness B. H. TAYLOR has removed from this State.
32  24 Oct 1842 ELIZABETH and CALEB FANN to WILLIAM MOORE;  Bill of
Sale for slaves
34  5 Nov 1842  JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to JOHN D. CHATTIN; on 15 Dec 1841, FRANKLIN and NEWTON LOCK and ORVELL PAYNE, Adms, of JOHN LOCK, dec’d, recovered judgment against JESSE WALLING.
38  4 Nov 1842  MALCOTH FANN to JOSIAH CHILDERS, both of Polk Co.
48  21 Nov 1842ROBERT FRAZIER to NICHOLAS G. FRAZIER of Rhea Co; undivided one third interest in slave now in possession of JAMES F. BRADFORD.
50  12 Mar 1842 JAMES GETTYS and JOHN J. DIXON, Commissioners appointed by the Congregation of Mars Hill Church in Athens, to T. NIXON VANDYKE; two acres that were donated by the Legislature of TN to the Presbyterian Church, lying on the south side of Athens and adjoining the land donated to the Baptist
Church on which the Baptist Church building now stands.
53  25 Nov 1842ALEXANDER WOODWARD to JAMES WITTEN of Meigs Co., mortgage of his library including his medical books, listed.
57  29 Nov 1842JOHN McGINTY to JACOB TIPTON of Monroe Co.
84  12 Dec 1842 WILLIAM LOWRY to T. NIXON VANDYKE; lot or parcel of land beginning at the SE corner of the new grave yard on VANDYKE’s line, running thence E with said line 16 poles thence 16 poles to the SE corner of a piece of ground formerly owned by HUGH SMITH thence W with said SMITH line 16 poles, thence S with SMITH line to the NE corner of new grave yard, and with the grave yard line to the beginning, being the same lot of ground formerly occupied as a Presbyterian Camp ground, in the vicinity and on the S side of the town of Athens.
94  21 Dec 1842 THOMAS FRAZIER of Polk Co., to JOHN J. DIXON; Deed of Trust; is indebted to ELI DIXON.
99  10 Nov 1842JAMES BENTLY JR of  Washington Co., KY, to HUGH P. WILSON; Bill of Sale for slaves.
11021 Jan 1843  DRURY P. ARMSTRONG of Knox Co., General Assignee in Bankruptcy, to JAMES GETTYS and JAMES H. REAGAN; land of JOHN WILSON, Bankrupt.
Page 39
112 24 Jan 1843  HEROD H. RUDD to ALEXANDER HOOD of Monroe Co.
115 23 Jan 1843  WILLIAM CLARK of Monroe Co., to PATTON A. BRADFORD of Polk Co.
127 17 Feb 1843 JAMES MASSINGALE to ADAM G. MASSINGALE; Deed of Trust of personal property; owes WILLIAM MASSINGALE of Campbell Co.
139 24 Feb 1843 HENRY G. GAINES of Roanoke Co., VA. and MARTIN KERFMAN of McMinn Co., to DAVID Cleage, Truestee; Indebtedness to SAMUEL CLEAGE;  GAINES has purchased the stallion Padorgus from his father KEMP GAINES.
141 1 Mar 1843GALLOWAY CAMPBELL to daughter CATHARINE and daughter LOUIZA CAMPBELL; personal property
147 11 Mar 1843 HARDY S. MORRIS to GEORGE G. MORRIS.
148 9 Mar 1843ADAM BURNES to WILLIAM L. BURNES;  land...adjoining lands of ISAAC LOWRY, dec’d.
151 4 Mar 1853JAMES WILLSON to WM C. GRIFFITH of Anderson Co.
152 11 Mar 1843 JOHN L. KLINE and wife SERENA J., late SERENA J. HOLT, one of children of IRBY HOLT, dec’d, to JAMES H. REAGAN.
171 10 Apr 1843 WILLIAM LOWRY to SAMUEL H. JORDAN;  Deed of Trust for slaves, stock, and furniture (all listed); LOWRY is Gdn. Of TIMOTHY M., MINERVA JANE, and JOHN O. WALKER, minor heirs of JOHN WALKER JR and holds their funds in his
173 Apr 1843WILLIAM LOWRY to JOHN McGHEE of Monroe Co.; land...on which my dwelling and improvements are, and the residue of said quarter on which a part of the Town of Athens is situated having conveyed a part of said quarter to the Town of Athens and to others; for $903.45.
174 10 Apr 1843 WILLIAM LOWRY to SAMUEL H. JORDAN; Deed of Trust for slaves and furniture (all listed); LOWRY is indebted to JOHN McGHEE of Monroe Co., by note dated 20 Feb 1818, and to THOMAS B. MAYFIELD.
178 9 Apr 1843HARDY S. MORRIS to son-in-law THOMAS NEWTON and daughter ELIZA NEWTON his wife; for love and affection; Bill of sale for slave.
183 17 Apr 1843 RUBIN and JOHN C. CASADA to JAMES PARKINSON; Deed of Trust; they are indebted to JOHN CAMP of Bradley Co.
185 20 Apr 1843 JOHN WOLFF, Advance Bid on JAMES W. ERWIN land; land sold under Deed of Trust, one tract that WILLIAM ERWIN formerly owned which was sold by SPENCER BEAVERS, Sheriff.
88  16 May 1840HENRY JONES of Hamilton Co., to JAMES GETTYS; acknowledged in Hamilton Co. before ASHAL RAWLINGS, Clk of Co. Ct.
189 No dateTHOMAS ELLIOTT to JESSEE ELLIOTT, trustee for JONATHAN J. ELLIOTT; acknowledged 1 May 1843.
197 18 Jan 1841  CHARLES W. PARKS of Benton, Polk Co., to WILLS CLIFT of New York City; for $5500.; 5000 acres in McMinn Co.
19917 May 1843JESSEE M. HORTON to WASHINGTON Y. WEATHERLY of Bradley Co.; Deed of Trust for personal property.
208 10 Feb 1843 JOHN ALLEN to daughter NANCY ALLEN and her son BYRUN ALLEN; for love; land, with deed to take effect after death of JOHN.
209 1 Jun 1843 JOHN ARMSTRONG to his sisters JANE and ANN ARMSTRONG; land for their lifetime.
210 1 Jun 1843 JANE and ANN ARMSTRONG to brother JOHN ARMSTRONG; Bill of Sale for slaves; to make fair family settlement.
216 20 Jun 1843  BARBARA KETRING, JOHN M. GIBBS and wife ANGELINE GIBBS late ANGELINE WHITESEL late ANGELINE GRAHAM to JOHN CRAWFORD; Deed of Trust of personal property and one half of the undivided Lot No. 108 on Eastanallee Creek,
which they now occupy as a tavern.
221 1 Mar 1843DOUTHETT HICKS to GEORGE B. HICKS of Monroe Co.
223 4 Jul 1843  Petition to Circuit Court by heirs of JOHN ATKISON, dec’d, for partition of land; partitioned among JOHN GREGORY and wife PARALEE, NAT ATKISON, and VELINA ATKISON; lands in McMinn, Bradley and Meigs counties.
Page 40


226 22 Jun 1843  CATHARINE J. CHUNN to JOSEPH BOWDER; Bill of Sale for slave.


29  11 Jul 1843BEVIL McENTIRE to JOSEPH DIXON; for love and affection; personal property, including cattle which are now at ELI DIXON’s


230 18 Jul 1843JAMES WITTEN of Meigs Co., to JOHN O. CANNON; Deed of Trust for land in McMinn Co., known as the Bradley place on Suee, a lot in Philadelphia, Monroe Co., on which there is a brick house used as the Methodist Church.


236 4 Jul 1843  THOMAS W. MASTON to GEORGE G. HARDEN of Knox Co.


238 22 Feb 1843 JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to ABRAHAM SLOVER; judgment recovered against SAMUEL H. JORDAN, Adm, de bonis non of YOUNG COLVILL, dec’d. in 1834; Sheriff sold lands which descended to WARNER E. COLVILL, BATHAINE



249 21 Mar 1843 Copy of Chancery Court Decree:  HUGH L. and JOHN MIDDLETON VS AMOND BOND, LANDON C. PETERS and wife MARGARET formerly MARGET SMITH wife of JOSEPH SMITH, dec’d, and his heirs ISARAH, HENDERSON, and ROBERT SMITH, CHARLES PICKENS and wife MALINDA, CALLOWAY and JOHN SMITH, also ERBY, JOSEPH N., MATILDA and LOUISA SMITH by their Gdn. MARGARET PETERS; in Aug  1839 AMON BOND delivered to JOSEPH SMITH a title bond; in Feb 1839 JOSEPH SMITH issued title bond to Complainants; JOSEP SMITH died about

Jul or Aug  1840.


251 20 Sep 1842 Copy of  Chancery Court Decree at Madisonville:  RICHARD and ALFRED SWAFFORD VS ELIZABETH SENTER Gdn. Of PRESTON and JAMES B. SENTER, and WILL BATES, Adm of JAMES S. SENTER, dec’d.


262 6 Sep 1843SIMEON  ELDRIDGE and RICHARD CURD to BENJAMIN ELDRIDGE of Roane Co.; whereas SIMEON  ELDRIDGE on the marriage of his daughter MARY ELDRIDGE with RICHARD CURD placed with them a slave for the benefit of his daughter and her heirs, but retained title in his possession...whereas MARY has died leaving issue EVELINE CURD now married to WILLIAM P. COPELAND, ELIZA JANE, BENJAMIN C., JOSEPH A., and MARY CURD; with consent of the said RICHARD CURD, SIMEON makes deed in trust for said heirs; slaves to be divided at the time JOSEPH A. would, if living, attain the age of 21, he being five years old on 14 May 1843.


268 14 Dec 1842 Copy of Chancery Court at Greeneville Decree:  MILTON SHIELDS and others, surviving partners of D&M SHIELDS & Co VS MARY SHIELDS, widow of D. SHIELDS, REESE B. BRABSON, Gdn & C; in 1840 the Clerk and Master sold land in Grainger Co. on which the Holston paper mill is situated, also  the Middle Brook paper mill in Knox Co.; also Bright Hope Furnace land in Greene Co., lots in Athens, Madisonville, and Maryville, all in pursuance of a decree in above case.




273 18 Jan 1835  WILLIAM JONES of  Rhea Co., to CALEB MOORE.


277 27 Sep 1843 JOHN CROUSHORN and wife FRANCES H. to R. A. McADOO; Deed of  Trust; their share, as heirs, of  land of WILLIAM RICHARDSON, dec’d.


278 23 Sep 1843 DAVID WELLS of Meigs Co. to LARKEN BUTRAM.


284 5 Oct 1843ABNER LEA and OLIVER DODSON to the heirs of DAVID DODSON, dec’d;  deed made in compliance with agreement made Sep 1826.


288 30 Sep 1843 ROBERT STEPHENSON to SAMUEL HARDY, JAMES GAUT, and DIMMON DORSEY SR.,  Trustees of Mount Cumberland Meeting House; $1.00; two acres and recourse to the spring, for the use of said meeting house.


291 8 Jul 1843  ISOM JULIN to  SAMUEL HARDY, DAVID SMITH, ROBERT P. JULIUN, SAMUEL WILSON, and ISRAEL SMITH, Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church called Mt. Pisgah; one-half acre where the meeting house now stands, Deed of Gift, of his own freewill and pleasure.


Page 41


300 14 Oct 1843 HAMILTON SUMERS and wife LEVINIA of  Bradley Co. to WILLIAM THORNBERY of DeCalb Co., AL


304 15 Aug 1843 NANCY P. McSPADDEN of Noxubee Co., MS, to CHARLES CARTER JR.  of Bibb Co, AL;  Power of Atty. to collect her part of the estate of CHARLES CARTER, dec’d, who died in McMinn Co., she being one of the legatees; deed proven in Noxubee Co., by witness H. L. JARNAGIN before ANDERSON W. DABNEY, J.P. certified at Macon, Noxubee Co. by JNO B. ROBERTS, Clk. and JOHN J. BEAUCHAMP, Judge.


306 1 Jun 1843 BYNOM JARNAGIN of Bradley Co. to REUBEN THORNTON; mortgage




319 4 Dec 1843HENRY L. BURCH to JOHN and SHADRACH HAYS; Title Bond.


323 25 Nov 1843DOUTHAT, SHADRACH, and GEORGE B. HICKS to GILFORD CANNON, all of McMinn and Monroe Counties; land that SHADRACH now lives on.



and KATHARINE WAUGH of Bradley Co.; his undivided part of

land...line with DAVIDSON COLVILL and A. R.TURK.


3306 Jan 1838 JOHN MOODEY to JAMES CARTER of Monroe Co.


33223 Dec 1843 GEORGE COLVILL to George COLVILL JR.; personal property


33812 Jan 1844  JACOB FISHER to HENRY H. RIDER and RICHARD M. FISHER; for money loaned and work done, three acre lot adjoining Town of Athens on road from Athens to Forest Hill Academy.


340 12 Jan 1844  JACOB FISHER to AUGUSTUS O. FISHER; for work done, 300 acres and Lot No. 10.


344 4 Dec 1842JOHN CAMERON to WILLIAM CAMERON of Polk Co; his undivided interest in land left to him by his father, ARCHABALD CAMERON in his last will which bears date of 24 Feb 1842.


345 13 Jan 1844  ELISHA DODSON to HENRY BRADFORD of Polk Co.


347 13 Jan 1844  JOHN M. DODSON to HENRY BRADFORD of Polk Co.


356 27 Jan 1844  Decree  of Chancery Court at McMinnville: WARNER E. COLVILL, ARMANDA MURRELL COLVILL by her next friend and BETHEA EDMONDSON and OBEDIA B. EDMONDSON her husband VS NUTTY COLVILL surviving Admx of YOUNG COLVILL, dec’d, and WILLIAM LOWRY and GEORGE COLVILL SR;  Adms have failed to pay to Complainants the balance of the estate; Hon. B. L. RIDLY, Judge, JOSEPH F. MORFORD, Clerk and Master.


360 3 Feb 1844SAMUEL WOLFF to JOHN WOLFF; Bill of Sale for slave.


362 No Date  JAMES ATKINSON of Meigs Co., Advance of bid he made on 24 Jan 1844 at sale of land of THOMAS McINTURFF for debt.


370 15 Feb 1838 ELIJAH HURST to son RUSSELL (L. R.) HURST; for love.


372 17 Jan 1844  JAMES HELLUMS to JOHN WOLFF; land willed to him by his father.


380 22 Mar 1844 WILLIAM RUDD to  REUBEN FAULKNER, JOHN McGAUGHY and AUSWELL PHILIPS;  mortgage;  property devised to him by will of father HEROD RUDD, after death of mother SARAH RUDD.


385 6 Apr 1844JOEL K. BROWN to MARTHA L. AIKEN of Bradley Co.; mortgage


391 15 Aug 1842 ALEXANDER D. KEYES, Trustee to ANDREW HUTSELL;  land deeded in trust by ABRAHAM L. SLACK, including a saw mill but excluding the machinery in the spinning factory in which said SLACK and others are interested.


395 24 Jan 1844  MOURNING JULIAN and husband GEORGE JULIAN, heirs of JAMES SMITH, dec’d, claim title by Certificate from the State of TN under MARY SMITH, widow of JAMES SMITH, dec’d, to ourselves for 6/7 of land; EBENEZER FAIN claims title; Quit claim deed to FAIN.


397 10 Nov 1843WILLIAM RIVERS and wife SUSANNAH to DANIEL WAUMACK; Whereas by descent from JACOB WAUMACK, one DESSY MOORE, JACOB WAUMACK JR., JOHN WAUMACK, THOMAS WAUMACK, MARY POWELL, SARAH ELDER, DANIEL WAUMACK, NARCISSUS W. LUCAS, and myself,  SUSANNAH RIVERS, have derived title; SUSANNAH, daughter of JACOB Sr., sells her interest in family of slaves.



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399 24 Apr 1844 MARGARET CUNNINGHAM, widow  to MARSHALL W.

CUNNINGHAM; land, with life estate secured to her by the




children of RICHARD McPHERSON, dec’d, who was an heir of BARTON McPHERSON, dec’d.


404 11 May 1842JOHN WILSON of Monroe Co to JOSEPH HAMILTON.


40521 Jul 1843JAMES H. SENTER of Lincoln Co., KY to JOHN L. SENTER; Power of Atty; acknowledged in Lincoln Co., KY before THOMAS HELEN, Clk, WILLIAM SHANKS SR, J.P.


410 11 Jan 1844  JOHN A. BELL and wife JANE late JANE MARTIN of Crawford Co., AR, BENJAMIN F. THOMPSON and wife ANN, JOSEPH M. LYNCH and wife CHARLOTTE, D. M. WRIGHT and wife ELIZA, GEORGE W. Adair and wife MARTHA, S. W. BELL and wife RACHEL, DAVID BELL and wife NANCY, CLEMENT V. McNARY (McNAIR) and wife SUSANNAH, BRICE, JOSEPH L., JOHN, and G. M. MARTIN, children and heirs of  JOHN MARTIN, dec’d, of the Cherokee Nation, of full age, and ELEANOR and LUCY MARTIN, widows of said JOHN MARTIN,dec’d, and said BENJAMIN F. THOMPSON and JOHN A. BELL as Gdns of RICHARD, ELEANOR, and PARLINE MARTIN, minor heirs of said JOHN MARTIN, dec’d, all of Cherokee Nation West, to ALBERT G. RICE;  Letter of Atty; sworn to in Benton Co., AR, before JOHN A. P CARR, J.P., JOHN SMITH, clk, JOSEPH M. HOGE, Judge.


415 6 Jun 1844 WILLIS WASHAM to son WILLIAM JEREMIAH WASHAM of Bradley Co;  for love; land and personal property; son to care for WILLIS and wife MARGARET during their lifetime, and at their death to pay to WILLIS’ other children what will be an equal to two-thirds of the value.


418 18 Jun 1844  ELIJAH HURST to JOHN McREYNOLDS of Bradley Co., Conveyance in Trust; for love and affection for daughter-in-law ELIZABETH H. HURST, wife of JOHN L. HURST, and the heirs of her body to be born in wedlock with the said JOHN L., and in default of such heirs, then to the legal heirs of said  JOHN L., reserves part of land for his home and support for himself and wife MARY during their lifetime.


429 15 Jul 1844JOSEPH SCHOLLER of Morgan Co. to JOHN O. CANNON; Bill of Sale for slave; witnesses WILLIAM S. McEWAN and JAMES FREEMAN prove deed in Roane Co.


430 26 Dec 1843 EDMUND ROBERTS to EDMUND D. Roberts.


4312 Aug 1844GEORGE ROBERTS a free man of color to THOMAS M. ROBERTS; whereas the said GEORGE is owner of two persons of color by name of RICHARD and ZILPHY, children of GEORGE by descent from ELIZABETH ROBERTS, mother of said THOMAS M. ROBERTS; Deed of Gift of RICHARD and ZILPHY.






438 13 Sep 1844 JOSEPH McCULLY, Sheriff, to MARGARET A.W. HANKS; MARGARET was high bidder at sale of land known as Walkers Mill Reservation, the property of GIDEON MORGAN, sold to satisfy judgment.


441 17 Sep 1844 SAMUEL McCONKEY to ELLIOTT GRAY and wife ELIZABETH, daughter and son-in-law of SAMUEL; Deed of Gift of personal property.


442 17 Sep 1844 NEOMY and ISAIAH FIELD to WILLIAM MOORE; “I release all my right and title to two negroes....I do certify that I have no right nor claim to said negroes the property that ELIZABETH FAYNN sold to WILLIAM MOORE;”  Teste: JNO GAMBILL, CALEB FANN; signed by NANCY FIELD, ISAIAH FIELD; witness CALEB FANN deposes that he is acquainted with FAOMY [sic] FIELDS and that they assigned the same.

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446 7 Oct 1844 REUBEN CASADA to NATHAN SULLINS, JOSEPH GASTON, EDMUND BROWDER, WILLIAM RUDD, and A. SLOVER, Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States; $200.00; three acres so as to embrace the Spring on the south side of the Cedar Spring Camp  Ground used as a place of worship by the Methodist Episcopal Church.


447 10 Feb 1843 JOHN BOWERMAN to JANE BOWERMAN; four deeds.


458 3 Mar 1843 MARY WITT, MORDECAI RUCKER and wife MIRAM, GEORGE W. CATE and wife MARY, ROBERT ELDER and wife MARY (POLLY), THOMAS GRISHAM and wife ELIZABETH (Betsy), all of McMinn Co., to JAMES E. RUCKER of County of McMinn, Meigs and Bradley; interest in land descended to them from estate of NATHANIEL WITT, dec’d.  [ Places of residence are probably reversed.]


465 14 Oct 1844 Marriage Contract between ROBERT M. NEWMAN and SARAH E. JONES; marriage is shortly absolutely to take place; SARAH now owns slave and furniture which she shall continue to own as though no marriage had taken place.


474 24 Jul 1844WILLIAM MAYNOR to JOHN MAYNOR; division of land which they jointly purchased.




476 9 Jul 1834ABNER WEATHERLY of Rhea Co., to BARTON WHTE of same; land in Rhea Co.




480 27 Nov 1844 JOHN OWENS to PHILIP OWENS; Deed of Trust.


482 6 Jul 1844 JACOB McDANIEL to JOHN HUTSELL of Wythe Co., VA.




486 13 Jan 1844 MARY ANN FITE to PETER FITE JR., HENRY FITE, JOHN SYMPSON, ELIAS FITE, and LEWIS PIERCE; her dower interest in lands of PETER FITE SR., dec’d.






498 11 Nov 1844WINSTON CARTER to WILLIAM BLAIR; Deed of Trust for personal property, to secure debts due to HUGH F. and WILLIAM P. LUTTRELL of Knox Co. and PTER CARTER of White Co.


499 25 Mar 1842 JAMES WILSON to JAMES and ANNA HICKEY, Obligation; WILSON has bought slaves but the HICKEYs have right to redeem them.


501 1 Jan 1845 JAMES HICKEY and wife ANNA to SAMUEL N. JOHNSON; Deed of  Trust; debt due to ROBERT H. HICKEY.


505 28 Dec 1844 JOHN MOORE JR. to ELIZA C. DUGGAN of Monroe Co.


508 17 Oct 1842 JACOB WIMBERLY to BENONI PRITCHARD of Blount Co.


514 5 Jan 1845 PATTON A. BRADFORD to HENRY D. MERSEREAU late of Wisconsin Territory.




517 28 Feb 1828 ROBERT SCARBROUGH of Knox Co., to JOHN POE of same.


529 24 Jan 1844  LITTLEBERRY MOORE of Bradley Co., to WILLIAM



53 210 Mar 1845 LEWIS R. and JOHN L. HURST, Execs. of ELIJAH HURST, dec’d, to FANNY ROMINES; land that she had deeded to ELIJAH HURST.


535 11 Mar 1845 MARGARET T. MOORE to THOMAS C. BRADLEY of New Castle Co., DE; Power of Atty. to receive monies coming to her as the sole heir of her husband THOMAS P. MOORE in the hands of WILLIAM THOMPSON of New Castle Co., DE.


538 20 Jan 1845  ISAAC G.WRIGHT and wife DARCAS CAROLINE to TUBAL ZEIBLER; their interest as heirs in the land of PETER SMITH, dec’d.


545 3 May 1839  JOHN H. BECK of Rhea Co. to DAVID G. SCOGGINS of Meigs Co.; undivided interest in land of JOHN CROW willed to his son ROBERT C. CROW and conveyed by Robert to BECK.


551 3 Apr 1844 WILLIAM H. BALLEW, surviving partner of firm of J.J. and W.H BALLEW, to HARTWELL IVY JR. and EDWARD S. IVY; land formerly owned by HARTWELL IVY SR., sold at Sheriff’s sale.


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5541 Apr 1845 WILLIAM H. SLOVER to C. O. SLOVER.


55727 Nov 1842 JOHN L. HURST to ELIJAH HURST; Bill of Sale for slave now in possession of COL JOHN C. GAUT of  Cleaveland.


558 10 Jan 1844  Maury Co., GA; JOHN L. HURST and wife ELIZABETH H. to ELIJAH HURST; Bill of Sale of slave; acknowledged in Murrey Co, GA before JAMES BUCKHANNON, J.P. by ELIZABETH H. HURST on date of Bill of Sale;  acknowledged by JOHN  L. HURST in McMinn Co on 12 Apr 1845.


55911 Apr 1845 GEORGE W. MAYO to JAMES MAYO, Trustee; owes VALENTINE MAYO SR. and others; mortgage of personal property, including 14 feather beds and bedsteads, one large steamboat dining table, 12 Windsor chairs, three dozen split

bottom chairs.


56711 Apr 1845 GEORGE W. MAYO to JAMES DENNIS; for $150.00 paid in a new six horse waggon now at JAMES DENNIS’ and $25.00 in two notes, the 1/8 interest in lands of WILLIAM RICHARDSON, dec’d, which JOHNATHAN RICHARDSON, heir, owned and was sold at Sheriff’s sale.


5686 Feb 1844 JOHN HOYL to THOMAS L. HOYL.


57629 May 1845 JENNETT (JANETTE) NELSON of McMinn Co., to JOHN L. BRIDGES; Power of Atty to collect her share of estate of her father, JOHN McVAY, dec’d, formerly of PERSON Co., NC, now in hands of McVAY CHANDLER, Exec., who lives in Granville Co., NC; she revokes any Powers of  Atty obtained from her in Sep 1844 either by WILLIAM GLENN of White Co or by DAVID J. YOUNG of North  Carolina, or to said GLENN and YOUNG jointly.  Certified for registration in  Granville Co., NC.


581 1843 ROBERT THOMPSON of Roane Co to RANSOM I. MOORE of Monroe  Co.


585 16 Jul 1845 NANCY FORE to WILLIAM McTEER of Maryville, Blount Co; Bill of Sale for slave.




587 26 Jul 1842 Decree of Supreme Court of Tennessee at Knoxville, with Hon. NATHAN GREEN, WILLIAM B. REESE, and WILLIAM B. TURLEY as Judge, in Case of  RICHAD ROTHWELL VS MARSHALL W. CUNNINGHAM, HUMPHREY REYNOLDS, and JAMES GETTYS, decided in favor of Defendants; Copy certified by JAMES W. CAMPBELL, Clk of Supreme Court.


591 2 Aug 1845 IRBY H. SMITH to CHARLES A. PICKENS; his interest in undivided land left to him by his father.


595 2 Aug 1845 STEPHEN H. MILLER to THOMAS C. ROBERTS; undivided 1/9 part  of land.


601 16 Aug 1845 ELISHA DODSON to JOHN M. and JESSEE A. DODSON.


604 28 Aug 1845 JONATHAN T. SMITH to CHARLES A. PICKENS; his interest in undivided land left to him by his father.


608 19 Aug 1845 HENRY M. SIMPSON to nephew JOHN R. SIMPSON; for love; personal property.


61018 Aug 1845 ROBERT H. McEWEN of Davidson Co formerly of Fayetteville to S. BOGART and others; whereas on 2 Jun  1817 articles of partnership were entered into by JOHN MCEWEN and JAMES McKAMY, both at that time of Roane Co.....said partnership was to continue from the two to six event of death of JOHN McEWEN, his wife ELIZABETH and brother ROBERT  H. McEWEN of Fayetteville were to settle the business and in event of the death of  JAMES McKAMY, his wife POLLY and his brother WILLIAM C. McKAMY were to settle the business.... about 5 Nov 1821 JOHN McEWEN died testate, leaving wife ELIZABETH, ROBERT H. McEWEN, and MATTHEW STEPHENSON as his Execs., and the partnership was permitted to continue, up to the time of the death of JAMES McKAMY which occurred about Sep 1826....administration on the estate of JAMES McKAMY was granted to his wife POLLY and his brother WILLIAM C. by Co. Ct of McMinn Co where said JAMES lived at time of his the Fall of the year 1827 said POLLY McKAMY died....WILLIAM C.  applied to Circuit Court for leave to sell the real estate of said firm...sold two-quarter sections of land known by the name of the Pumpkintown place to  CHARLES F. KEITH for $2450.00, on 6 Sep 1830.  Present deed made by ROBERT H. McEWEN to ratify such sales.



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612 4 Sep 1845GEORGE L. GILLESPIE and ROBERT N. McEWEN both of Roane Co to HENRY MATLOCK.


613 11 Sep 1845 Decree of Chancery Court at Cleaveland, Bradley Co., JAMES BERRY, Clerk and Master, in Case of STEPHEN H. MILLER VS heirs of PAUL BUNCH, dec’d, title divested out of heirs MARTIN,  JOSEPH, MICAJAH, GREEN, LAMBERT, and DANIEL BUNCH, AMOS HARDIN and wife NANCY formerly BUNCH, BENJAMIN TAYLOR and wife LIVELY formerly BUNCH, ROBERT COLLINS and wife DICEY formerly BUNChand JINSEY, CHARITY, PAUL, SALLY, and MARY BUNCH.


624 30 Sep1845  JOHN M. GIBBS and GEORGE M. PIPER to JNO. McGAUGHY;  Deed of Trust for two printing presses, type, and also one book binding establishment with its material and fixtures.


627 19 Sep 1845 JOSEPH W. GIBSON and wife SARAH ANN, heirs of WILLIAM MATLOCK, dec’d, to CHARLES L. KING; their undivided interest.


631 Oct 1845 FRANKLIN L. YOAKUM and wife FRANCES S., one of legatees of IRBY HOLT, dec’d, to SARAH HOLT, wife of the late IRBY HOLT; two interests in the dower of said SARAH, that of the said FRANCES S. and that of ROBERT S. HOLT which latter interest was purchased by said FRANCES S. in deed recorded by said ROBERT S. to FRANCES S. HENDERSON now FRANCES S. YOAKUM.


635 5 Sep 1843 JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to DAVID VARNELL; whereas NANCY FORE, Execx of AUGUSTINE P. FORE, dec’d, recovered judgments against JAMES HICKEY.


63611 Oct 1845 SARAH HOLT, Gdn of FRANCIS H. HOLT, to FRANKLIN L. YOAKUM; the interest of said FRANCIS H. HOLT in land lying between land allotted to EMILY S. JORDAN and land allotted to JANE M. HOLT, dec’d.


637 28 Nov 1844Copy of Last Will of LEVI SPENCER of Cass Co., GA, certified by THOMAS A. WORD, Clk. Court Ordinary of Cass Co.:  I, LEVI SPENCER, being of advanced age...body to be buried in decent and Christian-like manner...Savior Jesus Christ whose religion I have professed, and as I humbly trust enjoyed for many beloved son THOMAS SPENCER, land in McMinn Co., also a note on JOHN BURNETT given for land inMcMinn Co., also my ox cart or waggon, and the rest of my property...beloved wife  SUSANNA to be nursed and provided for by said son THOMAS during her lifetime; signed 25 Apr 1844;  Teste: WILLIAM D. HUSSELL, ROBERT RUSSELL, and JOHN J. WORD; proven by witnesses 1 Jul 1844 before JAMES MITNER, NATHANIEL NICHOLSON, and JOHN DOBBS, Justices, Cass



64113 Oct 1845 THOMAS SPENCER, Adm of LEVI SPENCER, dec’d, of Cass Co, GA, to ABIJAH BOGGESS of Meigs Co.; JOHN BURNETT assigned bond for land to BOGGESS; land where HAMPTON SPENCER now lives, 29 Mar 1841.


64414 Oct 1845 JOHN F. REEDER to STEPHEN K. REEDER; his undivided half of Lots 88 and 89 in Athens.


646 17 Oct 1845 WILLIAM KEITH to OWEN FISHER; Deed of Trust; is indebted to NOAH FISHER.


653 27 Oct 1845 BERNHART GILBERT to JACOB W. GILBERT; Title Bond.


661 21 Oct 1845 WILLIAM PHILLIPS of Henderson Co. to GEORGE W. EMMETT; interest in land which descended to him by the death of his brother CHARLES PHILLIPS; acknowledged in Henderson Co before JESSEE TAYLOR, Clk.


661 23 Oct 1845 CHARLES B. LEWIS and wife SARAH of Henderson Co. to GEORGE W. EMMETT; land which descended to them by death of uncle CHARLES PHILLIPS.


662 23 Oct 1845 WILLIAM HICKS of Henderson Co to GEORGE W. EMMETT; land which descended to him by death of uncle CHARLES PHILLIPS.


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668 19 Feb 1845 JOHN WHITMORE of Bradley Co. to JAMES M. WALLIN of same.


669 21 Nov 1845JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to JOSEPH McCORKLE of Meigs Co., Exec of JAMES HUMPHREY, dec’d, late of McMinn Co.


675 10 Dec 1845 FRANCES H. CROUSHORN to JAMES DENNIS; her undivided 1/8 interest as heir of WILLIAM RICHARDSON, dec’d, she does not now whether her husband JOHN CROUSHORN is alive or not


68312 Dec 1845 JOHN HAMBRIGHT, Adm of JOHN CAMP, dec’d, to SAMUEL KELLY


686 6 Feb 1844 JOHN HOYL SR. to JOHN HOYL JR.


688 24 Nov 1845 MARY E. P. LIDE to HENRY H.  RIDER and RICHARD M. FISHER; mortgage; land where she now lives which was laid off to her as dower.



                                                                                            Deed Book I


page 48


8  23 Feb 1846 SMITH L. MORRIS and wife PHEBE E. W. MORRIS formerly PEARSON, heir and legatee of Doctor PEARSON, dec’d; their undivided share.


52  17 Oct 1845 Article of Agreement between THOMAS B. McELWEE for himself and his wife ,MARTHA and as Gdn. of CHARLES L. and NANCY H. MATLOCK,  minor heirs of WILLIAM MATLOCK, dec’d, JOHN B. ELDRIDGE and wife LORENDA, C. L. KING as purchaser of the part of JOSEPH W. and SARAH ANN GIBSON, and SARAH MATLOCK the widow, heirs of WILLIAM MATLOCK.


56  12 Feb 1846 UNION GRAVES to BRYANT W. SMITH of Meigs Co., Title Bond to land in Bradley Co....corner between UNION and SIMEON bank of Hiwassee River opposite to where Mr. AULD’s now  resides in the island; also 6/7  of tract in McMinn Co and if UNION can procure the other 1/7, then SMITH to pay him more; proven  Bradley Co. by witnesses STEPHEN HEMPTSEAD and J. T.CARMICHAEL before JOHN H.  ROBERTSON, Clk. of Co. Ct.


58  29 Aug 1831 FREDERICK WILLIAMS to JOHN WHITMORE; proven 18 Mar 1846 in Bradley Co by witnessess DANIEL and SHADRICK WILLIAMS whowere  acquainted with FREDERICK WILLIAMS.


64  27 Mar 1846 JOHN CRAWFORD to  WILLIAM H. COOKE; one undivided half of  a tavern lot known as Lot No. 108 in Athens for which BARBARA KETRING, JOHN M. GIBBS and wife ANGELINA formerly ANGELINA WHITSELL, who occupiedsaid lot as a tavern, made a Deed of Trust.


68  8 Mar 1845RANSOM I. MOORE to JOHN DOUGHERTY, both of Monroe Co.






76  21 Feb 1846 WILLIAM RUDD, surviving Exec. of HEROD RUDD, dec’d, toJOHN RUDD


80  10 Apr 1846 JOHN and HENRY MATLOCK to JACOB L. McCLARY; land on  Hiwassee River known as the ZACHARIAH KEITH place whereon said McCLARY now lives.


82  6 Sep 1836JOHN CRAWFORD to JAMES HAMILTON of Monroe Co.


89  11 Oct 1845 THOMAS W. HOLT to JAMES H. REAGAN; his equaldistributive s  hare of lands of IRBY HOLT, dec’d.


90  11 Oct 1845 SARAH HOLT to JAMES H. REAGAN; lands laid off to her as widow of IRBY HOLT, dec’d.


92  3 Sep 1842JOHN ALLEN to BYRUM ALLEN; land to be paid for twelve  months after my death and nothing to be construed that would take said land away  from me during my lifetime; proven14 Apr 1846


100 30 Apr 1846 FRANCIS P. PERTTIT and OSWELL PHILLIPS to T. NIXON  VAN DYKE; Deed ofTrust; PETTIT has legal title to land on Mouse Creekwhereon WILLIAM CATE, dec’d, f ormerly resided, deeded to PETTIT by JOHN C. PHILLIPS


103 11 May 1846JEREMIAH BENTON to JAMES F. BENTON; Deed of Trust to secure GEORGE W. KIRKSEY for his services as a Physician for his family.




117 28 May 1846  Pleasant Crew of Hamilton Co. to Christopher Huffaker of Bradley  Co9:  Power of Atty to redeem eighty acres on Chilhowee Mountain which includes the Springs known as Huffaker’s Springs; land was sold for taxes;p Huffaker to keep title until Crew pays for land;  Crew acknowledges in Hamilton Co. before William J. Rogers, Clk of County Court of Hamilton Co. at his officeat Harrison.






127 16 Mar 1844 JOHN L. KLINE and wife SERENA J. of  Dade Co, MO toSARAH HOLT; Power of Atty to sell their share in dower land laid off to saidSARAH as widow of IRBY HOLT, dec’d; land where she now lives;acknowledge in Dade Co., MO before NEWEL CATES, J.P., JOSEPH ALLEN,  Clk, of Co. Ct.



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13110 Jun 1846  JOHN A. BELL of Crawford Co., AK, GEORGE W. ADAIR andJOSEPH M. LYNCH of Cherokee Nation West, Adms, and heirs and distributees of JOHN MARTIN, dec’d, and CLEMENT V. McNAIR of said Nation West also an heir, to BRICE MARTIN ofCherokee Nation West; Power of Atty to receive monies in hands of Mr. RICE of Tennessee, Adm of JOHN MARTIN, dec’d; acknowledged in  Washington, D. C. before SAMUEL D. KING, J. P., certified by JAMESBUCHANNAN, Sec of State.


133 15 Jan 1844  Heirs of ISRAEL BOONE, dec’d, to ALLEN BOONE; land where  old JESSE BOONE lived; signed by JOHN, ISRAEL, SALLY and  DANIEL BOON, JOHN CANSLER, DAVID MOSS, and HIRAMMEDARIS.



134 No Date  Heirs of ISRAEL BOON to SARAH BOON; land on Middle  Creek where old ELI COFFEYlived; signed by JOHN, ALLEN, JACOB, and DANIEL BOON, DAVID MOSS, JOHN CANSLER and HIRAM MEDARIS.  Proven 1 Jul 1846


13724 Aug 1845 WILLIAM RUTHERFORD of Monroe Co to JAMES H.  REAGAN; Bill of Sale for slaves.


143 23 Jun 1846  ABRAHAM COCHENOWER of Wayne Co., OH to A. B. BROWN; DANIEL M. SECHLER of Wooster, Wayne Co., OH,had obtained letters Patent of the U. S.  for“improvements in straw  cutters” and COCHENOWER had bought the rights forTennessee; sells BROWN, for $200., the rights for McMinn,  Bradley, Polk, and Meigs counties; signed A. COCHINOWER by agent in fact J. L. BARKDIVILL.


144 17 Jul 1846A. B. BROWN to REUBEN SHARITS; his rights as in above  deed.


145 27 Jul 1846MARY P. REID to STERLING T. TURNER of Roane Co.; Lot No 83 in Athens; witness ANDREW TURNER.


147 25 Jul 1846MARGARET H. REID to ANDREW TURNER; west half of LotNo 82 in Athens.


151 12 Apr 1845 JEHU CARNES and wife NANCY of Osage Co., MO to HENDERSON W. McNABB; acknowledged in Osage Co.


155 22 Jul 1846JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to JOHN JACK; land belonging toDITMORE’s heirs, sold for taxes due for 1844.


1642 Jul 1844  BENJAMIN W. PATTY and JAMES CROCKETT, Execs. Of OBED PTTY, dec’d, to JOSEPH HAMILTON; OBED had made  title bond.


168 27 Jan 1846  PEYTON RANDOLPH to JAMES ALLEN; for love and  affection; land after my death.


176 19 Aug 1846 JANETTE NELSON of Bradley Co by Atty JOHN L. BRIDGES  to JOHN CRAWFORD; Bill of Sale for slave.




181 3 Feb 1843STERLING CAMP to KEZIAH HAMBRIGHT; land, for love andaffection.


182 25 Aug 1846 STERLING CAMP to THOMAS CAMP; land for $800, $500 of which I give to him for love and affection I entertain for him.


184 4 Feb 1843STERLING CAMP to JOHN and THOMAS CAMP; land uponwhich a set of mills has been erected, for the “consideration of  valuable conveniences afforded me”; STERLING to enjoy 1/3 of profits of mills during his lifetime; signed  STARLING CAMP


186 11 Aug 1846 ROBERT MANSELL to WILLIAMSON ERICKSON; land on Spring Creek with exception of one acre around the meeting house  and spring.




191 18 Feb 1843 SAMUEL PERRIN of Bradley Co to B. F. LOCKE.


197 15 Mar 1842 WALTER CARUTH of Polk Co. to GEORGE BURGAR.


199 5 Aug 1846WILLIAM WIGGINS to  ALBERT G. RICE; land know as the  Lindsey old gin quarter; title bond.



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202 16 Jul 1840BENJAMIN CROWNOVER of Bradley CotoCHARLES ORTON; witnessed by JAMES and CHARLES V. ORTON.


206 12 Oct 1846 JOHN N. and ALLEN CRAIG to JOHN M. C. WEIR in trust for DAVID WEIR; personal property and 2/3 of 25 acres of corn now standing in the field on the farm called lead hill; witnessed by  ASBURY WHITECOTTON and ELISHA CRAIG.


208 22 Oct 1846 THOMAS WEIR, free man of color, to A. B. BROWN.




211 2 Nov 1846  MARY PHILLIPS to ALBERT G. RICE; whereas CHARLES PHILLIPS of McMinn Co. departed this life on 11 Dec 1844 leaving said MARY as his widow; her dower and interest in lands.




217 26 Jan 1843  JOHN ARMSTRONG to the heirs of NATHANIEL WHITE, dec’d, sum paid by WHITE in his lifetime.


218 26 Dec 1837 ALFRED H. LAWSON to COMADORE and ELIZABETHWHITE; his interest in real estate of NATHANIEL WHITE, dec’d.


21913 Jul 1838 COMADORE WHITE to JAMES B. FINNELL; his interest in real estate of NATHANIEL WHITE, dec’d.


220 19  Aug 1846 GALLAWAY CAMPBELL to BURROW BUCKNER and JAMES DENNIS, Trustees of the United Baptist Church, for good will, ½  acre on Rogers Creek


222 5 Nov 1846  CHARLES P. SAMUEL to JAMES B. TAYLOR; Deed of Trust  for slave and furniture, including twelve silver spoons and one watch; is indebted to JOHN McGAUGHY, Chairman or President of the Board ofTrustees of Forest Hill Academy.


225 12 Dec 1846 DANIEL R. MITCHELL, Trustee, of Georgia, to LEWIS M.FOREE of SC; land deeded in trust to MITCHELL 27 Feb 1840 byJAMES A. TURNLEY of Cherokee Co., AL; public sale.


234 7 Feb 1846 ELISHA E. MILLER, GEORGE G. MORRIS and wife POLLY, formerly MILLER, ROBERT RANDOLPH and wife JEMIMA,  formerly MILLER, the widow of  THOMAS MILLER, dec’d to  JOHN H. MILLER; their undivided interests in lands of THOMAS MILLER, dec’d.


242 4 Oct 1836 JOHN BYLER to IRA, MARY, and MILTON J. DOAN.


243 2 Oct 1841 GEORGE O. PATTY to JOHN L. and SAMUEL NEWMAN, land...except that said OBED PATTY herein reserves the privilege to have a road from the mill up towards where BENJAMIN W.  PATTY lives.


24721 Sep 1846 Chancery Court Decree at Madisonville:  HIEL BUTTRAM, Adm  of BARTON WHITE, dec’d, VS BENTON KEITON and the widow and heirs of BARTON WHITE, dec’ sold in Athensand title divested out of said BENTON KEITON and out of  EMILY [sic] WANN and POLLY WANN formerly POLLYWHITE widow, and SUSAN, NANCY ANN, and HANNAHELIZA WHITE, children and heirs of BARTON WHITE, dec’d.




250 21 Jan 1847  JAMES M. ROBESON to WILLIAM BURN; his one undivided eighth interest in lands as heir of ALEXANDER C. ROBESON,  dec’d.


25130 Oct 1846 JANE M. C. EATON, formerly ROBESON to WILLIAM BURK;  her one eighth undivided interest in lands as heir of ALEXANDER C. ROBESON, dec’d.




255 1 Feb 1847 HUGH C. REYNOLDS, witness to deed, deposes that the other witness GREEN L.REYNOLDS, who signed deed 15 Jul 1843, hasdeparted this life.


259 6 Feb 1847ELISHA DORSEY to JAMES NEILL, SR; land owned and heldas heir of DIMMON DORSEY, dec’d.


265 27 Feb 1847 ROBERT J. PATTY to GEORGE REYNOLDS; his interest in land after death of mother SARAH PATTY who has a life estate.


266 6 Apr 1843 WILLIAM M. ROBINSON in right of his wife RACHEL alias RACHEL THOMAS and himself, JONATHAN H. THOMAS in right of himself and his wife SARAH THOMAS alias SARAH THOMAS, TIDENCE LANE in right of himself and his wife  ABIGAIL LANE alias ABIGAIL THOMAS, all legates of JAMES THOMAS, dec’d, and all of Hinds and Rankin counties, MS, to  FRANCIS P., JO F., TALBERT, ELEANOR H., SAMUEL, and  DANEL THOMAS, minor heirs of JAMES THOMAS, all of McMinn Co; for love and affection; land whereon MARY THOMAS now lives.



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270 27 Feb 1847 OBED C. PATTY to MARTIN M. HICKS; his interest in landafter death of SARAH /PATTY who has a life estate.


271 25 Feb 1847 WASHINGTON and JOHN BRYANT of Bradley Co. to DANIEL PLUMLEE; Title Bond; note to be paid when WILLIAM,  RICHARD, LEWIS, and MARIAH BRYANT, minor heirs of RICHARD A. BRYANT, dec’d, shall arrive at age of 21;said WASHINGTON and JOHN BRYANT are of age and are heirs; land upon which RICHARD A. BRYANT lived at time of his death.


 281 9 Mar 1847Decree of  Chancery Court at Cleveland; JOHN CRAWFORD, LUCIAN B. MILLER, and LUEN MILLER, Execs of JOHN MILLER, dec’d, VS  JANET, WADE H., and VERNANTIS MILLER, JOHN LANE and wife PARALEE LANE, ELDRIDGE LANE  and wife ARMENIA D. M. LANE, JOHN M. and DALLAS H. MILLER, and CHARLES METCALFE; land of  JOHN MILLER, dec’d, sold and all rights of widow JANET MILLER and the said heirs WADE H. and VERNATIS MILLER, JOHN LANE and wife PARALEE C., ELDRIDGE  LANE and wife ARMENIA D. M., JOHN M. and DALLAS H. MILLER, and the said CHARLES METCALF, vested out of them.




291 9 Apr 1847WILLIAM J. ABEL  of Meigs Co to WILLIAM ROBINSON.


294 12 Apr 1847 SIMEON ELDRIDGE to BENJAMIN ELDRIDGE; for high regard, services rendered and work done.


29625 Sep 1839 DAVID LAWSON, SR and TYRA LAWSON to  STERLIN  LEWIS of  Claiborne Co.


300 1 May 1847  WILLIAM CATE and wife ANNA formerly  GLAISE, one of heirs of HENRY GLAISE, dec’d, and ADOLPHUS H. CROW and wife EMELINE formerly GLAISE, also an heir of HENRY GLAISE, dec’d, to LAWRENCE I. GLAISE; their undivided interests in lands; WILLIAM CATE also sells the shares of HENRY GLAISE and GEORGE W. MARTIN and wife LUCINDA.




305 21 Dec 1846 NATHANIEL WHITE and JAMES B. FINNELL to THOMAS MELTON, CALAWAY TRIPLET, HUGHAH STRUTHARD, and ELISHA MELTON; Title Bond that said NATHANIEL WHITE will make a good warrantee title to his interest in the lands of NATHANIEL WHITE, dec’d, 370 acres.


311 31 Jan 1830  OBID PATTY to his son BENJAMIN W. PATTY; proven 14 Jun 1847 by witness GEORGE O. PATTY who deposes that he was acquainted with OBID PATTY and that the other witness PETER FELKER, is beyond the  limits  of Tennessee.


316 24 Mar 1845 JACOB L. DERRICK, GEORGE BURGER and wife  MAGDALINE, DAVID J. FIRESTONE and wife ELIZABETH, JOHN J. PARKER and wife CRISSIDA and WILLIAMDERRICK to CORNELIUS DERRICK; their undivided interests in land.


326 8 Jul 1847  JOHN M. CANSLER to LEMUEL CHAPMAN; his interest in slave which descended to him from his father WILLIAM CANSLER, dec’d. 




332 27 Jul 1847JOHN MOSS and RICHARD C. JACKSON, Merchants trading  under the name of Moss & Jackson, of  Athens, to CHARLES METCALFE and L.R. HURST, Trustees of the Church of Christ at Athens; $600; south half  of Lot No. 20 in Athens.

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335 3 Jul 1847  JOHN BINGHAM, LOURENA HICKS, and JANE VANDINE, all of Greene Co., IL, heirs of JOSIAH BINGHAM, dec’d, to WILLIAM  HICKS of same; Power of Atty to collect their interests in estate of ANDREW BINGHAM, dec’d; FRANCIS P. VEDDER, Clerk of Co Commissioners Court of Green Co., IL, and Ex officio Register of Civil  Commissions, certifies that  LURANY BINGHAM was married to WILLIAM HICKS on 25 Mar 1839 by PRESTON STRAIT; J.P.;GEORGE W. LOWDER, Clerk of County Commissioners Court of  Jersey Co., IL and Ex Officio Register of Civil Commissions,  certifies that JANE BINGHAM was married to WILLIAM H. VANDINE on 30 Mar 1847 by GEORGE E. WARREN, J.P., signed at Court of Jerseyville.


338 10 Mar 1847 MANUEL PARKISON to grandson JOHN ALEXANDER PARKISON,son of  JAMES PARKISON; for love and affection; witness, DANIEL PARKISON.


343 13 Aug 1847 JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to  GILFORD CANNON; sale of lands of SHADRACK HIX for judgments rendered, in one of which MARTINM. HICKS, JOHN HERRILL, and CATHERINE CARTRIGHT, Adms. of  JOHN CARTRIGHT, dec’d, were the plaintiffs.


348 31 Jul 1847MARY BLAIR of Monroe Co to JAMES FORREST; her 1/6 interest as heir of SAMUEL BLAIR SR, dec’d.


 352 23 Aug 1847 ELIZABETH GORDAN to LEMUEL J. PARRIS and JEREMIAH F. STRANGE; Bill of Sale for seven slaves; PARRIS and STRANGE agree to maintain and keep ELIZABETH during her life, either at their house, or at her own dwelling.




360 4 Sep 1847SAMUEL H. JORDAN to MATILDA GAMBLE; Bill of Sale for slaves which are now in Washington Co., for her service in taking care of my children and providing for them for years past.


361 23 Mar 1847 SAMUEL WORKMAN of Bradley Co., to WILLIAM BURK;  Power of Atty. to collect all arrearages in fees due him as former Clerk of Circuit Court of McMinn Co.; witnessed by MARTHA A. and MINERVA  WORKMAN.


365 28 Apr 1847 J.C. WEIR to JONES N. WEIR;  Bill of sale for his interest in slave.


366 4 Jan 1847JOSEPH WITT to JAMES E. RUCKER; his undivided part of  land.


37010 Sep 1847 Whereas by descent from DUNCAN McCALL, dec’d, we SARAH, JAMES, and ELIZA JANE McCALL, JUDA ANN, MARY CATHARINE, GEORGE H., and JOHN LOWDER, now hold undivided interest in lands on waters of Suea, McMinn Co.; have made division of lands among themselves; other heirs to  GEORGE H. and JUDA ANN LOWDER; MARY CATHARINE acknowledges apart from her husband JOHN LOWDER.


37214 Aug 1847 ELIZABETH GORDEN to SILVESTER BLACKWELL; Bill of Sale for seven slaves; BLACKWELL agrees to maintain and keep  her during herlife; slaves are to be free at her death.


37625 Sep 1845 DANIEL CASTEEL and wife ELIZA to ALBERT G. RICE; their  undivided interest as heir of GEORGE W. EMMET, dec’d, as well as her  reversionary interest in the dower interest of her mother, MARY PHILLIPS; their 1/7 and 2/3 of another 1/7.


3786 Sep 1847JAMES H., ROBERT W., CAROLINE, and REBECCA  HAMILTON, WILLIAM W. and MARY C. HAYMES, and  CALVIN C. ROBESON, all of McMinn and Meigs counties, heirs of A. C. ROBESON, dec’d,to M. A. CASS; all their undivided interest in land, being the one-half part, being four shares out of eight; CAROLINE, MARY E., and REBECCA acknowledge apart from their husbands.


3814 Oct 1847 MARGARET ANN W. HANKS to JAMES W. CAMPBELL of  Knox Co., in trust for her sister ELIZABETH L. McELRATH, wife of H. McD. McELRATH; for $10 and love and affection; the undivided moiety in the land known as  Walker’s Mill Reservation, which by treaty with the Cherokee Indians was given by the U. S. to JOHN WALKER SR. and which was bought at the execution sale by GIDEON MORGAN, and which was sold by write of Venditioni Exponas and bought by DAVID CLEAGE, Cashier of the Branch of Planters Bank of Tennessee at Athens, and title made to  MARGARET ANN W.; CAMPBELL to either rent out said land or allow sister ELIZABETH to live upon it, with no control or direction of her husband H. McD. McELRATH, and at ELIZABETH’s death title to be made to her children; witnessed by J. H. EIFFERT, A. C. MORGAN, ROBERT J. McELRATH.



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383 23 Oct 1847 MARY C. CROUCH (COUCH) to JOSEPH McCULLY; herdower interest in land.


385 16 Oct 1847 SIMEON ELDRIDGE to son BEENJAMIN ELDRIDGE; for love and affection; Deed ofGift of slaves.


397 8 Oct 1846JAMES ORTON  or Roane Co. to DANIEL DUGGER.


401 11 Aug 1847 Circuit Court decree: HEIL BUTTRAM, Adm of BARTON WHITE, dec’d,  VS EMSLY WANN and wife MARY formerly MARY WHITE,  widow of BARTON WHITE, dec’d, and SUSAN, NANCY ANN, and HANNAH ELIZA WHITE, children of BARTON WHITE, dec’d; land in McMinn and Meigs counties.


40219 Dec 1846 Circuit Court decree:  Division of lands of WILLIAM MATLOCK, dec’d, among heirs byCommissioners; land divided into five lots for heirs CHARLES L. KING, NANCY H. MATLOCK, CHARLES MATLOCK, MARTHA MATLOCK wife of THOMAS B. McELWEE, and LUCINDA MATLOCK wife of JOHN B. ELDRIDGE; all with  exception of widow’s dower.


408 30 Nov 1847STEPHEN H. MILLER to JOSEPH S. McDONNEL of Bradley Co.


409 13 Apr 1845 ADAM BURN and wife MAHALA to JAMES FORREST; their1/6 undivided interest in land as heirs of SAMUEL BLAIR SR, dec’d.


415 1 Dec 1847JAMES HANNAH to MARTIN HANNAH; said MARTIN to care for said JAMES and wife LYDIA, his father and mother.


416 16 Oct 1847 SIMEON ELDRIDGE to grandson JOHN ELDRIDGE; for love; Bill of Sale for slave.


417 12 Aug 1847 SIMEON ELDRIDGE to JOHN ELDRIDGE of Roane Co; Bill of Sale for slave.


425 1 Sep 1845WILLIAM JEREMIAH WARSHAM of Bradley Co, to his father  WILLIS WARSHAM; deed to reconvey land and personal property whichsaid  WILLIS had deeded to said WILLIAM J. on condition that WILLIAM J. support his father, WILLIS and his mother, MARGARET,  during their lives.


426 8 Jan 1848 WILLIAM W. HAYMES to EIHUE ROBISON of Bradley Co.






439 5 Oct 1842JAMES BARNETT and wife MARIAH of Shenandoah Co., VA,  to JACOB MOWSER of Rockingham Co., VA; land in McMinn Co conveyed to said BARNETT by CALEB MOORE in 1839.


442 6 Sep 1843JAMES BARNETT and wife MARIAH of Shenandoah Co., VA to  HENRY KIPS of same; land in McMinn Co.


445 30 Sep 1843 JACOB MOWSER of Rockingham Co., VA, to WILLIAM G.THOMPSON of same.


450 21 Jan 1848  JOHN H. MILLER of McMinn Co., THOMAS ROBERTS and wife NANCY formerly MILLER, DANIEL and MALINDA MILLER of  Bradley Co. to PENELOPE E. IRVINE; DANIEL MILLER acknowledges  in Knox Co.


456 1 Nov 1847JEFFERSON C. CANSLER to SAMUEL CHAPMAN; Bill of Sale for his interest in slaves descended to him from estate of WILLIAM CANSLER, dec’d.


458 8 Feb 1848ROBERT P.JULIAN and wife ROSANNAH to ANDREW  McROBERTS; ROSANNAH formerly BOND, one of heirs of PETER  BOND, dec’d;  her ¼ part of quarter on which JOHN J. MIDDLETON now resides and know as the AMON BOND quarter;  JOSHUA BOND quarter conveyed to JOANNAH BOND.


460 8 Feb 1848ROBERT A. ANDERSON to JANE ANDERSON; his part of undivided land of  ISAAC ANDERSON, dec’d.


466 14 Dec 1847 THOMAS B. McELWEE to ROBERT WANN, R. D. GADDY,and G. W. ATCHLEY, Trustees; for love and affection for the public; ¼ acrewhere Mt. Pleasant School House now stands; as long as property is usedfor a school.


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467 31 Jan 1829  NOAH BUTTRAM of Rhea Co, to HEIL BUTTRAM of same;  land in Rhea Co.


468 1 Oct 1845WILLIAM KINMAN of Walker Co, GA, to FREDERICK W.  ETTER.


471 11 Nov 1846Walker Co., GA: EDMUND H. BENTON authorizes R. O.  BENTON to sign his name to any papers concerning the land of EDMUND BENTON, dec’d.


471 17 Nov 1846ROBERT O. and EDMUND BENTON of Walker Co., GA, to JAMES F.BENTON of same; land of EDMUND BENTON, dec’d.


488 6 Mar 1848LEWIS R.HRST, Adm. of FANNY ROMINES, dec’d, to AARONB. BROWN; on 15 Apr 1845 FANNY ROMINES made Title Bond to BROWN for land, BROWN to pay two of the notes in furniture.


492 9 Nov 1847  JAMES COWEN to PHILIP P. OWEN; land...line between JAMES COWEN SR and  JAMES RICHARDSON, dec’d.


499 3 Oct 1833JOSEPH P. CALDWELL to MATHEW R. GIBSON; Title Bond  to make deed to land as soon as the right can be obtained from the heirs of JAMES TEMPLETON, dec’d; where widow and heirs now live; acknowledged 18 Mar 1848.


502 2 Mar 1848NANCY, WILLIAM P., and NATHANIEL RICHARDSON,CALVIN RICE and wifeELIZA  J. formerly RICHARDSON, all of MeigsCo, to JAMES DENNIS; their share of land as heirs of WILLIAM  RICHARDSON, dec’d;  1/8 part inherited by each.


5102 2 Mar 1839 CALEB MOORE of Meigs Co to JAMES BARNETT of Virginia.


514 11 Mar 1848 JOSEPH McCULLEY, Sheriff, to DAVID CLEAGE; land ofSARAH, MENY G., and JOHN RUDD sold to cover judgments; MENY G.’s(her) undivided interest in land of which HEROD RUDD, dec’d,  died possessed, also land where MENY G. and JOHN now live which was willed to THOMAS RUDD by HEROD RUDD, dec’d.




521 25 Mar 1846 JAMES HAMILTON to WILLIAM HUNT, both of Monroe Co.


523 12 Aug 1847 SIMEON ELDRIDGE to  SUSAN F. JONES of Roane Co; Bill of Sale for slave.


524 16 Oct 1847 SIMEON ELDRIDGE to JOHN T. JONES; Bill of Sale for slave.


532 4 Nov 1846  MARY, THOMAS, and ELISHA MELTON, HUGH STUDDART, husband of AILCY STUDDART, formerly MELTON, and JAMES C. TRIPLET husband of MAHALY TRIPLET, formerly MELTON to JAMES C. CARLOCK; Bill of Sale for slave.


533 3 May1848MITCHELL B. REED of Bradley Co to WILLIAM A. G. REED;  his 1/14 undivided part of land of JEREMIAH REED, dec’d, and the 1/14 part which he purchased from his sister, ELIZABETH REED, subject to the widow’s dower.


535 6 May 1848  MARTHA TAYLOR of Bradley Co to WILLIAM A. G. REED;her 1/14 part as heir of JEREMIAH REED, dec’d, subject to the widow’s dower.


537 27 Jan 1848  UNION GRAVES to CHRISTOPHER GRAVES; Bill of Sale for  slave; witnessed by STEPHEN and HARRIET R. HEMPSTEAD.


538 19 May 1848CHRISTIAN PETERS, Sheriff, to  W. J. McCLATCHY; JOHNBISHOP’s interest in land whereon SAMPSON BISHOP lives, sold to satisfy judgment.


540 30 May 1848KIZIAH ELLIS to RICHARD McADOO; Deed of Trust for oneMANADA ELLIS; acknowledged by Mrs. KIZIAH ELLIS.


546 13 Mar 1848 JOHN McDOWELL and wife ELIZABETH, JAMES ATKINSON and wife WINNEY, all of Bradley Co., and MOSES BONNER to JAMESBONNER; their three undivided shares in land of EZEKIEL BONNER,  dec’d.


550 10 Mar 1835 WILLIAM McCRAY, JOHN GRIFFETH, and JAMES A.  HAIRE, all ofMonroe Co., to WILLIAM MAPLES; Title Bond that WILLIAM McCRAY make deed to land in two years if it can be legally done and if  not, then in twelve years; 24 Jul 1848, proven in Monroe Co. before JOHNA. STEPHENS, Clerk of Co. Ct. by witnesses JAMES SMITH, other witness WILLIAM H. WHITE being now dead.


551 3 Jul 1848  JOHN H. HAWK to ROBERT McNELLY;  Deed of  Trust for  personal property; owes ABRAHAM HAWK of Knox Co.


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554 2 Mar 1848 THOMAS SWAFFORD SR of  Bledson Co. to daughter MALINDA SWAFFORD; for love; Bill of S ale for slave; witnessed by SAMUEL and ISAAC E. SWAFFORD.


557 18 Jul 1848 GEORGE H. LOWDER and wife JUDA, alias JUDA McCALLto JOHN C. GILES


559 12 Jul 1848 JAMES S. LINER SR to JAMES S. LINER Jr.


560 10 Aug 1848 JAMES S. LINER SR to  CARROLL C. LINER


561 12 May 1848 DORATY CURTIS widow of JOHN CURTIS late of McMinnCo., dec’d. to ALFRED HANKS.



563 Apr 1848WILLIAM B. PORTER to BENJAMIN MAXWELL; the two shares of NANCY NAIL formerly PARSONS and JANE HAMBLIN formerly PARSONS in land of  THOMAS PARSONS, dec’d.


564 27 Jul 1847 EZEKIEL SPRIGGS of Bradley Co to DANIEL C. KENNER of same.


568 17 Aug 1848 WILLIAM CLARK of Shelby Co to JAMES SHELL.


579 28 Aug 1848 MADISON PAYNE to JOHN P. REDMON of Meigs Co.; JOSEPH PAYNE has been indicted by  Circuit Court of Meigs Co on charge of larceny.


583 1 Sep 1848Chancery Court at Cleveland: JOHN RUDD and others VS WILLIAM RUDD; heirs of HEROD RUDD, dec’d.


584 May1848Chancery Court at Madisonville: Ex Parte, PARMELA S. BELL  widow of IRA BELL, dec’d, JAMES P., JOHN P., and WILLIAM BELL, minor children of said IRA BELL, dec’d, by their Gdn PETER H. BELL; land inMcMinn Co.


586 6 Jun 1842 CATHERINE J. CHUNN to CHARLES F. KEITH; Bill of Sale for slave; acknowledged 5 Sep 1848 by Mrs. C. J. CHUNN.


587 6 Jun 1842 CATHERINE J. CHUNN to LOUISA JANE KEITH; Bill of Sale for slave.


590 13 Sep 1848 RETURN J. MEIGS to JAMES H. FYFFE; Deed of Confirmation; acknowledged in Davidson Co before ROBERT B. CASTLEMAN, Clk.


591 21 Sep 1848 SARAH SMITH, GEORGE W. GALLAHON and wife MARY ANN formerly SMITH, and JANE SMITH to BENJAMIN T. WASSON;  land...line made between JOHN S. SMITH and JOSEPH HATFIELD


593 3 Dec 1838MARY OWNLEY to LEVI OWNLEY; proven 23 Sep 1848 by witnesses HENRY RICHARDS and JOHN OWNLEY who were personally acquainted with MARY OWNLEY.


597 27 Sep 1847 JOHN M. COURTNEY to MARY COURTNEY; JOHN M. binds himself to have an equal division in said land made between himself and CHARLOTTE R. MICHAEL.


598 2 Oct 1848JULIAN (her mark) CROW and MELLETA CANNON to JOHNC. CRAWFORD; their parts of land; MELLETA CANNON was examined apart from her husband WILLIAM CANNON.


599 27 Apr 1848 JACOB WAMMACK of Meigs Co to ROBERT VANCE.


601 10 Feb 1847 JOHN DOBBS to LIDE W. DOBBS.


602 9 Oct 1848BIRD NEWMAN to JAMES SMALL of Meigs Co.,


603 12 Sep 1848 LEWIS ROSS of Cherokee Nation to son ROBERT D. ROSS; for love and affection; 640 acres in McMinn Co known as JOHN WALKER SR.’s reservation 40 acres out of which were sold for the town of Calhoun; also 70 acres, part of land known as Major Walker’s Mill reservation; witnesses J. M. WOOD and S. N. LATTA prove deed in Washington Co, AK, 14 Sep 1848, before PRESLY R. SMITH, Clk of  Circuit Court,  certified by LEBRON G. SNEED, Judge.


604 24 Oct 1838 ROBERT BRINKLEY to JAMES WITTON of Monroe Co.


605 27 Oct 1848 MORDICA RUCKER to DOLLY, MARGARET, ELIZABETH  and JOHN HENRY FISHER, children of CHRISTIAN FISHER who had paid for the land.


610 6 Nov 1848  WILLIAM C. ADAMS and wife MALISIA B. to JOHN C. CRAWFORD.



                                                                                          Deed Book  J


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3 4 Sep 1841ELISHA DODSON to JESSEE DODSON Jr., WILLIAM F. FOREST, and WILLIAM NELSON, Trustees of the United Baptist Church at Eastanallee; for goodwill and affection for worshipers of  Christ; ½ are including the present meeting house in the center, for the express purpose of divine worship, on condition that a reading school shall not be taught in said meeting house, neither shall there be erected a house for any other purpose except a school house, which may be erected by a majority of the Church being present and voting in the affirmative.


4 29 Nov 1848WILLIAM JAMES to daughter MARYANN A. JAMES, for love and affection; personal property, including three fat hogs, one small Bearough, to hold during her single life; at her death or marriage, property to revert back to WILLIAM JAMES; witnessed by WILLIAM M. JAMES JR.




10  2 Mar 1848NOAH BUTTRAM to HIRAM BRANDEN, LEANDER  WILSON, NOAH BUTTRAM, THOMAS CECILL, and U. H. SHIPLEY, Trustees for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; for love and affection; two acres.




12  11 Oct 1848 ROBERT MAXWELL to NATHAN THOMAS of  Monroe Co;land in McMinn and Monroe counties.


13  14 Nov 1848JOSEPH S. McCONNELL of Poke Co. to L. L. BALL.


14  11 Dec 1848 L. L. BALL to CHARLES RICE, WENSON CARTER, andARCHIBALD HAIL, Trustees of Spring Creek Camp Ground; $20.00;  four acres “to be kept in reserve for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church as a Campground and meeting house forever.”


15  13 Dec 1848 ELIZABETH, ELISHA, and ELIZABETH ANN DORSEY to GIDEON CATE; all the remainder part of the unsold land belonging to theheirs and surviving widow of DIMMON DORSEY, dec’d;  ELIZABETHis the widow.


16  Jun 1847 DAVID LAWSON to JOHN HOWELL, WILLIAM ALBERT, and JOHN K. BOLD, Trustees of the Methodist E. Church South; $1.00; one acre including the preaching house near where DAVID LAWSON now lives, knownby the name of Lawson’s Chappel, on Rogers Creek.


19  17 May 1846EZEKIEL BONNER to M. C. ATCHLEY; 30 Dec 1848, witness ISAAC M. ATCHLEY deposes that the other witness, JESSEE LONG, has removed himself out of this state.


20  18 Dec 1848 MATHIAS FIRESTONE for himself and as Atty for NANCY BROOKS  formerly FIRESTONE and her husband JAMES BROOKS to SARAH FIRESTONE formerly LATIMORE; their interest in a negroslave named MARGARET descended to them by will of JOHN  LATIMORE, dec’d.


21  29 Dec 1848 ELIAS HENDERSON and wife SARAH to ALLEN BOON.


22  11 Mar 1848 JOHN JAMES of Meigs Co. to JOHN GRISHAM; Lot No 62 in  Athens whereon said GRISHAM now has his grocery.


24  7 Sep 1848THOMAS WEAR to JOHN GRISHAM; Lot No 64 which  WILLIAM MATHIS now occupies


25  30 Sep 1846 DAVID F. HALL, Adm of WILLIAM HALL, dec’d, of Green Coto MARK HALE (HAIL) of Dade Co, GA; land in McMinn Co.


26  12 Jan 1849  THOMAS B. McELWEE of Meigs Co to MICHAEL  WATTENBARGER




29  6 Nov 1848  JAMES B., HEZEKIAH C., and JOHN A. COOK, DUKE W. and ELIZA KIMBROUGH, JAMES CARSON, CALEB R. and SARAH M. HOYL, ELMIRA, THOMAS, and CLARISSA COOPER, JOHN D. and SUSANCHATTIN, heirs and distributees of  WILLIAM H. COOK, dec’d, late of McMinn Co., to ROBERT F. and GEORGE W. COOK; Power of Atty to sell all lands and negroes not disposed of in the Will of WILLIAM H.  COOK,dec’d; Mrs. SUSAN CHATTIN acknowledged apart from her husband  JOHN D. CHATTIN; ELIZA KIMBROUGH, CLARISSA COOPER,  ELMIRA COOPER, SARAH MIRANDA HOYL, and ATALINECARSON, FEME COVERTS, acknowledge apart from their husbands, 20 Nov 1848;  ELIZA KIMBROUGH,  CLARISSA  COOPER, SARAH MARANDA HOYL, and ATALINE CARSON  examined apart from their husbands DUKE W. KIMBROUGH, THOMAS COOPER, C. R. HOYL, and  JAMES CARSON, 2 Dec 1848.


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37  22 Nov 1845THOMAS H. MITCHELL of Bradley Co to GEORGE W.BAKER.


38  13 Feb 1849 THOMAS J. MILLER of Bradley Co to PENELOPE E. IRVIN;his share of land as heir of THOMAS MILLER, dec’d.




40  2 Mar 1849WILLIAM O. BARRETT to DANIEL PEARCE, trustee;  BARRETT indebted to JOHN Y. BARRETT of Bedford Co, VA, for money loaned about 1840.


43  8 Sep 1830NATHANIEL SMITH to ISAAC CANTRELL ; 6 Mar 1849, witnesses depose that NATHANIEL SMITH is either dead or without the bounds of this State.


44  13 Oct 1829 THOMAS CANTRELL of Warren Co to ISAAC CANTRELL; 3 Mar 1849, witness DAVID CANTRELL proves deed.




48  23 Mar 1846 JORAM R., MICHAEL, WILLIAM B., JOSEPH A., and JACOBZIEGLER, and J. B. MANSELL and wife MARY A., heirs of RACHELZIEGLER, dec’d, to B. T. ZIEGLER.


52  29 Nov 1838CHARLES McCLURE to JOHN FITZGERALD; 12 Mar 1849,deed proven by witness JABEZ FITZGERALD and by JAMES T. LANE who deposes that the other witness, JAMES THOMAS, is without the limits ofthis State.


57  19 Oct 1848 JOHN FITZGERALD to JABEZ FITZGERALD; 22 Mar 1849, deed proven by witness JOHN BROWN and he and J. K. FITZGERALD depose that the other witness I. B. FITZGERALD is without the limits of  this State.


58  30 Dec 1848 JOHN WALLIN to JACOB I. CULPEPER; 160 acres in McMinnCo and 5 acres in Polk Co.




                                                                 Deed Book J


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59  28 Mar 1849 MAPLES LONG to PLEASANT M. LONG; his undivided interest  in land of his father, GEORGE LONG, dec’d, and interest in remainderafter death of mother, ELIZABETH LONG; excepting ½ acre where the  graveyard is.


61  2 May 1839  GEORGE LONG to NANCY LONG; 28 Mar 1849, deed provenby witness MAPLES LONG, and he and PLEASANT M. LONG depose that the other witness, ISAAC LONG, is without the limits of this State.


62  26 May 1832JOHN S. FLEMING of Goochland Co., VA, of the first part, Dr. JULIAN BEAN of the same county of the second part, and MARY BARRETT, wife of  WILLIAM O. BARRETT, of Albemarle Co., VA of the third part; “for the purpose of executing a confidential trust heretofore reposed in him by the friends of the said MARY BARRETT;”  to Dr.  BEAN, all the rights to negro slaves FLEMIN  bought at a sale under a Deed of Trust made by the said BARRETT; the slaves to remain in the possession of MARY BARRETT her lifetime and then Dr. BEAN is to  sell them and divide proceeds among her children; acknowledged 29 May 1832 in Goochland Co before ANDREW BEAN and BENJAMINBRADSHAW, Justices; deed certified in Albemarle Co by  ALEX H.ARTHUR, Deputy Clerk ; 5 Oct 1835, IRA GARRETT, Clerk of Co. Ct. of Albemarle Co., VA certifies that the foregoing is a true  copy; registered in McMinn Co 30 Mar 1849, CORNELIUS BROWN, Register.


64  11 Jul 1844WILLIAM BRITTAIN of Bradley Co to WILLIAM HARRIS ofWalker Co, GA; 2 Apr 1849, deed proven by witness WILLIAM ROGERS, and he and JOEL CULPEPER depose that the other witness, JAMES H. ROGERS, is without the limits of this State.


66  22 Mar 1849 JOHN HAMBRIGHT and wife KEZIA to ANDERSON CLARK.


68  19 Sep 1848 JAMES CARTER to ABRAHAM WINKLE, JOHN DOBBS, JOHNGOSS, JR., and WILLIAM H. SMALL, Trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church South; $1.00; one acre adjoining the lands of JESSE CARTER SR, on Big Mouse Creek; the trustees to erect a meeting house; witnessed by A. M. CATE, A. D. BRIANT, JESSE CARTER SR, HENDERSON CARTER, JOHN MIZELL and PETER CARTER.



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69  Apr 1849  Mrs. JANE ANDERSON and ROBERT A. ANDERSON ofMcMinn Co, BENJAMIN WALLACE and wife MARY, and WALTER M.McGILL and wife ISABELLA of HamiltonCo., heirs of ISAAC  ANDERSON, dec’d, to CHARLES and HENRY MATLOCK.


75  14 Apr 1849 CHARLES T. THORNTON to CLEAGE and CRUTCHFIELD and others, mortgage; property includes one screw used for making castor oil with the iron press belonging thereto and a crop of 75 acres of castor oilbeans now planted;  THORNTON’s creditors to share pro rata in the profits of the manufacture of castor oil and THORNTON to be allowed to keep mortgaged property for three years. 


78  16 Feb 1848 ISAAC LOW to THOMAS J. RUSSELL of Monroe Co.


79  2 May 1842  JOHN B. LANE of Polk Co to ROBERT GREGORY.


82  20 Jan 1849  JOSEPH GASTON to MITCHELL GASTON; land where said MITCHELL now lives.


88  19 Jan 1849  JOSEPH GASTON to JOHN C. GASTON


92  30 Dec 1847 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN and CHARLES STAPLES to ROBERT  GREGORY; Bond; on 26 Aug 1847, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN sold to  GREGORY a negro man and since that sale GREGORY has ascertained that said negro was left in the hands of said BENJAMIN for the benefit of an idiot brother called ROBERT FRANKLIN, during his lifetime and at his death the slave to be the property of said BENJAMIN; ROBERT FRANKLIN is yet living.


93  22 Apr 1847 JOHN WAMACK of Meigs Co to JAMES CREW


94  20 Sep 1849 Decree of Chancery Court at Madisonville: A. D. KEYES, Trustee VS  SOLOMON BOGARD JOEL K. BROWN, WM. S. McEWEN and others; plat shows several lots adjoining the Town of Athens on the NW, between the Rail Road and the Town; Lot No 5 is vested in the Trustees of Forest Hill Academy; half of the Academy lot south of Athens and the  “well” lot shown on the plat are vested in JOEL K. BROWN. [From the pat, the “well” lot would seem to be what is now the triangular park, bordering on College,White, and Jackson Streets.


97  22 Mar 1834 CHARLES PHILLIPS to the trustees of the fourth township and first range east of the meridian; part of a 15-acre tract that I now live as to include one half of a spring; “for and in consideration of the interest I  have in a free school and feeling disposed to aid in the establishment of a permanent school;”  2 Jul 1849, witness MARTIN M. HICKS proves deed and deposes that the other witness, WILLIAM LEE, has departed this life.


99  3 Feb 1849THOMAS P. WELLS to THOMAS L. HOYL, BURRELL  CULPEPPER, JOHN HOYL, JEREMIAH F. STRANGE, EDMOND CAMERON, Trustees of the Methodist E. Church, South; one-half acre on which Clarks Chapel now stands; for love and affection for the Church.


101 3 Jul 1849  JOSEPH WEBB to JOHN L. BRIDGES in trust for WM. BURK; personal property and a four-year lease on land; WM BURK is security on note of ROBERT WEBB for $60 due to SARAH ANN MELTON, being  the amount of the fine assessed against him for begetting a bastard child of her body.


105 14 Oct 1848 PRISCILLA STARNS to JOHN C. NEWMAN;  land...corner  between JACOB STARNS and PRISCILLA STARNS




110 13 Aug 1849 JAMES SMALL to JOHN McGAUGHEY, STEPHEN SHARITS,  and ROBESON SNIDER, School Commissioners for the Fourth Township;$18.00; 4 acres.


114 15 Aug 1849 MICHAEL DARTER, Adm of JOHN DARTER, dec’d, to WILLIAM M. PERCELL; JOHN DARTER of Scott Co., VA, died in 1844 and in his will directed that his lands in McMinn Co. be sold.


116 3 Jan 1849 JAMES G. BRADFORD to MARTIN D. ANDESON, ALLEN WARE, and JAMES M.HEMPHILL, Common School Commissioners for the Fifth Township; donates ¼ acre and free access to the spring; it  beingthe place where there is a new school house now erecting.


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117 3 Jan 1849 MOSES SWENEY to the same Commissioners as on page 116  above


118 11 Dec 1847 THOMAS CRABTREE to H. B. DAVIS, JOHN N. MELTON,and GEORGE TREW, Trustees for Jones’s Chapel Methodist Episcopal  Church, South; for love and virtuous feelings for the Church; one acre including the said meeting house.


122 20 Aug 1849 Registration of Judgment rendered by Circuit Court Jury in case ofISAAC WIDOWS VS CARTER MELTON; MELTON convicted ofspeaking malicious and slanderous words against WIDOWS and is to payhim $500 damages.


123 17 Aug 1849 ROBERT W. McCLARY of Polk Co to JOHN B. COBB; land  formerly owned by JOHN COBB, dec’d.


124 6 Nov 1842  Return J. MEIGS of Nashville to JOHN McMAHAN; on 4 Sep  1832.WILLIAM S. RAGAN, who married MARY, a daughter of BENJAMIN RIDDLE, dec’d, conveyed to MEIGS in trust for SOLOMON BOGART, and on 7 Jun 1834, said MARY relinquished her interest to said  BOGART, and on 5 Oct 1832, LEWIS RIDDLE, son of said BENJAMIN,dec’d, conveyed to MEIGS his one-sixth interest in lands.




133 30 Aug 1849 BENJAMIN C. CURD to ROBERT M. NEWMAN;  CURD is one of the heirs of RICHARD CURD, dec’d;  his undivided interest in landand in widow’s dower


1342 Feb 1830JOSEPH SMITH to JOSEPH BURNETT; 8 May 1843, witness JAMES A. SMALL proves deed and WILLIAM SMITH identifies the handwriting of WILLIAM SMALL, the other witness, who has departed  this life.


138 8 Aug 1849JAMES GETTYS to WILLIAM BURNS; Lot No. 31 in Athens except 30 feet square, on which is the office used by Dr. JOHN K. FARMER, the former owner, as a medicine shop.


141 15 Apr 1828 ELIHU H. RANDOLPH of Overton Co. to WILLIAM RANDOLPH;land where WILLIAM now resides; proven by witnesses JOSHUA and SAMUEL MORGAN on 15 Dec 1829; registered 8 Sep 1849.


142 4 Mar 1844REES JONES of Warner Co [sic] to WILLIAM RANDOLPH


144 10 Jul 1845CALEB MOORE of Meigs Co to ROBERT GARRISON; land in McMinn Co. first range West of the Meridian, third township, 23 Section, and part of the NE Quarter...excepting that land which was laid off for the ground of the Baptist meeting  house, and Episcopal Church.


146 15 Sep 1849 ELMSLY WAN and wife MARY formerly MARY WHITE and widow of BARTON WHITE, dec’d, to WILLIAM L. ADAMS of Meigs Co; landdecreed to MARY as dower.


147 16 Apr 1849 NATHAN and GALLOWAY CAMPBELL to BURROWBUCKNER and JAMES DENNIS, Trustees of United Baptist Church; one-half acre, for goodwill.




151 20 Sep 1849 CHRISTIAN PETERS, Sheriff, to CATHARINE EVANS; Lot No  69 in Calhoun of which MAJOR BEAVERS was the reputed owner, sold for taxes due for 1845.


152 26 Oct 1838 CORNELIUS HAIFLEY to GILES CARTER; 24 Sep 1849,  SARAH CARTER identifies handwriting of witness C. W. ROYSTON  who has removed from this State.


154 26 Sep 1849 JOHN GRISHAM and wife GEMIMA, formerly GEMIMA  KINCHELOE to GEORGE GRISHAM of Washington Co; Power of Atty  to sueENOCK WHEELOCK who has taken possession of their land inWashington Co.


155 8 Jan 1849 NATHANIEL C. WHITE to THOMAS and ELISHA MELTON, CALLOWAY C. TRIPLETT, and HUGHY STUDARD; his undivided part of  land of NATHANIEL WHITE dec’d,




161 12 Jul 1848WILLIAM W. COWAN of Bradley Co to JOHN L. McCARTY; land on Hiwassee River where McCARTY and family now live, adjoining land of LEWIS ROSS, and being the land granted to ELIZA ROSS, Reservee, by  the Treaty of 1819, and sold by her husband TEMPLEW. ROSS and self to GEORGE HARLIN, and  by HARLIN to the late JOSEPH McMINN, dec’d.




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168 17 Feb 1849 STERLING CAMP to OSWELL M. LINER and JAMES M. HALDEN, Trustee of Hiwassee United Baptist Church; for love and affection for the worship of  God, one acre with the present meeting house as near the center as possible.




174 27 Dec 1847 Squire (Esquire) NORTH and wife ELIZA JANE, daughter and heir of RICHARD CURD, dec’d, to ROBERT M. NEWMAN; their undivided interest inland and in widow’s dower; acknowledged in Polk Co before EMMONS P. DOUGLASS, Clk of Co. Ct.


176 22 Aug 1849 Copy, by WILLIAM LOWRY,  Clerk and Master, of a decree of  Chancery Court in Athens; MARTIN M. HICKS Adm of CHARLES PHILLIPS, dec’d, VS Widow and Heirs;  dower laid off to wide MARY; other lands sold and title divested out of MARY PHILIPS, widow, ELIZABETH MALONE wife of WILLIAM MALONE, DOUTHERT HICKS husband of HANNAH HICKS, DANIEL CASTEEL, BENJAMIN PHILIPS, WILLIAM PHILIPS, WILLIAM HICKS and SARAH JANE LEWIS, wife of CHARLES B.  LEWIS, KENDRICK PHILIPS, SARAH PHILIPS, and three minor children of ASAHEL PHILIPS, dec’d, to wit. JOHN, JACOB, and  HENRY PHILIPS, JOHN PHILIPS,  HANNAH SMITH wife of JOHN  SMITH, SARAH MALONE, wife of JOHN W. MALONE, CHARLES HICKS, MARGARET HICKS, wife of MERADYHICKS, JOHN CASTEEL, and JANE CASTEEL, wife of EDWARDCASTEEL.


179 24 Oct 1849 ADELINE A. BLACKWELL of  Knox Co to JOHN L. BRIDGES  in trust or use of ABNER G. JACKSON of Knoxville; Deed of Trust for slaves.


180 8 Oct 1849RUFUS STONE and wife ANN M., formerly PARSHALL,  daughter of Dr. JOHN PARSHALL, dec’d, to SAMUEL W. ROYSTON;  ANNM., daughter of Dr. JOHN M. and ANNA PARSHALL, dec’d; their one undivided share of tract upon which the widow  STONE now resides;  ROYSTON has been appointed Adm. of ANNAPARSHALL, dec’d, and Adm with Will annexed of Dr. JOHN PARSHALL.


183 18 Jul 1849JOEL K. BROWN and wife HESTER ANN to M. L. AIKIN of Bradley Co; in 1842 the Circuit Court of Blount Co ordered division of land and slaves of N. COX, dec’d, among heirs; slave HARRIET was allotted to the BROWNs.


184 18 Jul 1849M. L. AIKINS of Bradley Co to H. TALBOT COX of Blount Co; Bill ofSale for slave HARRIET.


185 15 Jul 1848CHRISTIAN PETERS, Sheriff, to WILLIAM KEY; land of  REBECCA and WILLIAM SOUTHARD sold in 1843 to satisfy judgments, one of which was rendered to EZEKIEL JOHN, Gdn of MARCUS B. JOHN, and THOMAS JOHN, Adm of WILLIAM JOHN, dec’d.


187 25 Sep 1849 WILLIAM KEY to LEWIS R. HURST; land on which LEMUEL  McDANIEL is now residing.


190 24 Dec 1832 SAMUEL HALE to the Trustees elect of the Free School; in the consideration of the interest that I have in a free school, and feeling disposed to aid in the establishment of a permanent school;  one acre, part of NE Quarter of Section 8, Township 4, Range first  East of the Meridian in the Hiwassee District.


191 6 Nov 1849 EDMOND C. CARSON and wife NANCY, formerly NANEYTHOMAS, daughter of GEORGE THOMAS, dec’d, to CHARLES STAPLES; their undivided interest in land where JULIA B. THOMAS, widow of GEORGE  THOMAS, dec’d, now resides.


192 16 Oct 1849 SANFORD PRINCE and wife JOANNAH, formerly JOANNAH THOMAS, daughter of GEORGE THOMAS, dec’d, of McMinn Co., MADISON AIKINS and wife MARY A., formerly THOMAS, of Cherokee Co., AL, daughter of GEORGE THOMAS, dec’d, and  SAMUEL M. THOMAS to CHARLES STAPLES; their undivided interest, as in deed on page 191, above.


195 10 Nov 1849 ALLEN DENNIS and THOMAS M. McDONALD, Article of Agreement; DENNIS to furnish home and protection through life, board and comfortable clothing, and washing at his house, during life of McDONALD, who deeds personal property and agrees to perform any labor he may be able to perform; McDONALD is far advanced in age.

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196 29 Oct 1849 President and Directors of Bank of TN to MOSES CUNNINGHAM; Deed of Release; signed by WILLIAM LEDBETTER, Pres. and S.R. ANDERSON, Cashier; acknowledged in Davidson Co.


198 13 Nov 1849JAMES THOMAS to daughter FRANCES P. THOMAS; for love;  Bill of Sale for slave.




1996 Mar 1830NATHANIEL SMITH to ISHAM LAWSON; 12 Nov 1849, witness DAVID CANTRELL proves deed, and WILLIAM C. BALLEW  identifies handwriting of other witnesses, CHARLES MATLOCK, who has died.


206 27 Nov 1849CHRISTIAN PETERS, Sheriff, to JOHNL. McCARTY; Lot in  Calhoun of which MICHAEL WALL was the reputed owner, sold for taxes due for 1845.




20926 Dec 1848 JOHN M. CANTRELL to ISHAM REYNOLDS; 3 Dec 1849, L. E. CANTRELL identifies handwriting of witness G. CANTRELL, who has departed this life.


212 29 Jan 1848  ROBERT STEPHENSON to daughter SARAH B. STEPHENSON; for natural love and affection; but if SARAH B. die without issue, then daughter MARGARET R. STEPHENSON is to have slave; also $200 each  to said daughters, paid in gold and silver; also horse, saddle, and bridle to MARGARET R. Stephenson.


215 8 Dec 1849SPENCER JARNAGIN to MILTON JARNAGIN, Trustee; Deed of Trust for Lots 112 and 113 in Athens, one pleasure carriage, one sideboard, and six slaves; SPENCER is indebted to JAMES F. BRADFORD, surviving partner of JOHN F. REEDER, dec’d, and others; if SPENCER does not pay within twenty days from this date, or within 24 hours after his arrival in the City of Memphis, then the slaves to be sold in Memphis,  and if that sale does not pay debts then the carriage and sideboard to be sold in Athens.


216 11 Oct 1845 FRANKLIN L. YOAKUM and wife  FRANCES S. to JAMES ARNWINE; their interest in land, being the distributive share laid off to  JANE M. HOLT out  of lands of her father IRBY HOLT, dec’d.


218 3 Oct 1848 JOHN L. STEPHENSON of Bradley Co to REBECCA GIPSON;  his ¼ undivided interest in lots in Calhoun.


219 8 Oct 1849MARY E. RAMSEY, formerly STEPENSON, and husband THOMAS RAMSEY, MARGARET A. CAMREN, formerly STEPHENSON, and husband HENRY CAMREN, all of Bradley Co to REBECCA GIPSON; their undivided half of lots in Calhoun, which they hold by virtue of the Will of WILLIAM STEPHENSON, dec’d, or by laws of descent.




221 1 Jul 1849  JOHN BLANKINSHIP to JAMES COFFEE, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the second school district; one acre, including the spring, where BOLING ISOM formerly lived; for the encouragement ofcommon school education, as long as a school may be kept there, or land to revert to him or his heirs.


222 17 Dec 1849 JAMES RAY to BARTLEY BORRING of Monroe Co.


228 7 Jan 1850 CHRISTIAN PETERS, Sheriff, to WILLIAM BALLEW; sale of interests of ROBERT J., SARAH, OBED C., and WILLIAM H.  PATTYin land formerly owned by OBED PATTY, dec’d.




235 17 Jan 1850  JAMES L. GILBREATH to SAMUEL L. and JOSEPH GILBREATH; his interest in estate of JOSEPH and ELIZABETH R.  GILBREATH, dec’d, as on of the heirs.


236 6 Jan 1850 WILLIAM McNABB, one of the children of ELIZABETH McNABB, dec’d, to HENDERSON McNABB; his interest in land.


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237 25 Jan 1850  SUSANAH PIKE to daughter ELIZABETH C. PIKE; for love and for services rendered during last 15 years, during which time I have been in bad health and in helpless condition; personal property.


239 17 Jan 1850  GEORGE W. COOKE and wife SARAH J., formerly GILBREATH, to  SAMUEL L. and JOSEPH GILBREATH; their interest, as heirs, in the estate of JOSEPH and ELIZABETH R. GILBREATH, dec’d.


240 27 Sep 1849 WILLIAM HARRIS and wife BARSHEBA H. to  ALEXANDER GREEN; Bill of Sale for slave




246 4 Feb 1850GEORGE JULIAN of Hamilton Co to brother SAMUEL JULIAN of same; Power of Atty


248 15 Feb 1850 JAMES S. McCROSKY to ROBERT H. McCROSKY; his undivided one-sixth part of land of WILLIAM McCROSKY, dec’d.


249 29 Sep 1848 ABSOLEM G. DERRICK and ELIZA CANTRELL to CORNELIUS DERRICK; our undivided interest.


250 14 Jul 1838JOHN MAY to JOHN SYBERT; 15 Feb 1850, witness JAMES M.TEXFORD proves deed in Polk Co.


256 5 Sep 1848MICHAEL ROBINETT to JOHN KNIGHT of Meigs Co.


260 28 Jan 1850  GIDEON CATE to MARTIN D. ANDERSON, JAMES  HEMPHILL and ALLEN WARE, Common School Commissioners.


271 25 Feb 1850 DUFF GREEN to East Tenn and GA RR Co.; Release of contract of 1 Nov 1848 in favor of the State of TN; witnesses J. W. INMON and MILTON P. JARNAGIN prove deed in Bradley Co.


273 28 Mar 1850 JAMES STEED of Bradley Co to DANIEL AGNEW


284 27 Nov 1848CLEMUEL GREGORY to DAN CARPENTER of Morgan Co.


287 26 Sep 1849 PRESTON GOBIN and wife ESTHER ANDERSON (signed  EASTER A. GOBIN), and THOMAS AUSTIN and wife MARTHA  JANE, all of Grundy Co, MO to WILLIAM JOHNSON of same; Power of  Atty to collect monies due them as heirs of REUBEN JOHNSON, dec’d, late of TN; acknowledged in Grundy Co., MO before ABRAM FIELD,  Judge and Pres. of County Court, certified by GEORGE H. HUBBELL,  Clk.


289 10 Apr 1850 PRESTON GOBIN and wife ESTHER A., THOMAS AUSTIN and wife MARTHA JANE, and WILLIAM JOHNSON, all of Grundy Co., MO to WILLIAM MAPLES


293 12 Apr 1850 ROBERT H. HICKEY to JOHN McGAUGHY; Deed of Trust to  secure creditors of  HICKEY’s father, JAMES HICKEY


2942 Apr 1847JOSEPH RUDD to daughter MARY ANN RAGSDALE; for love; Bill of Sale for slave.






30 1May 1850  Transcript of Court Record for incorporation of  Town of Athens: Petition of citizens of Athens, presented to County Court by WILLIAM  KEITH, Esq., granted by the Court, and  Sheriff ordered to hold election for Mayor and Aldermen; bounds to be as follows:  beginning at Lot No. 28 and running with the street SW to Lot No 54, thence SE with the street to Lot No 83, thence NE with the street to Lot No 120, thence N to corner of Lot No 115, thence NE to Lot No. 114, thence NW with the street to  Lot Nor 28 the beginning point, including the outside street or commons,  which meets and bounds are the same as laid off by the Commissioners of Athens in its original plan; signed by GEORGE W. BRIDGES,  J.  McGAUGHY,  WM SHOOK, SETH BEDFORD, COLUMBUS A. JORDAN,  THOMAS T. EASON,  R. HALEY,  SAMUEL McNELLY, JAMES McCULLY, G. W. ROSS, JACKSON GRUBB,  ROBT. N.mMcEWEN,  JAS. H. HORNSBY, W. RICE,  DANIEL GILBERT,  J. W. BLACKWELL, W. H. BALLEW,  J. T. ROBINSON,  HENRY H. RIDER,  P. L. GAMBELL, W. B. BURSELL,  JAS SHOOK,A. B. BROWN,  C. PETERS,  THOMAS J. CAMPBELL, R. T.ENGLEDOW,  W. L.  BLACKWELL,  JOEL K. BROWN,  THOS R.RUDD,  J. KIDWELL,  JOHN F. ROGERS,  JOHN CRAWFORD, JOHN R. PARSHALL,  G. R. KNABE,  L. DODSON,  W. F. KEITH,  P. K.WHETSEL,  W. C. PRIDE,  ROBERT McNELLY, possessed; division among heirs JAMES C., PETER, PLEASANT, THOMAS, EMOLINE, MARIAH, ALLEN, and WILLIAM BRYAN, andMARY WASSON and her husband BENJAMIN WASSON; ordered that the heirs under age 21 have six months after their majority to impeach the decision.



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351 10 Oct 1848 JAMES BROOKS and wife NANCY formerly FIRESTONE, toMATHIAS FIRESTONE all of Cherokee Co., AL; Power of Atty. to collect monies due them in Tenn.


352 11 Oct 1850 JOSEPH S. McCONNELL of Bradley Co to STEPHEN H. MILLER of same.


353 13 Aug 1850 COONRODE STANER (Stainer) of Independence Co., AR, to  THOMAS STAINER of same; Power of Atty. to sell land in Tenn. 


354 8 Feb 1850JAMES M. HEMPHILL to FLOYD McGONIGAL of Bradley Co.


355 4 Jun 1850 WM. P. H. McDERMOTT to JANE SMITH, formerly JANE  LOWRY; for natural good will and affection;  Bill of Sale for slave;  if JANE dies without heirs, slave to go to SARAH A. LOWRY.


355 21 Jul 1850JOHN McGHEE to sister POLLY LOWRY, wife of WM. LOWRY,  Esq..; for love and affection; Bill of Sale for slave.


358 Sep 1850Seppah Co., MS; LAFAYETT NORMAN to FLEMING S.NORMAN; Power of Atty. To sell land willed to him by WILLIAM  NORMAN, dec’d, lying in McMinn Co; acknowledged in Septah Co.,MS before DANIEL HUNT, Clk., at his office in Ripley; JAMES  ROGAN, Judge, Seppah Co., MS




366 7 Sep 1850WM. WIGGINS of Polk Co to ALBERT G. RICE.


367 7 Nov 1850  JOHN C. GASTON to WM. W. NEAL of Anderson Co.


369 12 Nov 1850SAMUEL WORKMAN to THOMAS ROGERS; Deed of Trust of a one-horse carriage commonly called a buggy and of a lever watch known as the watch formerly owned by COL. A. R. TURK;  owes BENJAMIN F.MARTIN for the buggy.




387 14 Feb 1839 ROBERT H . JORDAN of Monroe Co to Charles T. McCRAY; land in McMinn and MonroeCounties.


389 14 Jan 1840  ROBERT and GEORGE A. BRYAN (BRYANT), MARYKINSER, and MARTHA J. TUNNELL, all of Monroe and McMinn counties, heirs of RICHARD BRYAN (BRIANT), dec’d, to MARSHALL W.CUNNINGHAM; their undivided interests.


390 14 Jan 1840  CATHARINE BRIANT to MARSHALL W. CUNNINGHAM; her dower in lands of husband RICHARD A. BRIANT, dec’d.




392 23 Nov 1847THOMAS J. CAMPBELL to T. NIXON VANDYKE andSTEPHEN K. REEDER;  Mortgage of Lot No 87 in Athens being the lot and  brick house now occupied by RICHARD ENGLEDOW;  17 Dec 1850, deed  proven by witness JAMES S. BRIDGES and by THOMAS J.  CAMPBELL JR who deposes that THOMAS J. CAMPBELL and the other witness V. M.CAMPBELL have both departed this life.


394 18 Dec 1850 JOHN TATE of Monroe Co to JOHN L. ATLEE of Lancaster City, PA; part of lot No 61 in Athens, heretofore occupied by WM. L. ATLEE.


396 7 Dec 1850Tuscaloosa Co., AL: WILLIAM KIRKLAND and wife MARY R.and WILLIAM ERWIN and wife ASENETH to WILLIAM KIRKLAND; Power of Atty to rent lots in Athens which belonged to DANIEL RECTOR, dec’d, they being lawful heirs; KIRKLAND’s acknowledge in Tuscaloosa Co and ERWIN’s acknowledge in Jefferson Co., AL.


401 2 Jan 1851 JOSEPH M. ALEXANDER to JAMES H. ALEXANDER of Polk Co.; Power of Atty to pursue, arrest, reclaim, and sell negro boy STEPHEN.





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40927 Jan 1851  SUSAN CURD of Monroe Co., widow of RICHARD CURD, dec’d, to BYRAM ALLEN, her dower.


411 3 Feb 1851BANJAMIN WASSON to HAMILTON L. WASSON; Bill of  Sale for slave.




4178 Feb 1851HENRY MATLOCK SR, farmer, to daughter SARAH ARWINE, wife of ALBARTUS ARWINE, to second daughter MARTHA PURCELL, wife of WILLIAM H. PURCELL, to daughter ELIZABETH LEUTY, wife of J. H. LEUTY, and to daughter NANCY JANE yet single; for love and affection; Deed of Gift of slaves, some mentioned in his Will; one slave was set apart in Will for son HENRY, but was exchanged for another.






430 3 Mar 1851ARON PARKER of Bradley Co to MATHEW R. GIBSON


431 20 Jan 1846  SAMUEL DOUTHET of Monroe Co. to JAMES CHESNUTT


433 15 Mar 1851 Copy of Chancery Court Decree:  WILLIAM P. COPLAND and wife EVELINE, ESQUIRE NORTH and wife ELIZA, BENJAMIN, JOSEPHA., and MARY CURD, the two last minors by their Gdn. WILLIAM P. COPLAND, children of RICHARD CURD, dec’d,  VS ROBERT M. NEWMAN, SUSANCURD, and JAMES CURD, the last an infant by his  Gdn the said SUSAN CURD, widow of RICHARD CURD, dec’d;  Bill to sell land.


437 1 Apar1851  WILLIAM M. SCARBOROUGH, Article of Agreement with the widow and heirs of JACOB COOK, dec’d, to wit, NANCY, MARY, KATHERINE, MELVINA, MATILDA, ELIZA J., and PATSY COOK;  signedby NANCY, ELIZA JANE, CATHERINE, MARTHA, POLLY  and MELVINA COOK.


439 15 Mar 1849 JAMES McNABB, Adm with Will annexed of EZEKIELBONNER, dec’d, to MARTIN BUNCH.


443 15 Apr 1851 Copy of Chancery Court Decree: LETHE RICE  VS  MILLER F., CHARLES W., and WILLIAM L. RICE, and JOHN HALEY;  Lethe is granted divorce from MILLER F. RICE, and alimony; their children are LORENA,  JOHN C., MARTHA E. K., and ALLEN H. RICE; land in Marion Co. granted to LETHA HALEY in 1838.


445 14 Oct 1850 ISAAC LANE to RUSSELL LANE


448 14 Oct 1850 ISAAC LANE to OLIVAH SHULTS and her heirs


451 25 Mar 1851 JOHN R. PARSHALL JR to SAMUEL W. ROYSTON; his share,  as heir, of the estate of DR. JOHN and ANNA PARSHALL, dec’d.


458 12 Oct 1846 AARON HAYNES of Benton Co., AL, to JONATHANHAMILTON; 2 May 1851, deed proven by witness JOSEPH HAMILTON who also identifies handwriting of other witness ABSOLEM DERRICK who has removed beyond the limits of the State.


4646  May 1851  Copy of Circuit Court decree, 16 Dec 1850:  JOSIAH CHILDERS  VS  ELIZABETH SHELTON widow, ELIZABETH SHELTON, JOHN HARRIS and wife MATILDA, JOHN McGINTY and wife NANCY, T.K. NIPIER and wife MARY, and MARTHA SHELTON, heirs of JOHN SHELTON, dec’d.


465 28 Dec 1850 WILLIAM and MARY KIRKLAND of Tuskalosey Co., AL and  WILLIAM and ECENITH ERWIN of Jefferson Co., AL to WILLIAM A.G. REED.


468 28 Mar 1850 BANESTER COLLIER and wife POLLY formerly ARMSTRONG to JOHN DAVIS of Blount Co.


469 3 Sep 1849 ELISHA DODSON of Polk Co to JOHN M. and JESSE A. DODSON.


470 31 Mar 1851 SIMEON GRAVES, WILLIAM SMART and wife LUCINDA  formerly GRAVES, JACOB SHARP and wife VILENA formerly  GRAVES, and CHRISTOPHER GRAVES to JACOB GRAVES; all areheirs of CHRISTOPHER GRAVES, dec’d; their interests


472 Feb 1851ADALINE A. BLACKWELL of Knoxville to JOHN L. BRIDGES of Athens; Bill of Sale for slaves for the use of JULIUS W. BLACKWELL and wife MAHALA D. during her life and after her death for the use of JULIUS B. and JOHN E. BRIDGES, children of HELEN E. BRIDGES, and such other children as she may leave living.


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476 17 Feb 1851 THOMAS B. McELWEE and wife MARTHA formerly  MATLOCK to CHARLES L. MATLOCK; their undivided interest in lands of WILLIAM MATLOCK, dec’d, assigned to SARAH MATLOCK his  widow.


480 3 May 1851  WILLLIAM H. GREEN to daughter EASTHER CRABTREE; for love and affection.




483 12 Jul 1851CHRISTIAN PETERS, Sheriff, to GEORGE W. BRIDGES; on 20Aug 1844, DAVID STEPHENSON, Exec of JOHN STEPHENSON, dec’d,  surviving partner of  M and J  STEPHENSON, recovered a judgment against THOMAS J. and JOSEPH COLLIER and CARTER MELTON; selling lands of CARTER MELTON.


490 28 Jul 1851AARON B. BROWN to NATHAN SULLINS, HENRY RICE, JOHN ADAIR, ANDREW HUTSELL, WILLIAM H. BALLEW, EDWIN E. ATLEE, WILLIAM L. ATLEE, JAMES W. McSPADDEN, andWILLIAM BURNS, Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in  Athens; $75.00; part of Lot No 36...which before belonged to said Church.


494 11 Aug 1851 JAMES H. BURCH and wife AVY E. of Gordon Co., GA, to ALBARTUS and MARSHALL ARWINE; land being one third part of land allotted to ELIZABETH BURCH, widow of WILLIAM BURCH, dec’d, and part of the land that THOMAS L. BURCH was entitled to as heir of WILLIAM BURCH, and THOMAS having died and AVY E. is his only heir


499 3 Mar 1851ROBERT H., WILLIAM W., LUCINDA A., and ESTHER A.ORR, heirs of WILLIAM ORR, dec’d, to CHARLES METCALFE;  land whichMETCALFE conveyed to said heirs in 1831, and another tract where the said METCALFE now lives, which was deeded to him in 1837 by MARY, JOHN W., FRANCIS J., and JOSIAH J. ORR, and JANE F. JOHNSON.


503 11 Aug 1851 AVY ELIZABETH BURCH, formerly AVY ELIZABETH BURCH and her husband JAMES H. BURCH of Gordon Co., GA to JOHN MORE; whereas one WILLIAM BURCH died seized and possessed of lands which were allotted to the heirs, to his son, THOMASL. BURCH, and whereas afterwards said THOMAS L. BURCH died in testate, leaving AVY ELIZABETH BURCH as his sole heir and SARAH BURCH his widow, and afterwards the said SARAH intermarried with one ZACHARIAH ROSE;  land...on line of HENRY and GEORGE  BURCH.


513 7 Aug 1851WILLIAM F. PECK, a son and one of the eight heirs of ELLIOTT PECK, dec’d, to W. W. PECK; his 1/8 interest in land on which said ELLIOTT formerly lived and on which his widow NANCY PECK now lives.


516 8 Jul 1851  WILLIS WRIGHT of Grayson Co., Texas to MARK and  CRATON DENNIS.


517 15 Mar 1828 JAMES P. HAYNES of Roane Co to JOHN HAYNES; 12 Sep1851, SAMUEL WORKMAN deposes that AARON HAYNES, one of the witnesses to the deed, has long since died.


518 11  Aug 1851BENJAMIN WASSON to MARIUM C. STOUT and her heirs; Bill of

Sale for slave.


531 Jan 1851  ALLEN G. GOSS to CURD GOSS;  “an undivided moiture of land, owned by JOHN GOSS SR. and the place on which he now lives to the said CURD GOSS...I the said ALLEN G. GOSS being an heir at law of the estate of JOHN GOSS SR...also my distributive share of perishable property and money if there be any.”




537 7 Oct 1851 Transcript of Court Record for Incorporation of the Town of  Calhoun:  Petition presented and granted;  bounded as follows, beginningon a stake, two rods east of the NE corner of Lot No 1 in plan of Calhoun, running south to a stake, two rods S of the SE corner of Lot No 33, thence W to a stake, two rods W of Lot No 118, thence N to a stake, two rods Nof the NW corner of Lot 97, thence E to the beginning corner, including  all the lots and public streets,  together with two rods around said town laid off for commons; we the undersigned citizens of Calhoun: WILLIAMROGERS, WILLIAM B. JOHNSTON, J. C. WIER, SILAS SMITH, J. H.  WELLS, THOMAS ROGERS, JOHN ONLY, G. W. GRAVES, B. F.  MARTIN, J. M. WALLEN, J. M. CHAMBERS, C. C. CALDWELL, T. M. LAYTON, J. A. ROWLES, NATHANIEL J. PETERS, JOHNROGERS, G. W. PITTNER, A. R. ROGERS,  JOHN ELLIOTT, SAMUEL WORKMAN, H. C. BASINGER,  JAMES P. HAYNES,  HARRISON DILL.


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The flag of our Union, O long may it wave

O’er the land of the free, the home of the brave

May no hoard of barbarians ever erase the name of Washington,

 the father of the liberties of our country from the scroll of fame;

but may the republic which he and the compatriot heroes fought to establish, stand forever, a home for the stranger, and an asylum for the oppressed; 

May it never be torn, or rent asunder, by designing, ambitious aspirants; 

and may the Eagle of America continue to rest with the stripes, and sharpen her beak again, and be prepared to fasten on the enemies of her liberty either rattlesnakes or lions; and protect our interests abroad, and at home, against invasion or predatory attacks of a foreign foe, if this government is once divided and shattered down, our days of boasted liberty is gone, and taxes burthensome and grievances to be borne, will be laid upon every hamlet and log cabin – poverty and crime would be ripe in the land,

and no man could lie down under his own vine and fig tree;

we would be an armed nation, with the iron heal of the soldier grinding to dust the labors of the farmer, with the sword of the warrior glittering before our eyes;

and the oppression of military chieftains silencing the voice of justice-

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