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McMinn County


5 Dec 1836. Hannah Grogin allowed $25 for keeping two orphans, Letty and Stephen Adams, for year 1837.

4 Feb 1839. David Adams an orphan bound to Hiram Ingram.

7 Oct 1839. Burow Buckner released from Apprentice Bond of Stephen W. Adams.

6 Jul 1840. Letty Adams orphan girl aged 10 last May bound to Isham Julian.



5 Jan 1863. Court pays for coffin for John Q. Adams, a Volunteer.



Will exec. 1 Oct 1866; to Penelope Blizard when she reaches 21 or marries. Exec: A. Blizard. Wit: John F. Slover, Wm. G. Horton.

7 Jan 1867. Will proven.



Will exec. 25 Dec 1865; to dau. Frances B. Ahl; dau. Mary Standafer already advanced her share; $1 each to daus. Nancy Swaffer, Lucy Liner, and sons John R., B.J., and Danl. W. Ahl. Exec: A.J. Standifer. Wit: John Jenkins, C.E. Walsh.

6 Aug 1866. Will proven



7 Aug 1837. Sheriff ordered to bring in orphan Wm.

Alexander from house of Abraham Cook.



6 Jul 1846. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



CR6, 6 Jan 1851. Court pays for shroud for pauper.



8 Jan 1847. Comm. Uriel Johnston, James Gaut, and Isam Julian set apart year's support for dau. Nancy.

4 Jan 1847; 417, 1 Feb 1847; 537, 17 Jun 1848. Invt. Acct. of sales, and Sett. by Chas. T. Thornton, Adm

11 Mar 1851. Final sett.; paid $70.13 each to heirs Saml. Edgman, William and Hannah Cook, Nancy Allen, John A. D am, William Farmer; $35.06¼ each to heirs John T., and Milton Wilson; $14.02¼ each to heirs Jonathan, Hiram, John D., and Wm. Allen, and Wm. Lain.



Jun 1830. Invt. and Sale by Wm. Maples, Adm. buyers include Sarah E., Ananias, and John Allen, Jr.

5 Jun 1832. Sett. by Wm. Maples and Sarah Allen, Adms.

1 Mar 1830. Robt. Cowan, James Gaut, and Saml. Hardy app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Sarah E.


7 Feb 1842. James Anderson, orphan aged 7, bound to Absalom Beck.



2 Dec 1867; and 353, 6 Jan 1868. John N. Anderson app. Adm. and Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow Lelyand family.

filed 20 Sep 1867. Allen Anderson died May 1867 leaving widow Letitia and children Thomas, John M., Sarah A. wife of Joseph Hendrix, Saml. H., Rhoda J., Lewis, and James, last three being minors.



11 Apr 1870. Martha A. Meredith, Adminx., for the use of Harriet B. Anderson, widow, and Laura C., Tilley, and Robt. D. Anderson, children.


13 Apr 1870. The State VS Thos. and Andrew J. Crawford and Wiley H. Warren for murder of dec'd on 29 Jan 1870.


15 Dec 1870. Burge VS Crawford. Since institution of suit there has been born unto Clark Anderson, dec'd, and his wife Harriet R. another child named Grace.



16 Oct 1844; 246-248, 2 Dec 1844; and 420, 12 Nov 1846, Comm. John Arnwine, Neley Chrisman, and Henry Matlock set apart year's support for widow and family. Invt., Sale, and Set by Alexander and Wm. M. Biggs, Adms.; buyers include Robt., M. D and Amanda J. Anderson.



Will exec. 9 Aug 1870 1 prob. Oct 1870. Testatrix is a widow; to her son and only heir Geo. Christopher Anderson, who is to remain with her mother Catharine Crow; advice to both son and mother; Exec. and Gdn. to son: John R. Howard, Sr., and in case of his refusal or death, bro~ C.C. Crow to serve. Wit:

Emoline T. Wilson, Wm. W. Alexander.

4 Oct 1870. M.D. Anderson Adm. C. C. Crow app. Gdn.



5 Jun 1865. Sarah M. Anderson app. Adminx.



Will exec. 4 Mar 1846, recorded 6 Apr 1846; to wife Mary Ann; Uriel Johnston to be Gdn. of three children, Malinda Jane, Wm. Baker, and Sarah Catherine. Exec: bro. John Armstrong. Wit: Raleigh Chesnutt, John A. Gouldy.

4 May 1846; 414, 7 Dec 1846; 536, 3 Jun 1848. Acct. of Sales, Invt., and Sett. by Exec.

6 May 1848; E 102, 6 May 1850; 191, 6 May 1851; 278,

6 May 1852. Sett. by Cary Armstrong, Gdn.

1 Dec 1851. Invt. of sale held 8 Oct 1851 by Exec. With no sale to widow.

22 Dec 1853. Final sett. by Exec.; receipt of David Cantrell, Gdn., for balance of acct.

12 Apr 1853. Sett. by Gdn.

17 Nov 1854. Sett. by Rebecca Armstrong, Exec. of Carey Armstrong, dec'd, Gdn.; receipt of David Cantrell, Gdn., for total amount.

no date; 425, 30 Apr 1855; 509, 14 Apr 1856. Sett. By Gdn.

7 Apr 1857. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt from Jane Smith for 1/3 of sum.

7 Apr 1858; 261(1), 7 Apr 1859. Sett. by same Gdn.

7 Jan 1861. Sett. by J.C. Carlock, Gdn. 

no date. Final sett. by same (by his wife), Gdn. Of Sarah Co Armstrong who was a minor heir; receipts in full to heirs J.A. Smith and W.B. Armstrong for all funds; Gdn. Is chargeable 1 Mar 1866.



Will exec. 15 Jul 1854, proven 6 Nov 1854; to wife Rebecca and children. Exec: wife. Wit: W.C. Vaughan, R. Stubblefield.


11 Dec 1855. Cary Armstrong died Aug 1854 leaving widow Rebecca, who was dau. of John Morris, and children: Sarah, wife of George Snoddy; Robert; Wm; Jackson; and Taylor all minors.



5 Sep 1853. Moses Sweeny app. Adm.

20 Sep 1853; 342, 7 Nov 1853; 560, 27 Aug 1856. Comm. James Sloop, James Neill, and John W. Davis lay off year's support for widow and family. Invt., Sale, and Sett. by Adm.


3 Jan 1854. Petition to sell slaves. Moses Sweeny, Adm., VS Elizabeth Armstrong, widow, Sarah and George W. Culpeper, Amanda and Francis Pearce, Catharine, Priscilla, Elizabeth, and Louisa Armstrong, heirs, the last two being minors.


27 Feb 1858. Sett. by Francis M. Pearce, Gdn.

29 Jan 1861. Sett. by Benj. Wells, Gdn.

23 Nov 1861. Sett. by same Gdn.; balance paid to the ward who is married.



16 Aug 1856; 571, 19 Sep 1857; F 242, 26 Nov 1858.Sett., Invt., and final report by Elizabeth Armstrong, Adminx.; vouchers "shares &C11 of $83.19¼ each to Sarah wife of Geo. W. Culpeper; Elizabeth Armstrong, Sr.; Catharine wife of Wm. Moore; Amanda wife of Francis M. Pearce; and Elizabeth Armstrong, Jr., and $116.19¼ to Benj. Wells, Gdn.


8 Mar 1827. Benj. D. Armstrong app. Adm.

17 Mar 1827. Sale: 4 Jun 1828 Adm. makes sett. With Court Comm. A.D. Keys, J . K. Brown, O.G. Murrell.


no date. Invt. and Sale by C.A. Armstrong, Adm.




3 Apr 1843; 142, 5 Jun 1843; 278, 29 Apr 1845. Invt., Sale, and Sett. by Moses Sweeny, Adm.

28 Mar 1843. Comm. Joel Triplet, Gideon Cate, and Uriel Johnston set apart year's support for widow Nancy.

14 Feb 1848. Sett.; receipts of heirs James, Clinton, and Wm. Armstrong, Bannister Collier, Wm. John, and E. Goode.



7 Jan 1856. Allen Armstrong app. Adm.

7 Jul 1856. Invt. by C. Allen Armstrong, Adm.; all personal property turned over to widow Sarah.

30 Nov 1856. Petition to sell land by Adm. and Gdn. of Thomas Mogamery, Francis, David, and Joseph Armstrong, minor heirs.


29 Aug 1860. Settle by Adm. of Wm. and Sarah Armstrong payments for schooling for Francis, tuition 1857 and 1859for Magancy Armstrong, to Magana Risdom by Gdn. 1859 and 1860, to Jane Armstrong for board of Thomas and Joseph Armstrong, and account for David Armstrong.


28 Nov 1860. Sett. by Saml. Armstrong, Gdn., who is charged with amounts in favor of Fremers, Joseph, and D. Armstrong


Armstrong, William – died at Morristown Mar 28, 1862 of catarrhal fever; he enlisted in McMinn Co. under Capt. J.B. Cooks Nove 23, 1861; volunteered against entreaties of widowed mother. Athens Post, Vol. XIV, No. 706, Apr. 4, 1862



Will exec. 19 Dec 1850, proven 6 Dec 1852; to sons Samuel and Wm. P.; to dau. Sarah Armstrong; to granddau. Louisiana. Execs: Saml. and Wm. P. Armstrong. Wit: Thos. Vaughan, John Simpson.


ARNOLD, DANIEL (colored)

Will exec . 20 Jan 1866; to son Prince Arnold; to grandchildren John, Mollie, and Rufus Arnold and any other child which son Prince may have by present wife Parthena, the three above-named being children of theirs. Exec: Oswell Liner. Gdn. of Legatees: Wm. L. McKnight. Wit: G. M. McKnight, David Weeks. Signed by mark.

2 Apr 1866. Will proven.

2 Mar 1868. Ordered that Will be recorded second time as there is an error.

7 Jun 1869. Prince Arnold contests validity of Will.

7 Mar 1868. Daniel Arnold, a man of color, died about 1 Feb 1866.



5 Oct 1857; 100 1 7 Dec 1857; 327, 29 Dec 1859. List of notes and accts., Invt., and Sett. by Henry and J.W. Matlock, Adms.

26 Mar 1858; 267, 18 May 1859; 335, 18 May 1860; 411,

18 May 1861; 471, 18 May 1862. Sett. by Sarah Arnwine, Gdn. To Thos. and M.F. Arnwine, minor children.

18 Feb 1858. Albartis Arnwine died June 1857 leaving widow Sarah and children Thomas Fleming & M.M . Arnwine minors



Will exec. 21 Mar 1858, Codicil 9 Dec 1858. "I  have bequeathed" to James and Mary Forest, Sterlin and Ann Lewis, John and Elizabeth Moore, Wellington and Manila Rothwell, Isaiah and Nancy Garrison, Allen and Martha Dotson (this on 22 Feb 1853); "I bequeath" to son Marshal Arnwine and to my within named daughters; "I have bequeathed to William Albert in full as my book will show Chrisley Foster and his children as the Receipts will show in full". Wit: Silas G. Latham, James M. and Lang R. Dodd, and C.W. Rutledge. Codicil: "I deeded to my son Albartis Arnwine 319 acres of land to his heirs their portion in full of my Estate".


Codicil 9 Dec 1858: "with the exception of Brother Albartises Estate in Texas"; "my claim in Texas to go to my six son-in-laws and Fosters two children namely Elizabeth Ann and Sarah Isabel now the wives of Wm. and John Buttram"; "owing to the death of my wife". Wit: James Mo Dodd and C.W. Rutledge.


6 Jun 1859. Will produced and held up for confirmation.

5 Jul 1859. Objection to Will made by James Forest, Sterlin Lewis, Wellington H. Rothwell, and I.S. Garrison who contest said paper; referred to Circuit Court.

2 Jan 1860. Will proven by two witnesses·. Will had been sent back by Circuit Court for registration.


ASH, HUGH B. CC 298, filed 2 Aug 1858. Hugh B. Ash, son of Ropert Ash, died leaving widow, now the wife of Pettigrew, and children, all over 21 and nonresidents: Wm. J., Thos. J., Robert B., ~~ f Mary A., and Martha.



filed 2 Aug 1858. James R. Ash, son of Robert Ash, died Aug 1856 leaving his second wife Elizabeth and a son by first wife, Wm. B. Ash.



Will exec. 26 Jan 1857, proven Oct 1858; already given lands to grandson Wm. B. Ash; to lawful heirs,¼ to oldest son, ¼ to Mary A. Firestone,¼ to heirs of H.B. Ash,¼ to grandson Wm. B. Ash. Wit: James C. Carlock, Larkin Wells.

Acct. of sale held 14 Oct 1858.



2 Oct 1860 and 487, 5 Nov 1860. Court to pay Howel Asher furnishing pauper's coffin; order rescinded.



1 Nov 1852. Pleasant M. Miller of Meigs Co. app. Adm.

7 Feb 1853. Invt. of sale by Adm.

not dated. Comm. Silas Mynatt, James Pearce, and James Bonner set apart year's support for widow and family.

filed- 14 Jan 1854. Mccampbell Atchley died leaving widow Lydia and children: Mary wife of Henderson John (Mary in McMinn and husband in Ill.), James, Noah, Pleasant, Elizabeth, and Nancy Atchley, all minors except Mary.



29 Aug 1822. Sale by Ann and John Atkinson, Adms.

July Court 1837. Report by James Atkison, Gdn to John Atkison, Sally Asbery Millia Belinda Campbell James Ann Combs and Fany Atkinson, minor heirs. "have receipts on said heirs nine of Them".


15 Nov 1838. Report by same Gdn. Receipts from heirs Barnabas Thornhill, Camel B. Atkinson, John Combs, John Atkinson, John Erwin, James Atkinson, John McMinn, Asburry Atkinson, James


15 Nov 1839. Final report by same Gdn.



7 Sep 1840. James and Asbury Atkinson app. Adms.

no date. Invt. of Sale by Adms. Buyers include James, A., and Campbell B. Atkinson.

Loose unnumbered sheets. Add. Sett. by Adms. 22 Sep 1842.

Aug 1841. Report by Ezekiel Bonner, Gdn.

22 Oct 1842. Sett. by same Gdn. "Schooling for Nat & Lafayett Atkinson".

22 Sep 1842. Sett. by same Adms.

3 Apr 1843. Report by same Gdn.

6 Nov 1843. Sett. by same Gdn., receipts for schooling for Nat. and Vilena Atkinson.

4 Mar 1844; WB D 198, 8 Apr 1844. Sett . by same Gdn.

2 Jan 1860. Will proven by two witnesses. Will had been sent back by Circuit Court for registration.


ASH, HUGH B. __ ___

2 Aug 1858. Hugh B. Ash, son of Robert Ash, died leaving widow, now the wife of Pettigrew, and children, all ove'r--21 and nonresidents: Wm. J., Thos. J., Robert B., Mary A., and Martha.



2 1858. James R. Ash, son of Robert Ash, died

Aug 1856 leaving his second wife Elizabeth and a son by first wife, B. Ash.



Will exec. 26 Jan 1857, proven Oct 1858; already given lands to grandson Wm. B. Ash; to lawful heirs, ¼ to oldest son, ¼ to Mary A. Firestone, ¼ to heirs of H.B. Ash, ¼ to grandson Wm. B. Ash. Wit: James C. Carlock, Larkin Wells. Acct. of sale of land held 14 Oct. 1858



2 Oct. 1860 and 487, 5 Nov. 1860. Court to pay Howel Ashly for furnishing pauper’s coffin; order rescinded.



1 Nov. 1852. Pleasant M. Miller of Meigs Co. app. Adm.

7 Feb. 1853. Invt. Of sale by Adm.

Not dated. Comm. Silas Mynatt, James Pearce, and James Bonner set apart year’s support for widow and family.

14 Jan 1854. McCampbell Atchley died leaving widow Lydia and children: Mary wife of Henderson John (Mary in McMinn and husband in Ill.) James, Noah, Pleasant, Elizabeth, and Nancy Atchley, all minors except Mary.



29 Aug 1822. Sale by Ann and John Atkinson, Adms.

July Court 1837. Report by James Atkison, Gdn to John Atkison, Sally Asbery Millia Belinda Campbell James Ann Combs and a Fany Atkison, minor heirs have receipts on said heirs nine of them

Nov 1838. Report by same Gdn. Receipts from heirs Barnabas Thornhill, Camel B. Atkinson, John Combs, John Atkinson, John Erwin, James Atkinson, John McMinn, Asburry Atkinson, James Blackborn

15 Nov 1839. Final report by same Gdn



7 Sep 1840. James an app. Adms.

no date Inv. Of sale by Adms. buyers include James, A., and Campbell B. Atkinson

Loose unnumbered sheets. Add. Sett. By Adms. 22 Sep 1842

10 Aug 1841. Report by same Gdn.

22 Oct 1842. Sett. by same Gdn., receipts for schooling for Nat. and Vilena Atkinson.

8 Apr 1844. Sett. by same Gdn.

31 Jul 1844. Final report by same Gdn.; receipt of Asberry A. Atkinson, new Gdn., for total sum.

l4 Feb 1845; 12 Feb 1846; l2 Feb 1847; 12 Feb 1848; 12 Feb 1849; 12 Feb 1850; 4, Feb 1851; 12 Feb 1852. Sett. by Gdn. and Adms.

7 Apr 1853. Sett. by Gdn. Voucher for tuition for Nat. L. Atkinson at Hiwassee College.

23 Dec 1853. Sett. by Gdn. for Nat L. Atkinson.

7 Apr 1854. Sett. by Gdn. for Vilena Atkinson.



WB A 12, no date and no signatures. Invt.

CR2 182, 4 Dec 1826. Supp. Invt. filed.



3 May 1869. John L. and E. A. Atlee, Jr., app. Adms.

2 Aug 1869. Report by Comm. assigning dower in lands to widow Delilah G

7 Feb 1870. -P. C. Wilson resigns as Adm. -

4 Nov 1870. Sett. by John L. Atlee, Adm.

filed 9 May 1871. Edwin A. Atlee, Sr., died 16 Apr 1869 leaving the following children: Amelia V. wife of Alexander F. Cox of Tex.; Anna E. wife of Johns. Mccampbell of Tex.; S.C. widow of Luter; Mary P. wife of N.T. Ayers of Ohio; Dr. John L.; Edwin A., Jr.; B.G.; Letitia S. wife of P.C. Wilson; Margaretta S. wife of Thos. M. Coleman of Tex. By Nov Term 1871 Letitia S. and P.C. Wilson are both dead leaving children: Mary E., Fanny G., Henry L.P., all minors under 14. Margaretta S. Coleman dies by May Term 1872 leaving children Thomas and Anna, minors.



3 Dec 1855. James Bryan and John Rigans app. Adms.

4 Feb 1856. Invt. of sale by Adms.

filed 20 Apr 1857. Reddick Autry died Sep 1855 leaving widow Jane (who is granddaughter of Jane Riggins, dec'd) and minor children: Joseph, Rebecca, Hiley, William, Richard, Mary, and Elizabeth.

June 1867. Jane Ortery app. Gdn. of Elizabeth Ortery her own minor heir and Thomas Pugh and Jackson Ortery, grandchildren.



24 Aug 1865. A. P. McClatchy VS Westley Avens. Death of defendant is suggested and proven. (He did not die until 1873 but was in the war and was presumed dead)



3 Sep 1827. Susannah Ayers app. Gdn. of Salina P. Thorp, Joseph C., Daniel R., Susan J., and James W. Ayres, minor heirs.


5 Sep 1853. Robert A. Anderson app. Gdn. for Mary Jane Bailes, minor heir.



Will exec. 28 Nov 1828; to wife Lucy; to sons Wesly, Hayman; to daus. Jane, Charity, and Polly. Execs: wife Lucy and son Wesly. Wit: Saml. Workman, Jane McClachy.

4 Mar 1829. Will proven.

1829. Invt. by Execs.



7 Sep l829 Will proven by Samuel McConnell and continued for further probate



5 Sep 1859. R.J. Patty app. Adm.

not dated. Commo Robert Cochran, Wm. L. Dodson, and M. C. Derick set apart year's support for widow and family.

27 Sep l859. Acct. of sale by Adm.

25 Oct l86l. Sett. by same Adm.; 27 Apr 1864 Amanda E. Bain receipt for balance

27 Dec 18590 Samuel R. Bain died leaving widow Elizabeth and minor children: Jo, Elmina, James R., and Nancy T. Bain, all



4 Feb 1847; to wife Pruda; to daus. Martha Armstrong, Susanah Coats, Pallissam Baker, Azzeezam Hail; to little dau. Sarah Catherine Baker and to Mareazean Wammac, when they come of age; to sons Andrew and Champenas; to three youngest sons Wilson, Morris, and Eli Do Exec: Jonathan Thomas. Wit: Jonithan Thomas, Wm. Alberto Signed by mark.

5 Feb 1849. Will proven.

5 May 18490 Comm. John Howell, R. Spradling, and Wmo

Albert set apart year's support for widow.

4 Jun 1849; 259, 17 Jun 1852. Invt.  Sale, and Setto by Exec.



8 Sep 1840. Mary Baker app. Adminx.

19 Sep 1840. Commo Oliver Dodson, Thomas Duckworth,

and Christian Peters set apart year's support for widow Mary.

no dateo Invt.

30 Oct 1843. Sett. of Adminx., made by Jeremiah F. Strange.



6 Mar 1870. Elizabeth, dau. of Penelope Mayfield, dec’d, died between Feb 1853 and 1857. She had children as follows: son Jesse Hill by her first husband; Eliza and Williams Hudgens by her second husband. Her third husband was John Baker. Her dau. Eliza Hudgens married Wm. Smith 1857 when she was about 15. Wm. Smith died about 1860-61. The children of Eliza Hudgens Smith are Wm. Bo and Sarah E. Smith, minors.



2 Feb 1852. Allen Haley, James H. Melton, and F.M. Lusk app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Artemissa.

1 Mar 1852. Invt and Sale held 27 Feb "l852 by Joseph Grier, Adm.

21 Feb 1852 Report by above Comm.

18 Jan 1855. Sett. by Adm.



4 Nov 1861. Comm. Oliver Dodson, Wm. L. Dodson, and Chas. Cate lay off year's support for widow Mary.

15 Nov 1869. John Baker died about Sep l86l leaving widow Mary, who has since married Elbert Brock, and children: Callaway of Roane Co.; Elizabeth and Sarah, minors, of Roane Co.; Hamilton; Joe; James; Mary wife of Solomon Bogart; Emeline wife of Elbert McGinty; Catherine wife of R. Cobb.



4 Dec 1826. Will partly proven by James Walker



5 Dec 1825. Daniel Pearce app. Adm., the widow consenting, and also app. Gadn. Of John and Delia Baker, minors

1 Sep 1828. John and Delilah Baker, over 14, chooses Daniel Pearce as Gdn.

1 Jun 1829. Arthur Baker, minor, over 14, chooses David H. Dicky as Gdn. Dicky app. Gdn. For James and Adnrew Baker, minors under 14.



Jan. 1861. L.L. Ball app. Gdn. for his own minor children John R., Jas. P., and John H. Ball.



Will exec. 16 Mar 1864, Codicil 27 Dec ·1864; to wife Lucinda; to son John K. $150 and if he die without issue money t be divided between E.E. Weir and John H. Ball; to son James P. $1150 and if he die without issue money to be divided among John K. Ball, E.E. Weir, and John H. Ball; to Sarah Hedington and her heirs. Exec: W.H. Ballew or W.G. Horton. Wit. to Will: T.B. and W.L. Mayfield. Wit. to Codicil: T.B. and Wms. Mayfield.

no date. Comm. T.B. Mayfield, Humphrey Reynolds, and William Mayfield set apart year's support for widow.

4 Jun 1866. Will proven.

3 Sep 1869. Sett. by James K.P. Ball, Adm



filed 20 Jan 1851. Abraham J. Ballew died 24 Aug 1844, without wife or child, being unmarried, leaving mother and father William and Frances Ballew, and the following bros. and sisters: John M. who died about 1846 also unmarried, William H. David W., Eliza E., Mary L., and Harriet A. Ballew, and Elizabeth E. Mayfield wife of Thomas B. Mayfield. Elizabeth E. Mayfield died after her bro. Abraham died, leaving husband and five children, namely Elizabeth Frances, Louisa Penelope, Mary Letitia, Emeline Elvira and William Mayfield, all minors. The said Wm. Mayfield has died, unmarried, since his mother died.



Will exec. 29 Aug 1849, proven 2 Sep 1850; to wife Francis; to dau. Eliza Emeline, interest on money placed in hands of Wm. H. Ballew for her use; to children of dau. Elizabeth Elvira Mayfield: El~zabeth Francis, Louisa Penelope, Mary Letiti and Elvira Emeline; to children William Henry, David Washington, Mary Louisa, and Harriet Adelia. Execs: sons Wm. Henry and David Washington Ballew. Wit: James Forrest, Wm. L. Rice.

Oct 1850; 121, 5 Nov 1850. Invt. and Acct. of sale.

3 Dec 1850. Widow Francis petitions Court to enter on record her dissent to the Will.

1 Feb 1853. Sett. by Execs.; Devisees Wm. H., David, Mary L., and Harriet A. Ballew make division of slaves among themselves, reserving two as joint property during the lifetime of their mother, to take care of and wait upon her in her old age



6 Jan 1851. Court pays E. L. Kirksey for making coffins for Jacob Ballinger and wife Mary, paupers, in year 1850.



3 Dec 185 5. Richard Rothwell app. Gdn. to minor heirs.

7 Apr 1856. Report by same, Gdn. to minor heirs of Nathan Barksdale, dec'd; received all funds from estate of Johnathan Barksdale, dec'd.

7 Dec 1857. Richard Rothwell Gdn. to Arametha A. and Andrew J. Barksdale, minor heirs.

7 Apr 1857; 177, 7 Apr 1858. Sett. by Gdn.

7 Apr 1859. Sett. by same Gdn.; "allowed gdn. For travel expense from Athens Tenn to Albemarle Co Va".

7 Nov 1860. Sett. by same Gdn.; John F. Hannah's receipt for total amount.



6 Jul 1842. Report by Elisha White, Gdn. to John, Jesse, Elizabeth, William, Narcissa, Daniel J., Nancy C., and Martha White, minor heirs.

no date. Report by same Gdn.; receipts for equal amounts from John White, Mand Maddux, Jesse White, J.F. and N. Benton, and D.J. White.

29 Aug 1846. Sett. by same, Gdn. to his minor children who are heirs of David Barnett, dec'd; receipts in full of Nancy C. and Martha White.


BARNETT, JAMES M (b. 2 Apr 1804 d. Nov 1847 Buried Clear Springs Cem.)

1 Dec 1870. James M. Barnett died about l847 leaving widow Elizabeth M. and children: W.C., Charles A., Stephen S., Nancy S. wife of G.W. Bogart, Margaret E. wife of H.B. Burns, Mary C. widow of Patrick Wilson, and Frances J. wife of Joseph F. Wilson of Lewis Co., Mo.



Will exec. 29 Dec 1846; to wife Mary; to children James M., John w., Wm. H., Saml. H., and Robt. C. Barnett, Polly Williams, and Sally M. Hale. Execs: sons John W. and Wm. H. Wit: Isom Julian and Israel C. Smith. Signed by mark.

4 Oct 1847. Will proven by Israel C. Smith.



6 Jan 1840. Court pays for shroud and coffin.



7 Oct 1844. Calvin H. Senter app. Adm. of James Senter, dec'd, William Bates the late Adm. having departed this life.



3 Dec 1860. L.P. Baysinger app. Adm.

no date. Comm. Jos. H. Melton, Allen Haley, and C.A. Pickens lay off year's support for four minor heirs.

8 Feb 1861; 472, 30 Oct 1862. Invt. and sett. by Adm.  



3 Jan 1870. C.H. Bean app. Adm.



filed 25 Aug 1860. John J. Beasley dies during the lawsuit by Aug 1861, leaving widow Rebecca Ann and children: Susan Ann, Elizabeth, Matilda, Theodore, John William, and Rufus.

22 Feb 1862. Invt. by Rebecca Beasley, Adminx.



Will exec. 31 May 1866; to son John B. Cobb; to dau. M.C.A., wife of Isaac Benson "to compensate her for so kindly taking care of me in my advanced age & feeble health"; to grandson John C. Gilbreath of Ore. "if there be as much as five thousand dollars collected from estate of my father Samuel McJunkins of S. C."; to Julia C. wife of Chas. W. Rice of Ark. Exec: son in law Isaac Benson. Wit: James Parkerson, James Steed.

6 Aug 1866. Will proven.

1 Jul 1868. Power of Atty. from Chas. W. Rice and wife Juliet C. of Benton Co., Ark., to P.B. Mayfield of Cleveland, Tenn., to collect from Isaac Benson, Exec., their share of estate of Mary Beavers, mother of said Juliet C. Rice, or from the estate of Mary Beavers' father and mother, Samuel and Sarah McJunkins (McJenkins), late of Greenville Dist., S.C., and to turn over such funds to Standwik H. Mayfield.



4 Jul 1842. Samuel Beeler app. Adm.

1 Aug 1842. Invt. Of debts due the estate in State of Tenn.



3 May 1858. James Parkerson app. Adm.

4 Oct 1858. Invt. by Adm.

no date. Comm. C.W. Rice, G.C. Bradford, and L.C. Rentfro lay off year's support for widow S.J.



8 Sep 1870. Lawson VS Atkinson. Power of Atty. 1851 to Jeremiah Bennett of White Co., Tenn., from Matthew Curry and wife Elizabeth and Isaac Bennett of Hancock Co., IlL, David and Rachel Bennett of McDonough Co., Ill., heirs at law of John Bennett late of McMinn Co. Power of Atty. 15 Sep 1850 to Jeremiah Bennett from Jesse K. Miller and wife Eliza, formerly Eliza Bennett (dau. of John Bennett) of Dallas Co., Iowa



2 Jun 1834. John Camp app. Adm.

27 Jun 1834; 170, 2 Mar 1835. Invt., Sale, and Add. Invt. by Adm.; buyers include Matilda, Polly, Levicy, and David Bigham.



2 Oct 1865. John B. Kennedy app. Gdn. of Isaac Bishop, minor.

2 Apr 1866. John B. Kennedy resigns as Gdn. of Isaac Bishop. John B. Kennedy app. Gdn. of Eliza Jane and Isaac Bishop, minor heirs.

16 Nov 1866. Sett. by same, Gdn. of Isaac Bishop.

7 Oct 1867. Dan Carpenter app. Gdn. of Isaac Bishop.



5 Nov 1872. Robert Bishop died Apr. 1870 leaving brother J.M. Bishop and widow Sarah and children: Elizabeth A., Sampson C., and R.M., all minors.



6 Jun 1842. Isaac Wallin app. Adm.

1 Aug 1842. Invt. of sale by Adm.; Hannah Bishop the only buyer.



6 May 1870. Thomas Bishop died 1863 leaving widow Nancy and children: James C., Robert T., Sarah D., John M.P., and Elizabeth, all minors. Robert Bishop, dec'd, was bro. to Thomas Bishop.


6 Jun 1870. Sampson and Robert Bishop VS Nancy, James C., Rob. T., Sarah D., John M.P., and Elizabeth Bishop, the last five being minors. Petition to sell land.


5 Sep 1870. Plat of land assigned by Comm.; 1/3 to Sampson Bishop, 1/3 to Robert Bishop, and 1/3 to Nancy Bishop, widow, and the five minor children.



Will exec. l Jun 1861; to wife Mary; to two children Parthenia Artelessa Blackburn and James De Witt Clinton Blackburn, minors and children of Mary. Exec: John Rogers. Wit: A.J. Dodson, F.A. Pettitt.

7 Nov 1864. Will proven.



3 Apr 1865. Invt. by R.G. Blackburn, Adm.; includes notes bad and doubtful dating back to 1833.

30 Apr 1866. Sale by Robert G. Blackburn, Adm.

10 Nov 1869. Jesse R. Blackburn died Dec 1864 leaving widow Mary and children: Susan A. wife of Thomas A. Cass, Melinda E. widow of G.C. Duggan, Margaret A., Eliza E. wife of R.E. Martin, and R. G. Blackburn.


BLACKBURN, SAMUEL (b. 19 Oct 1771 d. 18 Nov 1834 buried Cedar Springs Cem.)

9 Nov 1834, proven June 1835; to wife Margaret; to six children: James, Robert, Jesse, Levina, Mose, and John. Execs: sons James and Robert. Wit: Isom Julian, Peter Airhart.



20 Aug 1867. State of Tenn. Vs. Wm. H. Ballew et al; Death pf J.W. Blackwell one of the defendants is suggested and not denied.

25 Nov 1867. Children of · Julius W. Blackwell and wife, both dec'd, are: Ada or Addie wife of McCulla of Knoxville; Helen, dec'd, wife of John L. Bridges, dec'd (whose children are Julius B. and John E. Bridges both minors over 14 of Atlanta); and Wm.T. Blackwell, dec'd. Ada McCulla, Julius B. and John E. Bridges are the only living descendants of Julius w. Blackwell.

6 Jan 1868. Invt. by J. Grubb, Adm.



17 Apr 1868. Ada McCulla VS J.B. and John E. Bridges, minors, and John F·. Slover and A.H. Keith. Petition for sale of house and lot for distribution. A.H. Keith sold house to Blackwell. Slover is Gdn. of minors.



3 Jun 1828. Wm. Blair VS John Armstrong, James Johnston, and John Blair, Execs.



12 Aug 1869. Wm. F. Johnson, Adm., VS E.T.& Ga. R.R. Co.



1 Oct 1838. Thomas Smart app. Gdn. To Wm. and Joseph B. Smart, minor heirs. Name of dec’d not given here.

Jul 1842. Report by same Gdn.; receipts from minors for their full shares; witnesses John mcGaughy and Jacob Vanzant.



Will exec. 13 May 1829; to wife Joana; to children until youngest child be of age. Execs: Amon and Benjamin Bond. Wit: John W. and Wm. H. Barnett. Signed by mark .

8 Dec 1829 and 9 Dec 1829. Will proven.

6 Sep 1842. Elizabeth Bond, 16, chooses Samuel Wilson as Gdn.

17 Jul 1844; 369, 15 Apr 1846. Sett. by Samuel Wilson Gdn. to the minor heir.

4 Jan 1847. Saml. Wilson released as Gdn.



Will exec. 3 Sep 1845; to wife Mourning "she being present and such being her wishes"; to sons James and Moses; to daus. Margaret Graves, Elizabeth McDowell, and Vinny Atkinson; to granddau. Parilee wife of John Gregory; to grandson Thomas Greenville Bonner son of dau. Margaret Graves; to grandchildren Nat. L. and Vilena Atkinson children of dau. Rebecca Atkinson, dec'd; to grandchildren Jemima and Mourning Womack children of dau. Sally Womack, dec'd. Execs: Wm. Cowan and Levin L. Ball. Wit: Tho. J. Campbell and Emanuel Hany. Codicil "added immediately after executing the same" but dated 3 Aug 1845.

5 Oct 1846. Will proven. Execs. named refuse to serve. Widow, legatees, and next of kin refuse to serve.

James McNabb app. Adm. with Will annexed.

4 Dec 1846. Invt. and sale by Adm.; includes note for collection on James Cooly of Ga. but it is said he lives Ala.

7 Nov 1846. Comm. Jo McCulley, E. Haney, and Wm. McKamy set apart year's support for widow Mourning.


l Mar 1847 to 2 Jan 1849. Settlements by Adm.; by John Wammack Gdn. to his minor children;

by James Bonner Gdn. to Thos. Greenville Bonner; by James Bonner Gdn. to Vilena and Nat. L. Atkinson minor heirs of Jno. Atkinson, dec'd, so far as the estate of Ezekiel Bonner is concerned.

23 Jan 1849. Sett. by Adm.; paid to heirs Moses and James Bonner, John McDowell, James Atkinson, John Gregory, and Mourning Bonner, widow; paid John Wamack, Gdn.; paid James Bonner, Gdn.


15 Feb 1849 to 2 Jan 1851. Sett. by same Gdns. and Adm.

5 May 1851. Sett. by Tapley Gregory, present Gdn. To Thos. G. Bonner.

2 Jan 1852. Sett. by John Wamack, Gdn. to Gemima Adaline and Mourning Elizabeth Wamack; final payment to Peter Cate and wife Gemima Adline Cate, heirs.


15 Feb 1852 to 6 May 1859. Sett. by same Gdns.

On 24 Apr 1854 Thos. G. Bonner's receipt for total amount. On 6 May 1859 (F 262) Mourning E. Wamack of lawful age receives her funds.

Loose sheet of paper not registered in book, dated 9 Jan 1855. Final Sett. by James Bonner, Gdn. to Velina W. Atkinson; receipt of E.W. and V.W. King, heirs, for balance in acct.



10 Jan 1860. Comm. Wm. McKamy, Stephen Hill, and I.B.Haney lay off year's support for widow and family.

5 Mar 1860. John Gregory app. Gdn. to James B., Calvin, Parallee, and George F. Bonner, minor heirs. Anna Bonner, widow, files petition for dower in lands.

22 Nov. 1860. Invt. and sale by James Gregory, Adm.

9 l Jul 1861. Report by John Gregory, Gdn.

17 Mar 1862. Sett. by James Gregory, Adm. of estate of John Gregory, dec'd, who was Gdn.

9 29 Jun 1865 and 188, 12 Jul 1866. Sett. by Adm.

1 Sep 1866. Sett. by Joseph McCulley, Gdn. of James Polk, Calvin S., Paralee, and Franklin Bonner, reporting from 1862. ·

23 Aug 1867. James Bonner died leaving widow Anna and children, viz: Sarah, wife of Joseph Walker of Mo.; Elizabeth, wife of James Gregory; Mary, wife of Elmore Brock of White Co., Tenn.; Martha, wife of John Weir of Ark.; Margaret, wife of John E. Hutsell; Ezekiel; James P.; Calvin; Parallee, wife of John Shearer; and George Francis, a minor.



5 Jul 1847. 1847. Coroner paid for holding inquest on 14 Jun


BOON. ELIZABETH (b. 23 Sept. 1789 d. 13 Aug 1843 buried Zion Hill Baptist Cem.)

4 Sep 1843. David Moss app. Adm.

4 Dec 1843. Invt. of sale by Adm., buyers include Sarah, Daniel, Israel, John, and Allen Boon.

29 Aug 1845. James C. Carlock, Clerk, makes pro rata sett. of estate between Allen Boon, Adm. of David Moss who was Adm. of Elizabeth Boon, and the creditors.



4 Nov 1839. David Moss and Allen Boon app. Adms.

Feb 1840. Invt. of sale by Adms.

2 Dec 1839. Comm a Samuel Hardy, James Gaut, and Chas. T. Thornton lay off year's support for widow Elizabeth and children.

2 Nov 1841. Sett. by Adms.

2 May 1845. Sett. by Allen Boon, Adm.; receipts in full from the heirs, including his own.

21 Aug 1848. Cansler VS Cansler; Israel Boone died Sep 1839



23 Nov 1829; to wife Sarah; to sons Israel and Johnithan; to Johnithan Wilson, Smith Coffey, Wm.

Coffey, Wm. Gragg, Marvel (Mavel) Coffey, Daniel Boon. Execs: Israel Boon, Asbury M. Coffey . Wit: A.M. Coffey, John Thompson, Johnithan Allen.

8 Dec 1829 amd 11 Dec 1829. Will proven.

9 Sep 1835. Invt. of sale 1 Sep 1835 by A. M. Coffee one of Execs.



1 Nov 1869. Will proven by Phillip Rawlings, J.H. and Walsh. See also Sarah and James Bowerman.



6 Jan 185 7. M. Bowerman app. Adm.



1 Nov 1869. Report of sale by J.M Bigham, Adm.



6 Dec 1830. Joseph Cobb, Saml. McConnell, and Henry Bradford app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Denitha. Wm. Logan app. Adm.



Will exc. 7 May 1857, proven Jul 1857; to wife Polly "land in Grainger Co. whereon Pleasant Smith

& Jonathan Wade now live; to dau. Mary Jane; to only son Thomas Jefferson; dau. and son to live with mother free of charge until dau. marries and son comes of age; "the proceeds of the store” Exec: Joseph McCulley. Wit: John Crawford, Wm. George Advisory to the Executor (follows second registration of the

Will): "My special friend Milton Shields will settle between me and the heirs of Henry Boyd Deceased with Doctor Samuel Shields surviving Executor. Milton Shields will make settlement with John C. Tate & Co. he having a perfect knowledge of these affairs at the Panther Springs Grainger County Tenn. if it should become necessary to employ other Counsel Judge Robert Barton of Jefferson who is my friend will attend to it. The Evidence of debt due F. & H. Boyd are at Athens and panther springs all the books are at Athens. I mean the settled accounts between us. "

15 Apr 1859. Invt. by Exec., Sett. by Mary Boyd, Gdn. of Thomas J. Boyd, and Invt. of sale.

25 Oct 1861. Sett. by Gdn.; paid for board for Thos. at Mossy Creek.

12 Mar 1866. Sett. by same, Gdn. of her minor son



Sett. by same, Gdn. of her minor son .

Will exec. 6 Nov 1863; to two bros. Henry and Fielding Bradford. Wit: A. Coldwell, C.L . King.

2 Dec 1867. Will proven.



9 Aug 1852. Resolutions passed by the members of the Athens Bar: Col. James F. Bradford departed this life at his residence in vicinity of Athens on Sat. 17th Inst born Jeffers on Co. , Tenn. , 11 July 1801 bereft of his father at an early age responsibility of widowed Mother and large family of brothers and sisters, he being the oldest then at home at the first setting of the Hiwassee District he commenced study of law under direction of Hon. Chas. F. Keith at the present site of the Town of Athens ... admitted to bar in 1823

elected to Legislature of Tenn. in 1833 but returned to private practice stricken by attack of apoplexy on Friday

18 Sep 1852. Comm. Uriel Johnston, James Neill, and Hugh P. Wilson set apart year's support for family "taking into consideration the number of the family which is in all 25 persons".

6 Dec 1852. Invt. and sales by Mrs. Nancy Bradford, Adminx., includes list of books in law library; partnership of Bradford & Dodson

23 Aug 1855. Add. Invt. by same Adminx.

9 Jun 1855. James F. Bradford died 17 Jul 1852 leaving widow Nancy, who is dead by Nov 1867 when suit is reinstated, and children, viz: Chas. K. over 21 in 1855; Mary who becomes 21 by 22 Aug 1856; Cornelia, dec' d, a minor without issue; James F., Jr., William C., Henry, and Fielding, all minors in 1855; John D. and Franklin, both minors in 1855 and dec'd by Nov 1867.



2 Mar 1835. Susan Bradley app. Adminx.

Jun 1835. Report by Comm. John Arnwine, Henry Matlock, and James Small setting apart year's support to widow.

21 Mar 1835. Invt. of sale by Adminx. "A list of property given to Wm. Bradley's children": to Malenda Christian, Agnes West, Elizabeth Baker, Susan Orr. Buyers include John Bradley, John Christian, Josiah Orr.

8 Sep 1838. Sett. by same Adminx.



Will exec. 6 Apr 1830; to wife Anna; to sons Hiram, Calvin (a minor), Joseph, Jefferson, William; to daus. Tamsy, Jane, and Polly (a minor). Execs: wife Anna and friend Philip Fry. Wit: Isaac Lane and Peter Reagan. Signed by mark.

7 Jun 1830. Will proven.

8 Jun 1830. John B. Cate and wife Tamsey formerly Tamsey Brandon VS Hiram, Calvin, Joseph, Jefferson, William, Jane, Polly, and Anna Brandon and Phillip Fry. John B. Cate and wife Tamsey, one of the heirs, suggest to the Court that John Brandon was not of sound mind when making Will; trial ordered.

Plaintiffs agree with the assent of the Court that a nonsuit be entered.

21 Mar 1849. Sett. by Phillip Fry, one of Execs.; paid heirs J.B. Cate and wife, James Brandon, Eli Wells and wife Polly; reports that Anna Brandon, Execx., paid over to heirs Wm., Hiram, Jane, and Calvin Brandon such property as was bequeathed to them.



6 Nov 1865. Isaiah and Martha Brannam, orphan children of John and Martha Brannam, dec'd, bound to John Hix.



3 Oct 1836. Patience Lawson app. Gdn. to Jane Brannon, minor heir.


BREWER, LEWIS (b. 12 Oct 1795 d. Dec 1856 buried Love Cem.)

6 Jan 1857. P.W. Brewer app. Adm.

no date. Invt.

21 Dec 1858. Sett.; equal payments to Calvin Shoemaker and wife, L.B. Baysinger and wife, and Jane H. Brewer, leaving same amount due James Brewer a minor.


1 Apr 1860. Coroner's jury of inquest finds that deceased came to his death on 26 Mar 1860 by a fall from his horse.

6 Oct 1866. John G. Briant died 27 Mar 1860 leaving no wife or child and the following as his only bros. and sisters: twin bro. Louis F.; Wm. H.; Mathew S.; Martha M. wife of W. A. Nelson; Elizabeth J. wife of Wm. Foster; Esther C. wife of J.C. Pennington of Monroe Co.; Mary I. a minor under 21 who by 23 Nov 1867 is wife of P. Cleveland . In 1839 Wm. F. Briant deeded land to Louis F. and John G. Briant. In 1866 Esther C. and J.C . Pennington give receipt to A.D. Briant for their share of lands of John G. Briant, dec'd, it being a part of the lands on which A.D. Briant now lives.



Will exec. 15 Apr 1840. "The undersigned Testator being almost destitute of property"; to three sons and four daus.; to son Allison D. Briant; to granddau. Betsy Baker; to grandson Wm. H. Briant who is son to Allison Briant and his wife Ann. Exec: Allison D. Briant. Wit: A. and John Winkle.

 4 May 1840. Will proven by Abraham and John Winkle.



1 filed 25 May 1853. Helen E., dec ' d, was wife of John L. Bridges, dau. of Julius W. and Mahala D. Blackwell, and niece of Adaline A. Blackwell of Knoxville. Helen E. Bridges was alive in Feb 1851. Her minor children are Julius B. and John E. Bridges.



Will exec 30 Jan 1843. Wife Sarah to have entire estate and at her death she may will it to whom she pleases. Execs. W. Cowan and John Poe. Wit: Saml. and Chas. McNelly. Signed by mark.

5 Aug 1844. Will proven. Execs. refuse to serve and Court app. Wm. T. McCallie.

3 Aug 1846. Sett. by Adm.; no personal property .



3 Jan 1859. Court pays for coffin and shroud for pauper.



1 Oct 1853. Comm. John Jack, Thomas Everton, and E.T. Kirksey lay off year's support for widow Mary and family.

25 Nov 1854. Invt. by J. Jack, Adm.

no date. Widow Mary is assigned land as dower.

1 Jan 1855. John Jack, Adm. VS Mary Brock, widow, and Andrew J. and Margaret E. Brock, the latter an infant, heirs. Petition to sell land.

2 Jan 1857. Pro rata sett.; paid for obtaining grant to land.

14 Dec 1869. Elbert Brock died Sep 1853 leaving widow Mary (alive in 1869) and only children: Lucinda or Lucy (who died after her father without issue and who was wife of S.H. Thompson); Andrew Jackson; Isaac (who died 23 Dec 1848, who married 10 Apr 1848 Mari Jane Saunders, and who left one child Margaret Elizabeth, born 5 Jun 1849, who by 22 May 1871 has married Ben Phillips).



2 May 1842. Jesse Brookshire, orphan aged 15 years and 3 months, bound to Wm. Armstrong.



no date. Comm. D. Dorsey, Oliver Dodson, and Joel Triplet list property.

5 Oct 1846 . Above Comm . app . to lay off year's support for widow Polly.



no date. Invt. of sale and notes by Henry Rice, Adm.

11 May 1865. Sett. by C.L. Rice, Adm. of Henry Rice, dec‘d, and Adm. De Bonus Non of Edmund Browder.

7 Jul 1866. Sett. by same Adm.

6 Dec 1865. Edmund Browder died 6 Sep. 1861 leaving children, vz: Matthew, born 26 Sep 1805, now of De Kalb Co  Ala.; Lavinia, born 10 Dec 1806, wife of Jesse Grissam; Deborah born 30 Jul 1809, wife of Jesse Samples; Sally, born 1 Dec 1810 and died 24 Oct 1823; John Weiley, born 17 Mar 1812, who died before lawsuit is filed, leaving widow Jane and two children, Edmund and Marline, wife of Napoleon Bradford; Darius, born 30 Oct 1813, now of De Kalb Co., Ala.; Martha or Patey, born 7 May 1815, who dies by Nov. 1871 and is wife of Wm. Callahan, non-residents; Ceilia (Selah, Selia), born 14 Nov 1816, wife of Jonathan Johns of Knox Co.; Lovana, born 12 Jul 1818, wife of Elijah Grisham; Talitha (Delitha, Tallitha), born 30 Sep 1819, wife of Wm . Bolin; Calvin, born 2 Nov 1820; Samuel D., born 16 Apr 1822, now of Bradley Co.; Robert F., born 22 Sep 1823, died May 1873, married Arminda C. Erwin; Albert, born 17 Jul 1825; Catherine born 27 Aug 1828 and died 7 May 1830.


BROWDER, JOSEPH (b. 14 Nov. 1789 d. 3 Apr. 1862 buried Clear Springs Cem.)

5 Sep 1864. Simeon Browder app. Adm. Com. app. to lay off year's support for widow Ellen and family.

3 Oct 1864 and 110, 29 Sep 1865. Invt. and sale by Adm .

6 Jan 1868. Wm. R. Smith app. Gdn. of Julie Browder, minor heir.

5 Feb 1869. Sett. by Adm.; equal payments to J. F. Browder, M.E. Vanzant, and W.R. Smith, Gdn.

1 Dec 1870. Joseph Browder died about 1863 leaving heirs John F. of Ga., Simeon E. of Polk Co., Julia a minor, Mary wife of Isaac Denton



Verbal Will exec. 23 'Jan 1860. "Statement of J.W. Blackwell and Wm. W. Alexander as to the last Will and Testament of A.B. Brown, dec'd, reduced to writing by Wm. W. Alexander one of the witnesses Tuesday the 24th day of January A. D. 1860; the witnesses, of Athens, were at the death bed of A. Brooks Brown on the morning of the 23rd Jan 1860; to Daniel Bledsoe and wife Margaret Bledsoe for caring for him during his illness; balance to his "recognized natural son George Brown of Blount Co., Tenn. "

Wit: Wm. G. Horton and Jas. C. Calhoun.

6 Feb 1860. Will proven. Court satisfied that the widow could not be conveniently found. Jesse Brown, bro. of dec'd, appears and offers no objection to the Will.

7 Feb 1860. Jury of inquest finds that A.B. Brown being alone on 23 Jan 1860 did shoot himself with a shotgun loaded with buckshot from the effects of which he died this the 24 Jan 1860 .

16 Mar 1860. Invt. by Jas. H. Hornsby, Adm., with Will annexed. A partnership existed between dec'd and H.H. Rider.

7 Mar 1862. Final sett.; receipt for balance from heir George Brown.



1 Sep 1834. Wm. L. Tate, Adm. Vs. Zacariah Keith



no date. Invt. by Sarah and Aron B. Brown, Adms.

l Jun 1829. Sarah and Aron B. Brown app. Adms.

10 Sep 1829. John Austin and Joel K. Brown app. Comm. To lay off year's support for widow Sarah.




Will exec. 13 Jul 1870, probated Sep 1870; to wife N.K.; to minor heirs R . N.; H.L.; M.M.; N.K.; J.W.; and M.L. Brown; to legal heirs; if granddau. Ady Brock dies before reaching 21, her portion to legal heirs; to John Rogers, about 10 acres adjoining his own land. Execs: James Parkison, Esq., J.H. Lowry. Wit: Wm. Combs, J.A. Owens.

9 Jul 1871. Petition of W.C. and Winfield S. Brown and Kinner Brown, widow and legatees, to set aside Will; ordered that Will be set aside; appealed to Circuit Court.

9 Jun 1871. J.W. Brown died leaving children Wm. C., Windfield S., and three minors by his first wife who is long since dead, and three minor children by his surviving widow, N. Kinner Brown. Complainants claim that Testator was insane at time will was made



2 Mar 1868. Report of sale by C.F. Gibson, Adm.



21 Aug 1860. Sarah Brown died a short time after buying a lot in Athens on 4 Jun 1834 leaving children by her first husband Robert Green, viz: Phebe Green of McMinn Co. and Hannah Green of Meigs Co.; also leaving children by her second husband Jonathan Brown, viz: Jessee of Rhea Co.; Sarah, Noama, and Isaac who live in the West; Abraham of Mo.; Joseph who died without heirs; Aaron B. who died with a wife living in Ark. And no legitimate children. See A. Brooks Brown

16 Oct 1865.- Sarah Brown died about 1839 leaving children as given above. All the children by Brown, except Jessee, have died without lawful issue.



6 Feb 1860. T.S. Denson app. Adm.

no date. Comm. Wm. Rogers, B.C. Hultern and C. H. Senter set apart year's support from the accts. and notes for widow Mary Ann and family


AN (BRYANT), WILLIAM B. (b. 25 Sep. 1793 d. 5 Sep. 1839 buried Hopewell Baptist Cem.)

7 Oct 1839. Robert M. Newman and James Bryant app. Adms.

8 Oct 1839. Chas. W. McDonald and Chas. Cate app. Gdns. to Mary, Ernaline, Thomas, Mariah, Allin, and·Wm. Bryant, minor heirs, and are chosen Gdns. by Pleasant and Peter who are of age to choose for themselves.

Nov 1839. Comm. John McGaughey, John Crawford, and Chas. W. McDonald set apart year's support for heirs.

5 Oct 1840. Invt. of sale and Sett. by Adms.

5 Oct 1840. James Bryan and Robt. M. Newman released as Adms. and James Bryan app. Adm.

no date. Report by Pleasant Bryan and Wm. Rucker, Gdns. to minor heirs."

25 Feb 1843. Sett. by James Bryan, Adm.

no date. Report by Chas. Cate and Chas. W. McDonald, Gdns.; receipts from Mary, Emeline, Allen, Thomas, Wm., and Nancy M.

6 Jul 1844. Sett. by Pleasant Bryan, Gdn.; vouchers for Emeline, Mary, Thomas and Allen.

5 Sep 1844 and 307, 6 Jul 1845. Sett. by Adm. and Gdn.

WB D 374, 3 Aug 1846. Sett. by Peter L. Bryan, Gdn., successor to

P.B. Bryan; heirs are Emeline, Nancy, Allen, Thomas, and Wm.

6 Jul 1846. Sett. by Pleasant Bo Bryan, former Gdn.; paid equal amounts to James C., Peter L., and P.B. Bryan.

23 Mar 1847 and 524-525. Sett. by Peter L. Bryan, Gdn.; heirs are Emeline, Nancy, Allen, Thomas, and Wm.

22 Mar 1849. Sett. by same Gdn.; final payment to heir Emeline (Emily).

23 Mar 1850. Sett. by Gdn., Nancy Mariah is an heir.

23 Mar 1851 to 7 Mar 1857. Settlements and final sett. by Gdn.; William paid in full (1851); heir Nancy paid in full (1853); Thos. G. paid in full (1855); Allen paid in full (1857).



3 Mar 1834. Invt., 10 Dec 1833, and Sale, 21 Dec 1833, by Moses Cunningham and Amon Bond, Adms.

5 Jan 1839. Sett. by Adms.; receipt from Katharine Briant.

11 Sep 1848. Sett. by Moses Cunningham, one of Adms.; paid Mrs. C. Bryant, widow.

21 Aug 1848. Richard A. Bryan died about Nov 1833 leaving heirs: George A., Robert, Washington, John, William, Lewis, Richard, Maria, Elizabeth (now dead without issue), Alexander (now dead without issue), and Mary Bryan (now wife of Henry Kinser)



5 Jan 1863. Will proven by E. Brock and Geo. M. Moore, the two subscribing witnesses. James Buckner and ' E. Maynor who were app. Execs. in the Will, qualify and make bond. No will is on record.



29 Jul 1865. Invt. by G.D. Buckner, Adm.; interesting list of a dentist's Accounts Receivable; charges for gold, tin, bone, and paste plugs, extractions, silver plates; also charge to Wm. Stephenson for 438 gals. whiskey, 18 Apr 1862; C.W. Rice charged 1851-1852 for cash expended in building Cave Spring Mill and in 1856 for cash expended in building steam mill at Riceville.

2 Sep 1865. Report of sale held 18 Aug 1865.

filed 6 Sep 1867 and filed 10 Nov 1874. Dr. James Buckner died 17 Jun 1864 leaving widow who died 17 Sep 1864 and children: G.D. of Bedford Co., Tenn.; William A., who died after his father died leaving children Laura and William Buckner; James M. of Washington Co., Tenn., 1867, and of Texas, 1874;

E.A. (Bettie) wife of J.A. Owens who married after her father died and is of Texas, 1874; D. Lafayette of Sullivan Co., Tenn., 1867, and of Bedford Co., 1874; Nan Sue Alice and Crayton Tennessee, minors of Meigs Co.


BUCKNER, NANCY E. (b. 15 Mar. 1815 d. 4 Jan 1858 buried Hyde Cem., wife of B. Buckner)

3 Jul 1858. J.R. Buckner and C.B. Newman app. Gdns. To J.A., H.C., T.J., Wm. L., and Burrow J. Buckner, minors.

30 Jul 1858 and 280, 3 Sep 1859, Sett. by Gdns.

3 Sep 1860. Sett. by Gdns.; receipt from John A. Buckner for about 1/6 of funds.

3 Sep 1861. Sett. by Gdns.

2 Oct 1860. Petition to sell land. James R. and John A. Buckner VS Isaac H. Lewis and wife Myriam, Henry C., Thos. J., Zachary T., Wm. L., and Burrow Buckner, the last five minors by their Gdn. ad litum C.B. Newman.

26 Jan 1866. Robert Newman and James Buckner, Sr., were grandfathers of the minor heirs. In 1866, John A. Buckner, age 27, deposes that he is one of heirs and is bro. to James R. Buckner.



4 Apr 1853. Coroner paid for holding inquest over the body.



7 Sep 1868. Alexander Wamack app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

May 1873. W. Gettys app. Gdn. of Mary A. and Martin A. Bunch, minor heirs.



6 Sep 1858. John Massey app. Adm.

3 Jan 1859. Invt. by Adm.



7 Sep 1840. Martin Bunch app. Adm.

4 Jan 1841. Invt. of sale; buyers include Micajah, Lambert, Janey, Martin, Joseph, and James Bunch.

3 Sep 1842. Sett. by Adm.; receipts from Charity, Micajah, Martin, Green, Daniel, and Lambert Bunch, not identified as heirs.

29 Jun 1844. Sett. by Adm.; receipts from Charity and Francis Fharris, Gincy Bunch, and Mary Farless.



2 Mar 1840. Nancy and Micajah Bunch app. Adms.

6 Apr 1840. Invt. and Sale by Nancy and Lambert Bunch, Adms.

6 Mar 1840. Commo L.L. Ball, Hardy S •. Morris, and Benj. Newton lay off year's support for widow Nancy and family.

3 Sep 1842 Sett. by Lambert Bunch, surviving Adm.; receipts from Martin, Joseph, and Lambert Bunch, no relationship stated; “property purchased by the widow who has since died".

29 Jun 18440 Sett. by Adm.; receipts from Lively Taylor, Paul and Joseph Bunch 9 no relationship stated  



7 Jun 18300 Thos. Cate app. Adm. John Miller, Joab Hill 9 and John Neil app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Sarah.

8 Sep 1830. Sale by Adm.

5 Mar 1832. Sarah Burch app. Gdn. of her own child, Ava Elizabeth Burch, minor

4 Mar 1833. Zachariah Rose app. Gdn. for Ava E. Burch. Sarah Burch former Gdn., released.

2 Jun 1834. Add. invt.

Jun 1834. Account of sett. between adms. of estates of Wm. Burch and Thomas Burch, dec'd, made 28 Nov 1833, with Wm. Dodson, John Simmons, and Nathaniel Smith as Arbiters.  On the subject of the account of Thomas Burch of the $104 against his fathers Estate as that was proven by Elizabeth and Henry Burch two of the four heirs .of said Estate thirty six dollars paid to George W. Burch as he was at that time a minor  agreed by all parties that Henry L. Burch receive out of estate of Wm. Burch deceased  pay to Mrs. Aron Davis"o Agreement signed by Thomas Cate, George W. Burch, H.L. Burch, Zacheriah Rose, and Aron Davis.

Sett. 2 Jun 1835 filed by Thomas Cate, Adm. with John Miller and Elijah Hurst. Report includes proven account and note against estate of Wm. Birch dec'd and undivided piece of land in Claiborne Co.

1 Dec 1838. Final sett. by Adm.

5 Dec 1838; 5 Dec 1841; 5 Dec 1842. Sett. by Zachariah Rose, Gdn. to Elizabeth Burch, minor heir .

5 Dec 1844. Sett. by Gdn.; "rec'd a note for $100 which was willed to her by her grand Father Thomas Cate".

5 Dec 1845. Sett. by Gdn.

15 Jan 1848. Sett. by Gdn.; "Ward's receipt filed in full, James Ho Birch & A.E. Burch his wife''; signed Zachariah Rose, Gdn. to A.E. Birch.



2 Dec 1828 and 3 Dec 1828. Thos. Burch appo Adm.; Henry Birch, minor orphan over 14, chooses Elijah Hurst as Gdn.; George Birch chooses John Neil as Gdn.

1 Jan 1829 and 156-162, 3 Mar 1829. Invt. and Sale.

1 Jul 1830. Comm. John Miller and Joab Hill report on how far Thomas Burch, Adm. of Wm. Burch, dec'd, has administered on said estate.

5 Sep 1831. Final report by Gdn. ; Comm. Jos. Minze and Henry Matlock settle with John Neil, Gdn. of George Burch, who has arrived at age of 21.

21 Jun 1831. Comm. John Miller and Joab Hill settle with Thomas Cate, Adm.; division of estate among four heirs: Elizabeth Davis (formerly Elizabeth Burch, the widow), Henry and George Burch, and the heirs of Thomas Burch, dee' d

1 Dec 1838. Final sett. by Thomas Cate, Adm.; receipts from Henry, George, and Sarah Burch and A. Davis, heirs. See also THOMAS BURCH.



6 Mar 1826. Susanah Burger app. Adminx.



3 Jan 1854. Margaret A. Burk app. Gdn. of Wm. H. Butk, minor .

2 Jan 1855. Hugh P. Wilson app. Gdn. of William Henry Burk, minor.

7 Apr 1856. Sale by H.P. Wilson, Adm.; buyers include Wm. and Ross Burk.



7 Jun 1858. C. W. Cobb app. Adm.



5 Jan 1863. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



Will exec. 12 Oct 1864, Codicil 8 Feb 1869; of Town of Athens; to wife Rebecca, all estate. Exec: M.L. Phillips. Wit: F.M. Kilgore, Nat C. Jones, T. Richmond. Codicil: Loretta Ward wife of B.L. Ward may live upon premises where I now live during lifetime of wife provided she remain separate from her husband; $5 to sister Artemesa Burns; $5 to Wm. Warren; Theodore Richmond to act as Exec. with M.L. Phillips. Wit: Wm. H. Briant Thos. Coldwell.

5 Apr 1869. Will proven by Nat C. Jones, T. Richmond, and Thos. Caldwell who saw W.H. Briant sign as witness.

11 Apr 1873. Sett. by M.L. Phillips, one of Execs.; stand charged with Invt. of Drugs and Drug Store in Invt. Bk. p O 169.



Will, not dated; to Jacob M. Buttram one-half of land on which I live if he pay for it in four years; to daughters; $50 to educate grandson Jackson Wattenbarger, son of dau. Jane Wattenbarger; $20 to Nancy Ann Wattenbarger to make her equal with other heirs in way of horses which have been given them; $200

for building house of worship for Methodist Episcopal Church on or near ground where old church stands near my house. Execs: John G. and Moses K. Buttram. Wit: Joseph and Thomas Mortin.

6 Jan 1868. Election to fill out unexpired term of Hiel Buttram, dec'd, Trustee of McMinn Co.

6 Jan 1868. Will proven by Thomas Morton who swears that the other witness, Joseph Morton, is old and can not appear.

15 Dec 1873. Sett. by Execs.; receipts of $256.21 each from Christopher Wattenbarger, Sarah Richardson, Jacob M. Buttram Julia M. Foster, Alfred Carroll and wife, Chrisley Foster and wife, James G. Buttram, and Peter Wattenbarger; receipt from Jacob M. Buttram, Gdn.; Execs. have not filed receipts for their

interest in estate. Temperance Hurt, Prudence Moorland, Maragaret Keeton, Julia Malissa Fields, Mary Wan, and to lawful heirs of Nancy Keith; balance of estate to be divided between above named heirs and

sons Hile and Larkin Buttram and lawful heirs of Noah Buttram, dec'd. Exec: son Hile. Wit: Moses Buttram, Uriah Shipley, and Miles M.c.uistion.

5 Nov 1855. Will proven by Moses Buttram and Miles H. McCuistion.

3 Dec 1855 and 3 Mar 1856. Invt. of sales and list of notes.

11 Mar 1858. Sett. by Exec.; paid daus. as given above; paid $45 each to Heil Buttram and the heirs of Larkin Buttram, dec'd; paid $3.50 each to Noah Buttram, P.A. Scrogans, and Julia A. Scrogans.



5 Mar 1838. Joel Triplet app. Adm.

1839. Sett. by Adm.; cash paid to Andrew Buttram.



26 Feb 1858. Comm. John F. Shearman, James Wilson, and Greenbery Cate lay off year's support for widow Rebecca and family.

7 Dec 1857. Comm. report that five of the children of widow Rebecca are children of a former husband and have a separate estate and a regular Gdn. and that the other two are children of Larkin Buttram by a former wife and do not ask an allowance, therefore Comm. to lay off year's support for Rebecca alone.

16 Dec 1857. Rebecca, widow of Robert W. Hamilton, married Larkin Buttram in Meigs Co. about 1855. Larkin died 8 Sep 1857 leaving widow Rebecca and following children by a former wife: Nancy wife of Joseph Sliger of Oregon Territory; Sarah, wife of Andrew Foster; Mary; Elizabeth; William; Jane Sliger, dec'd, who had children Elizabeth Ann, Joseph, William, Jacob, and Saran.

22 May 1858 and 296, 15 Oct 1859. (22 Oct 1857) and Sett. by Wm. Buttram, Adm. Invt. of sale

no date. Report by Andrew Foster, Gdn. of Elizabeth C. Buttram, a minor. Report by Christopher Sliger, Gdn. of his own minor children, to wit, Elizabeth N., Jasper, William, Jacob, and Sarah.

2 Aug 1865. Fina; sett. by Andrew Foster, Gdn.; receipt in full from Elizabeth C. Buttram by her husband Joseph Tuggle.


7 Jul 1851. A.B. Brown paid by Court for making coffin for Mary Cage, a pauper, in Dec 1850.



Will exec. 23 Jun 1853; to wife Sarah; to dau. Mary C. Couch; proceeds from sale of farm to be equally divided among Wm. B., Solomon M., and Robert R. Caldwell, Elizabeth Gee, the heirs of Martha Hayes, Mary C. Couch, John, and Lucinda Crittenden. Exec: Samuel W. Thompson. Wit: John M. and Jesse

6 Aug 1855. Will proven

22 Sep 1855. Invt. And sale; sold land warrant issued for services of sd. Caldwell in War of 1812

1 Oct 1855. Add. invt.; includes coffin and burial for Mrs. Caldwell.

28 Feb 1857. Final sett. by John M. Dodson and S.W. Thompson, Execs.; receipts from Wm. B., Lucinda, R.B., and S.M. Caldwell, Elizabeth Gee, Mary Couch, and S.W. Thompson for $31015 each; receipts from J.C., Samuel P., and W.H. Hays, Talitha Aly, and Julian Stansbury for $6.50 each.



2 Jul 1838. Thos. L. Hoyle app. Adm.

Sep 1838. Sale held 26 Jul 1838 by Adm.; buyers include James (one Tomahawk .12¼), John, and Jordan Calhoun.

1 Oct 18380 Sheriff ordered to bring Mary Calhoun, an orphan child of Wm. Calhoun, into Court to be disposed as the directs.

1 Aug 1840; 4 Mar 1845; 4 Mar 1846; 29 Jan 1848. Sett. by Adm.

26 Jan 1851. Sett. by Adm.; paid J. Foster and wife, heirs.

9 Jan 1855. for total. amount.



4 Jan 1841. John Callahan of Kentucky, app. Adm.

1 Mar 1841.Inv. of sale by Henry Goforth, agent for John Callahan, Adm.



7 Nov 1853. R.J.F. Calloway app. Adm.

2 Jan 1854. Invt. of sale by Adm.; buyers include Mrs. Calloway

28 Feb 1856. Sett. by Adm.; receipt of N.T. Callaway "for division".



loose scrap of paper. “This the 21st of Dec. 1855 Wm. George Clk. Marion Calwell, Honey Creek PO, Mcdonal Co. Mo."



Will exec. 24 Feb 1832, proven Sep 1832; to seven children: Polly, Betsy, William, Daniel Edmon, John, James, Israel, when youngest son Israel comes of age. Execs: John Douglass and Thomas P. Wells. Wit: Reece Pickens, Joel Greg Signed by mark.

Mar 1847. Invt. taken 20 Aug 1846 and Acct. of Sales held 3 Sep 1846, by Execs.

18 Mar 1852. Final sett. by Execs.; equal payments theirs B.S. Culpeper, E.D., James, Wm. Oo, John, and Israel S. Cameron, and John W. Spearman for his wife.



l Sep 1845. John Hambright app. Adm.

3 Nov 1845. Invt. and Sale by Adm.

25 Sep 1845. Comm. A.P. McClatchey, Wm. McKamy, and Wm. T. Mccallie set apart year's support for widow.

16 Sep 1847 and 513, 18 Jan 1848. Sett. by Adm.

11 Aug 1856. Final sett. by Adm. vouchers for various amounts to heirs of Mary Camp (paid 1848) to Gdn. of minor heirs'' (paid 1848); vouchers for $20.71 each to Sterling P. Camp, Jas. Knox, and Wm. P. Caldwell; voucher for $82.84 to Mary A. Camp.

18 Apr 1870. John Camp died about 1840 leaving as his only heirs Sterling P. Camp, now of Ill.; T.J. Camp; J.B. Camp; Mary A. wife of James Knox; C.T. wife of Dr. W.P. Caldwell; M.J.wife of George P. Billingsly, last five of Bradley Co., Tenn.

filed 5 Sep 1870. John Camp, Sr., died leaving widow Mary J who is still living. His children are Nancy A. wife of James M. Knox; Elizabeth T. wife of Wm. P. Caldwell; Mary J. wife of George Billingsly; Thomas J.; and John B. Camp, all of Bradley Co.; Sterling Camp, now dee' d, leaving widow Semantha H. and minor children. Thomas B., John R., Wm. S., Benj. F., and Anna K., all of McDonough Co. Ill.


CAMP, STERLING (d. 15 Apr 1851 age 79 years 1 mo. 15 days buried Hiwassee Bapt. Cem)

Will exec. 28 Sep 1848, proven 2 Jun 1851; to wife; to dau. Mary Bates and her heirs, $700 all of which I have paid; to dau. Sarah McKnight, $ 700 all of which I have paid; to dau. Margaret Porter, $700 none of which is paid; to son John, $700 which I paid him in his lifetime; to son William, $700 all of which I have paid him in cash; to son Thomas, $700 paid in land to dau. Keziah Hambright and her heirs, $700 all of which I have paid; to dau. Margaret Porter, part of farm after wife's death Execs son Thomas and grandson Sterling Parkison Camp, either one or jointly. Wit: Wm. M. Scarbrough, Wm. S. McKnight.

2 Feb 1852 and 313, 11 Mar 1853. Invt. and sale and J add. Inv. by John Hambright, Adm. with Will annexed.

7 Nov 1853. Sett. by Adm.; receipt of Anna Camp, widow.

11 Aug 1856. Final sett. by same Adm.; vouchers of  $467 .88 each to Kiziah Hambright, Sarah McKnight, Margaret Porter, William Camp, Thomas Camp, Mary Bates, and the heirs of John Camp, dec'd.

7 Feb 1852. Sterling Camp's children as named in Will. Keziah is wife of John Hambright. Margaret is wife of Wm. C. Porter. Thomas is of Ill. William is of Bradley Co., Son John Camp's children are Nancy A. wife of James Knox, Sterling Parkinson Camp of Ill., and Elizabeth T., Mary Jane, Thomas J., and john D. Camp, all minors



Dec 1856. Exparte Petition for partition of slaves Caroline R., Margaret L., and Henrietta M. Campbell. 1

17 Feb 1857. Exparte petition, T. Nixon Van Dyke, Gdn. of Henrietta M. Campbell. Henrietta is granddau. Of Dr. Wm. H. Deaderick with whom she is living. Mrs. Caroline Sample is sister to Henrietta and when she married she moved Charleston, S. C.



CR6, 2 Feb 1852. Edward Robeson app. Gdn. to Sarah M. Campbell, minor.



7 Nov 1859. Isham Dennis app. Adm. minor heirs.

3 Dec 1859, 5 Aug 1861. Invt. and sett. by Adm.; only asset is a note on Mathew Campbell.



No date. No signatures. Invt.



2 Sep 1839. Chas. Delday app. Gdn. to Daniel and James Campbell and is chosen Gdn. by John and Katharine Campbell, minor heirs.



3 Jul 1854. Jury of inquest finds that on 2 May 1854 Gallaway Campbell did murder Mathew Campbell with a chisel.

18 Aug 1854. The State VS Gallaway Campbell. Grand Jury Indictment; Mathew Campbell stabbed on 2 May 1854 and died 3 May 1854.



Will exec. 27 Feb 1838; "of Athens"; all estate to wife Sally L., "believing that she will do justice so f'ar as in her lies towards the several children she has borne me" o Exec: wife. No witnesses.

12 Nov 1851. Comm. R. C. Jackson, James S. Bridges, and Jas. B. Taylor, app. Aug Term 1850, lay off year's support for widow.

7 Apr 1851. with Will annexed . Invt. by Thos. J. Campbell, Jr., Adm.

filed before 23 Feb 1853 (original bill not dated). Thomas J. Campbell died after 23 Nov 1847 leaving widow Sally, who has since died, and children: Louisa P. wife of Wm. W. Anderson; Richard B.; Mary L. wife of D.C. McMillan, all of Hamilton Co.; Thomas J., Jr., of McMinn Co.; Clinton of La.; and granddau. Sarah Waterhouse of Ga., a minor.



5 Oct 1850. Will partly proven by Wm. Stamper and held for further probate.



8 May 1830. Invt. and Sale, by Wm. Cancilor, Adm.; buyers include Polly, John, and Wm. Cancilor.

8 Jun 1830. Alexander Stinson, Henry Bradford, and Sam McConnell app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.

6 Sep 1830. Henry Bradford reports that the other two app. Comm. failed to appear and that he with Wm. Lea and Asber1 M. Coffey proceeded to lay off year's support for widow Polly.

3 Sep 1832. Edward Elms app. Gdn. :for Patsy and Hender! Cansler, minor orphans.

6 Mar. 1833. Comm. Saml. McConnell, John Hill, and Wm Lee settle with Adm.

26 Feb 1840. Cansler, minor heir,

26 Feb 1841. Report by Edward Elms, Gdn. for years 1834-1840. Sett. by same Gdn. to Nathaniel Cansler, minor heir, for years 1834-1840

26 Feb 1841. Sett. by same Gdn.



30 Nov 1838. Sett. by Wm. and John Cansler, Adms.

30 Nov 1839; 30 Nov 1840; 30 Nov 1841;

30 Nov 1842; Sett. by John Cansler, Adm.

23 Sep 1844. Sett. by John and Wm. Cansler, Jr., Adms.; Vouchers of John W. and Wm. N. Canseler, debtors to Wm. Canseler for boarding; vouchers of Thos. W. and Carroll Cansler, debtors to Wm. Cansler for cash paid

21 Aug 1848. Wm. Cansler died May 1835 leaving heirs: Jefferson C., John M., Thomas H., and Wm. Nelson Cansler.



5 Sep 1859. Reynolds Cantre app. Adm.

3 Oct 1859. Petition to sell lands. Reynolds, Rebecca W., and Malcomb Cantrell, S.P. Hale and wife Emina vs. C. B. Newman and wife Clementine, and Alice E., Martha A., Margaret M., and Mary M. Cantrell, and Miranda A., Felix M., and Sarah A., Hoyle, minors by Gdn ad litum C. R. Hoyl. There are eight living heirs and dau. Adeline Hoyle left three children who are named in petition, making nine shares in all; petitioner Rebecca W. is entitled to dower

5 Oct 1859 Invt. by Adm

5 Feb 1866 Report by Rebecca W. Cantrell, Gdn. of minor heirs; nothing has ever come into her hands.

5 Oct 1868. Power of Atty. from Reynolds Cantrell of Bartow Co., Ga., to Stephen P. Hale of Madisonville, Monroe Co, Tenn., to act as Adm.



3 Dec 1849. Comm. D.A. Cobbs, Saml. Firestone, and Joseph Cobbs set apart year's support for widow.

7 Jan 1850. Invt. and Acct. of Sale by L.E. Cantrell and J.C. Carlock, Adms

23 Mar 1852. Sett.

18 Feb 1867. Gabriel Cantrell died 1849 leaving widow Nancy, now of Mo., and children: L.E., who died in Oct 1860; Wm. Jo; Thomas H.; James R.; Robert F.; Charles Mo; Felix G.; Sarah J . ; Hezekiah C.; Benj. D.; Joseph P . (last three minors over 14); and Mary E., wife of John D. Caskey. The last six are of Mo. son L.E. Cantrell died leaving widow Sarah Ann and children: Robert P., John D., Mary, Thomas J., and Emmet Cantrell, all minors under 14.



Will exec. 17 Oct 1860, proven Nov 1860; to wife Sarah Ann; "I will & desire that my Executors" bring suit for partition of lands of father Gabriel Cantrell, dec'd; "I having bought my Mother Nancy Cantrell's interest in the same and the interest of the following named brothers of mine heirs of Gabriel Cantrell To wit William J., Thomas H., James R., Robert L., and M.A. Cantrell, the following named brothers and sisters of mine and heirs of Gabriel Cantrell deceased are minors from which I have not bought their interest, to wit Felix G., Mary E., Sarah J., Hezekiah Co, Benjamin D., and Joseph P. Cantrell"; about

three acres around Father's grave to be left for family burying ground; until my children arrive at the age of majority"; wife's uncle Joseph Lattimore. Execs: wife and esteemed friend and uncle Joseph Lattimore. Wit: J.B. Cobb, C.R. Hoyl, J.R. Ware.

5 Nov 1860. Wm. Burk app. to serve as Sheriff, because death of L. E. Cantre; former Sheriff



6 Jan 1862. Court pays for coffin for pauper.


13 Jan 1868. Jorden, J., and L. Carden, Execs. VS J.H. Knight and Thos. Elliott.



5 Aug 1865. Invt. and Acct. of sales held 23 Dec 18 by Timothy Sullins, Adm.

20 Oct 1865. Report by Lazarus Dodson, Gdn. to minor children of Hazy Cardwell who was former Gdn. and who received additional amounts Jan 1860 and Sep 1861.

28 Sep 1866. Sett. by same Adm.



7 May 1866. L.H. Carlock app. Gdn. to James M., A.H., J, John L., A.J., and S.R. Carlock, minor heirs.


1 Jul 1867. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow and family for year 1866. Nancy M. Carlock app. Adminx.

l Feb 1869. John Lo Smith app. Gdn. of minor heirs.



4 May 1846. Sheriff ordered to bring in George W. Carnson, to be dealt with as the Court may order.

6 Jul 1846. Moses A. Cass paid for furnishing provision and funeral expenses for the widow Carney and daughter.



Will exec. 21 Feb 1828; to aged father John Carruth: to only bro. Walter Carruth; to five sisters, Peggy, Ann, and Tilly Carruth, Sarah Egnew, and Cinthy Nicholson; to Atliff Griffen, minor son of Jonas Griffen. Exec: bro. Walter. Wit: Saml. McConnell, Nathl. H. Cansler.

3 Jun 1828. Will proven



4 Sep 1826. Nancy Carson app. Adminx.

6 Jun 1836. Application being made for guardian to Eliza McCartny Addison Commadore Perry minor heirs of William Carson William Alexander Carson who is of age to choose for herself the Court appointed Nancy Carson as guardian to' Eliza McCartny Addison Commadore Perry who entered into bond and security approved by the Court

6 Jun 1836. Power of Atty. from Nancy and Wm. A. Carson to Joseph Newman acknowledged by makers and certified to Washington Co., Ill.



CR4 359, 5 Mar 1838. Invt. returned by Robert Carter and James Cold, Adms.



Will exec. 17 Jul 1841; to children Charles, Samuel, McSpadden, and Susannah wife

Barb, Daniel Lowry. Wit: Josiah, and William Carter, Nancy of Daniel Lowry. Execs: Abraham

John Grubb, Wm. Terry, and Andrew

2 Aug 1841. Will proven. Pangle. Signed by mark.

6 Sep 1841; 47-48, 1 Nov 1841; 164-166, 4 Dec 1843. Invt. of sales; Add. Invt.; Invt. of slaves; and Sett. by Execs.

1 Nov 1844; 384, 7 Sep 1846. Sett. and Add. Invt. by Daniel Lowry, one of Execs.



Nov 1861. Henderson Carter app. Adm.



10 Aug 1868. Henderson Carter VS Jackson Grubb. The death of plaintiff is suggested and admitted. S.M. Carter and H . M. Simpson have been app. Adms.



25 Jan 1850. Acct. of sale and Invt. by James Sewell, Adm.; personal property in Monroe Co.

ll Jan 1850. Comm. John Neill, Philip Fry, and D.F. Jameson apart year's provisions for widow Susan and family.

10 Mar 1852. Sett. by same Adm.; paid equal· amounts to heirs Peter, James, Henderson, John, and Lewis  M. Carter, Margaret Trim, and Levi Pressley.



4 Sep 1837. James Cole and Robert Carter app. Adms.

Sep 1837; 265-268, no date; 302, Mar 1838. Invt., Sale, Add. Invt. by Adms.; buyers include William, Robert, and Polly Carter.

7 Mar 1839. Comm. James T. Reid, Wm. W. Anderson, and John McGaughey app. by Court to prorate assets among the debtors.

27 Feb 1840. Sett. by Robert Carter, one of Adms.



3 Jul 1837. Petition. Randolph Carter lately died intestate without issue or widow; Amos Carter is a brother and Wm. Mouldin is the husband of one of the sisters.

Jan 1838; Feb 1838; 19 Jul 1839. Invt., Add. Invt., and Sett . by Amos Carter and Wm. Moulden,


13 Apr 1842. Sett. by Adms.; receipts from heirs Wm. Mouldin and G.J. Washam; receipts from the following who appear to be heirs: Adam and Franky Shipe, James M. Carter Gdn. for Jackson Carter, Peter, Amos, Martin B., H.H., Winston, James M., W.H., J.A., and Amos Carter, J.W. and J.H. Bounds, and Amos Carter, Gdn. "there is $1053.00 in hands of administrator belonging to James Chambers husband of Jane Carter who is absent the administrator knows not where".

7 Jan 1846. Sett. by Wm. Molden, one of Adms.; receipts from Amos, Wm. H., James M., and Martin B. Carter, Amos Carter Gdn. of J.S. and G.W. Chandler with no relationship stated; Adm still holds share of James Chambers.



4 Sep 1865. H.M. Simpson app. Adm.



7 Sep 1840. Catharine Cartright, John Harrel, and Martin M. Hix app. Adms.

19 Sep 1840; 298, 7 Dec 1840. Invt. of sale and Add. invt. of sale by Adms.; buyers include Catherine and Lemuel Cartright; accts. include one for David Cartright's Estate.

4 Mar 1843. Sett. by Martin M. Hix and John Harrel, Adm.

5 Oct 1840. Abraham Barb, John W. Barnett, and Wm. Lee lay off year's support for widow Catharine



4 Jan 1847. Benj. Wells app. Adm.

22 May 1847. Invt. by Adm.; it appears from report that Manuel Parkison was former Adm.

31 Mar 1849; 72, no date; and 178, 12 Apr 1851. Sett. by Adm.



5 Apr 1841. John Gaston app. Gdn. to John W.P. Cassada, minor orphan and heir.

3 Jun 1844. Report by Gdn.; "there has been an administrator appointed in the State of Georgia".



5 Feb 1849. Benj. Wells app. Adm.

no date. Invt. by Adm.; includes note on Reuben Cassada.



5 Dec 1836. Orphan boy named William Casteel aged 13 bound to John McDonnell.



filed 18 Apr 1870. Alexander Casteel of McMinn Co. died about 1867 leaving children Joseph, Madison, Sarah wife of Lewis Erwin, Amanda M. wife of James G. Ricks, Paralee R. wife of Christopher C. Ricks, and Elizabeth wife of James Brown of Ill.



7 Mar 1831. Elizabeth and Barney Casteel app. Adms.

6 Jun 1831. A paper purporting to be a copy of the last Will was partly proven by Hesekiah Randolph who says that it is a copy of the original Will in substance and that original Will was lost out of his possession and that he had his doubts whether said Casteel was at time of making and signing Will of sound mind, though he had heard him frequently say previous to that time that it was the way he intended to dispose of his property; continued for further probate. Petition of Michael Lower, Security for Barney and Betsey Casteel, Adms., that said Adms. are making waste with said estate and asks Court to demand surrender of said estate.

8 Jun 1831. Ordered that Saml. Yates and Michael Lower take into their possession all of the estate and take care of it until further orders.

6 Sep 1831. Ordered that a paper purporting to be the last Will of Edmond Casteel, dec'd, be given back to the widow and that all proceedings quashed as the parties have all agreed and come to a compromise.

filed 25 May 1855. L.M. Stansbury and wife Melissa and James Casteel VS Pearson Elliott et al. Complainants charge that Edmond Casteel made will attested by Hezekiah Randolph and Wm. Fairbanks, but said will was fraudulently removed and never probated. Edmund Casteel died 1829-183~ leaving widow Elizabeth as his last wife, and children: Abraham, Willis, Nancy, Barney of Union Co., Ga., Morris of Ala., Mary wife of John Jackson of Ky. (above seem to be by former wife), Melissa Ann wife of L.M. Stansbury of Roane Co., and James Casteel of Anderson Co. (these two by Elizabeth). Melissa Ann was about one year old when father died.



Will exec. 18 Jul 11824; to wife Lucy; to James, Thomas Jefferson, Amos, and William after they come of age; to Rachel, Magdalena, Elijah, and Sally Cate, Martha Liles, Lucy Vandyke. Execs: wife Lucy and son Elijah. Wit: Joab Hill, Elijah Hurst, Wm. Terry.

6 Sep 1824 and 33, 6 Dec 1824. Will proven.

15 Dec 1838. Sett. by Elijah Cate, one of Execs., for years since 1824.



1 Feb 1869. Sett. by P.B. Cate, Gdn. of his own minor

filed 18 Feb 1874. Lyle VS Shelton. Jemima Cate died leaving husband Peter B. Cate, who died soon after Jan 1872, and children: John H., W.T., R.F., S.B., and Joseph H. Cate, all minors. Peter B. Cate was app. Gdn. in Meigs Co. before Feb 1868 and in McMinn Co. in June 1865.



4 Jan 1841. John Miller, John McGaughy and John Crawford app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Polly.

3 Jan 1842. John Neil app. Gdn. to John, Eliza, Osker, and Parshall Cate, minor orphans.

5 Jul 1842. Sett. by Gdn.; never has had of said Estate has nothing in his hands nor never has of said estate.



7 Oct 1839. Chas. Cate and Chas. W. McDonald app. Adms.

1 Nov 1839. Comm. Saml. Kelly, Oswell Phillips, and Pleasant Barn set apart year's support for widow Elizabeth and family.

Jan 1840. Inv. and Sale buyers include Simeon, George, and John E. Cafe, and the widow.

15 Jun 1842, 20 Jul 1844. Sett. by Chas. W. McDonald, one of Adms.

17 Apr 1852. Petition to sell land and petition for Dower: Elizabeth Cate, widow; Joseph Zigler and wife Mary; Ann; Alfred; John; Peter; Thomas J. Cate; and Wm., Charles, and Jacob Cate by their Gdn. Thos. J. Cate.




CR6, Jul 1855. Coffin furnished for dec'd, a pauper.



2 Jan 1837. Sheriff ordered to bring into Court the minor orphans.



6 Jun 1836. Lemuel Chapman app. Gdn. to Jane and Syntha Chapman, minor heirs, and is chosen Gdn. by Coleman, John and Mary who are of age to choose for themselves.

Jul 1837. Report by Gdn.; "paid five of said heirs expences going to South Carolina".

4 Jun 1838. Sett. by Gdn. of Coleman, John, Jane, and Cyntha Chapman, minor heirs; has paid one of heirs.

6 Aug 1838. Sett. by same Gdn.; receipts from heirs Wilson Chapman, Nancy Chapman, and Elzy Triplet by his wife, heir

6 Aug 1839, 6 Aug 1840. Reports by same Gdn.

l Jul 1844. Lemuel Chapman, Gdn. to Wiley, John, Ann, Madison, Syntha, and Jane Chapman, makes bond.

20 Aug 1845. Report by Gdn.; receipts in full "dated some three years before the last settlement" and all for equal amounts from Elizabeth Jane, Wiley, Cyntha, Madison I and John H. Chapman, and James Farmer.


CHAPMAN, LEMUEL (b. 25 July 1808 d. 25 May 1848 buried Hill Bapt Cem.)

4 Sep 1848. Wilson Chapman app. Adm.

20 Sep 1848. Comm. Charles T. Thornton, Wm. Lee, and George Reynolds set apart year's support for widow Martha.

30 Oct 1848. Invt. and Sales by Adm.; in an "exhibit of business of estate in Georgia are the following entries: Francis M. Allen of Social Circle, Walton Co. Ga.; note on Richard B. Kearney of same; bacon deposited with Wm. Wiggins of Polk Co., Tenn.

7 Feb 1851. Sett. by Adm., paid one note Union Univ. paid expenses for trip to procure title to lands and collect money in Ga .

filed 31 Jul 1850. Lemuel Chapman died 1848 leaving widow Martha and minor children Lemuel H., Mary Anne , Sarah Jane, Josephine, and John W.



'6 J ul 1868. James M. Charles app. G.dn. of Oliver D., John E., and James D. Charles, minors.

5 Apr 1869. James M. Charles resigns as Gdn. of' his own minor children as nothing has come into his hands; John M. Dodson



6 Aug 1849, Wm. F. Keith app. Adm.



6 Dec 1852. Richard C. Jackson, Wm. H. Ballew, and Wm. P.H. McDermott app. Comm. To lay off year’s support for widow.



14 Dec 1.868. F. K. Berry Adm. and S. G. Cleaveland' Adminx. VS Wiley Franks - Debt.



4 Jun 1866. Wm. B. Armstrong app. Gdn. of Nancy, David Bo, and Caroline Cline, minor children under 14.

May 1869. Sett. by same Gdn.



8 Sep 1827. William Hogan app. Adm.



5 Dec 1859. Wm. N. Coats app. Adm

19 Dec 1859. Comm. James Gregory, Sterling Lewis, and Tyry Lawson lay off year's support for widow and family

6 Feb 1860. Invt. and sale by Adm.; buyers include r Louisa and J.J. Coats.

5 Jan 1863. Mrs. Eliza A. Coats app. Adm. John Hart and James Gregory with County Surveyor app. to allot dower out of the lands to widow Eliza A.

2 Feb 1863. Eliza A. Coats app. Gdn. of her own minor children.

3 Oct 1865. Eliza A. Coats resigns as Gd'n.

6 Sep 1869. Butler VS Price. Louisa Coats, widow, formerly Louisa Butler, is one of complainants.

17 Mar 1880. Goodman VS Thomas. Wm. Coats died 1860 leaving widow Louiza A. and children: W.N., who died unmarried; Mary S. Marlow; Julia Price; Jasper J., whose wife is Elizabeth; Sarah Clark; Rachel, wife of John Goodman of Obion Co., Tenn.; Louiza T. (aged about 33), wife of T. J. Blankenship

of Independence Co., Ark.; Margaret (about 21), wife of J.H. Irwin of Sharp Co., Ark.; Henry, who died 1864, married but without issue and his wife has long since again remarried.



1 Jul 1867. J.B. Cobb app. Gdn. of his own minor heirs, John A., Joseph L., James C., and James B. Cobb.



3 Nov 1862: The State VS B.P. Cobb - Murder. The Atty. Gen. suggests death of defendant and it is admitted.



7 Dec 1857. Joseph R. Wear app. Adm.

1 Mar 1858. Sale by Adm.



Will exec. 10 Sep 1836, proven Jan 1837; to wife Mary; to son John B. or Berry, underage; to the four girls, Julett, Angelina, Nancy, and Harriett. (These five are called the children). Wife agrees. Execs: father Joseph Cobbs, David A. Cobbs, and Jessey Mayfield. Wit: James Hawkins, Hiram Yancey, Jonathan

Whitten. Signed John Cobbs, Mary Cobbs.

3 Oct 1836. On this day was presented a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of John Cobb, deceased, for probate, and thereupon came Juliet, Angelina, Nancy, and Hariett Cobb by their next friend David A. Cobb and contested the validity of the same so offered for probate certified to Circuit Court.

2 Jan 1837. Jury finds that Will is legal and certifies it to County Court for recording. Court appoints Mary Cobb as Gdn. to John Berry, Juliet Caroline, Mary M. Katharine, Nancy Jane, Adaline Harriet R. Imandra Edaline, minor heirs.

Feb 1837 Invt.; property disbursed to widow Mary; Inv. of sale; and Sett. by Robt. W. McClary, Adm.

25 Apr 1839. Report by Mary Cobbs, Gdn. to John, Angelina C., Juliet C., Nancy, and Harriet Cobbs.

3 Nov i839 and D 3, 14 Apr 1841. Sett. by Adm.; Spencer and Mary Beavers, Gdns. to minor heirs.

l8 May 1842. Sett. by Adm.; teste: J.P. McClary.



Will exec. 7 Jan. 1840; Joseph Cobb, Farmer; to wife Mary; to son David A. Cobbs; to grandson Joseph Cobbs Junior, son of David A. Cobbs; to son Joseph Cobbs; to grandson David Cobbs, son of Joseph Cobbs; to dau. Mary, wife of John Cox; to Rizzy, Wm., and Joseph, children of dau. Mary; to dau. Rizzy, wife of Saml. Firestone; to all my children, namely: David A., John, and Joseph Cobbs, Rizzy Firestone, and Mary Cox; to grandchildren Nancy, Harriet, John B., Juliet, and Angeline, children of son John. Execs: sons David A. and Joseph. Wit: Henry Bradford and Evan Jones. Signed Joseph Cobb.

3 Aug 1840 and 7 Sep 1840. Will proven by Henry Bradford. Subpoena for witness Evan Jones returned endorsed not to be found in this county. Thomas W. Marston and Wm. Mulky swear that signature is genuine.

12 Jan 1857. Joseph Cobb left widow Mary who died

8 Nov 1856; dau. Rizzy is named Arispa; dau. Mary died after her father and before her mother; son John is dead; son Joseph's children are David (now dead, who was of full age and left bros. and sisters of full and half-blood), Martha, Mary, and another daughter. Dau. Mary Cox, dec'd, left children, viz: Joseph Cox died Jan 1852, a minor; Arispa Cox, died after bro. Joseph, wife of John E. Hickox, who left son Horace Hickox, a minor; Wm. Cox who reaches full age soon after Bill is filed; and Susan Cox wife of Philmer W. Green of Bradley Co. Nancy and Harriet Cobb, daus. of son John, dec'd, are both now dead leaving heirs.


COBB, MARY J. (d. 8 Nove 1856 age 89 buried Salem Cem.)




1 Mar 1858. Joseph Cobbs app. Gdn. to Nancy D., Margaret T., Susan C., Josephine, and C.E. Cobbs, his own minor children.



15 Feb 1868. Allen Cochran, Adm. VS A.A. and J.M. Cass.


COCHRAN, WILLIAM ALLEN (b. 27 Oct 1828 d. 18 Aug 1865 buried Mt. Cumberland)

4 Sep 1865. Uriel Johnston app. Adm.

30 Sep 1865. Invt. and Sale by Adm.; notes on J.A. and Mary A. Cochran.

no date. Comm. J.M. Jackson, Nathan Kelley, and James Neill set apart year's provisions for widow and family.

2 Oct 1865. Mary A. Cochran app. Gdn. for her own minor children.



6 Aug 1866. Elizia Cofer app. Adminx.


COFFEE, POLLY (d. 20 July 1842 age 33 years 6 months 19 days buried Upper Spring Creek Cem.)

Will exec. 20 JuI 1842; "Dear brother and sister” sister jane to raise daughter; father Benjamin father Benjamin Roberts; to dau. Elizabeth. Wit: Jefferson and Jane Dixon, Robert Mansell, and Wm.

S. Roberts. Signed by mark.

5 Sep 1842. Will proven.

6 Feb 1843. Invt. and Sale by Benj. Roberts 1 Exec.; buyers include James Coffey, Benjamin, Henry M. , Thomas M., and Thomas C. Roberts.

24 Aug 1844. Sett. by Exec.; said Executor has the receipt of J.L. Dickerson, Guardian which the Executor says is in full".


COFFMAN, G. P. F. (b. 20 July 1816 d. 9 Oct 1855 buried Coffman Cem)

5 Nov 1855. Elizabeth Coffman app. Admin;

28 Nov 1855. Comm. John Whitesides, Wm. R. Elder, and H. McNabb lay off year's support to widow Elizabeth and family.

14 Jan 1856. Invt. of sale; buyers include Margaret and Green Coffman; six notes on Albert Lyle of Chattanooga executed for a house in that town; note on Albert Coffman.

filed 23 Jan 1857. G.P,F. Coffman died in 1855 leaving widow Elizabeth, who is the dau. of David Wear, and minor children: Margaret N., Isaac G., Martha J., Mary E., Wm. B., Sarah R.E.



Will exec. 9 Mar 1807, probated Goochland Co., Va., on 19 Sep 1808, and copied by Wm. Miller, C.G.C. 10 Jul 1825; to slaves Lucy and her children, all minors; to sister Nancy Coley; to James Coley, son of Peggy Coley, provided he comes into this County in the course of two years after my decease; to Wm. Coley, son of Molly Coley; to Molly, Frank, Betsy, and Peggy Coley. Execs: Chas. Massie and Wm. Turner (who refuse to qualify). Wit: Pleasant Turner, Robt. and Hazard Singleton.

James Coley's Freedom Papers, (A boy of color}. Dated 20 Feb 1809 and admitted to record in Hawkins Co., Tenn., May 1810 by Richard Mitchell, Clk., who is certified by Jacob Hackney Chrm. of Ct. of Pleas of Hawkins Co., 27 Sep 1824.



13 Aug 1869. T.B. Boyd, Adm., VS Mary A. Reagan, Adminx. of James A. Reagan.



4 Apr 1870. Court to pay for having grave dug.



4 Mar 1828. Court makes appropriation for support of Ann and John Collins, orphan children, for year 1828, payable to Wm. Gibbs.



7 Jan 1867. Joseph Bunch app. Gdn. to Joseph, Noah, Abraham, and Troy Collins.

6 Jun 1870. Sett. by same Gdn.



Will exec. 10 Aug 1853; to son George, land warrant for serving U.S. in Wayne's War and the family Bible; to son-in-law Joseph C. Weir, the home farm provided he pay son George $231 it being the amount of cost and expenses paid by me on account of the Chancery suit with the “heirs of Young Colville deceased"; to dau. Sarah Weir; to grandson Saml. Colville, Botta's History in 2 vols.; "my two faithful slaves Joshua and Anthony" both to be freed or live with either of children or grandchildren if they choose that in preference to being colonized in Liberia. Exec: son George. Wit: Saml. Workman, Richard Morgan, and Pleasant Jones.



7 Sep 1830. Geo. Colville, Sr. and Jr. app. Adm.

6 Sep 1831. Invt. of sale by Adms.; note collected from Davisson and Joseh Colville.

6 Mar 1832. Catherine Colville, over 14, chooses Geo. Colville, Jr., as Gdn.

9 Mar 1832. Crawford & Murrell VS the Adms.; Writs of Scire facias issue to Joel K. Brown and Betsy his wife late Betsy Colville, Sally, George, Catharine, Warner Elmore, Bathialine, and Amanda M. Colville, Spencer Beavers and wife Rutha late Rutha Colville, heirs at law

8 Jun 1832. Court app. Spencer Beavers Gdn. ad litem of Warren E., Bathialine, and Amanda M. Colville



5 Dec 1826. Office of Clerk vacant by the death of Young Colville, former Clerk

no date. Invt. of Sale held 1 Jan 1827 by Saml. Colville and Nutty Colville, Adm. and Adminx.

4 Jun 1828. Nutty Colville widow. Act of Assembly passed at Nashville on 22 Oct 1827 entitled, An Act for the relief of the widow & Heirs of Young Colville, dec'd. Court appoints John Walker and John McDowell Gdns. for Warner Elmore, Bethialine, and Amanda Murrell Colville, heirs.

26 Oct 1830. Invt. of Young Colville unadministered at time of death of Samuel Colville, so far as has come into hands of Nutty Colville and Saml. H. Jordan, Adm., in place of Saml. Colville.



Will exec. 3 Mar 1855; to wife Sarah Jane; "to raise and educate and provide for each of my children". Execs: wife and bro. James B. Cooke. Wit: R.F. and H.C. Cooke.

7 May 1855. Will proven.



2 May 1842. Joel Culpepper app. Adm. Zechariah Keith, John Scarborough, and John Poe app. Comm. to lay off year support for widow Nancy.

6 May 1842, 6 Feb 1843. Invt. and Sale by Adm.; Nancy, Catharine, and Mary Cook are principal buyers

12 Jul 1856. Sett. by same Adm.



8 Jan 1850. Invt. and Sale held 26 Dec & 1849 by C.R. Hoyl, Adm.; received cash from Execs. of Wm. H. Cooke, dec'd, a part of estate due dec'd.

Jun 1852. Final sett. by Adm.; vouchers for eleven receipts from legatees, not named.

2 Aug 1852. Report by C.R. Hoyl Gdn. of minor heirs of his former wife Sarah M. Hoyl, dec'd; received of estate of John A. Cooke and from estate of Wm. H. Cooke.

For further reports, see WILLIAM H. COOKE.



11 Sep 1829. Joseph Robison and Wm. S. McEwen VS Matthias Cooke; death of defendant is suggested.

8 Dec 1829. Above suit revived against heirs, to wit, Rily Charity, John, Saml., Betsey, George, and Peter Cook.

9 Dec 18290 Amon Bond app. Gdn. to heirs pendente lite.


COOKE, THOMAS J. (b. 20 Feb 1853 d. 15 Feb 1870 buried Conesauga Bapt Cem.)

13 Apr 1870. The State VS D.H. Dickey – Murder. D.H. - Dickey killed with a knife Thomas J. Cooke on 15 Feb 1870. Wm. G. Cooke prosecutor.


COOKE, WILLIAM H. (d. 9 Oct 1848 age 64 buried Conesauga Bapt Cem.)

Will exec. 1 Oct 1848; to wife Mary; to children George W., Robert F., Hezekiah C., James B., and John A. Cooke, Nancy W. Thompson, Eliza Kimbrough, Clarissa Cooper, Elmira Cooper, Miranda Hoyl, Ataline Carson, Susan Chatten; Wm. H.C. Thompson (dau. Nancy W. Thompson's oldest son) to receive nothing; "as a part of the amount going to Clarissa Cooper the field adjoining: Thomas Cooper"; Baptist Church one acre of land to include the meeting house of Conesauga Bapt. Church; to the public ten acres of land for a public burying ground; $160 of the money owing me by Henry J. Brock be remitted to him.

Execs: sons Robert F. and George W. Wit: David A. Cobbs, B. S. Culpeper, and L. E. Cantrell.

6 Nov 1848. Will proven.

5 Mar 1849. Acct. of sale held 5 Dec 1848.

Dated from about 1849 to 1864; various reports by Execs. and by C.R. Hoyl, Gdn. to his own minor children (see JOHN A. COOKE).

not dated. Wm. H. Cooke died 9 Oct 1848 leaving children Robert F. of Monroe Co.; Nancy W. wife of Daniel Thompson; Eliza wife of Duke W. Kimbrough; Claressa wife of Thomas Cooper; Elmira widow of James Cooper; Attaline wife of James Carson of Bradley Co.; Sarah Mo (who died 28 May 1850) wife of Caleb R. Hoyl (their children are Clinton D., Putnam Wo, Mary B. J., David, and Susan, all minors); Susan wife of John D. Chattin of Rhea Co. ; John A. (died 19 Nov 1849 without issue); Hezekiah C.; George W.; and James B.


COOKE HEZEKIAH C. (b. 4 Nov 1806 d. 24 Jan 1859 buried Conesauga Bapt. Cem.)

27 Feb 1859. Comm. M.L. Philips, James Melton, and F.M. Lusk set apart year's provisions for widow Mary and family.

18 Mar 1859. Invt. by J.B. and R.F. Cooke, Adms.

3 Aug 1866. Sett. by R.F. Cooke, Adm.

9 filed 16 Jul 1859. Hezekiah C. Cooke died about 24 Jan 1859 leaving widow Mary and children: Robert F., Wm. H., John, Mary J., Eliza E., James B., and Hezekiah C., the last four minors.



4 Jul 1870. In Tax delinquents for 1869 G. W. Coons is listed as dec'd.


COOPER, ELMIRA (b. 4 Sep 1854 age 37 years 2 months and 24 days buried Conesauga Bapt Cem)

CR6, 2 Oct 1854. Geo. W. and Hezekiah C. Cooke app. Adm.

6 Nov 1854, 31 Jan 1857, 29 May 1860.

Invt. and sale by Adms., Sett. by H. C. Cooke, Adm., and final sett. by R.F. Cooke, Gdn. Receipts in full from heirs Wm. B. and J.W. Cooper and D.C. Cooper wife of Thomas Biggs.

filed 16 Jul 1859 Elmira Cooper was sister to Hezekiah Cooke. Elmira's children, all minors at time of her death: Mary V. wife of Jesse M. Cobb, Clarinda wife of Thomas Biggs, William, and James Cooper. All are of age now except James who will reach lawful age in Apr next.


COOPER, HENRY (d. 17 Oct 1834 age 27 years 1 month buried Zion Hill Bapt Cem)

Will exec. 24 Oct l834, probated Dec 1834; to wife Eliza and to two children Elmira and William Philip Cooper. Execs. And Gdns. to children: friends Thomas and Bennet Cooper and Wm. H. Cook. Wit: R.J. and G.W. Cook.

27 Mar 1837. Sett. of Adms. with Comm. J.C. Carlock, G.C. Cantrell, and Benjamin W. Patty. One item is paid to Eliz Kimbro, late Eliza Cooper, widow and relict or said Henry Coope dec'd.

3 Dec 1838. Sett. by Wm. H. Cook one of Execs.; voucher to Duke W. Kimbro and wife Eliza, widow of Henry Cooper.

21 Nov 1845, 21 Nov 1846, 25 Nov 1847, 11 Jun 1849,

14 Mar 1851. Sett. by Exec.

11 Jun 1850. Sett. by Duke W. Kimbrough, Gdn. to Wm. P. and Elmira Cooper.

11 Jun 1851. Sett. by Gdn.; paid expenses at Clinton School for heir Wm. P. Cooper.

1 Jun 1852. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt of Thos. Cooper, Gd of Wm. P. Cooper for full amount.

7 Dec 1853. Final sett. by Gdn.; receipt of Wm. A. Dugan who has intermarried with Elmira Cooper.


COOPER, JAMES (d. 25 Dec 1841 age 27 years 7 months 10 days buried Conesauga Bapt Cem)

8 Feb 1842. Thomas Cooper app. Adm.

4 Apr 1842. Willie Laseter, Obed Patty, Sr., and John W. Barnett app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Elmira.

6 Jun 1842, 15 Dec 1843, 25 Apr 1845, 25 Apr 1846,

26 Feb 1848. Invt. of sale and Sett. by Adm. Sett. by G.W. Cooke, one of Gdns. of minor heirs.

2 Oct 1854. Petition to sell land: Jesse M. Cobb and wife Mary V. VS Clarenda, William, and James Cooper, minor heirs of James and Elmira Cooper, dec'd.


COOPER, PHILIP (b. 2 Apr 1770 d. 24 Oct 1838 buried Cooper Cem.)

Will exec. Oct 1838, probated Dec 1838; to wife Clarrenday; to dau. Lucinda; to sons Bennett, Henry, Thomas, and James Cooper; to daus. Jincy Boyd and Sally Patty; Jincy Boyd is dead and her share to go to her children; Henry Cooper is dead and his share to go to his two children. Execs : Bennett Coope

and Benjamin Patty. Wit: C. Sanders, Joseph Hamilton, George Reynolds, and Lewis Hail. Signed by mark.

Jan 1839; 179, Oct 1839; 311, no date. Invt., Sale, an Add. Invt.

28 Jan 1841. Sett. by Benj. W. Patty, one of Execs.; vouchers include legatees Benj. W. Patty, Drucinda Cooper, Sennett Boyd, and J.L. McClary.

30 Nov 1845; F 250, 23 Oct 1858. Sett., Invt., and Sal

WB F - Loose sheet of paper, not dated, not registered in book. Sett. by Benjamin Patty, Exec.; three heirs entitled to $36 each balance in estate $8051.50



7 Mar 1826. John Copeland app. Adm.



20 Jan 1847 and 525, 17 Mar 1848. Sett. by Chas. W. Rice, Gdn. to minors; "there being eight children who are equally interested; "amount due the five minor children".

17 May 1850. Sett. by Gdn.; paid heirs Rachel and Celia Couch; bought articles for David and Robert Couch, minors.

17 Jan 1854. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt from Jonathan Couch.



6 Oct 1841. Comm. David Smith, Wm. Randolph, and Nathaniel Crittenden lay off year's support for widow Mary; Jont. Couch agrees.

Nov 1841, 25 Sep 1843. Invt. of sale and Sett. by Allen Ware (Wear), Adm.



6 Dec 1825. Robert Cowan app. Gdn. to Nancy Jane Cowan, minor orphan.



5 Jan 1857. P.W. Green app. Adm.



6 Jan 1857. P.W. Green app. Adm.



Will exec. 16 May 1823; to wife Susannah Craig; to the children. Exec: Saml. Logan of Rhea Co., Tenn., and Saml. Craig. Wit: Elisha Price, Samuel Craig.

no date. Invt. filed by Execs.


CRAWFORD, ELIZA ANN (b. 1 Oct. 1809 d. 1 Jan 1868 buried Cedar Grove)




Will exec. 17 Sep 1846, proven May 1862; to wife Eliza Ann; to dau. Amanda Hawk; to minor children John, Hugh, Thomas, Eliza Ann, and Elinor Orregon Crawford, and one that is yet unborn. Execs: Francis Boyd and James C. Carlock. Wit:  James Mayo, Edmund Roberts.

6 May 1862. Will proven by Edmund Roberts; one of the persons named as Exec. has died and the other not appearing, he is ordered to appear and qualify or resign.

2 Jun 1862. J.C. Carlock app. Exec.

2 Mar 1868. Ordered that Invt. be spread of record. The Will Book that it should have been recorded in has been lost or mislaid.

13 May 1872. Final sett. by Exec.; paid $2000 each to seven heirs, namely, P.A. Bradford and wife, John, A.J., Hugh, and Thomas Crawford, W.W. Grubb and wife, and W.H. Briant and wife.

filed 21 Sep 1866. John Crawford died leaving widow Eliza Ann and children: John; Andrew, a minor; Ellen O., who marries W.W. Grubb of Ringgold, Ga., during the 1awsuit by 28 Nov 1866; Hugh;Thomas; Eliza Ann, wife of Wm. H. Briant; and Amanda, wife of Patton A. Bradford.

filed 15 May 1869. John Crawford died Mar 1862.

filed 6 Sep 1870. Grubb VS Carlock. Widow Eliza Ann died l Jan 1868. Dau. Amanda was the widow Hawk when she married Bradford. W.W. Grubb is of Monroe Co. son John is of Atlanta.



6 Aug 1849. Susan Crawford app. Gdn. to minor hiers.



7 Feb 1842. Amon Bond app. Adm.

4 Jun 1842. Invt. by Adm.



3 Feb 1862. C.B. Newman app. Adm.

no date. Comm. Wm. Newman, John K. Jackson, and Joseph Copeland lay off year's support for widow and family.

Invt. sold 21 Feb 1862 by Adm.; buyers include John, Wm. A., J.H., Rebecca, and Thos. Crockett.

filed 30 Nov 1865. David Crockett died 26 Jan 1862 leaving widow Lucinda and children: Josiah, Wm. A., Eliza J. Elliott a widow whose son is Thomas J. Elliott a minor, Elvira C. wife of G.W. Clayton, Sarah P., Rebecca E., Thomas J., Margaret E., Ailsey J., John Z.T., Narcissa L., and Susan A., the last five

being minors.

4 Feb 1867., 3 Feb 1868. minor heirs. Sett. by James Russell, Adm. Chas. Cate app. Gdn. of Louisa and Susan A., minor hiers



Will exec. 30 Jan 1854; to dau. Sarah Crockett; to grandson James Crockett that now lives with me; dau. Sarah and grandson James to live on and hold home farm as their own until son William Crockett's youngest child is 21, then farm to be sold and money divided among all heirs; all personal property to be divided between two daughters Sarah Crockett and Rebecca Cantrell and David Crockett and grandson James Crockett. Execs: son-in-law David Cantrell and Nelson M. Crockett. Wit: Wm. Newman, John Thompson, Lemuel H. Thompson. Signed by mark.

6 Mar 1854. Will proven; Execs. named being absent, David Crockett app. Exec.

5 Jun 1854. Invt. of sale.

28 Mar 1857. Sett. by Exec., equal amounts paid in 1855 to R.W. Cantrell, N.M. Crockett Gdn., Sarah, and David Crockett.

4 Sep 1867. Complainant Nelson G. Crockett of Ga. is a grandson of John Crockett, dec'd. The children of John Crockett are as follows: Sarah, unmarried; Rebecca, widow of David Cantrell, dec'd; James and David who have both died since father died; Elizabeth Crockett, dec'd before her father, whose

son is Wm. H. Crockett of Mo.; Margaret Newman, dec'd before her father; Jane, dec'd before her father, wife of George O. Patty; John A. and William both dec'd before their father. The youngest child of son William arrived at age of twenty-one several years ago; both Execs. have long since died; Orator Nelson G. Crockett has bought seven of the nine interests in said land and transfers it to Sarah Crockett and Rebecca Cantrell. The grandchildren of John Crockett, dec'd, are as follows: Obed of Ark., William and Eliza of Polk Co., Elizabeth wife of John Davis _of Ga., who are children of son James Crockett; William A. of Ohio, J.H., L.J., Sarah G., R.E. wife of Col. McCrary, T.P., M.E. wife of Taylor Rutherford, Alsey S. wife of David Vaughn of Monroe Co., A.C. wife of George Clayton, John Z. S., Louisa N. and Susan A. who are children of son David Crockett; , Mahala wife of Dr. John A. Long, Sarah wife of Alexander Culton of Bradley Co., Clinton now dec'd, Emeline dec'd wife of Dimmon Dorsey, Nancy dec’d wife of Burrell Buckner' Rebecca dec’d wife of Mccamy Dorsey, who are children of daughter Margaret Newman; J Elizabeth wife of Wm. Rutherford and Margaret wife of Alexander McBroom, who are children of daughter Jane Patty; David R. of Roane Co., Wm. S. and James W. of Wright Co., Mo., John C. of Roane Co., Margaret Sharp said to be of Missouri, Sarah P. wife of G.M. Dennis of Wright Co., Mo., who are children of son John A. Crockett; James dec'd, John H. of Polk Co., and Martha wife of Wm. Couch of Polk Co., who are children of son William Crockett. The great grandchildren of John Crockett, dec'd, are listed as follows: Clinton Newman's children are Margaret wife of Wm. Armstrong,

Alice, Mary, Spencer, David, Robert Lafayette, and Mac Newman. Emeline Newman Dorsey's children are Mandeville, Nie, Thomas, Eliza, and Mary Dorsey, all of Mo. Nancy Newman Buckner's children

are Robert, John, Taylor, and Wm. Buckner of McMinn Co. and Miram wife of Isaac Lewis of Meigs Co. Rebecca Newman Dorsey's children are Julius B., Rufus, Allison, Lafayette, and Hariet Dorsey, all of McMinn Co.



4 Apr 1853. Nelson M. Crockett app. Adm.

9 Apr 1853. Comm. John K. Jackson, James Chesnutt, and Uriel Johnston set apart year's support for widow Nancy and family, there being seven in family.

2 May 1853. Invt. of sale by Adm.



3 Apr 1854. Robt. M. Newman app. Gdn. of James H. Crockett.

3 Sep 1854. Nelson M. Crockett app. Gdn. to James H. Crockett, minor hier of William Crockett, dec’d, in room of Robt. M. Newman, dec’d.

2 Aug 1856. Report by Gdn.



7 Sep 1829. Patience Cromwell app. Adminx. no date. Invt. by Adminx.

3 Oct 1829. Invt. of sale; buyers include Patience and John B. Cromwell .

21 Apr 1832. Comm. Hamilton Bradford, Samuel McConnell, and H.C . Bradford settle with Adminx.



6 Sep 1864. M.D. Anderson app. Adm.

5 Nov 1866. C.C. Crow app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

no date. Invt. and Sale by Adm.

4 Sep 1865. Comm. L. Dodson and B. Wells on 13 Sep 1864 set apart year's provisions for Mrs. Catharine Crow and family.

21 Sep 1866. Sett. by Adm .



Will exec. 16 Oct 1827; to wife; to sons Benjamin and Robert; to daus. Sally (a minor), Nancy Taylor, Rachel Taylor, Peggy Hammon, Polly, Hannah, Cressa. Execs: Benjamin and  Robert Crow. Wit : Micah Sellers, William Golden. Signed by mark.

3 Dec 1827. Will proven.



3 Apr 1837. McMahan app. Comm. Jesse H. Benton, Andrew Hutsell, and John to lay off year's support for widow.



filed 9 Apr 1849. Thomas Crutchfield VS Drury P. Armstrong Adm. of Wm. Park, dec'd. In Record Book A, p.48, 20 Aug 1850, the death of Thomas Crutchfield is suggested and the suit is revived in name of Wm. and Thos. Crutchfield, Execs.

filed 21 Apr 1854. Tipton VS Callaway. Thomas Crutchfield died leaving widow Sarah and children William and Thomas of Hamilton Co., and Mary Jane wife of J.H. Lumpkin of Ga.



2 Jan 1837. Jesse Anderson and John Madarus make oath that they were well acquainted with William Crye a Revolutionary Pensioner and that he departed this life in the County of McMinn on 30 Aug 1835 leaving widow Sarah.


CULTON, JAMES (b. 15 Dec. 1779 d. 29 Jan 1863 buried Mt. Cumberland Cem.)

6 Apr 1863. Will proven by Chas. Staples and John A. Thompson, the subscribing witnesses. M.D. Anderson the Exec. named in the Will declines to serve. Alex. Culton of Bradley Co. and R.M. Mcclatchey of McMinn app. Adms. with Will annexed.



Will exec. 7 Sep 18, Codicil l Dec 1819; to wife Peggy to daus. Susannah Young, Charlott Matilday, Amanda Fitsallen, Corinia Mirinda Albana; to sons Moses, Marchel W., Pleasant Theodor. Execs: wife Peggy and son Moses. Wit: Robert Ferguson, James Anderson.

5 Jun 1820. Will proven.

24 Jun 1848. Children of James and Margaret Cunningham; Moses aged 48 in 1849; Marshall W. whose wife was a sister to Eveline the widow of Pleasant T.; Pleasant T. who died Sep 1834 in Mo. where he had moved with family in 1833-34 (leaving widow Eveline and children Pleasant T., Jr., aged 18 in 1852, and Sarah wife of McMinn Dodson); Corinna wife of James Lowry. Pleasant and Eveline were married about 1830. Pleasant T., Jr., is anxious to move to Oregon with his mother Eveline and her family, Margaret Cunningham, wife of James, took possession of land in McMinn Co. in 1821 and in 1823-24 petitioned Legislature to grant the land to her at $1.25 per acre. She was a midwife and rode as a midwife until about 1837. She died in 1847 at age 84. (James died owning land in Blount Co.)






2 Sep 1839. Marshall w. Cunningham app. Gdn. to minor t heirs.

6 Jul 1842. Same, Gdn. to Sarah and Pleasant Cunningham.

Jun 1844, Jun 1846, 25 Jun 1844, 25 Jun 1845, 25 Feb 1848. Settlements by same Gdn.; paid widow

and minor heirs for coffee, etc.



Will exec. 1 Aug 1843; to wife Magdalene, one half of plantation next to Trouts; to son Jesse, land on which I settled him in Knox Co.; to granddaus. Harriet Theodosia Adaline and Maranda James Caranda, daus. of son James, dec'd, the land on which I settled their father in Knox Co.; to two sons John and

Wm. H.; son Wilie Houston has already received money; to son Thomas W., land "reserving Mount Harmony meeting house with a lot fourteen by seven poles square ... said house and lot I give to the Methodist Episcopal Church"; to dau. Charlotte; to four daus. Nancy Reagan, Polly Goddard, Betsy Pickle, and Gincy Patton; to children not herein specified. Execs: sons-in-law Jonathan Pickle and Wm. Patton. Wit: Saml. M. Johnson, Zenas A. Edwards, and James Lowry, Jr. Signed by mark.

3 Mar 1845 and 222, 7 Apr 1845. Will proven.

7 Apr 1845, 7 May 1845, 7 Sep 1846, 22 Sep 1846. Invt., Sett., Add. Invt. and Add. Acct. of Sale by Execs.

5 Oct 1846. Undivided property of which Charlotte McSpadden is to have half when collected; filed by Exec.

29 Mar 1847. Sett. by Execs.; receipts of heirs Nancy Reagan, Polly Goddard, Betsy Pickle , and Gincy Patton.

29 Feb 1848. Sett.; payments to Nancy Reagan, to Polly and Thornton C. Goddard, and equal amounts retained by the Execs. as their share.



2 Sep 1845, 6 Oct 1845, 5 Nov 1845. Invt., Sale, and Add. Sales, filed by John W. Barnett and Chas.

T. Thornton, Adms.

28 Jan 1846. Comm. Uriel Johnston, James Gaut, and Samuel Hardy allot year's support to widow Susan and her child James H.

18 Dec 1846. Sett. by Wm. P. Copeland, Gdn. to Benjamin, Mary, and Joseph Curd , minor heirs.

18 Oct 1847. Same Comm. set apart year's support to three minor heirs, Benjamin, Mary, and Joseph.

3 Dec 1847. Sett. by J.W. Barnett, Adm.

7 Mar 1848. Sett. by Wm. P. Copeland, Gdn.; allowance Gdn. for keeping two of the children up to this time, did not board Benjamin.

3 Dec 1848, 24 Feb 1849, 24 Feb 1850, 3 Dec 1849. Settlements by Adm. and Gdn.

19 Aug 1850. Final sett. by Adm.; paid W.P. Copeland Gdn. of Mary Curd now Mary Longley, Benjamin and Joseph Curd, heirs; paid heirs W.P. Copeland, Squire North; paid Susan Curd widow; paid Susan Curd as Gdn. of Jas. H. Curd; all receiving same amount.

24 Feb 1851; 196, 24 Feb 1852; 308, 7 Mar 1853. Sett. by Gdn.

7 Mar 1853. Same Gdn. has permission to remove his Gdnship. to Polk Co.

19 Apr 1852. Wm. P. Copeland and wife and other heirs VS James H. Curd by his Gdn. Susan Curd, Robert M. Newman, and others. On 16 Sep 1843, one Simeon Eldridge by and with the consent

of the said Richard Curd now deceased conveyed to one Benjamin Eldridge in trust for the benefit of the children of the said Richard Curd of his first marriage being the grandchildren of the said Simeon Eldridge.



Will exec. 15 Jul 1844; to wife Dolly. Wit: John Jenkins, A. Hanks. Signed by mark.

6 Jan 1845. Dolly Curtis app. Adminx.


4 Jul 1870. Marked "dec'd" in list of tax delinquent:



Will exec. 13 Jun 1849; to daus. Mary H. Daugherty, Sarah Bradford, Cleninda Mitchell, and Julian Parkison. Exec David Bradford. Wit: John Jenkins, Allen Haley.

4 Apr and 2 May 1853. Will proven and David Bradford of Polk Co., app. Exec.



Noncupative Will exec. 25 Sep 1870, proven 7 Nov 1870to the heirs of David Bradford, viz: Mary Jane Casaday, Sarah Clarinda, Hannah Ann, Nancy Elizabeth, and Lucinda Virginia Bradford, the land where said David Bradford now lives; to James Mitchell, desk and fall leaf table. Attest: John Jenkins, A. Slack.



7 Aug 1865. Mary Davis app. Adminx.

4 Sep 1865. Mrs. Mary Davis Adminx. resigns and Comm. app. to lay off dower to her as widow filed 10 Nov 1871. Norvell VS Davis. Alfred Davis died

4 Feb 1865 leaving widow Mary and children Emilia wife of John Baker of Meigs Co. and Rachel wife of John F. Norvell. Widow Mary denies that Emelia and Rachel are the only children of Alfred Davis, dec'd. She asserts that son William was alive when father died and was living in Wilmington, N.C., on 10 May 1865 and is still living so far as she knows.



4 Mar 1839. Isaac Davis app. Adm.

Jun 1839. Invt. filed by Isaac Davis, Adm.



3 Dec 1844. Marked “dead” in list of Tax Delinquents 1844.



2 Mar 1830. Nancy and Anthony Davis app. Adms.

7 Jun 1830. Henry Smith, Wm. Brown, and Caswell Jarnagin app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Nancy.

6 Dec 1830. John F., James A., and Francis M. Davis, minors over 14, choose Jackson Smith as Gdn.

no date. Invt. by Adms.

4 Mar 1835, 1 Aug 1836. Reports by Jackson Smith, Gdn. to Frances M. Davis, minor heir.

7 Aug 1837. Wm. Lowry, Elijah Hurst, and Uriel Johnson app. Comm. to settle with Gdn. to F.M. Davis now F.M. Potts



1 May 1837. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that David Deaderick son of Dr. William H. Deaderick of McMinn County departed this life on 23 Mar 1837 without wife or issue and that Penelope S. Campbell aged 26 years wife of Victor Moreau Campbell, Eliza Ann Van Dyke aged 23 years wife of Thomas Nixon Van Dyke, Joseph H. Deaderick aged 18 years, Margretta A. Deaderick aged 16 years, Frances N. Deaderick aged 13 years, Thomas S. Deaderick aged ll years, Robert H. Deaderick aged 9 years, William H. Deaderick, Jr., aged 5 years, and Alexander H. Deaderick aged 3 years are the heirs at law and distributees; William H. Deaderick app. Gdn. to the last seven named; Onslow G. Murrell app. Adm. Court 1837 by Adm.

1 Jun 1844, l Jun 1845, 1 Jun 1846, 21 Jun 1847, Reports by Wm . H. Deaderick, Gdn. to his own minor children.



Will exec. 24 Sep 1857, Codicil 12 Oct 1857, proven Feb 1858; to wife Lois; wife Lois to board son Alexander as he now boards with me without charge until 1 Apr 1858 and same for granddau. Henrietta M. Campbell until she arrives at age of 18; to dau. Anne Eliza Van Dyke; to dau. Mary, free from control of any person she may marry; to three sons Robert, Thomas, and William; to son Alexander "the silver spoons which came from Mr. Hamilton"; to three granddaus. Caroline R. Samples, Margaret L., and Henrietta M. Campbell; to son Robert, all my medical books; to son Joseph; to dau. Margaretta Bridges; to children of Anne Eliza Van Dyke when they arrive at age of 21 or marry, money to be "expended in the purchase for said children of one dozen silver teaspoons, a half dozen silver tablespoons, a half dozen

silver tumblers, and a silver soup ladle for each of said children except Penelope who is to get a half dozen silver tumblers". Exec: son Alexander H. Wit: Wm. W. Alexander, James Turner.

1 Feb 1858. Will proven and Exec. named qualifies.

filed 23 Nov 1858 and 70, filed 19 Dec 1859. Wm. H. Deaderick died Oct 1857. Additional information on children and grandchildren is as follows: Eliza A. is wife of T. Nixon Van Dyke; Mary McK. is wife of Uriah L. York; sons Joseph, Thomas, and William are of Texas; son Robert H. is of Calif.; the daughter who was mother of the Campbell grandchildren was Penelope H., dec'd; granddaughter Margaret Letitia Campbell is the wife of J.H. Hale; Penelope Campbell's daughter Caroline R. Samples is now dead leaving minor son Wm. C. Sample who is summoned from Sumner Co.; dau. Margaretta A., wife of John L. Bridges, is now dead leaving Wm. D. Bridges as her only child. In Supp. Bill

filed 13 Nov 1860, son Alexander H. has died since the land was sold on 2 Jun 1860.

5 Nov 1860. U.L. York app. Adm. de bonis non. John L. Bridges app. Gdn. for his own minor child Wm. De Bridges.



6 Jun 1842 and 50, 4 Jul 1842. James A. Dean, aged 12 or Thomas A. Dean, aged 4, orphans, bound to John Gaston; Calvin Dean, age 16, bound to James Steed.



Nov 1845. Thomas Dean app. Adm

5 Jan 1846. Sale by Adm.; buyers include David, James, and Susannah Dean.

11 Nov 1845. Comm. Wm. S. Calloway, Elijah Cate, and James Wilson set apart year's support for widow Susannah.

30 Apr 1847. James C. Carlock, Clk., makes pro rata sett. between Adm. and creditors.



13 Dec 1867. Death suggested and admitted in Court.



Will and Codicil exec. 7 Jun 1856; to John M. Dearmond a minor son of Wm. B. Dearmond, 80 acres of land; $1 each to daus. Easther and Adeline; 25 acres of land to son Thos. B. Dearmond. Wit: J. Jack, J.J. Elliott. Signed by mark.



5 Feb 1849. Wm. McKamy app. Gdn. to Mahal An Debord, minor.

18 Feb 1850, 15 Feb 1851, 18 Feb 1859, 18 Feb 1861, 18 Feb 1862. Settlements by Gdn.

6 Apr 1863. Settlement which is made by Wm. P. McKamy, Gdn. of minor heirs, ordered to be spread of record and the same paid over to the Treas. of McMinn Co., the parties being unknown.



3 Dec. 1827. James Dennis app. Adm.

6 Dec. 1827. Invt. of personal estate, by Adm.

No date. Sale. In list are James, Allen, Isham, and Nancy Dennis.



10 Oct. 1863 Sale. In list are James, Allen, Isham,

10 Oct 1863. Sale at his late residence by W.P. Cate, Adm.

18 Apr 1866. Orren Dennis, son of Allen Dennis, married Virginia Cate 22 Dec 1861 when he was 24, was conscripted into Confederate Army, and died 24 Mar 1863 leaving the widow and one dau. Lou Emma, and bros. and sisters Allen, Jr., age 26 in 1866 and Mark age 23 in 1866, both in Confederate Army with Orre Matilda age 25 in 1866, and others. Widow marries Lee Arwood during the lawsuit.

3 Feb 1868. Lee Arwood app. Gdn. of Lou Emma Dennis, minor heir.



3 Feb. 1868. Isaac Denton app. Adm.

Filed 18 Jun. 1870. Abraham Denton died 1863.



7 Jun 1852. Saml. Wilson app. Adm.

5 Jul 1852. Invt. by Adm.

24 Nov 1853. Report by same Adm. "not being able to come to the Clerk's office" .



1 May 1848. E.P. Bloom app. Adm.

4 Sep 1848. Report of' sale held 27 May 1848 at house of Cornelius Derrick, Chestue Creek, McMinn Co., by Adm.

29 Mar 1852. Sett.


DERRICK (DERICK), MICHAEL (d. Sep 1839 age 74 buried Watts. Cem.)

Will exec. 4 Aug 1839, probated Oct 1839; to wife Elizabeth; equal division among children except that share of Magdalene Burger be divided into four parts, one part to her and three parts to her children, Absalem, William, and Elizabeth; to grandson Absalem Glossup. Wit : A. Barb, Wm. Lee. Execs: sons John and Cornelius.

7 and 8 Oct 1839. Will proven.

1 Jun 1840. Sale; Jacob L. Derrick is a buyer.

16 Aug 1843. Sett.; vouchers to heirs E.P. Bloom, George Burger, and Michael C. Derrick.

24 Mar 1845. Sett.; receipts for various amounts from heirs Wm. H., J.L., John, A.G., Jonathan, Cornelius, and Michael C. Derrick, G. Cantrell, John J. Parker, D.J. Firestone, E.P. Bloom, George Burger, and Jonathan Derrick for minor heirs of Joseph McMinn.



Will exec. 19 Apr 1836, recorded Jan Court 1840; to wife; to youngest son Samuel H.; to two single daus. Rebecca L. and Nancy M.; to balance of heirs, James M., John F., David H., Elizabeth M. Elkins, Anny Gamble, and Polly Fox; wife's legacy left her in N.C. by her sister Ann Houston. Execs: David H. and Samuel H. Dickey. Wit: Abraham Fox, Saml. H. Dickey.



Will exec. 19 Jun 1830; to companion and wife Liza; to six sons, Verg and Edward H. John Vivian Goleh Henry Frances Ditmore to three daus., Mary L. Emaline lot in Town of Columbus, McMinn Co.; money coming from John Ditmore of S. C. Wit: Samuel Yates, James B. Jackson

4 Oct 1847. Thomas L. Hoyl app. Adm.

22 Oct 1847. Comm. J.C. Carlock, John Hoyle, and G.W. Kirksey set apart year's support for minor heirs·, E. P. Bloom, J.P.

4 Mar 1848. Invt., Accts. Due, and Sale.

16 Sep 1850. Sett. by Adm.; paid heirs John, Gemima, Sarah, and Ebenezer Divine; paid Ebenezer Divine, Gdn. for minor heirs, paid for provisions furnished the widow.

21 Mar 1852. Sett.

filed 14 Nov 1857. Ebenezer, William B., Sarah, and Mary Divine VS Jephtha Smith and wife Jane, Margaret and John Divine, John Samples and wife, Robert Smith et al. /Original Bill missing.

Incomplete file. Information in Exec.-Docket Band Record Book B./ Feb 1860: John H. Gouldy_ app. Gdn. ad litem of James, Mary Jane, Matthew, and Jesse Samples, minor heirs of Jemima Samples. The complainants and defendants own the land. Jane Smith, Margaret and John Divine did not answer the publication. Clerk & Master instructed to report number and names of heirs. John Divine died leaving eleven heirs and distributees, Ebenezer and Sarah and others not name~~ In 1850 Ebenezer and Sarah

Divine. sold their undivided interest in land to John Samples who assigned it to Robert Smith.



5 Jul 1841. Edom Dixon, minor orphan aged 6 years las June 15th, bound to Wm. O. Barnett to learn the farming business.



5 Sep 1859. James Forest, H.L. Shults, and Wm. L. Rice app. Comm. to lay off year 1 s support f or widow and children.

no date. Above Comm. make report.

3 Oct 1859. James Wilson and Eli Dixon, Adms., allowed six months to report inventory, it consisting of leather in tan.

3 Oct 1859. M.L. Philips and David Neil app. Comm. with County Surveyor to lay off dower to widow Malissa Dixon.

5 Nov 1859. Sale.

2 May 1870. Adms. of James Wilson find papers belonging to estate of Eli Dickson, Jr. James Wilson and Eli Dickson, Sr., are both dead D.M. McReynolds app. Adm.



5 Jun 1865. F.M. Rowan of Monroe Co. app. Adm.,

3 Jul 1865. Invt.

27 Jul 1865. Comm. James Forrest, W.L. Rice, and Isaac Stalcup lay off year's provisions for widow and family.

28 Nov 1865. Sale.

filed 9 Aug 1867. Eli Dixon died Jan 1865 leaving widow Charity and children: Miriam wife of Thomas Matlock of Texas, Sarah E. wife of F.M. Rowan of Monroe Co., John H. of Ill., Texas and Oregon Dixon minors of McMinn Co.

26 Sep 1873. Sett.



3 Dec 1832. Ira Done app. Gdn. for Absolem and M.J. Done, minor orphans.



1 Oct 1849. Thomas J. Hoyl app. Adm.

Oct 1850. Same Adm. VS Sarah Ann Dockery widow, Emelia and Henry Dockery, heirs, and James C. Carlock, Gdn. ad litem of minor heirs.



4 Sep 1848 and 482, 2 Oct 1848. James H. Dodd, an orphan aged 14, and Sarah Jane Dodd, an orphan aged about 12, bound to John A. Rowles.



Will exec. 2 Jan 1839 /probated about Jan 1855; to wife Levina; to children Levina, Jimes, Mary Ann, John, Elizabeth B., and Lang R. Execs: wife Levina and son James M. Wit: John and Albartis Arnwine.

no date. Invt. by James M. Dodd, Exec.

no date. Report by Lang R. Dodd, Gdn. to John, Mary, and Elizabeth Dodd, Idiots of John Dodd, dec'd.

17 Nov 1860. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid Jas. M. Dodd traveling expense to Va. and back.



6 Nov 1865. L.R. Dodd, now dec'd, who was Gdn. of John, Mary, and Elizabeth Dodd, heirs of John Dodd.



2 Mar 1863. W.H. Rothwell app. Adm. James Carter, Joseph Barnette , and Jas. Willson app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

6 Apr 1863. Wellington H. widow and others; ordered that A. litum for minor children, to wit, Rothwell, Adm. VS Martha Dodson Caldwell, Esq., be app. Gdn. ad litum for minor children, to wit, Eliza J., Nancy A., and John Dodson.

18 Feb 1865 Sale held 13 Mar and 2 May 1863 by Adm.; "as per Inventory returned heretofore and which said Inventory is believed to have been destroyed by the Wheeler raid in August 1864

filed 17 Nov 18650 Amended Bill filed 27 Feb 1873. Allen Dodson died Feb 1863 leaving widow Martha and children: Jane wife of Pryor Dobbs (she dies by Nov 1867 without issue), Nancy wife of Franklin Wallis, and John, a minor.

5 Aug 1867. J. F. Wallis app. Gdn. of John Dodson minor hier.



6 Sep 1826. William and Frances Dodson app. Adms.

l Sep 1828 0 Wyley Laseter, Wm. Lea, and Wm. Killingsworth app. Comm. to settle with Wm. Dodson, Adm.

7 Apr 1846. Report by Wm. L. Dodson Adm.; receipts in full from heirs Alfred, James, and Mary Jane Dodson, William and Nancy Martin, Elizabeth Dodson wife of Addison Jenkins; "heretofore he made a Settlement with Commissioners appointed by the "V County Court".



Will not dated, proven Jul. 1.858; to wife Lusina Jane; to children Melville P . and Mary D.; bro. A.J. Dodson to be Gdn. of the two children until they reach 21. Execs: bros. A.J. and E.A. Dodson. Wit: C . W. Rice, A. P. Bradford.

5 Oct 1858. Invt. of the open accts. on the Book of the firm of W. & A. J. Dodson up to 1 Jul 1858.

no date. Comm. Wm. S. Calaway, J. Atkins, and John Go, Hale set apart year ' s support for widow and family.

7 Jan 1867. Lucina Jo Dodson app. Gdn. of Mary D. Dodson, her own minor heir.

May 1872. Report by Lucina J. Porter, formerly Dodson, Gdn. of her own minor child.



5 Sep 1836. Thos. Wakefield and John Duckworth app. Adms. Joel Triplet, Frederick Haile, and Oliver Dodson app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.

6 Dec l836. Application being made for Gdn. to Elisha Sarah Betsey Ann Thomas Woodward Nancy Adaline Martha and McCajah Dorsey, minor heirs; Thomas Wakefield and Thomas Duckworth chosen by Nancy Adaline Martha and McCajah who are of age to choose for themselves and are app. as Gdns. for Elijah Sarah Betsey Ann and Thomas Woodward /written without punctuation/.

6 Dec 183b. Oliver Dodson, Robert Stephenson, Martin Casady, Wm. H. Cook, and Robt. Newman app. Comm. to allot dower in land to Elizabeth (Betsey) Dorsey, widow.

Nov 1836, Jun 1837, 20 Dec 18376, 24 Nov 1838. Invt. of sale and reports filed by Adms. and Gdns.

24 Nov 1838. Report by Gdns.; paid to Elizabeth and Nancy Dorsey, heirs; a dress for Martha Dorsey; tuition for Sarah Dorsey.

4 Feb 1840. Report by Gdn.; paid to Micajah Dorsey, Richard T. Goode, and George Gaut, heirs.

4 Feb 1841, 4 Aug 1842. Sett. by Thos. Duckworth, Gdn.

Apr 1844. Sett. by Gideon Cate, successor to Thos. Duckworth as Gdn.; undivided land belonging to seven heirs and note belonging exclusively to minor heirs.

19 Jun 1844, 19 Jun 1845, 19 Jun 1846. Sett by same Gdn.

29 Jan 1848. Cate as Gdn.; wards

2 Oct 1849. Settled. Sett. by Elisha Dorsey, successor to Gdn, wards are Sarah D. and Elizabeth Ann Dorsey.

2 Oct 1849. Sett. by Gdn.; acct. of Sarah D. Dorsey fully settled.



Oct 1839. Invt. by Dimmon Dorsey and John C. Gaut Adms.

28 Dec 1839. Report by Comm. Robert Stephenson, Samuel Hardy, and Oliver Dodson setting apart year's support for widow Mahalia and family; sworn to before John McGaughey.

Mar 1840 and WB D 39, 26 Oct 1841. Sale and sett. by Adms.

9 Apr 1844. Sett.; receipts from Mahala Dorsey, widow and Gdn. for Salina Jane Dorsey and James Alexander Dorsey, heirs; Wit: Jesse H. and James Gaut.

3 Jun 1844. Report by same Gdn.; has provided for heirs since 21 Sep 1839.



no date. Report by John Douglass, Gdn. to his minor children.

19 Jan 1846. Sett. by Gdn.; "Amount allowed Guardian For making 3 trips to S. Carolina for cash & for all services as Guardian 15.00".

19 Jan 1847. Sett. by Gdn.

19 Jan 1848. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt in full from heir Hugh Douglass.

19 Jan 1849. Sett.; paid heirs R.C. and S.R. Rhodes.

19 Jan 1850. Sett.; paid heirs Caswell and Nancy Matilda Lee.

19 Jan 1851, 19 Jan 1852, 19 Jan 1853,

19 Jan 1854, 19 Jan 1855, 19 Jan 1856. Settlements by Gdn.

19 Jan 1857. Sett.; voucher for 1/3 of amount to Wm. M Cass and wire Julia and 1/3 to Elizabeth Douglass.

19 Jan 1858, 19 Jan 1859, 19 Jan 1860. J Sett.


DOUGLASS (DOUGLAS), ELIZABETH (b. 1761 d. 1838 buried Salem Cem.)

Will Exec. 16 Oct 1837, proven Sep 1838; to son John Douglas, Mary Jones, and Lettice Bolding to make them equal with James and Wm. Douglas, then rest 0£ estate to be divided equal among children. Wit : Christopher Huffaker, Wm. L. Bolding. Signed by mark.

3 Sep 1838. Will proven by the two witnesses, who are app. Execs.



8 Jul 1862. M.A. Cass app. Adm.

1 Jun 1863. John A. Gouldy app. Gdn. of minor heirs, John, Mary, and Sarah Douglas


DOUGLASS (DOUGLAS), JOHN (b. 1793 d. 1863 buried Salem Cem.)

4 May 1863. Wm. Douglas and Jas. H. Rucker, citizens of Bradley Co., app. Adms.

4 May 1863. J.F. Benton, E.W. Carlock, and J.F. Strange app a Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Julia A. Acct. of sale of rents of farm sold 5 Sep 1863 by Adms.

27 Jun 1863 and consolidated with No. 163, filed 4 Feb 18670 Chancery Court in McMinn County was suspended after Federals had taken possession from about 10 Sep 1863 to 1864 or 1865. Confederate Notes were accepted by Bank of Tenn. up to 5 Sep 1863. John Douglass died 7 Apr 1863 leaving widow Julia now of Monroe Co. who dies during the lawsuit by 23 Aug 1865 and the following children: William of S.C. and later of McMinn Co.; Eliza C. wife of James Rucker of Bradley Co.; Sarah R. wife of

William Rhodes of Cal.,; Elizabeth J. wife of Ezekiel Bates of  Bradley Co.; Nancy M. wife of Jospeh Smith of Polk Co., Julia A. wife of Wm. Cass; Hugh D., dec'd, whose children are John, Mary Jane, and Sarah, all minors; Mary L . , dec'd, wife of Asahel Carlock, whose children are James M., Adelia H., John L., Amelia J., Sarah E., and Lemuel C.H., Carlock, all minors of Missouri. Ezekiel Bates and Joseph Smith die during the lawsuit by Aug 1865 and Asahel Carlock dies by 1869.

15 Feb 1869. Sett. by Adms. paid unequal amounts to L.L. Carlock, Wm. Cass, Jane Bates, and Matilda Smith.

Apr 1871. Court pays for holding inquest over body of John Douglass in 1863.

31 May 1875. Sett. by James H. Rucker, one of Adms.; there are eight heirs: John A. Gouldy Gdn. of Hugh Douglass' heirs, Nancy M. Smith, E.J. Bates, L.L. Carlock Gdn. of minor heirs of Mary Carlock, J.H . and E.C. Rucker, Sarah Rhoads



filed 22 Dec 1849. Asahel Carlock and wife Mary formerly Douglass of Polk Co., Mo., Ezekiel Bates and wife Jane formerly Douglass of Bradley Co., Wm. Rhodes and wife Sarah R. formerly Douglass, Caswell Lea and wife Matilda formerly Douglass, all of McMinn Co. VS John Douglass and William, Hugh D., Julia Ann, Dorcas, John E., and Elizabeth Caroline Douglass. About 18. John Douglass now of Polk Co. married in S. C. Nancy Dickson Bishop, dau. of Nicholas Bishop. Copy, 1846, of deed of gift of slave girl and her increase dated 26 Feb 1817 from Nicholas to dau. Nancy and her heirs. Nancy died about 18 leaving above named Oratrixes and other named children, William of Anderson Dist., S.C., Hugh D. of McMinn Co., all of whom are of lawful age, and minors, to wit, Julia Ann, Dorcas, John E., and Eliza

Caroline Douglass of Polk Co. John Douglass (the father) holds slaves. Petition for distribution.



Will exec. 27 Jun 1837,' probated 7 Aug 1837; to wife Elizabeth Robertson; to oldest 8on James; to younger son William R.; to son John; to Maryan dau. of son Wm. R .; to dau. Polly Jones; to Robert Jones son of Polly and Richard Jones; to dau. Letticia Bolding; money due me in Va. Execs: sons James and Wm. Wit: Lewis Payne, Wm. L. Bolding.

4 Sep 1837 Invt. by J. S. Douglass, Exec.

21 Jun 1838. Sett. by Execs.; received from the Execs. James Douglass, dec'd, in Campbell Co., Va., in April.

3 Jun 1842. Sett. by Execs.; paid James Douglass fort trips to Campbell Co., Va.; paid Wm. L. and Lettice Bolding for the benefit of Robert and Elizabeth Douglass while sick.



2 Jul 1838. Appropriation of $5 to John McCartney act as Coroner in the case of the dead body of Charles Dowing a part Cherokee as supposed.



6 Sep 1841. Thos. Duckworth app. Adm.

13 Sep 1841. Comm. Oliver Dodson, James M. Hemphill, James Gaut set apart year's support to widow Ann.

3 Jan 1842 and 169, 23 Nov 18430 Invt. of sale and sett. by Adm. '



CR8 150, 6 Apr 1863. Henry Sloop paid for taking care of Mary Duckworth, dec'd, a pauper.



28 Mar 1866. Sale by W.A. Duckworth, Adm.

no date. Comm. Wm. S. Edgeman, Andrew McRoberts, and Wm. Dorsey set apart year's support for widow and family.

6 May 1867. Mary Duckworth widow of Thos. N. who died 7 Jan 1866. Wm. A. Duckworth, Henry and Mary C. Eblin are only heirs.

filed 23 Jul 1867. Wm. A. Duckworth and Mary C. now Mary C. Eblin are children by former wife. Widow Mary has dau. Eliz wife of Wm. Reynolds.



filed 12 Apr 1867. John C. McMahan VS Allen Ware, W.A. Dugan, G.C. Dugan, and Jessee Wilson. Defendant G.C. Dugan die during lawsuit by 1868.



Will exec. 25 Aug 1861, I proven Jul 1862; to wife Matilda, land where I live in Buckhorn Valley, McMinn Co., until youngest child comes of age; to son Joseph Alex Dugger "and any other male child my said wife may be delivered of during my Life or after my death if it Shall appear that it is my Child"; to daus. Sarah Jane Mary Elizabeth Martha Ann Celia Catharine and Isabella; to son Daniel Dugger. Exec: wife. Wit: James Guffey, C. V: Orten, J.B. Williams.

5 Mar 1866. John Orton and M.G. McNabb released as Securities for Mrs. Matilda Reed (formerly Matilda Dugger, wife of Daniel D. Dugger, dec'd) as Execx. of sd. Dugger.



7 Sep 1846. Nancy Dunn app. Gdn. to Wm. E. Dunn, minor heir.



3 Dec 1849. Comm. James Small, Bogan Cash, and Wm. L. Pearson set apart year's support to widow Charity and family.

7 Jan 1850; 80, 18 Jan 1850; 152, 27 Mar 1851. Invt., Sale, and Sett. by Sterling L. Turner, Adm.



2 Dec 1844 Henry Walker app. Adm.

17 Dec 1844. Commo Chas. Staples, Wm. Grubb, and John McDonald set apart year's support for widow Jane and family.

9 Jan 1845. Invt. of sale by Adm.

7 Dec 1846 0 James C. Carlock, Clk., makes pro rata sett. between Adm. and creditors.



6 Mar 1829. Wm. and John Eblin, Execs. VS Reubin White.



7 Oct 1844. M. C. Hawk, Richard Settles, and C.P. Owens app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Fanny.



14 Aug 1860. Comm. Robt. N. McEwen, Andrew Hutsell, and John Crews set apart year's support for widow and family.

no date. Sale by Wm. S. Edgeman, Adm.

filed 8 Jul 18610 Original suit dismissed in Feb 1865 under the general rule dismissing all causes instituted while the State ignored her relations to the general Government. Suit reinstated 1869. Thomas Edgeman died 14 Jul 1860 leaving widow Nancy and children, to wit, William E. of Roane Co.; Margaret wife of Aaron Matthews; Thomas; Simeon; Gideon of unsound mind; John; George, dec'd, whose children are Margaret and Thomas; Mary Woolsey, dec 9 d, whose children are James, Margaret, and

Thomas A. Woolsey; Catharine Sparks, dec'd, whose children are Samuel Jo, Susan, Martha, Jane, Thomas N. 9 James, Talitha G., and John E. Sparks, all minors of Arko; and Philemon Edgeman of Ark.

5 Dec 1870. J.T. Lane resigns as Gdn. as heirs are all of lawful age.



4 Jul 1836. James Hays app. Adm.

Sep 1836. Invt. by Adm

4 Sep 1837. Jesse Ho Benton app. Gun . to Lindsey Edward, minor.



13 Apr 1867. W. M. Edwards Adm. VS M.A. Cass and F.M. Rowan I Adms. of Eli Dixon.



22 Sep 1866. Invt. and sale by R.A. McAdoo, Adm.

Sep 1866. Comm. S.S. Morgan, Stephen Hill, and Silas Mynatt lay off year's support for widow and family.

17 Aug 1867. Sett. and sale by Adm,

Aug to Nov 1867. Petition for sale of land. R.A. McAdoo and S.W. Royston, Adms. VS Nancy Stephenson, Mary Dennis, Jacob, John, Daniel, Sarah W., Robert, Mark, Lou, and Crayton Elder, the last seven being minors. Mary Elder app. Gdn. of Craton Elder her own minor son. Elizia C. Elder app.

Gdn. of Daniel, John, Sarah, Robert, Loutisia and Mark Elder, her own minor heirs.

14 Dec 1869. Sett. by Adm. ; payments of various amounts to the following unidentified persons: Eliza C., Mary, Jacob, and James Elder. Wm. Stephenson and wife, M. Denis and wife, Eliza c. Elder as Gdn., James Stephenson and wife, James Denis, M. Dennis, and Mary Elder as Gdn.



4 May 1868. Thomas Caldwell app. Adm.

1 Jun 1868. Petition of Jacob Elder, bro. of Robert who died about 20 Aug 1863 leaving widow Eliza and children Daniel, John Franklin, Sarah Wills, Robert, Mark, and Luticia Elder, all minors with Mother Eliza as guardian.



13 Dec 1867. The death is suggested and proven in Court

6 Jan 1868. John T. Jones and John H. Eldridge app. Adms,

6 Apr 1868. R.J. Patty app. Gdn. of Tennessee and Martha Eldridge, minor heirs

4 May 1868. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow.



5 Jun 1865. Wm. L. McKnight app. Gdn. of minor heirs.



1 Feb 1869. Sett. by W.S. McKnight, Gdn. to Eliza M., Mary, and Wm. M. Eldridge, minor heirs.



7 Jul 1851. A paper purporting to be the last Will is presented and Thomas Eldridge makes objection; referred to Circuit Court.

l Sep 1851. Thomas J. Russell having been nominated Exec. in the Will, declines to serve.

17 Apr 1852. Contested Will: Thomas Russell, Exec. VS Thomas Eldridge, John and Simeon Browder, and others. Jury finds for the Plaintiff, that the paper purporting to be the last Will is the last Will; all papers including the original Will to be sent back to County Court; p. 17, defendants are refused new trial and they appeal to Supreme Court.

5 Nov 1855. Wm. H. Ballew and Wm. L. Rice app. Adms.; Supreme Court of Tenn . ruled Sep 1855 that Will was not legal.

4 Feb 1856 . Acct. of sale by Adms.; cash belonging to estate handed over by Benjamin Eldridge.

3 Nov 1859. Add. Invt. arising from hire of slaves which were in hands of John Jones and John Eldridge of Roane Co. and which came to hands of Adms. by order of Chancery Court at Cleveland.



2 Mar 1830. Daniel Newman app. Adm.

Invt. Jun 1830 by Adm.; "negro woman Mirna who has been taken off by John Campbell who married the widow Elkins as well as every other article of property".



6 Sep 1869. E.Z. Williams, R.A. and M.L. Ellis app. Adms.; widow requests dower and year's support.

4 Oct 1869. Dower to widow Margaret.

Dec 1872. R.A. Ellis et al VS James H. Ellis et al. Defendants James H., John R., Ezekiel A., George W., Jerry, Jr., and William Ellis, Margaret J. and John Gardner, John T. William, N. J. and J.M. Forrest are all nonresidents of Tenn.; p. 440, Jan 1873: defendants Williapt and Jerry Ellis, Jr., John E., Robert B., Margaret E., and John T. Williams are minors; John E., Robert B., and Margaret E. Williams are of McMinn Co.; David Tunnell and wife Sarah are also defendants.

29 May 1875. Sett. by Adms.; receipts as follows: and Sarah T. Tunnell for¼ share, M.A. Woolsey for 3 shares, J.M. and Nancy Forrest for 1 share, R.A. Ellis for 4 shares, M.L. Ellis for 2 shares, E.Z. Williams Gdn. for 1 share, R.A. Ellis by Power of Atty. for Jno. T. Williams and Ellis, R.A. Ellis by Power of Atty. for J.R., J.H., G.W., and Jeremiah B. Ellis, Jno. M. and Margaret and Ezekiel A. Ellis.



5 Jul 1841.R.A. McAdoo paid for taking care of Elizabeth Elsom a pauper four weeks and for furnishing coffin and funeral.



5 Jul. 1841. Court pays for coffin and shroud to bury Allen Emberson, who was poor.



7 Aug 1865. Sarah E. Emerson app. Gdn. of Wm. Henry Emerson.



5 Oct 1846. Daniel Casteel app. Adm.

7 Dec 1846. Invt. by Adm.



filed 22 Apr 1870. Isaac Erwin died during late war in Miss. leaving widow Ann and one child, Isaac R. Erwin, Jr., a minor. Wm. B. Erwin is bro. to the dec'd.



6 Dec 1869. Simeon Graves and Samuel Perrin with E.L . Miller, County Surveyor, to lay off dower to widow Elizabeth.

7 Feb 1870. Elizabeth Erwin widow VS Heirs; report of above Commo; plat of land included.



10 Dec 1824. John Essman app. Adm. and files Invt.


ETTER, F.W. (b. 15 May 1805 d. 31 Oct 1856 buried Liberty Cem.)

Will exec. 20 Oct 1857, proven. Mar 1858; all estate to wife Sarah Ann and Ediot" dau. Elizabeth, and at their death to be equally divided among the legal heirs. Execs: sons Valentine, George W., and Lemuel. Wit: Jess Dodson, John Swafford, and Jas. Parkerson.

7 Aug 1865. Lemuel Etter app. Gdn. of Sarah E. Etter.



l Jul 1867. Report by Lemuel Etter, Gdn. of minor heirs.



3 Nov 1851. Samuel Snoddy app. Adm.

5 Jan 1852 and 382, 15 May 1854. Invt. and final sett. by Adm.

5 Mar 1855. Samuel Evans app. Adm.; West B. Mizell and Samuel Mizell make statement that Samuel Evans, dec'd, late a Revolutionary Pensioner of the U.S. at rate of $96 per annum, died 26 Aug 1851 in McMinn Co., Tenn., leaving following children surviving him to wit Samuel Evans, Harris Evans, Nancy Mizell, Esther Davis.



7 Aug 1865. V. H. Jack App. Adm.

13 Sep 1865. Comm. Elihu Kelley, Chas. Daugherty, and B.E. Cass lay off year's support for widow Caroline and family.

29 Sep 1865. Invt. by Adm.

15 Dec 1865. Vincent H. Jack Adm . VS Caroline Everton widow, Mary H., Thomas K., Elizabeth R., John H., Martha A., an James C. Everton, minor heirs; petition to sell land.



7 Jun 1869. Jane Fain app. Gdn. of her own minor heirs



4 Jul 1842. Joseph Sallee paid for making coffin in year 1839.



12 Aug 1868. Charly Owen, Adm. VS Benjamin and M.G. Hensley; Debt; filed 1 Nov 1867.



1 Oct 1849. Ann Fenell, widow of James B. Fenell, one og the Securities of Nelson and Polly Lawson, Adms. of Isom Lawson, dec'd, and Geo. W. Fenell, Adm. and Adminx. of James B. Fenell, dec'd, petition Court to require the Lawsons to give other security.



Will exec. 15 Jan 1833; to wife Letta; to sons Joel, Thomas, and John; to dau. Souehama. Execs: sons Beeson and John. Wit: John Foster, Wm. Dotson.

4 Mar 1833 and 159, 3 Jun 1833. Will proven.

5 Dec 1834. Invt. of sale.

27 May 1835. Execs. make sett. with Comm. John Foster, Wm. Dotson, and Hartwell Ivey.



Will exec. 1 Sep 1828; all estate to son Matthias; daus. Eve Calfleash, Kitty Long, Mar y Rice, Susannah Dingledine, Elizabeth Lamparter otherwise Elizabeth Johns, and sons Nicholas and John to receive nothing. Exec: son Matthias. Wit: Saml. McConnel, G. Cantrell. Signed by mark.

2 Jun 1829. Will proven.



Will exec. 21 1850; to wife Polly; two children Mary Ann and Mathias to be sent to school; to sons William, Samuel, John, and David; to rest of heirs, Alfred Firestone, James Douglass and wife Elizabeth, and the heirs of Joseph and Sarah Cobb (who are Martha, David, Mary, and Sarah); the Execs. to

build house at Winton Spring for widow and my two children. Execs: son Samuel and E.P. Bloom. Wit: Uriel Johnston, Saml. Patterson.

16 May 1850, 6 Jan 1851, 29 Mar 1852. Acct. of sales and Sett. by Execs.

29 Mar 1852. Sett. by James C. Firestone, Gdn.; has placed the two children in care of Saml. Firestone for last two years.

9 Feb 1853, 17 Dec 1853, 28 Nov 1856, 28 Nov 1858. Sett. by Execs., by Gdn., and by Samuel Firestone,

present Gdn.

4 Jan 1859, 10 Apr 1860. Sett. by D.A. Cobbs, Special Comm. app. Apr 1853 to receive purchase money and collect the notes exec. by Saml. Firestone for the purchase of lands belonging to estate.

13 May 1860. Sett. by same Gdn.

filed 2 Oct 1868. Matthias Firestone died leaving second wife Polly who died ' 26 May 1850 and their children Mary Ann and Matthias, Jr., and following children by former wife: Samuel, John of Ark., William of Ala . , Alfred of Ga., Elizabeth wife of James Douglass of Mo., and Sarah dec'd wife of Joseph Cobb Dau. Mary Ann, wife of John Cross of Washington Co., Arko, married first Archibald Miles Benton, bro. of John Benton. Son Matthias, Jro, was killed about 1862 at age 18. Son Samuel has died recently leaving children: J.C . of Ala., Persha or Portia wife of Thomas Martin, Mary wife of Jesse Givens of Ga., Tlitha wife of John Brandon of Ga., Sarah wife of Jesse Purdy of Texas, Permilia wife of James Peal of Ga., and S. Polk residence unknown The children of dau. Sarah Cobb, dec’d, are Martha wife of Joseph Ware dec'd, David dec'd without issue, Mary wife of John G. Mayfield of Polk Co., and Sarah Cobb.



5 Oct 1868. James A. Smith app. Adm.

22 Feb 1869. Adm. reports that nothing has ever come into his hands.




8 Mar 1836. Sarah Firestone app., Gdn. to Mathias, Nancy, and Sarah Ann Firestone.

16 Jun 1847 Sett. by Gdn.

6 Dec 1847. Gdn. states that two of her children have arrived at full age and live in Ala.; enters into bond as Gdn. to Sarah Ann.



1 May 1848. Mordicia Rucker app. Adm. James E. Rucker, Allen Dennis, and James C. Bryan app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Mary

5 Jun 1848. Above order rescinded and Comm. notified.

7 Aug 1848. Invt. by Mordacia Rucker.

filed 8 Sep 1848. In 1839 Christian Fisher, a foreigner, had just come to this country and could scarcely speak a word in English. He left papers written in German. He died in 1848 leaving widow Rebecca who has since married Charles Wincher and minor children Margaret, Elizabeth, and John Henry Fisher named in a paper purporting to be the fast Will of Peter Fite, dec'd, offer said paper for probate; Came Elias Fite and Lewis Pearce, two of the heirs at law, enter their dissent; all further proceedings continued until next session of Court; David Cantrell and Elias P. Bloom app. Adms. pendente lite.

1 Apr 1844 and 355, 11 Feb 1846. Report of sale and Sett. by E.P. Bloom, one of Adms.

11 Feb 1847. Sett.; receipts of heirs Henry, Peter, Jacob, and Elias Fite, Lewis Pierce, John Simpson, and John Murrah, all equal amounts.

filed 7 Dec 1852. Peter Fite left heirs, viz: Henry of McMinn Co.; Christine Pierce and husband of Bradley Co.; Jacob residence unknown; Mary Murray and husband of Ill.; Peter of Ga.; Rachel Simpson and husband of McMinn Co.; and Elias Fite of Ill.



5 Aug 1839. Kennedy Lanigan app. Adm.,,



6 Jul 1846. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



4 Jul 1859. Jury of inquest reports that James Forbank being alone on 27 Jun 1859 did hang himself.



3 Mar 1828. James Forbes app. Adm.

no date and no signatures. Invt. and Sett. Names listed include Thomas, James, and Sarah Forbes.



Will exec. 4 May 1839, recorded Sep Session 1840; to wife Nancy; to dau. Sarah Ann Penelope, a minor. Execs: much esteemed friends W.P.H. McDermott and Dr. Wm. H. Deadrick. Wit: Penelope E. Irvine, Robert T. Rentfroe.

3 Aug 1840 and 511, 7 Sep 1840. Will proven.

8 Sep 1840. Execs. refuse to serve and widow Nancy app. Adminx.

5 Oct 1840. Invt.



6 Jul 1858. A.H. Keith app. Adm.

filed 18 Jan 1859. Mrs. Nancy Fore died 21 Jun 1858.




filed 9 Aug 1870. James Forrest died 1869-70, before Bill filed, leaving heirs Alburtus, John M., and Wm. H.

7 Nov 1870. A. Forrest app. Adm. of Wm. Yearwood in place of James Forrest, dec'd.



9 Jan 1858. Comm. Thomas Prigmore, Heil Buttram, and A.D. Brient set apart year's support for widow Elizabeth.

1 Aug 1866. Invt. and Sale and Sett. by Wm. Foster, Adm., and Sett. by Wm. and Bettie Foster 1 Gdns.

5 Apr 1858. Wm. and Bettie Foster, Gdns. to John H.C., Mary, Alvis, William J.F., Nancy E., and Margaret F. Foster, minor orphans



CR8 134, 2 Feb 1863. Wm. H. Bryant app. Gdn. for minor heirs, wit, Susan Jane, Mary Minerva, Margaret Virginia, Tennessee Caroline, Catharine California, Nancy Elizabeth, and Artey Simpson Foster. Wm. S. Foster of Polk Co., Tenn., app. Adm.

6 Apr 1863. W.D. Prather and Henry Sloop with County Surveyor allot dower in lands to widow Amanda.



7 Dec 1846. Listed as dead in Tax Delinquents for 1846.


filed 25 Sep 1866. Abraham Fox Sr. died intestate leaving children: Anderson of Mo., Nancy wife of Thompson Sanders of Ky.; Sarah McCormack; Mary wife of George Scott; Amanda wife of Daniel White of Ga.; Jacob; Abraham, Jr.; Elizabeth Coe; and Irelle Fox. Son Jacob has died since father died leaving children Williamson, David, and Rebecca dec'd wife of Martin Gold, dec'd, whose children are Wm. and Parilee Gold of Bradley Co. Son Abraham, Jr., has died since father died leaving widow Caroline and children, Malinda wife of Asa J. Howell, Josephine wife of Ransom Wammack, Caroline, John, and Samuel, minors. Dau. Elizabeth has died since father died leaving children, Wesley and Wm. Coe minors of Polk Co. Son Irelle has died since his father died leaving children, Levi, Mary Caroline, and Nancy Ann, minors of Roane Co.



 l Oct 1838. Report by John McCartney and Abram Fox, Gdns. for Rebecca and Louisa Fox, minor heirs. Widow is entitled to dower in land.



7 Jul 1855. Comm. D.W. Prather, Wm. Burk, and D.D. Davis lay off year's support for widow Nancy.

9 Apr 1858. Invt. of sale and Sett. by Moses Sweeney, Adm.

filed 5 Dec 1856. (This file contains copy of Will of Robt. Franklin exec. 19 Apr 1825 and probated 11 Jul 1831 in Campbell Co., Va.) Benjamin Franklin, son of Robert, died in McMinn Co. in May 1855 leaving widow Nancy and children: Jane, Lucy who married Joseph H. Walker, Martha Susan who married Wm. H. Staples, Mary dec'd wife of John Hughes, and John R. Franklin, a minor. The children of Mary Franklin Hughes, dec'd, are Elizabeth wife of Isaac Pearce and minors Nancy, James, Martha, John, Jr., all of Bradley Co. Benjamin Franklin moved from Campbell Co., Va., to McMinn Co. bringing with him his idiot bro. Robert who is now living with the widow.



3 Dec 1844. Listed as dead in Tax Delinquents for 1844.



7 Sep 1831. James Wilson app. Adm.

7 Jul 1841. Invt. of sale held Oct 1831 by Adm.; buyers include Elizabeth Franklin; vouchers for years 1832-1835 against heirs, not named.

7 Jul 1841 and 10 Sep 1841. Comm. A.C. Rob e son, Wm. D. Smith, and N.P. Dodson settle with Adm.

7 Jun 1841. Thomas Armstrong, Security for James Wilson, Adm., petitions Court to require said Wilson to give further security or deliver up the estate.

7 Sep 1841. Thomas Armstrong released as Sec.; James Wilson: does not appear; Thomas W. Marston app. Gdn. to Mary Ann and Susan Franklin, minor heirs.

3 Jun 1844. Report by Thomas W. Marston, Gdn.; he has received 10 Sep 1841 from James Wilson, Adm., and has received

12 Apr 1844 from estate of James Wilson as Gdn.; he received at the same time the minor's distributive share of estate of James Wilson, dec'd.

29 Jun 1844 to 17 Jan 1853. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt from Jackson Wilson, Atty. in Fact for Mary Ann and Susan Franklin, for balance of funds.



6 Jul 1863. Nancy Franklin app. Adminx.



7 Jul 1845. Coroner held inquest over body on 22 May 1845.



7 Aug 1848. Elizabeth A. Fry app. Gdn. to Sarah Jane Fry, minor orphan.



Will exec. 22 Nov 1851, proven 5 Sep 1853; to wife Jane; to all children at death of wife; property including land warrant when obtained from general Government. Execs: Hervy and Johns. Fry. Wit: J.H. Reagan, Samuel Y.B. Williams.

5 Sep 1853. Harvy Fry of Polk Co. and John S. Fry of Bradley Co. app. Execs.

3 Oct 1853. Invt. of Sale.

Invt. sold 30 Mar 1860.

14 Dec 1866. Sett.; payments include $14 each to J.S., Newell C., Harvy, and A. Fry, Laranc W. and Thersy N. Scott, James Dean, and Delila Dean.

10 Oct 1867. Sett.; payment to James and Ellen Dean.

15 Mar 1871. Sett.; paid to seven heirs equally: Austin, Newel C., Harvy, and James S. Fryl Delilah Dean, James L. Dean, and L. W. Scott



5 Jun 1848. Ordered that the Sheriff bring into Court the following named children, minor heirs, to wit, James, Manerva, Harriet, Green, Pinkney, Thomas, Robert, and Louisa and Lewisey, twins, to be dealt with, and provided for by the Court as the law of the land in such cases directs to be done.

3 Jul 1848. Coroner paid for holding inquest over the body on the day of May 1848; ordered that the order to the Sheriff to bring in the children be rescinded .



May 1861. Listed as dec'd in Tax Delinquents for 1860.



7 Sep 1829. George Morgan, William Lowry, and Horace Hickox app. Comm. to lay off year's support to widow Peggy.

2 Mar 1830. Martin Senter app. Gdn. of Sarah Elizabeth, William C., and Isaac w. Fyffe, minors.

no date. List of debts and accounts.

Sale 8 Dec 1829 and 19 Jun 1830. Newton Carson was authorized to draft inventory. Signed by Wm. Hogan, J.H. Fyffe, and Nat. Smith, Adms. Supp. Invt. Invt. of Fyffe’s store in Athens filed 9 Mar 1831.

Co-partnership of Cleveland, Fyffe, & Lutch of Philadelphia.

/These settlements contain several hundred names/.

8 Sep 1831. Randolph Eason app. Gdn. in place of Martin Senter.

1 Dec 1838. Reports by Martin Senter, former Gdn., and by Isaac Crow, Gdn.; paid for boarding Wm. C. and Sarah E. Fyffe; paid Dr. Saml. H. Jordan for medical services; paid Harriet R. Gulliage, Charles P. Samuels, Henry Jones, John M. Morgan, and John G. Lackings, all for tuition.

11 Feb 1839. Margaret L. Eason formerly Fyffe petitions Court for money filed with Clerk by Isaac Crow, Gdn., for safe keeping.

6 Jul 1842. Sett. by A. Slover, Gdn. for Sarah, William, and Isaac Fyffe, minor heirs.


7 Sep 1835 and 291, 5 Dec 1836. James Gallant app. Gdn. to William, John, James, Thomas, Hannah, Elizabeth, Nancy, and Frances Gallant, minor children of James Gallant and legatees

of Daniel Gallant.

1 Jan 1838 to after 20 Jul 1846. Reports by James Gallant, Gdn. to his own minor children; has "laid out the monies in his hands in a tract of Land"; "money collected in North Carolina"; "received in North Carolina in Dec. 1835

3 Jul 1848. Sett. by same, Gdn. to his children "in the case of Daniel Gallant Deceased"; paid equal sums to heirs William, John, and James Gallant.

3 Jul 1849. Sett.

3 Jul 1850. Sett.; paid heirs Hannah, Nancy, and Thomas

3 Jul 1851. Sett.

3 Jul 1852. Sett.; receipt in full from Frances Gallant, for estate left to her by Daniel Gallant of N. C.



2 Jun 1834. Invt. by Saml. H. Jordan, Adm. Lone asset is an obligation on Charles McClung which mentions a compromise between McClung for the rep. of John N. Gamble, dec' d, and John, Saml., and Robert Miller claiming to be heirs of James Miller, dec’d, 7 Jan 1819.



McMinn Chane. Record Bk. A. James Parks and Joseph Cobbs VS John N. Gamble. John Gamble dies during lawsuit in Apr 1849 leaving no wife or issue, but the following brothers and sisters: Mary wife of Jesse Wallace, Parmelia wife of Guilford McReynolds, and Sidney wife of Asbury Fukeway, all of Blount Co., Fanny Jane Smart of Polk Co., and Wm. M. Gamble, residence unknown.



4 Oct 1847. Saml. H. Jordan app. Adm.



Will exec. 17 Oct 1865; to wife Rachel; to dau. Ollif Brandon; to Nancy Garisson, wife of I.S. Garrison; to I.S. and Elizabeth Garrison. Exec: I.S. Garrison. Wit: A.D. Bryant, M.L. Wallis. Signed by mark.

6 Aug 1866. Will proven.



filed 5 Jul 1852. Joseph Gaston died 29 Jul 1851 leaving six children: Mitchell, Wesley, Josiah D., Sarah M., John of Ky., and Elizabeth who has married Wm. Smith of Hamilton Co.



5 Sep lo25. Daniel Kelly app. Adm.



6 Nov 1865. P.H. George app. Adm.

4 Dec 1865. Invt. by Powell H. George, Adm.

31 Aug 1866. Comm. Wm. H. Howard, Wm. G. Horton, A.H. Crow lay off year's support for widow and family.

no date. Invt. by same Adm.; Mary George widow.



2 Jun 1828. Ordered that the allowance heretofore made to Wm. Gibbs for support of two orphan children of Susannah Collins, dee' d, be paid to the widow of said Gibbs.



5 Dec 1870. T.F. Gibson app. Gdn. of his own minor heir Susan Gibson.



2 Mar 1863. C.F. Gibson app. Adm.; Plumly McGrew, E.Z. Williams, and John Scarborough app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

10 Sep 1870. George Gibson started to Ky. to escape Rebel Conscription, was captured, and died in a hospital in Knoxville in Spring of 1863. He left widow Barbara and three minor children, Elias, Timothy, and Charles. Charles F. and Joseph W. Gibson are bros. to George, dec'd. By May 1868 widow Barbary Bo has married Wm. A Crittenden.



8 Mar 1843. Comm. Charles P. Owen, M.C. Hawk, and B. Brock lay off year’s support for widow Rebecca.



6 Jun 1870. E.P. Gibson app. Adm.



15 Dec 1869. W.L. Dodson VS Elizabeth Gie, Adminx. Son Tort. Debt. Summons issued 17 Nov 1868.



3 Dec 1827. Thomas Galbreath app. Gdn. of Elizabeth, Mary, James, Sarah, Margaret, Samuel, and Joseph Galbreath, orphan minor heirs. Wm. Gilbreath app. Adm. Robert W. McCleary, Joseph Cobbs, and Wm. Phillips app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Elizabeth.

no date. Invt. by Adm.; one item is due from estate of John Gilbreath.

6 Mar 1828. Acct. of sale.

7 Sep 1829. Widow Elizabeth is app. Gdn. of her own minor children, James, Sarah Jane, Samuel L., and Joseph.

5 Mar 1830. Petition. Joseph Gilbreath died 15 Sep 1827. Thomas Gilbreath, Gdn. to Mary, Elizabeth, and Peggy Ann, minor heirs.

Dec 1831. Report by Thomas Gilbreath, Gdn.

3 Mar 1834. Sett.; Comm. Robt. W. McClary, D.A. and John Cobbs settle with Wm Gilbreath, Adm.; paid to Elizabeth for herself and as Gdn.; paid Hugh Reevely as Gdn . for Peggy Ann, a minor.

7 Mar 1836. Reports by Hugh Reavely,

6 Mar 1837. Report by Hugh Reavely, Gdn . "to the Estate of Peggy Ann Gilbreath".

May Court 1837. Report by Elizabeth Gilbreath, Gdn. to her children James L., Sarah J., Samuel, and Joseph Gilbreath, minor heirs. She has in her possession five young negroes in which said minors have four sevenths undivided interest.



2 Apr 1855. Coroner's jury rules that death came on 24 Nov 1854 by voluntarily hanging himself.



4 Feb 1856. W.L. Lafferty app. Adm.

23 Feb 1856. Invt., Accts. Due, and Acct. of Sale by Adm. of estate of Dr. John W. Givins



7 Nov 1837. William Cate and George W. Martin app. Adms.

4 Dec 1837. Russell Lane, Philip Fry, and Elijah Hurst app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Susan.

Jan 1838 and 290, Feb 1838. Invt. and Sale by Adms.; buyers include Susan, Henry, and John Glaze

no date. Sett.



5 Jul 1858. Hugh Godard app. Gdn. to Mary E., S.J., Jas. B., and F.P. Goddard, his own minor children



6 Jul 1863. Court pays Daniel Horton for boarding deceased in case of smallpox and Philip Neat for digging grave.



17 Dec 1859. Gibson VS Deaderick. Anson B. Graham was a citizen of McMinn Co. 15 Dec 1856 and is now deceased.



7 Feb 1842. Pleasant Crew app. Adm.

2 May 1842. Invt. of sale by Adm . ; notes on David R. Graham.



17 Dec 1868. W.R. Grubb VS R.H. Abbott, Adm. of Isaac G. Grant.



5 Nov 1838 Inv. And Sale by Union Graves, Adm.

8 Apr 1847. Sett. by same Adm. Invt. and Sale by Union.

16 Apr 1856. Christopher Graves died leaving widow Nancy who is still living.

20 Apr 1868. Christopher Graves died in the fall of 1838 leaving the following children: Union; Simeon who dies during the lawsuit (1871); Vilena who married at age 23 to Jacob Sharp; Jacob, dec'd, without wife or child; Lucinda married to Wm. Smart of Ark.; Christopher; Elizabeth married to Isaac Smart;

and Nancy married to John Mcinturf.



Sep 1872. Eliza, dau. of James Shelton of Bradley Co., widow of Edward Sharp who died in Bradley Co. in 1847, and wife of Simeon Graves, died leaving husband Simeon Graves and children: Nancy age 15, Elizabeth age 13, Cindy age 11, Lewis age 9, Daniel age 7, Catherine age 5, Vilena age 4, and Simeon age l (all ages in Dec 1866). Eliza and first husband Edward Sharp had two children, Napoleon and Edward, Jr., who both died in Bradley Co., intestate, and unmarried, in 1864.



Apr 1851. Joseph B. Fitzgerald app. Gdn. for Thomas, Alvira, Sarah, and Clementine Graves.

Gdn. Sett.; Sparta, 9 Dec 1851: G.G. Dibrell Clerk of White Co. Court certifies that D. and T. Snodgrass, Execs. paid to the Gdn. for the minor heirs.

18 Sep 1852. Sett. by Gdn.

18 Sep 1853. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt of heir J. T. Graves for amount which appears to be his final share; paid for schooling for P.C. Graves; paid for Alvina Graves.



7 May 1846. Comm. A. Slover, J. McGaughy, and John Crawford set apart year's support for widow Margaret A.C. and family.

no date. Invt. and sale held land 6 Jun 1846, sett., and final sett. by widow and A.D. Keys, Adms .

2 Feb 1852. Donald M. Hood of Cass Co., Ga., app. Gdn. for minor heirs, Clara C. and George A. Graves, and receives permission of Court to remove slaves to Ga.

4 Oct 1852. Petition: Donald M. Hood, a citizen of Gordon Co., Ga., states that sometime in 1845 Wm. Graves died leaving Margaret A. his widow and Clarissa C. and George Arthur Graves as his minor children, that the estate was settled according to law, that said widow has since intermarried with Moses Cunningham, and that a plot of ground in Athens reserved as a home for widow and minors was no longer needed as such. Hood, the Petitioner,  is an uncle of said minors.

6 Dec 1852. Comm. Moses Cunningham, appointed by County Court, sells house and lot in Athens belonging to estate.

24 Aug 1859. Sett. by Jas. T. Lane, Gdn. of the two minors; paid expenses of four trips to Cassville, Ga.

3 Sep 1860; 414, 3 Sep 1861. Sett. by same Gdn.

21 Mar 1861. Sett. by Moses Cunningham, Comm. to sell lots; paid Margaret Cunningham her interest.



4 Feb 1867. Amanda j. Green app. Adminx.



2 Aug 1869. Robt. Johnson app. Adm.

l Nov 1869. Report by Robert Johnson (Colored} Gdn. of minor heirs.



3 Oct 1864. Phebe Green app. Gdn. of Wm. Green, minor heir.



6 Jul 1857. Josephine M. and John P. Green, minors over 14, choose John W. Hoyl as Gdn. and he is app. Gdn. to Samuel A., Mary O., David H., Andrew F., and Parthenia M. Green who are under 14.

3 Jul 1861. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Josephine M. Green who has married Isaac Lowry, John P., A. F., Mary, David H., and Parthence M. Green.

5 Oct 1862. Sett. by Gdn.; Court allows sum to Gdn. for services and he gives the same to wards; balance paid over to J. C. Carlock, Thos. J. Russell, and C. R. Hoyl, Gdns. Appointed in his stead.

6 Oct 1862. Petition to resign guardianship: John W. Hoyl, Gdn. VS John P., A.F., Mary O., David H., and Parthenia M. Greenand Josephine Lowry, minor heirs. John W. Hoyl makes the following report: Settlement with John Mcspadden, Adm. de bonis non of James S. Green, dec'd, of Decalb Co., Ala.; executed re funding bond for the share of Samuel A. Green, son of James S. Green, who left Ala. about 1852 or 1853 and has not been heard from since about 1854; this share of Samuel A. Green, the missing heir, is distributed to the other heirs, who execute refunding bonds.

7 Aug 1865. Sett. by Thomas J. Russell, Gdn. to A.F. and Parthenia M. Green.

5 Jan 1866. Sett. by Jas. C. Carlock, Gdn. and David H. Green; Mary O. receives half of funds.

6 Apr 1868. Sett. by James C. Carlock, Gdn. to David H. Green.

3 Apr 1871. Receipt from Parthena M. wife of W.J. Curtis for her full share.

9 Aug 1870. Andrew Felix Green, son of James S. Green, dec'd, was born 25 Jul 1849. He lived with Thos. A. Russell from about 1857 to 1866 and is a nephew of Russell's wife, a nephew of Caleb R. Hoyl, and a nephew of J. C. Carlock, James S. Green's wife was a sister to J.C. Carlock's wife. Alex. Green aged 58 in 1871 is a brother to James S. Green, dec'd.



Apr 1860. Coroner's jury of inquest finds that Jane Green came to her death on 14 Mar 1860 by accidentally burning.

7 Jul 1862. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



7 Mar 1870. J.M. Black and T.J. Latham app. Adms.

3 May 1873. Sett. by T.J. Latham, one of Adms.; received on Pension.

26 Feb 1876. Pheba Green died 1 Mar 1870 leaving children: Wm. H. of Aydlotte, Benton. Co.Ind.; Sarah wife of James Frank; Elmina wife of Silas Latham who has son Thos. J.; Benjamin Franklin and Asbury who went West 20-25 years ago and are believed dead; Lurana (Rainy) McCall, dec'd. The children

of dau. Luarana McCall, dec’d, are Margaret wife of Carrick McCain of Mo., A. Frank McCall of Stockton, Cedar Co., Mo.; Mary Ann wife of Anderson McCain of Meigs Co.; Wm. McCall of Meigs Co.; Harriet wife of James White of Meigs Co., Enoch McCall of Roane Co.; and Sarah Shahan, dec’d, wife of Taylor Shahan.





4 Jul 1870. Liddia Green app. Adminx.

27 Oct 1870. Wm. J. Green died in McMinn Co.

Apr 1870 leaving wife Lydia and children, all minors: Mary J., Nancy E., Wm. Henry, John D., Lydia J., James J., and Martha C. Mrs. Crabtree is aunt to children.



7 Mar 1870. Frank Triplett app. Adm.

11 Oct 1870. Nelson Gregg died intestate in Indiana about 1865 leaving widow Elizabeth of McMinn Co. who died Sep 1869 and children: Marsena H., Mary Frances, Aley, Caroline, and James Gregg, all of McMinn Co. and last four are minors.

Apr 1872. A. Slack app. Gdn. of Mary F., Aley V., Ann E.C., and James Gregg and William Strange.

30 May 1873. Sett. by Adm.; receipt from Mary F. Gregg and A. Slack, Gdn.



4 Nov 1861. James Gregory app. Adm.

18 Nov 1861. Comm. P.A. Bradford, Wm. P. Varnell, and John F. Sharp lay off year's support for widow and family.

no date; WB G 169, 7 Apr 1866. Sett. by Adm.

3 Feb 1862. Petition to sell negroes: James Gregory Adm. VS Parilee Gregory, widow, and minor heirs to wit Malissa A., James L., Taply J., William R., Sarah J., John H.K., and Jonathan (Jathan) A.



9 Oct 1857. Comm. Mark Dennls, Tubal Zigler and B.T. Zigler allow a year's provisions for widow and family.

7 Dec 1857. Eleanor Gregory VS Jonathan Gregory. The marriage of petitioner Eleanor Gregory or with Wm. Burk is admitted.

6 Jan 1858. Invt. and Sale by James Gregory, Adm.

22 Sep 1859. Final sett. by Adm.; amount due heirs R. M. Hambrick and wife Martha, Jesse Rucker and wife Marinda, Benjamin Gregory, James E. and Elizabeth Rucker, Wm. B. and Sarah Erwin, John Gregory, Jathan Gregory, Alfred and Mary Cate, Wm. and Ellen S. Burk, and James Gregory.



CR2 279, 5 Mar 1828. James Hickey app. Adm.

no date. Schedule of Estate, filed by Adm.; land sold 5 Mar 1829 by consent of most of the heirs; land on Waldings ridge Bledsoe Co.; land in Marion Co.; horse taken possession of by Benj. Griffith at death of John Griffith and taken by Wm. Griffith Sr., father of John Griffith, dec'd, and now in possession of Wm. S. Griffith of Marion Co.



Will exec. 22 Jul 1844; to wife Eunice; to children Jesse R., Samuel, John R., Nelson, Robert W., Joseph E., Eunice, Ann Blackwell, Sarah Harris, Mabel Queener, Martha Blackwell, Mary Williams when she comes of age; "younger children as they come of age". Execs: Nelson Grigg and Silvester Blackwell. Wit: Samuel Patterson and Wm. Mulkey.

2 Jun 1845. Will proven by Samlo Patterson. Handwriting of Wmo Mulkey proven.



5 Jan 1857. Stark D. Grills VS Wm . G. Grills and others. Judgment pro confesso entered against the following adult defendants: Martha L., Margaret J., and Amanda E. Grills, and Samuel L. Knox and wife. James Baker app. Gdn. for minor defendants.

3 Mar 1857; 192, 3 Mar 1858. Sett. by M.L. Philips Gdn. to minor heirs; paid Dr. Hall's medical bill for Sidney Grills.

7 Mar 1859. Stark D. Grills VS Wm. G., Martha L., and Margaret J. Grills, Samuel L. Knox and wife Mary E., adult heirs, and Thomas J., Sidney L., Emeline E., Jasper E., and Dicy A. Grills, minors.

20 Dec 1859. Sett. by Gdn. to John J., S.L., Eliza E., Dicy, and Jos. Grills; paid one fifth of funds to Thos. J. Grills.

25 Aug 1865. Sett. by Gdn. to Thos. J., S.L., Eliza E., Dicy, and Joseph Grills; receipt in full from Saml. Knox, Gdn. to Joseph A. and Emeline E. Grills for one half of funds.



Will exec. 10 Jan 1861; all estate to bro. Eligah; "interest in Texas lands and land claims coming to the widow and heirs of Christopher Winters Dec'd now being managed by Milton P. Jarnagin". Exec: said brother. Wit: James H. Hornsby and L.R. Hurst.

4 Oct 1862. Will proven.



Will exec. 8 May 1852, proven 7 Jun 1852; all estate to wife Mary Jane except saddle and hat to nephew Jesse Grisham. Exec: Mary Jane Grisham. Wit: Edmund Roberts, John Ereckson.



8 Apr 1856. Benjamin Wells and Thos. Grisham app. Adms.

6 Apr 1857. Invt., notes and accts. due, Invt. of sale and Add. Invt. by Adms.

filed 8 Apr 1856. John Grisham recently died in McMinn Co. without legitimate issue His bro. James W. of Troup Co., Ga., is entitled to one eighth of property.

1 Dec 1856. Petition to sell land. Thos. Grisham and Benj. Wells, Adms., and Thomas Grisham in his own right, James W. and Eligah Grisham, Elizabeth Mccrary and husband Robert, Mary Ann Pharlessand husband Samuel VS Martin Van Grisham, Joseph Grisham, Jane Wyrick and husband Oscar, heirs distributees.

31 Dec 1858. Final sett. by Adm.



6 Sep 1830. John Grisham app. Gdn. to for Meshack, John, and James Grisham, minor orphans.



Will exec. 20 Jun 1829; to bro. Henry Hale Grisham. Execs: father John Grisham and trusty friend John S. Wilson. Wit: Robartis Love, Obiah Seay, Pleasant Chitwood, Robert W. Hamilton.

6 Dec 18300 Will proven.



1 Feb 1858. Jackson Grubb app. Gdn. to Virginia, William, Emma, John, and Frances Grubb, his own minor children.



Will exec. 21 Nov 1821; “I Burd Grubb alias Allen Burd Grubb now residing in Blount County and State of Tennessee"; to sons Nelson Byers Grubb and Joseph Bates Grubb; Execs: friend John McGhee of Blount Co., Tenn., Joseph Rogers and David Mc Nair, both residing near the River Tennessee and within bounds of Cherokee Nation. Execs. to receive from bro. Henry Bates Grubb interest on debt until guardians are appointed for the two sons house and lots in town of Calhounsville, Tennessee; amount of Joseph Burd' s bond; Joseph Burd shall not be required to pay principle of bond except in five equal yearly installments Wit: Saml. Love, Math. W. Mc Ghee, Mary M. Love. Codicil to Will: John Lo McCarty to replace David McNair as an executor.

7 Jun 1824 o Will proven by Saml. Love and Matthew W. McGhee. Codicil proven by Matthew W. McGhee and Young Colville.

no date. Invt. by John L. McCarty and Joseph Rogers, Execs.

31 Jan 1828. Add. invt. Certified by Comm. Wm. Smedley, James s. Bridges, Jas. G. Williams.



4 Feb 1846. Commo C.L. King, John McDonald, and Allen Ware lay off year's support for widow.

2 Mar 1846. Invt. and sale by M.D. Anderson, Adm .; buyers include Mahaly, James, and John Grubb. 3 Feb 1848. Sett. by Martin D. Anderson, Adm.



4 Feb 1867. W.A. Gudger and Hugh Reynolds app. Adms.

4 Mar 1867. Comm. app to lay off year's support for Nancy and family.



13 Apr 1869. Joseph Ao Guffey died May 1862 leaving as only heirs wife Mary Co and child ·Nancy So, now age 10. Mary and Joseph were married about 18600 Mary had inherited¼ interest in lands of her father in McMinn Coo She wants  move to her people in one of western states



21 Aug 18600 George Hackler, Sr., died about 1847 in McMinn Coo leaving fourteen children: Betsey who is helpless; Henry; Polly of unsound mind; Robert; Susan wife of James Crawford, all of McMinn Coo; John of Roane Coo; Jacob a nonresident; Peggy wife of Nathaniel Louder of Mo. ; Catherine Honeycutt of Mo.; George H., Jr., of Illo; Christly of Ark.; Thomas of Texas; Hiram of Mo.;  Charity who has died without issue.



7 Mar 1825. Will proven by Benjamin Isbell, Wm. Majors, and Moses Cunningham; George and Samuel Hale qualify as Execs.



Will exec. 8 Sep 1870, probated Nov 1870; "I desire my body decently hurried in the north corner of my Garden by the Masonic Brotherhood. I wish all notified and requested to attend and especially Major Jackson, Isaac Benson, Capt. Jaques, O. P. Rogan and all other special friends connected with the road to wife Eliza A. all estate until son Robert D. becomes 21, then equal division with him, but all to son if she marry again; to son Charles D., the son by first wife, $100 to be applied to his education, provided he come to receive it o Exec: bro John G. Hale Test: J.W. Rentfro, A. S. Robinson

7 Nov 1870. Will proven; John G. Hale declines to serve as Exec.; S.D. Standfield app. Adm.; widow Eliza A. records her dissent to Will; asks for dower; is app. Gdn. of her minor son Robert H. Hale, son of dec’d

6 Jan 1872. Henry Ho Hale, son of Archibald Hale, died 18 Sep 1870 leaving family as named in Willo Son Charles D. was born 1862, is a grandson and ward of Wm o Po Simmons, and lives in Jasper Co., Mo. Son Robert D. died 15 Sep 1871.



3 Dec 1827. Thos. F. Bible app. Gdn. for Wm. C., Jane, Christopher P., Minerva, Martial c., and James Hail, minors. Henry Mesimore app. Adm.

3 Mar 1828. Wm. E. Derrick, Wm. Cunningham, and Isaac Lowry appo Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Catharine.

no date. Invt. and Sale by Adm.

7 Dec 18290 Catharine Hale, widow, app. Gdn. of her own children as named above.



Will exec. 6 Dec 1869, probated Feb 1870; body to be decently buried in graveyard near residence; all estate to be sold and money to be put on interest for benefit of son Ernest; wife Fannie to have custody of child with power to use funds for his education as long as she remains a widow and prior to son's majority, when funds are to be turned over to him with his stepmother receiving her full share, one-half if she desires it; if she marries then son, stepfather and mother to decide whether 'he live with them; if this not agreeable or wife dies then Execs. and bros. Henry H. and John G. Hale of McMinn Co. with James S. Mopin my wife's bro. of Bedford Co. to settle with wife and provide for son; if son dies then remaining property to be divided by law. Test: W.W. Alexander and James Steed

7 Feb 1870. Will proven.



Will exec. 16 Aug 1864; to niece Susan L. Rice, one-third of property; to nephews Robert , John C., and Allen Rice, Susan's part if she die before marriage; to Margaret A. and Nimrod Dodson, 2/3 of property; Aunt Myrna to have her support on farm so long as she see proper to remain on same; the graveyard on premises to be for use of neighborhood. Execs: Nimrod Dodson and Robert Rice. Attest: David Bradford, John Jenkins.

5 Dec 1864. Will proven.

no date. Invt. and unsettled blacksmith accounts filed by Execs., J.R. Rice and Nimrod Dodson.



Mar 1872. A.F. Keith app. Adm .

24 Mar 1873. O.P. Hall died 25 Jan 1870 leaving widow Amanda (who was the widow of Ellis M. Riggs) and children: Parker S. Hall, son by a former wife, and Alonza P. Hall, a minor son by Amanda.



Will exec. 25 Aug 1829; to wife Nancy; to three daus. Jane, Elizabeth, and Polly Hambright; to sons Frederick, Benjamin; Gevin Robeson, John, and Amos Hambright; "having assisted son Frederick Hambright when he first took to himself a wife"; "having assisted son Benjamin Hambright in paying for a piece of land in Knox County". Execs: friends Peter Hambright, Jese W. Edington. Wit: Peter Hambright, William Smeadly, Starling Camp.

1 Mar 1830 . Will proven by Wm. Smedley and Sterling Camp; Jesse W. Edington app. Exec.



7 Apr 1845. Wm. Scarbrough and Frederick M. Hambright make oath that they were personally acquainted with Nancy Hambright, dec'd, who was a pensioner of the U.S. at rate of $450 per annum and that she died 1 Mar 1845 leaving six heirs. Frederick, Jane, Elizabeth, John Hambright "which we are personally acquainted with her only heirs".



Will exec. 25 Aug 1838, recorded Nov Court 1838; to wife Mary, "land I now live on from the mouth o:f Atcherson branch down the River to the corner of Mr. Wimpie's field"; to sons James M., John M., Arthur M., Peter V., and Frederick M. (a minor); to the four girls; to Eliza M. Hambright; to Mary M. Hambright, a minor; to Nancy Jane and Sarah M. Hambright when they come of age; to the three youngest girls as they become ofage. Execs: Mary Hambright and James A. Haise. Wit: Jesse

Wimpy, Silas Morgan.

5 Nov 1838. Will proven.



6 Apr 1868. Susan Hamilton app. Gdn. of her own minor child.



5 Dec 1870. R.B. Hamilton app. Gdn. of his own minor children: Harriet s., Mary E., Margrett L., Joseph W., James A., and Nancy A.



8 Mar 1827. Margaret Hamilton app. Adminx.; Joab Hill, Tidence Lane, and John Neal app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Margaret.



5 Apr 1858; 266, 5 Apr 1859; 324, 5 Apr 1860; 420, 5 Apr 1861. Sett. by A.C. Robinson, Gdn. to Mary A., N.C., Samuel H., and Jas. H. Hamilton, minor heirs.

1 Nov 1865. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt in full 5 Aug 1861 from Mary A. Hamilton for her share; receipt in full 22 Jan 1865 from N.C. Hamilton

l Oct 1866. Hugh L. Moore app. Gdn. for S.H. and J.H. Hamilton, minor heirs.

16 Dec 1857. Buttram VS Buttram. Robert W. Hamilton died about 1845-47 in Meigs Co., Tenn., leaving widow Rebecca and children: Martha Jane, Mary, Narcissa C., James, Samuel, and Margaret wife of Granville Williams. About 1855 widow Rebecca married Larkin Buttram in Meigs Co.



Will exec. 29 Mar 1851, Codicil 11 Nov' 1853; to wife Sarah; to three sons David, Archibald, and George Washington; to daus. Elizabeth, Minerva. Lucinda, Sarah, Martha, and Amanda; $1 each to Frank Presley, Rebecca Shoatman formerly Hampton, Polly Helms formerly Hampton, Catherine Hampton, Nancy Clark formerly Hampton; wife and David Maxwell, Sr., to be guardians of minor heirs. Wit: Wm. C. Porter, O.M. Liner. Signed by mark.

6 Mar 1854. Will proven



no date 21 Apr 1827. Invt. and Sale by Benjamin Hambright, Adm.; buyers include Morgan, F~a~9es, and the widow Hampton

no date. Supp. Invt. by Adm.; receipt of arrears of pension of Rev. Soldier.

8 Dec 1826. Benjamin Hambright app. Adm.

2 Dec 1828. Petition of Nancy Hampton for dower in land; she is widow of Wm. Dennis Hampton who died in this County 8 Aug 1829.



CR6 9 3 Oct 1853. George W. Haney app. Gdn. to James M. and Wm. C. Haney, his own minor. children.



Will exec. 9 Oct. 1854 to wife Nancy H.; $1 to heirs of dau. Elizabeth, dec'd wife of Wm. C. Mitchell, "I make this difference between the Legatees for the Ill treatment that I received from Elizabeth and her husband"; balance of estate to son Isaac B. Execs:· son Isaac B. and James Buckner. Wit: C.W. Rice, John Gregory. Signed by mark.

6 Jul 1857. James Buckner declines to serve as Exec.

no date. Invt. valued by John Murphy and John Gregory.

11 Sep 1859. Sett . by Isaac B. Haney, Exec,

27 Oct 1866. Exec. reports that the only remaining bequests unpaid are to the Mitchell heirs and that balance goes to himself and bro . W.W. Haney if living, if not it all goes to him.



Oct 1861. Edward Newton app. Adm.

30 Oct 1861. John Hanks died 10 Sep 1861 leaving widow Elizabeth and children: Alfred, Catharine wife of John Scarborough, Mary wife of John J. Dixon, Jonathan, Leavina dec'd wife of Wm. M. Scarborough, Elizabeth dec'd wife of Woodson H. Weatherly. The children of dau. Leavina, dec'd, are Susan Jane, John H., and Hugh Scarborough, all of Polk Co. The children of dau. Elizabeth, dec'd, are Margaret wife of McNeel, Sarah aged about 15, Henry 18, Jonathan 12 , and John Weatherly 10, the last three of Bradley Co.

25 Oct 1862. Invt. of sale by Adm .

15 Sep 1868. Widow Elizabeth dies between Dec 1865 and the filing of this Bill; dau. Catherine was 59 in 1869; granddau. Susan Jane Scarborough is wife of W. Lafayette Moore of Bradley Co., Tenn.; sons-in-law John and Wm. Scarborough are brothers; granddau. Sarah C. Weatherly is wife of Greenville Baker; grandson Jonathan Weatherly is listed as Jackson; all the Weatherly grandchildren are of Henry Co., Tenn.; granddau. Margaret J. Weatherly is named in Original Bill as Margaret J. McNeel but this is an error as she is Margaret J. McCord, wife of P.M. McCord.



7 Nov 1842. Peggy Ann Hanks and John H. Eiffert app. Adms.

29 Nov 1842. Comm. M.C. Hawk, C.P. Owen, and Wm. Rogers lay off year's support for widow M.A.W. (Peggy Ann) and family.

5 Dec 1842. Invt. by J.H. Eiffert, Adm.; "property belonging to firm of R.T. Hanks & Co. which is under the control of Gideon Morgan the surviving partner".

6 Mar 1843, Invt. of Sale by Adms.

6 Jan 1851. J.H. Effort app. Gdn. to minor heirs.



1 Jul 1861. Pauper’s coffin and shroud furnished.



4 Jun 1833. Christopher Bullard, Adm. VS Tidence Lane.



Will exec. 15 Oct 1850; to wife Margaret; estate to be divided equally between wife and each heir, the wife to share as one heir; that part which would belong to son Thomas is bequeathed not to him but to the heirs of his body; to son Samuel and dau. Martha the farm on which they live; to dau. Mary. Execs son James and Allen Boon. Wit: D.M. and John Key.

5 Nov 1855. Will proven.

10 Nov 1855. Comm. Wm. H. Ballew, James Gaut, Deman Dorsey set apart year's support for widow Margaret and family.

15 Feb 1856 and 507-508, 3 Mar 1856. Invt. of Sale and Add. Invt. by Allen Boon, Exec.

10 Dec 1855. Samuel Hardy died Oct 1855 leaving widow Margaret and children: James with wife Jane of Richland, Green Co. , Mo.; Jane wife of Byrum Allen; Thomas of Alq.; Anne wife of Allen Boone; Susan wife of Marcellus Dodson of Oregon; Samuel with wife Elizabeth; Mary wife of Milton Robertson of Mahaska Co., Iowa; Martha wife of W.E. Edgman . The children of son Thomas are William, Susari, Jane, Taylor, Catherine, Angelo, Angeline, Samuel, Martha, and Phenice.

13 Mar 1858. Widow Margaret is now of Meigs Co.; son Thomas is dee' d; and Angelo is not listed as a child.



1 Jun 1857. Report by Wm. Harman, Gdn. to his father Leonard Harman, "Luna tick" .

6 Apr 1867. Report by same, Gdn. to Leonard and Elizabeth Harmon, Lunatics.



29 Jul 1856. Comm. Henderson Carter, John Small, and Wm. D. Browder set apart year's support for widow and family.

25 Sep 1856. Invt. of sale; notes on Israel, William, and Leonard Harman; filed by James R. Robertson, Adm.

2 Jul 1858. Final sett.; balance to Milly Harman.



5 Sep 1870. J.H. Crockett app. Adm. CRlO 244, 3 Oct 1870. Plat of land assigned as dower to widow Fannie.

Jun 1871. Partition of land: Moses, John, and Matilda Herrell VS James Munds · and Ellen Herrell, minor heirs.

Mar 1872. W. Gettys app. Gdn. of James Thomas Munds minor heir of John Munds, and of Ellen Harrell, minor heir of William Harrell.

Aug 1872. W. Gettys app. Gdn. of Rose Ann and John Herrel, minor heirs of Matilda Herrel.

21 Mar 1873. Sett. by Adm.; unequal payments to heirs: Ellen Harrell by Gdn., James Munds by Gdn., Moses, J.B., Matilda, and John Harrell.



1 Mar 1830. John M. and Polly M. Harris, minors over 14 , children of Robt. M. Harris by his former wife Deborah McEwen, choose Nathan Harris as Gdn .; Power of Atty. from Robt. M. Harris to Nathan Harris.



3 Apr 1848. Wm. Coats app. Adm.

1 May 1848. Invt. of sale by Adm.

5 Feb 1849. Report by Allen Butler, Gdn. to Wm. M. and Lucy Harrod, minor heirs; received warrant for 160 acres of public lands and extra pay due as soldier in service of U.S .

7 May 1849. Final sett. by Adm.

31 May 1849 to 31 May 1858. Settlements by Gdn.

31 May 1859. Final sett. by Gdn.; balance paid to Wm. M. and Lucy Harrod.



Oct 1839 and Feb 1840. Invt. and sale by John H. Adm.

29 Oct 1841. Sett. by same Adm.; "his own part of sd. estate".

1 Nov 1841. John Hart app. Gdn. to Serena J., William J. Caroline Louisa Mary Elizabeth Lewis and Nancy Lewis Hart, mini orphans.

29 Oct 1842 to 22 Jun 1847. Sett. by Gdn.

3 Nov 1847. Sett. by same Adm. and Gdn.; receipt of J. Hart, Sr., who is the only heir to sd. Estate according to his information.



Will exec. 24 Dec 1864; all property except one red heifer to Jane Lawson and Phebe Snyder if they will agree to keep wife her lifetime; to Jane, my black girl, the red heifer; to Reuber Roddy, $230 if it is ever collected from State Bank of Tenn. At Athens. Exec: E.L. Miller. Wit: C.H. Guthrey, James Coffee. Signed by mark.

3 Apr 1865. Will proven.

6 Nov 1865. Report by Exec.



Will, not dated. "County Court May Term 1849. The following is the will of the late Madison C. Hawk who departed this life in said county on the day of April 1849 1 and which was made in the presence of the undersigned as witnesses thereto, all of whom to wit, Charles W. Rice felt himself specially called 01

to have witnesses to the same. Said will was made during the last sickness of the said Madison C. Hawk wills that funds will be used to buy a farm for wife and children; not signed. Wit: Rice and Elizabeth Meigs.

7 May 1849. Mrs. Jane Hawk does not appear to contest the noncupative Will.

25 Aug 1849. Comm. Robt. Renfrow, John Rice, and Jessee Dodson set apart year's support for widow Jane.

2 Sep 1850 and 30 Dec 1852. Invt. and Sett. by J.W. Gibson, Adm.

Oct and Nov 1861. Petition to sell slaves: Mrs. B.J. Hawk VS Henry Rice, Jr., and wife M.E., Tim M., Rob. A., G.G., F.J., and M.A. Hawk. John Scarborough app. Gdn. ad litum for G.G., F.J., and M.A. Hawk, heirs.



Will exec. 28 Dec 1827; to wife Mary; to dau. Polly Hawkins; to granddau. Nancy Templeton; to lawful children; one half of all property to the one of children who takes care of wife Mary and dau. Polly during their lives. Execs: sons Benjamin and James. Wit: John Walker, Leven L. Ball.

3 Mar 1828. Will proven.

5 Dec 1831. Invt. by Execs. named.

16 Jul 1860. Mosteller VS Rice. Benjamin Hawkins died about 1827 leaving widow Mary who later married "old man Dodson" and is now deceased, and children: Polly of unsound mind now dec'd; James who moved to Columbus on Hiwassee River and later to Ark.; Benjamin, Jr., who died in Polk Co.; Joseph and William who went West; Raleigh and John who went to Ala.; Sally now dec'd, wife of Daniel Newman who died and she moved West; a dau. who was wife of John B. Campbell, had a large family of children, and went West.



6 Feb 1843. Emanuel Haney app. Adm.



7 Sep 1824. Wm. Haymes app. Adm.

6 Dec 1824. Terry Walden, Hugh L. Lackie, and James A. Templeton app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Sarah.

no date. Invt. of sale by Adm.; buyers include Sally, Vincent, Joshua, William, and Caleb Haymes; an acct. against David Haymes.

Apr 1837. Report by Daniel D. Haymes, Gdn. for William and Elizabeth Haymes, minor heirs of Reuben Haymes.

5 Oct 1839. Report by same Gdn.; receipt from heir Wm. Haymes; receipt from Henry and Elizabeth King for equal amount.



2 Mar 1835. Vincent Haymes app. Adm.

Jun 1835. Sale by Adm.; buyers include Daniel, Jane, Wm., Vincent, Sally, Caleb, and Pamela Haymes.

4 Apr 1835. Report by Comm. A.C. Robeson, George R. Cox, Jeremiah F. Strange setting apart year’s support for widow Jane and family.

3 Mar 1837. Comm. Alex. C. Robeson, Jeremiah F. Strange, and Henry Walker, sworn by Nicolas P. Dodson, J.P., make settlement with Adm.



1 Sep 1834. James P. and Aaron Haynes app. Adms.



3 Dec 1844. Listed as dead in Tax Delinquents for 1844.



7 Feb 1870. L.W. Cate app. Adm. De bonis non.



Will exec. 29 May 1822; to wife Nancy; to children Nancy  Abram A. Heard, Minerva A., John J., George F., and Joshua T. Heard; "as my children become of age"; two little grandsons Thomas Peter Saffold and James Abraham Heard when they arrive at age of 12; execs. to "manage my estate with full power to dispose of all my lands in Georgia and elsewhere". Execs: wife Nancy, John Coffee, George and Franklin C. Heard, S.J. Saffold, also Abraham A. Heard when he comes of age. Wit: Henry Bradford, Wm. L. Taylor, James Bolding, Robert Slone, Banner Shields.

2 Sep 1822. Chas. McClung and others VS Abraham Heard. Plaintiff suggests the death of defendant.

no date. Invt. by Nancy and F. C. Heard, Execs.



Will exec. 27 Nov 1828; John D. Heard of Blount Co., Tenn.; to wife Rebekah; to children Elizabeth, James, Colvin, George Washington; little boy of my wife's called Wm. Russell Heard to share equally with rest of children; children to be educated and supported. Execs: wife and Moses Stalcup. Wit: Jesse Hanner and John Martin. Signed by mark. Will partly proviin June Court 1830 by John H. Martin and fully proven Sep 1830 by Jesse Hanner. Signed by A.R. Turk, Clerk at his office in Athens:

Sep 18 1830.

23 Sep 1839. Report by Moses Stalkup, former Gdn. to Elizabeth, James, and George Heard, and William Martin, minor heirs; receipt of Benj. Bond, present Gdn.



Will exec. 6 Jun 1840, returned to Court 5 Oct 1840; "I William Hellums aged and infirm"; to wife Rachel; to son James; to afflicted dau. Peggy C. Hellums; ten other children: Elizabeth Fowler, Dorcas Blakely, Salley McCallister, Lydia Maxwell, Polly Hellums, Nancy L. Hellums, Rachel C. Poe, Rebeccah Hellums, Susannah Burks, and Anne Poe. Execs: wife Rachel and bro. John Hellums. Wit: John Rogers, Elisha Snider, Robt. W. McClary. Signed by mark.

1 May 1843. Invt. of sale by Rachel Helms,



3 Mar 1834. Thomas Hemphill app. Adm.



7 May 1838. Joab Hil app. Adm. And Frances Henderson app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

Feb 1839. Joab Hill app. Adm. and Frances Henderson heirs.

Feb 1829. Invt. and Sale by Adm.; Frances S. Henderson, widow, is a buyer.

9 Oct 1839. Sett. by Adm.

2 Mar 1840. Sett. by Joab Hill by Wm. Hill, agent.



no date. Comm. R.C. Jackson, J.S. Russell, and Raleigh Chesnutt set apart year's support for widow and children, there being six in family.

14 Apr 1865. Sale by O.C. Henderson, Adm.; Mrs. Henderson buys 1 Partridge Net, l Blind Gray Horse.

27 Oct 1865. Supp. Sale by Adm.; buyers include Sally and H.S. Henderson.

16 Nov. 1865. Samuel P. Henders on died Feb 1865 leaving widow Sarah B., who was dau. of Robt. Stephenson, and Robert, Nancy, Samuel, and Anna, all minors.



7 Mar 1859. James Wilson app. Adm.

9 Aug 1859. Final sett. by James Wilson, Adm.; paid to H. J. and S.M. Vaughn.



4 Nov 1867. James G. Henry of McMinn Co. died at Gallatin, Tenn., on 18 Nov 1865 of smallpox, leaving widow Ellen and children Wm. A., aged 9, and Elizabeth, aged 11 in 1865. James G. Henry was conscripted by the Rebels but escaped through the mountains of East Tenn. and joined Union Army in Ky. Wife Ellen and two children walked to Ky., finding husband after a year. Family remained in Ky. until James was discharged in Apr 1865.



7 Jan 1856. Report by J.H. Effert, Gdn. to minor heirs; app. to receive money that was supposed to be due the estate but has received nothing.



May 1858. Report by John E. Hickox, Gdn. of his minor son.

7 Feb 1859.Report by same, Gdn. to his son John H. minor son.




3 Dec 1834. John E. Wheeler, Joseph M. Alexander, and Jackson Smith app. Adms.

25 Feb 1845. Dr. Horace Hickox died leaving heirs: Mary Elizabeth, wife of Milton L. Phillips, and minors Richard Asa, John Elliott, and Lamira Jane Hickox, all of Campbell Co.



no date. Invt. by M.L. Phillips, Adm.

4 Sep 1865. Geo. W. Ross, W.C. Owen, and James M. Henderson app. to lay off year's support for widow Mary Lee and family.

3 Sep 1866. Sale by Adm.

25 Sep 1866. Comm. A.H. Crowe, George W. Ross, and W.C. Owens set apart year's support for widow Mary and family.

Mar 1867. Bill to sell lot: M.L. Phillips, Adm. VS widow and heirs; Campbell Co., Tenn. At a regular term of County Court in Jacksborough first Monday of Feb 1867, Court fully satisfied that Mary L. Hickox is a lunatic and David Hart app. Gdn. Copy certified by John Peterson, County Court Clerk.

Jan 1873. M.L. Phillips, Gdn. of minor children J. Horace and Melton F.B. Hickox who are the same persons as John H. and Melton H. Hickox.



2 Oct 1865. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for orphan children.

5 Feb 1866. Invt. of Notes and unsettled accounts; "for Carding, 1860, 1861, 1862"; Chrisley Foster, Adm.

5 Feb 1866. Invt. of sale by Adm.

11 Apr 1866. Daniel Hicks died Jun 1865 leaving as his only heirs the following children: William and Artissima, minors, and Mary Ann wife of Newton Linn.



Will exec. 6 Jul 1857, proven Dec 1858; to wife Sarah; to infant daus. Mary C. and Jureah M., daus. by Sarah; to sons Daniel and Abel P. and to dau. Sarah A. Ragsdale. Exec: Hiel Buttram. Wit: Wm. A. Buttram, B.P. Nance. Signed by mark.

4 Jan 1858. Will proven.

17 Feb 1860. Invt. and final sett. by Exec.






14 Apr 1853. Sterling Ragsdale and wife Sarah Ann, Daniel, and John Hicks, heirs of Mary Hicks, dec'd VS Daniel and John McPhail, and John S., Neil, Mary M., John A., Martha, Caroline, William, and Hicks, minor defendants by gdn. ad litem Thos. Cecil.

16 Dec 1853. Sterling Ragsdale and wife Sarah Ann, Daniel and John Hicks VS Daniel McPhail in his own right and as Adm. of Neil McPhail, Dougal McPhail, and Mary Hicks, and John Leander Hicks, Neil McPhail Hicks, Mary Margaret, John Alexander, Martha Caroline, William, and Abel P. Hicks, infants under 21 by their gdn. ad litem Thos. Cecil and John McPhail. Partition of land: to Daniel McPhail, to John McPhail, and to heirs of Mary Hicks deceased to wit Sterling Ragsdale and wife, Daniel, John, John

Leander, and Neil McPhail Hicks one share to each and the remaining share to the children of Stephen Hicks dec'd to wit Mary Margaret, John Alexander, Martha, Caroline, William, and Abel P. Hicks; costs to be paid as follows, 1/3 by Daniel McPhail, 1/3 by John McPhail, and 1/3 by heirs of Mary Hicks, dec'd






7 Dec 1857. Sett. by Daniel Hicks, Gdn. of minor heirs.



6 Feb 1854. Daniel Hicks app. Gdn. to Mary M., John A., Caroline, Sarah, Martha A., and Wm. Hicks minors of Stephen Hicks dec’d and to Neil M.P. Hicks a minors of Neil M.P. Hicks

2 Sep 1854. Report by same, Gdn. of minor heirs of “Stephen Hicks, Wm. Hix Neil M. P. Hicks dec’d and Albert P. Hicks minor”

2 Sep 1855. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid about one sixth of funds to Elizabeth Hicks and paid same amount to "Abel Hicks his portion".

2 Sep 1856 to 2 Sep 1860. ½ Settlements by same Gdn.



4 Sep 1854. Daniel Hix resigns as Gdn. of John L. Hix; Elizabeth Hicks app. Gdn. to John Leander Hix, minor heir of Wm. Hix, dec'd.

WB E 458, 569, WB

3 Sep 1855 to Sep 1864. Settlements by Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks, Gdn. to her son John L. Hicks.



Will exec. 31 Jan 1829; to wife Patsy; to three children, John L., Mary Jane, and Amanda Emeline Hogue. Execs: trusty friends Nathl. Smith and James F. Bradford. Wit: Horace Hickox, R.J. Meigs.

3 Mar 1829. Will proven.

8 Sep 1829. Mary Jane Hogue, minor orphan over 14 chooses Gdn. and he is app. Gdn. for Amanda M. Hogue, under 14.

16 Jul 1853. Burrell Hogue died leaving first wife Sarah, said to be divorced, and second wife Patsey and the following children by first wife: Amanda Emeline born 25 Sep 1820, married May 1841 to John S. Benson, living in Lacon, Marshall Co., Ill.; Mary Jane, married first in Ind. about 1835 to Lawson

Hough who died 1844, married second to Abner Shinn of Lacon, Ill.; and John L. Hogue who died about 1840 in Smithland, Ky. Sarah Hogue, age 62, testifies that she and Burrell Hogue were married in Rutherford Co., N.C., about 1813. Burrell and Patsey were married soon after he came to McMinn Co. Both wives are still living.



12 Dec 1860. State of Tenn. VS John L. Bridges, Adm. of Malinda Hogue; State sells house and lot in Athens.

4 Mar 1862. Final sett. by Adm.; receipt from John F. Slover, Clerk of Circuit Court, for the balance, which goes into the Comon School fund.



Will exec. 15 Jun 1823; to wife Sarah; to six children living with wife; to dau. Isabella Roberts. Execs: wife and James Roberts. Wit : William Heughart, James Gregg, and Rebecca Pew.

l Sep 1823. Invt.



3 Mar 1830. Petition of Sarah Holt, widow of Irby Holt, dec'd, who died at his usual residence in this county on 12 Jan 1829.

no date. Sale and Invt. by James H. Reagan and, Sarah Holt, Adms. /At bottom of last page is written, "And so the Chapter ends and I am glad".

8 Jun 1830 - 4 Jun 1832. Reports by James H. Reagan, Gdn. for Robert, Emily, Jane, Fanny, Serena,

Thomas, and Francis Holt, minor heirs.

6 Jun 1831. Heirs of Irby Holt, to wit: Robert, Jane, Penny, Serena J., Thomas W., and Francis A. Holt, Sarah Elizabeth Ragan dau. of James H. Ragan and his dec'd wife Betsy late Betsy Holt, and Robert H. Jordan and wife Emily S . late Emily S. Holt. Petition of Adms. that Irby Holt died leaving seven children

and one grandchild and petitioner Sarah as distributees, and all the children are minors except eldest girl who is married.

31 Mar 1832. Supp. Invt. by Adms.; the share of sd. Irby Holt in the estate of his father Robert Holt, dec'd of McMinn Co.; sum rec'd from Lewis Cox, surviving exec. of Will of sd. Robert Holt; property purchased by Irby Holt at sale of residue of sd. Robert Holt's estate on 25 Dec 1828; share of Elizabeth Meigs late Elizabeth Holt one of legatees of Robt. Holt (share was assigned to Irby); share of Jane Givens dec'd late Jane Holt, one of legatees of Robt. Holt, being the part of her share belonging to Wm. T. Givens and Nancy Stewart late Nancy Givens, two of her children and heirs.

2 Jun 1834 and 177, 2 Jun 1835. Reports by same, Gdn. for Jane, Frances, Serena, Thos. W., and Francis A. Holt.

l Aug 1836. Sett. by Sarah Holt, present Gdn. to Serena J., Thos. W., and Frances A. Holt. Witness: George Horne.

29 Jul 1836. Bond. Sarah Holt with Robert S. Holt her Security, makes bond before Wm. Lowry, Esq., Chairman of County Court, for payment of any debts of Irby Holt, dec'd father of Jane Holt, out of money paid by James H. Reagan to Sarah Holt as the distributive share of her dau. Jane Holt, dec'd. Witness:

Hugh Goddard.

l Aug 1836. Bond of Robt. H. Jordan, with A.J. Ballew as security. "Whereas James H. Reagan admn. of est. of Irby Holt dec'd & Gdn to Jane Holt dec'd has this day paid to Robert H. Jordan husband of Emily Holt named Emily Jorden heir of Irby Holt dec'd the distributive share of the personal property of

the sd. Jane Holt dec'd." Witness: Wm. Ballew.

2 Jul 1836. Bond of Robt. S. Holt with James C. Henderson as Security, for his share of dec'd sister Jane's property.

2 Jul 1836. Bond of James Co Henderson, with Sarah Holt as security, for share of wife Frances So Holt now Henderson in est. of Irby Holt, dec’d.

2 Jul 1836. Bond of James Co Henderson for share of wife in est. of Jane Holt, dec'd, as above.

20 Dec 1832 /sic/. Bond of Sarah Holt as above.

Jul 1837; WB-C 25, Jun 1838; 124, 28 Feb 1839. Report by same, Gdn. to Serena Jo, Thos. W., and Francis A. Holt.

27 Feb 1840. Report by same, Gdn. to Thos. and F.A. Holt.

27 Feb 1841. Report by same Gdn.; John L. Kline gives receipt for share of Serena J. Kline in estate.

7 Mar 1842 to l Jul 1844. Reports by same Gdn.

10 Nov 1849. Erby Holt died leaving widow Sarah, who moved to Mo. 17 Oct 1845 where she died in Mar 1849, and children: Francis A. of Bradley Co. born 13 Nov 1826; Jane M. died 1835 unmarried; a dau. who married Franklin L. Yoakum of Texas; a dau. dec'd who married James H. Reagan; Thomas W. Holt; Emily S. Jardin; and two more children.



4 Jun 1832. Thos. C. Heniman app. Adm.






4 Dec 1826. Thomas Hord, Cary Armstrong, and Wm. Weaver app. Adms. Robert W. McClary, Joseph Cobbs, Sr., and, Henry Bradford app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Betsey and family.

15 Dec 1826. Invt. by Adms.



1 Aug 1836. Thomas Jefferson Lawson, minor heir of Jemima Hornsby, of age to choose for himself, chooses Jacob Lawson as his Gdn.; same Gdn. is app. for minor heirs Berry and Miller Lawson.

5 Feb 1838. Report by Gdn.; receipt from Thomas Hornsby in Clay Co., Ky., for money for sd. minors.

14 Aug 1838. Sett. by same Gdn.; cash received in Ky. in 1836.  



20 Dec 1865. Mary A. Mccasland, Gdn. VS Daniel Horton. The death of defendant is suggested and proven.

9 Apr 1867. John R. Howard VS Daniel Horton. Scire facias served on H.M. Roberts and wife Elizabeth A., Pol. Brian and wife Anna M., William G., H.C., and Joseph Horton as heirs of defendant.

5 Oct 1868. O.P. Hall app. Adm.



4 Jan 18420 Court informed that Jane Hossy a poor widow living in McMinn Co. has three small children for whom she is unable to provide.



7 Jun 1847. David L. Hutsell app. Gdn. to Susannah Hounshell.

1 Nov 1849. Report by same, Gdn. to Susan Hounshell now

Susan Turner, one of minor heirs; paid Andrew and Susan Turner; paid expenses to Va.

15 May 1851. Sett. by same, Gdn. to heir Nancy Ann Hounshell now Nancy Ann Gamble.

l Jan 1855. Sett. by Geo. M. Hutsell, Gdn. to Jacob Hounshell, minor heir; received of James L. Yost, Adm.

8 Nov 1855. Final sett. by same Gdn.; receipt of Jacob Hounshell for balance.

l Dec 1862. John R. Howard app. Gdn. of his own minor children.

30 Jun 1866. Report by same Gdn.



5 Jun 1854. Wm. H. Howard app. Adm.

4 Sep 1854. Margaret M. Salle app. Gdn. Joseph C. Howard, minor heirs.

4 Sep 1854; 522, 27 Jun 1856. Invt. and sale and Final sett. by Adm. Sett. by John Cunningham, Gdn.

5 Nov 1867. Sett. by same Gdn.

Sep 1838. Invt. and Sale by Adm.

14 Aug 1838. Comm. Robert McClary, William Maples, and Green L. Reynolds lay off year's support for widow Nancy.

5 Aug 1840. Sett. by Adm.; receipts from T.L., P., and Jonas Hoyl

4 Oct 1852. Petition of James C. Carlock and wife Elizabeth M., Caleb R. and John W. Hoyl, Michael C. Reynolds and wife Mary C., all citizens of McMinn Co., Tenn., and Jonas Hoyl a citizen of Bradley Co . , Tenn. - about 1838 David Hoyl died in McMinn Co., Tenn., intestate leaving those named and Peter Hoyl now of Dade Co ., Mo., Sarah who married James S. Green of DeKalb Co., Ala., and Andrew F. Hoyl whose residence is unknown but is supposed to reside in Chili, South America, as his heirs at law.



3 Aug 185 7. Thos. P. Wells app. Adm.

12 Sep 1857. Invt. by Adm.; slave in hands of Daniel H. Hoyl of Atlanta, Ga. who refuses to give him up; a note on John Hoyl, Jr.

no date. Comm. M.L. Philips, Oliver Dodson, and H.P. Wilson allot year's provisions to Mary

Sale held 19 Nov 1858

filed 11 Jul 1857. John Hoyl died leaving widow Mary who was not the mother of his children, who are Daniel H. of Paulding Co., Ga. (his wife died 8 Dec 1855 in Ga.); Thomas L.; John; Jemima Hoyl Mastin; Margaret wife of T.P. Wells; Narcissa wife of Williams Mayfield; David and Levi of Miss.; Clark of Texas; and Susan wife of Thomas H. Jones of Ga.



Will exec. 8 Dec 1864; I, Mary Hoyl Widow of John Hoyl deceased"; all household furniture to be equally divided among the Negroes and wearing apparel to be given to servant Mary for her to divide among the other negroes and she is to have side saddle for herself; my grave, my husband's grave, the grave of Samuel Love my first husband and his two children who are buried 5 miles above Knoxville, Tenn., on North side of First Creek, the graves of Henry and Margaret Smith buried on McIntosh's reservation two miles north of A. Clag's farm, E Athens and grave of sister Susan who lies close by my last husband  - all to be enclosed with posts and paling fence and tombstones at head and feet; $600 to James A.B. Grills; $100 to John B. Hoyl; $100 to Mary dau. of Wm. and Narcissa Mayfield; $25 to Sidney dau. of Wm. and McZainey Smith; $25 to Sarah Jane Allaway; remainder of estate divided among negroes Lawson and wife, Henderson and Mary, Caroline's children, and Bell. Execs: Thos. A. Cass and Milton L. Phillips. Wit: Allen and John R. Ware. Signed by mark.

4 Mar 1867. Will proven.

1 Apr 1867. O.P. Hall app. Exec. with Will Annexed.

filed 21 Feb 1855. Mary, wife of John Hoyland widow of Samuel Love, was Mary Smith. Her nine bros. and sister are as follows: Henry L. Smith, youngest bro., of Benton Co., Ark., with wife Ann L. and child James Henry Smith and another child; Hannah Smith Benson, died before Aug 1852 in Ark., stepmother of Isaac Benson, with no children of her own; Elizabeth Smith who went to Ark. with bro. Henry and died 1853 at his home; Susan Smith who died Apr 1852; Jackson Smith who died about 1851; Stephen Smith who died about 1845 without issue; Nathaniel Smith who died in Texas about 1840-43; Patsey Smith Grills, dead for a long time, who has son James; Umberson Smith died unmarried.



Will exec. 13 Jul 1852; $1 each to four eldest children, Peter, Jonas, Sarah, and Elizabeth March; to fifth son Andrew Felix, a note I hold on him; to third son Caleb Richardson $110; to fourth son John Wesley $110; to youngest child Mary Cornelia, consort of M.C. Reynolds, the balance of money, etc., to be collected and put on interest for 15 years, to pay her $15 annually and at end of that period to buy farm for her and her heirs and no others. Execs: sons Caleb R. and John W. Hoyl. Wit: David Cantrell, J.A. Long. Signed by mark.

2 Aug 1852. Will proven; J.W. Hoyl declines to serve as Exec.

6 Sep 1852. Invt. and sale by C.R. Hoyl, Exec.

6 Sep 1852. Jonas, Caleb R., and John W. Hoyl, James C. Carlock and wife Elizabeth M., Michael C. Reynolds and wife Mary C. VS Peter and Andrew F. Hoyl, and James s. Green and wife Sarah. Petition to sell land. Defendants are all nonresidents.







6 Feb 1860 Jesse M. Hill app. Gdn. to Wm. Hudgens, a minor.




5 Nov 1866. S.M. Boggess app. Gdn. of George W., P.E., Sarah W., Marth F., John F., and James Thomas Hues, minors (Hughs heirs).

7 Jun 1869. Sett. by same Gdn. who resigns and M. C. Carpenter is app. Gdn.

6 Jun 1870. MoC. Carpenter resigns and A. H. Wilson is app. Gdn.



Sep 1867. Silas Wade app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

1 Mar 1869. Gdn. resigns a nd E.S. Shipley is app. Gdn.



Will exec. 9 Jun 1845, recorded 7 Jul 1845; to James Baker, a minor; to the heirs of his bros. Hiram and George Humphrey. Exec: Joseph Mccorkle. Wit: R.D. Gaddy, Aaron King.

4 Aug 1845; 327-331, 6 Oct 1845; 460, 5 Jul 1847. Invt., Sale, and Add. Invt. by Joseph Mccorkle, Exec.

3 Aug 1846. Wm. Coats app. Gdn. to James Baker, infant son of Malinda Baker.

2 Aug 1847 to 4 Sep 1848. Report by Gdn.; has received nothing since his appointment

17 Aug 1848. Coats VS Mccorkle. James Humphreys died about 7 Jul 1845 leaving an illegitimate son, James Baker, aged about six in Feb 1849, one of the illegitimate children of Malinda Baker, housekeeper for Humphreys.

30 Aug 1847 to 8 Sep 1851. Settlements by Exec.

8 Sep 1852. Sett. by Exec.; paid to W.F. Bang, Editor of the Nashville Banner and to John M. McKee, Edi tor of Knoxville Register for publishing for heirs.

6 Oct 1860. Sett. by Geo. w. Bridges, Gdn. of Mary Jane and Lucy Humphrey, minor heirs of Hiram Humphrey; "having received on the 1st day of March 1854 $1940.42"; receipt for total sum from Reuben Humphrey In fact for Lucy and Mary Jane Humphrey heirs of Hiram Humphrey who were legatees under the will of James Humphrey, dec'd, who died in McMinn Co., Tenn. Chancery Record Books A and B; Humphrey VS Mccorkle. The children of Hiram Humphrey are Reuben, Stephen, Norris, Caroline wife of

James O. Goodson, Lois wife of John H. Nellis, and Lucy and Mary Jane, minors. Chancery Record Book B, Feb 1860. Wm. Coats has died and James Baker over 14 chooses Allen Butler as his Gdn.



Will exec. 12 Dec 1844; to wife Mary; to sons Russell R. and John L.; to daus. Jemima Cleage and Sarah Ann Calloway; "my four children"; "my executors get my mother and sister Delilah to remove from Claiborne County to McMinn County". Execs: sons Russell R. and John L. Wit: Justus Steed, Andrew John, and W. F. Keith.

4 Feb 1845. Will proven.

7 Apr 1845. Invt. of sale by Lewis R. and John L. Hurst, Execs.; Mary Hurst gives her consent

3 Mar 1848. Sett. by Lewis R. Hurst, one of Execs.



6 Oct 1845. James W. Netherland app. Adm.

6 Oct 1846. Adm. allowed to resign.



6 May 1839. Henry Walker app. Adm.

 Jul 1839. Invt. by Adm.


2 Jul 1860. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



Will exec. 21 Oct 1852; "having no children and issue of my body living to give my property to the first object of my bounty are my negro slaves"; negro slaves to be free and all expenses paid for their removal to the Colony of Liberia and setting them up in that country, with use of her farm, stock, etc., until they are so transported; $100 each to Rev. R.E. Tedford now of Blount Co. formerly of Cleveland, Dr. Charles Dupont, and Polina Dupont, dau. of Dr. Dupont; $1000 to nephew Thomas T. Pugh now supposed to be a citizen of La.; balance of property to the three daus. of deceased niece Sarah Jones who are Mary and Penelope Jones "as well as I remember and one name not remembered" all supposed to be of Miss . , and who are nieces of sd . Thos. T. Pugh, and to Elizabeth Ann Keith, dau. of niece Sarah Keith; these four are all females and of tender years. Execs: Joseph McCulley and Richard C. Jackson . Wit: Wm . S. Callaway, M.E. Calaway, John C. Gaut.

6 Aug 1855. Will proven.

3 Sep 1855. no date. Invt. and Sale by Execs.

11 Dec 1857. "Carrying negroes to liberia"; balance in minor heirs of Sarah dau., Final sett. by Execs.; paid $364.45 for Baltimore" and $405 from "Baltimore to account distributed to Nancy Fore as Gdn. to

Jones, dec'd, and A.H. Keith as Gdn. for his

6 Sep 1858. Sett. by A.H. Keith, Gdn.

6 Sep 1858. Sett. by A.H. Keith, Adm. of Nancy Fore dec'd former Gdn. of Penelope, Laura, and Mary J. Jones; paid in 1855 expenses from Bay St. Louis, Miss., to Athens, Tenn.; paid tuition at Asheville College for Mary J.

no date. Report by Joseph McCully, Gdn. to Penelope, Laura, and Mary Jones.

18 Jan 1859.  The mother of Elizabeth Ann Keith is the only dau. of Nancy Fore.

2 Oct 1860. Sett. by James Forrest, Gdn. to Mary and Penelope Jones.

3 Jun 1861. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Penelope Jones

17 Jul 1861. Sett. by Joseph Mccully, Gdn. of Laura S. Jones.

2 Dec 1861. D. B. Childress, who has married the sister of Laura E. Jones and has been app. Dgn. To Laura E. in Jefferson Co. where they reside, is app. Gdn. in place of Joseph McCully, and Gdnship. is transferred to Jefferson Co.

12 Dec 1864. James Forrest Gdn. for the use of Daniel and Penelope Meek VS Timothy Sullins, Lazarus Dodson, and J.D. Gaston.

14 Aug 1868. James Forrest Gdn. of Penelope Jones for the use of D. H. and Penelope Meek VS James Wilson.


Will exec. 28 Oct. 1869. Codicil 3 Jun 1870, probated Sep 1870; "I have given" dau. Miram Turnley, son Thomas M. in his lifetime (int. in land on Spring Creek in Monroe Co., Tenn., which he owned jointly with Wm. Terry and $100 on his land in Bradley Co., Tenn.), Martha A. McMilian (to make her equal with rest of heirs above and her heirs to have her int. in estate), daus. Francis D. Hughs, Mary L. Hampton, Sarah E. Gaut, Missouria W. Millian, and son Dennis Isbell; to dau. Francis D. Hughs, interest in the "Chilhowee Springs" which is 1/3 part of 40 acres, including the mineral spring "they are on the north side of the mountain near where Wm. Cooper, Esqr. lived and deceased" and Wm. H. Ballew has the grant in his possession, this bequest over and above other heirs on account of her living with me so long and keeping house for me; owns 640 acres in Cherokee Co., N.C., and 2 quarters in Polk Co. on Frog Mt., the latter bought in partnership with Thornton Godard (refused Godard's request to give Willerson Cunningham and Daniel Lowry an interest, won resulting lawsuit, received deeds and paid taxes all this time and Godard has not said any more about it); to son Dennis R. dau. Louisa Hampton for living with me, keeping house and tending to family business for several years; to all children and their posterity, the "rite of burriel" in Graveyard at backside of garden where "my companion Martha Isbell and our two infants are buried". Execs: Wm. L. Rice, Dennis R. Isbell. Wit: D.R. Isbell, J.F. Hampton.


31 Aug 1872 to 12 Nov 1873. Settlements by Execs.; payments to Mirarn (N.M. or M.L.) Turnley,

F.D. Rice, Missouri (L.M. or M.L.) McMullen or McMillians, J.H. Gaut and J.H. Gaut as Gdn., M.L. and James Hampton, James B. and Alice McMullen or McMillians, Mattie (M.J.) Forest, Wm. L.

Isbell, Sarah A. Isbell, J.Y. Maxwell, C.C. Isbell, Jane Isbell, W.H. Forest, James Forest, D.R. Isbell, and W.L. Rice.


22 Mar 1879. Hughes VS McReynolds. J.H. Gaut, attorney, is son-in-law of Benjamin Isbell, dec'd. Son Dennis R. Isbell married a dau. of Saunders Callaway. Dau. Frances D. Isbell was the widow of John Hughes who died testate about Mar 1855 in Jacksonville, Texas, leaving two children, Benjamin I. Hughes, born about 1853, who came to live with his uncle and gdn. Wm. J. Hughes when he was about 16, and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Hughes, born 25 May 1855, who marries Wallace K. Sheddan during

the lawsuit, Apr. to Jul. 1880. Dau. Frances D. married second Wm. L. Rice in McMinn Co., 16 Jul 1867. Wm. L. Rice died 22 Aug 1878. His children who testify in lawsuit are Lelia A. Wester, Cordelia E. Ricei Laura L. wife of David M. McReynolds, and Mattie L. wife of Dr. Hugh L. McReynolds. The "great financial panic" was in 1873.



3 Oct 1864. Jesse H. Gaut of Bradley Co. app. Adm.



24 Aug 1865. James Jack VS Aily; death of plaintiff is suggested and proven.



4 Dec 1865. J.C. McMahan app. Gdn. of John Montgomery Jackson, a minor.



4 Aug 1862. J.M. Jackson and T.J. Lowry app. Adms.; Uriel Johnson, Raleigh Chesnutt, and C.B. Newman app. Comm. to lay year’s support for widow and family.

l Sep 1862. Invt. of notes and sale by James M. Jackson and T. J. Lowry, Adms.; buyers include Mrs. Jane Jackson, Harriet, Sarah, Martha J., Jas. M., and W.D. Jackson.

27 Oct 1866. Vouchers paid by Adms. include those to Sarah C., J.M., Harriet, M.J., and W.D. Jackson.



9 Jan 1862. Comm. S.M. Boggess, Thos. Prigmore, and Bogan Cash lay off year's support for widow and family

not dated; WB G 46, 15 Feb 1865. Invt. 11 Sale, and Sett. by T. L. Farrell, Adm

filed 21 Aug 1860. Benjamin C. Jamerson died leaving widow Mary A. and children: Evalina wife of Joshua Jones; Rebecca E. wife of James McCall; Eliza wife of Edward Price; Milton; Jane wife of W.R. McConnell; S.Y.; Nancy B. wife of George Fitch; Quintine a minor; Thomas P., dec'd, whose children are Kitty and Virginia.



3 Nov 1840. Alexander C. Robeson app. Adm.

20 Nov 1840. Comm. John Graham, Martin D. Anderson, and John A. Thompson set apart year's support for widow Elizabeth and family, being eight in number.

1 Jan 1841; D 43, Nov 1841. Invt. and sett. by Adm.

10 Jan 1843; 227, 5 Sep 1844. Sett. by John McDonald, Adm. of Alexander C. Robeson, who was Adm.

5 Aug 1844; 334, 5 Aug 1845. Sett. by Elizabeth Jarnagin, Gdn. to minor heirs.

3 Aug 1852. Caswell Jarnagin died in McMinn Co. many years since, leaving widow Elizabeth and children: Alison Woodville B., Alfred Houston, Caswell, and John Noah Jarnagin, all minors, Amanda M. wife of Morris M. Smith, Sarah L. wife of Henry J. Eaton, Mary Ann wife of A.M. Runyon, Hamilton T., and James Ahab Jarnagin. The family wishes to sell land and move to Mo. File contains letter of authorization from Elizabeth Jarnagin in Polk Co., Mo., two original Land Grants issued 1824 to Noah Jarnagin, and a copy of deed 1831 from Noah Jarnagin of Grainger Co. to Caswell Jarnagin.



19 Apr 1852. Mary Ann VS Wm. H. Slover and other heirs at law.

16 Dec 1852. Mary Ann Jarnagin VS Wm. H. Slover and wife, John M. Jarnagin, Samuel H. Jorden, Gdn. of the minor heirs; as to all the nonresidents; answer of Jorden, Gdn. ad litem of James B., Albert M., Ellen, and Julius Jarnagin, and Martha Colville, minor heirs; Mary Ann is the widow of Spencer Jarnagin

who died intestate possessed of Lots Nos. 112 and 113 in Athens on which Dr. Jordan now lives, in which said widow is entitled to dower.

14 Apr 1853. Mary Ann Jarnagin VS John M. Jarnagin, Wm. H. Slover and wife Sarah J., James B., Ellen, Gus H., and Julius Jarnagin and Martha Colville by their Gdn. ad litem S.H. Jordan. Widow awarded lots as dower.



24 Apr 1876. Ed Jerkins died 1864 leaving widow Laura, now deceased, and children: Frances Gibson, Benjamin, James, Mary C., Lavena wife of S.C. Cannon, Nancy E. Shumaker, whose husband has long since abandoned her, Lewis B. and Louisa B., both minors.



6 Feb 1854. Ezekiel John app. Adm.

23 Feb 1854. Comm. John L. Bridges, Isaiah Smith, and James Wilson lay off year's support for widow Margaret and family.

3 Apr 1854. Invt. of sale by Adm.; "l half of a windmill to the widow

29 Feb 1856. Sett. by same Adm.



5 Oct 1840. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow.

2 Nov 1840. Comm. Tandy S. Rice, Justus and Henry Steed, sworn before J.H. Benton, J.P., set apart year's support for widow Rebecca and one child, Marcus.

no date. Invt., Sett., Add. Invt., and Sett. by Thomas John, Adm.

19 Feb 1855. Reports by Ezekiel John, Gdn. to Marcus B. John, minor heir.

7 Dec 1857. Wm. Suthard of Crawford Co., Mo., is regularly app. Gdn. of Marcus B. John.

22 Dec 1857. Final sett. by Ezekiel John, Gdn.; balance paid to Wm. Suthard, Gdn.



3 Mar 1834. Invt. filed by John W. Lide, Adm. app. By Dec Court 1833; among items listed are a gold watch in hands of C. Mitchell of Rhea Co., Tenn., who claims it in right of his daughter, and debts due by persons of State of Ga. where deceased formerly lived.

2 Jun 1834. Acct. of sale by same Adm.



6 May 1861. Listed as dec'd in Tax Delinquents for 1860.



5 Jun 1865. Martha A.E. Johnson app. Adminx.



2 Jul 1849. Court pays John J. Dixon for one walnut coffin for Polly Johnson, a pauper; Saml. Gentry and James C. Carlock paid for taking care of Polly Johnson and furnishing shroud for burial.



6 Dec 1825. Jacob Johnson app. Adm.

5 Sep 1831. Andrew Cowan released as Gdn. of minor children.

16 Mar 1850. Reuben Johnson died leaving widow Nancy who afterwards married Wm. McCray and moved to Mo. with children, all infants of tender years when father died: Ester A. wife of Preston Gobin, Martha J. wife of Thomas Austin, and Wm. Johnson, all of Grundy Co., Mo.



13 Apr l868. G.B. Johnson Adm. VS T.C. and Eldridge Odom. Obtained judgment Feb 1866.



7 Sep 1868. Robert Johnston app. Gdn. of Penelope Johnston, minor child.



7 Aug 1865. Mary E. Johnston app. Adminx.

17 Aug l865. Invt. by Mary I. Johnston, Adminx.

3 Sep 1866. E.F. Johnson app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

12 Apr l867. J.E. McElrath VS Isabella Johnson, Adminx.

9 Nov 1874. E.F. Johnston, Gdn. of Martha E., Nannie L., and Mary E. Johnston VS Martha E., Nannie L., and Mary E. Johnston. The defendants are all minors of McMinn Co. and are temporarily in school in Dalton, Ga., and will soon be in Bradley Co. , the home of their Gdn.



6 Sep 1827. Margare t Jones, Adminx. VS Wm. Jones.



3 Oct 1836. Elijah Jones app. Adm.



6 Dec 1841. Will proven by Wm. L . Miller, one of the witnesses.



4 May 1863. Wm. L. Rice, Gdn. VS Thos. B. McElwee and Thos. C. Jordan - Debt. Plaintiff suggests the death of defendant Thos. C. Jordan which was proven. Cause revived against Robert R. Davis, Adm. of Thos. C. Jordan.



7 Jun 1858. Sarah M. Jourdin app. Gdn. for Neil Alex Jourdin, minor.



3 Feb 1845. Wm. H. Wilson app. Adm.

7 May 1845; 448, 26 Apr 1847. Invt., Acct. of sales, and Sett. by Adm.



31 Aug 1822. Invt. by Wm. Karr, sworn to in court before Wm. H. Cook, appraised 27 Apr and 7 May 1822 by D.A. Cobb, Ezekiel Spriggs, and Henry Gill.

10 May 1823. Add. Invt. by Wm. Kerr, Adm. with Comm. Wm. H. Cook, David A. Cobb, and Saml. McConnell.

2 Dec 1823. Ordered that Caleb Starr be app. Gdn. of Elloner, Manerva, Wm., Jr., and Presha Kerr, minor heirs

2 Dec 1823. Caleb Starr Gdn., Wm. Gill and wife Lena, and Saml. McJunckin and wife Betsey, heirs and distributees, ordered to make appearance. Asa May and wife and Wm. Kerr and wife are large creditors.



Will exec. 29 Mar 1850; to wife; to sons Littleton and Wm. Exec: James Hix. Wit: B.E. and M.V. Blain.



5 Nov 1860. Peter Watenbarger, George Monroe, and Wellington Rothwell with County Surveyor app. Comm. to allot dower in lands to widow Margaret.



6 Jun 1831. Henry Bradford and Charles Carter of McMinn Co. make oath that they were acquainted with Alexander Keith who removed from Virginia and settled in Tenn. sometime in the year 1800 and afterwards removed to the Mississippi Country and from information died 1824 and they were and are-acquainted with the children of sd. Alexander Keith, to wit, Kitty Keith who intermarried with James Bradford, Charles F. Keith, Isham Keith, and Maria G. Keith who intermarried with Walker Nash these are the only living children and heirs.



Will exec. 10 Jun 1857; to sons Alexander H., Charles Marshall, Thomas L.; to the child not yet born of son Wm. F.; to daus. Catherine Douglass Keith, Sarah Mariah Brabson, Elizabeth D. Bell, Louisa Jane Rowland; dau. Louisa to make her home with son Thos. L. and dau. Catherine as long as she wishes; $100 to Episcopalians if they should erect a Church in Athens or in the vicinity. Execs: sons Alex. H. and Chas. M. Wit: Jas. B. Taylor, Frank S. Hale.

2 Oct 1865. Will proven.

16 Dec 1865. Tribute of respect to the memory of the late Hon. Chas. F. Keith by the members of the Bar. Judge Keith died 15 Sep last at the age of 83 years at his residence in McMinn Co.; native of Va.; came with his father to Jefferson Co., Tenn., at an early age; entered practice of law in 1805; elected to State Senate in 1815; elected Judge of Judicial Circuit in 1819 and kept that post until 1852 with single intermission of four years; voluntarily retired to "enjoy the evening of life in the bosom of an affectionate, highly cultivated, and interesting family".

3 Apr 1874. Sett. by Execs. named; receipt from legatee S. M. Brabson, now S. M. Clary.



4 Dec 1856. Chas. F. Keith relinquishes his right to adm. on estate; C. M. and W. F. Keith app. Adms.

14 Dec 1869. Brock VS Jack et al. P.H. Keith died intestate leaving as heirs his bros. and sisters: A.H., C.M., W.F., T.L., and Catherine D. Keith, Louisa J. Rowland widow, Elizabeth J. Bell widow, and S.M. wife of Peter Cleary.



WB F 55, Will exec. 1 Mar 1857, proven 6 Apr 1857; to sister Catharine; to nephew Charles Keith, a minor; to wife; to child "if one should be born after my death (my Forest Hill place); to bros. and sisters, leaving out broo Alexander who is to have release from obligations I hold against him for professional services. Exec: bro. Charles Marshall Keith. Wit: W.H. Briant, Frank S. Hall.

1 Apr 1859. Invt. and sale by Exec.

4 Dec 1869. Sett. by Exec.; original inventories and lists were destroyed and the copies made on records of the Court by the Clerk were so imperfect and confused that Exec. files corrected inventories, sales, and reports for last twelve years; widow is Mrs. Nettie J. Keith; minor is Nettie F. Keith; list of real estate and location; Exec. paid $110 to McKesson & Robins.

7 Mar 1870. M.A. Helm app. Gdn. of Jennette F. Keith.

17 Oct 1871. Wm. Fleming Keith died leaving wife Jeannette H. Keith now of Jasper Co., Ga. and dau. Nettie F., of same place, born 5 Aug 1857.



1 Jul 1867. Chas. Cate app. Adm.

21 Apr 1868. Chas. Cate, Adm. for the use of Delia Kelly VS Henderson and John Jack. Plaintiff amends original declaration by inserting names of minor children as plaintiffs by their next friend Delia Kelly.



7 Oct 1867. Wm. L. McKnight app. Gdn. of Samuel E. Kelly,



7 Mar 1826. Will proven by Henry Bradford and Stanwix Hord.



3 Oct 1836. Henry Sliger app. Adm.

Nov 1836. Invt. by Adm.

3 Apr 1837. Henry Sliger discharged as Adm.

filed 11 Jul 1860. Children of James Kennedy are as follows: Nancy wife of Wm. S. Wyrick of Roane Co.; David W.; Moses, dec'd with heirs unknown; John, dec'd; James L., dec'd; George W dec'd; and Thomas, dec'd. Son David W. is of Mo. if alive, having left McMinn Co. about 1850 and has not been heard from since. His wife is Miriam and his children are John, Nancy wife of Daniel Riddle, Mary Ann, Betsy J. and George, the last three being minors. The children of son John, dec'd, are Mary Kennedy Bakeman of Overton Co., Syrena of Overton Co., and Moses. The children of son James L., dec'd, are Rachel wife of Adam Helm of IlL, Martin of Ill., Pleasant F. of Overton Co., and Frances Jane, Nancy, and Franklin P., all minors of IIL. The children of son George W., dec'd, are James and Anne of Ala. and others. The children of son Thomas, dec' d, are James B. and Louiza J. wife of Andrew J. Kiker.



2 May 1859. Comm. (below) app.

10 Jun 1859. Comm. R.C. Jackson, S.K. Reeder, and Robt. N. McEwen lay off year's support to widow and family.

23 Jul 1859. Invt. of sale by J.M. Henderson, Adm.; list of articles exempt in hands of Mrs. M.A. Keys.

28 Sep 1859. Heirs of Alexander D. Keys are as follows: M.A. Keyes, widow; John, William, David L., Benjamin, James, Rebecca wife of John Smith, Mary M. wife of C.J. Moore, and Eliza Keyes Todd dec'd (whose children are Margaret Jane wife of Wm. H. White, Rebecca K., James A., Thomas B., Mary A., and Sarah E. Todd, all nonresidents and last two are minors.)



28 Aug 1872. Katherine Kibble died in Spring of 1870 leaving children: Elias who was in Confederate Army; William; James; George who is helpless; Lidia age 40 who is helpless; and Ruth Kibble Cannon.



3 Sep 1866. Mrs. Anne M. Kilgore app. Adminx.

1 Oct 1866. Invt. by Adminx.

15 Sep 1874. Sett. by Adminx.



6 Nov 1837. James F Bradford and Abrahm Slover app. Adms.

Feb Court 1838. Invt. by Adms.; notes include those of Julia and Jamima Kinder.

27 Sep 1839. Sett. by Adms.



Will exec. 21 Jan 1853; all property and real estate to be sold and one-half of money therefrom to Stephen K. Reeder of Athens and one-half to buy farm for niece Mary wife of Wm. Collins, dau. of sister Malvina Ady, and her children. Exec: Stephen K. Reeder. Wit: James W. Bridges, Thos. J. Campbell.

Signed by mark.

filed 7 Jul 1859. Rachel Kinder, unmarried, died Jun 1856.


KING, JANE (Colored)

6 Apr 1868. Noncupative Will ordered to be recorded. Robert King (col.) and Mary Prather (col .) state at the Will was made on 19 or 20 Mar 1868· "she took Mr. C.L. King by the hand and told him that she wanted" the money divided between her three children, Isabella, Harriet, and Sam. Wit. to signatures:

JoM. King, W.S. Stephenson



3 Dec 1833. Simpson Deadrick & Co. Vs. James King, Adm.



Simpson Deadrick & Co. VS James King, Adm.

May 1869. Report of sale received by Court.

27 Sep 1870. Sett. by J.P. Denton, Adm.

27 Jan 1872. Sett. by same Adm.; payments of various amounts to Judith Kinser, Nancy Bilderback, R.C. and Thos. Rockholt, Eliza Garrett, J.H. Kinser, J.H. Rockholt, and J.L. Kinser.



Will exec. 29 May 1837; to wife Peggy; to son John; to four daus. Ernaline, Caroline, Anamelia, and Mary Alexander Hook; already given to dau. Harriet. Execs: wife Peggy, James C. and Francis S . Patton. Wit: Abel Pearson, Benjamin L. Clark, and Stephen Hicks. Signed John Kirkpartrick.

CR4 399, 5 Nov 1838. Will proven.



Will exec. 24 Dec 1856, proven Jul 1857; to wife Catherine;  to children James, Harrison, Nancy Susan, and Rebecca Ann Kitchen "here with me"; to the rest of children who are absent. Wit: Wm. G. West, R.D. Gaddy. Signed by mark.

4 Aug 1857. Invt. by S.M. Boggess, Adm., with Will annexed

filed 11 Jul 1860. The children of John Kitchen, dec'd, are James of Knox Co.; Baxter, dec'd; Susan wife of Frank M. West; Rebecca, dec’d wife of James Johnson; Harrison, a minor; and perhaps others.



3 Jan 1870. Wm. Fleming to be paid by Court for keeping one of the children of Sarah Knave, dec'd; Josiah Greenwood to be paid for same; ordered that the property be divided between the two children whose names are John and Frank.



12 Aug 1867. J.M., C.C., and Wm. Knox and James Parks, Execs. VS Wm. Lemmons et al. Judgment obtained 14 Apr 1860.



2 Mar 1863. Jas. W. Plank app. Adm.; John Whitesides app. Gdn. to minor heirs Richard, Gilmore, Tennessee, Laura, and Samuel Knox, all of McMinn Co.

4 Sep 1865. S. M. Thomas, John Massey, with E.L. Miller, County Surveyor, app. to lay off dower to Martha Ball, formerly Martha Knox, widow of Jerry Knox, dec'd.

2 May 1876. Jeremiah Knox died 1861 leaving widow Martha now of Murray Co., Ga., (second husband Hardin Ball has long since deserted her) and children: Richard A., oldest child, residence unknown; George W.G., not yet 22; Margaret T. Burrell, a minor whose husband has deserted her ; Laura J. and John S., minors of Murray Co., Ga.



3 Apr 1843. Court pays for coffin.



2 Dec 1861 and 7 May 1866. Wm. L. Lafferty app., Gdn. of his own minor daughter, Mary B.



5 Oct 1868. Mary B. Boyd app. Gdn. of Mary B. Lafferty minor heir.



1 Oct 1855. James Lamar and Allen Butler app. Adms.

no date. Sale by Adms.

filed 17 Jan 1856. Zach. Lamar died about 1855 leaving widow Elva and children: Frances; Nancy; Amon and Mary, minors; Hannah Small, dec'd, whose dau. Eliza A.F. Small is a minor of Meigs Co.; Mahala Snider, dec'd, whose son James Thomas Snider is a minor of Rhea Co.; and James Lamar.



3 Apr 1837. James Thomas app. Adm.

30 Mar l840. Sett. by Adm.; "Receipt on Beeson & Nancy Fields for $112.34 Receipt on James Thomas also an heir for $112.34.



7 May 1866. R. S. Lane app. Adm.

1 Oct 1866. J. H. Magill, C. Shell, and James Wilson app. Comm. to lay off year’s support widow Arminda.

Feb 1868. Mathew S. Bryant app. Gdn. of Russel and Granvel Lane, minor heirs.

28 Sep 1868. Sett. by Adm.; payments to M.S. and S.F. S Briant, Arminia Lane, and J.M. Lane.

Neil, Polly Hurst, Jemima Gibson, and Oliver Shults; to sons Russell, Tidence C., and John F.; to grandchildren: Coleman, John, and Semantha McReynolds, and Sarah Gaut, all heirs of daughter Seleta McReynolds. Wit: David W. Ballew, Wm. L. Rice. Signed by mark.

l Feb 1852. Invt. by Russell Lane, Adm. with Will annexed; "note on Oliver Shults dec’d.

2 Feb 1852. Will proven by Wm. L. Rice; handwriting of witness David W. Ballew, who has removed from Tenn. to Texas, is proven.

12 Aug 1852. · Exparte. Russell and Tidence C. Lane, Mary Hurst, Sarah and John Neil, Humphrey Shults, George and John Gibson, Logan McReynolds Adm. of Coleman C. McReynolds dec'd, Elizabeth Hill, John C. and Sarah Ann Gaut, Semantha M. and John McReynolds, David and Sarah Neil, James McGonigal and wife on behalf of themselves and all the heirs of Elivia Shults dec'd. Isaac Lane made Will and thereafter died. Since the making of said Will, the said C.C. McReynolds has died intestate

and said Olivia Shults has also died intestate leaving the said Humphrey Shults and others her children.

6 Feb 1854. Add. Invt.; the only buyers are Mary, Lewis R., and John Lo Hurst.

30 Sep 1854. Sett.; paid to heir George and Jemima Gibson; payments to other heirs named.

12 Apr 1859. Sett. by same Adm.; "Left on hand at death of Sarah Lane dec'd.



6 Sep 1826. Wm. B. Mullins app. Adm.

3 Jun 1834. Came into Court Elizabeth Lane widow of Nathaniel G. Lane late a soldier in the Army of the United States and signified her assent to the app. of Wm. B. Mullins as Adm.



13 Jul 1855. Comm. J.H. Ragain, James Wilson, and Daniel Lowry set aside year’s support for widow Elizabeth and family.

1 Oct 1855. Invt. by R~S. Lane, Adm.

3 Jul 1857. Invt. and sett.; "Wm. C. Lee Receipt Duck Town"; John F. Lane minor heir, ' share of personal estate.

29 Oct 1858. Sett.

29 Oct 1860. Sett. by R.S. Lane Gdn. of John Lane a minor.

filed 24 Oct 1878. Rider VS Rider. Tidence C. Lane died 1855 leaving widow Elizabeth who died about 29 Oct 1877 and children: Dr. Russells. Lane, unmarried; John F. Lane, born 6 Mar 1842 and died 4 Oct 1866, unmarried; Sarah Ann, dec'd before her father, wife of James w. Shelton; and Sidney Ann, dec'd before her father, wife of Francis M. Rowan. The children of Sarah Ann, dec'd, are John who died before 1866, unmarried, and William supposed to live in Coffee Co. The child of Sidney Ann is Mary J. Rowan, born 26 Sep 1849, and married 21 Dec 1871 to Robert R. Rider. The Sheriff of Coffee Co. reports that Wm. Shelton, a young doctor, is in Texas, probably Dallas Co.



3 Oct 1848. Wm. Langforth app. Adm.



3 Jul 1848. Court pays for pauper's coffin.



6 Jan 1845. Court pays for coffin.



Sale held 26 Mar 1858 by Jonathan and Wm. Lasater, Adms.

3 Mar 1858. Comm. Robert Cochran, George Reynolds, and Wm. L. Dodson set apart year's provisions for widow Elizabeth and family.

5 Dec 1859. Sett. by Wm. Lassater, Adm.

2 Mar 1861. Final sett. by James R. Lasater, Gdn., his ward having arrived at full age; receipt in full from Wm. H. Lasater, ward.

filed 11 Jun 1858. Wiley Lasater died 17 Feb 1858 leaving widow Elizabeth and children : Mary, wife of Daniel Robinson of Bradley Co.; Elizabeth, wife of John Smith; Nancy Ann, wife of Wm. McLinn of Collins Co., Texas; Sarah, wife of Justus Campbell Steed of Bradley Co.; Johnathan of Ga.; William; James H. last heard from in Ore. Son Johnathan dies during lawsuit by Feb 1860, leaving widow Mary Ann and children: Margaret J., wife of Henry McKann, and minors James and W.H. Lasater. By Feb 1860 the death of Daniel Robinson is admitted and widow Mary marries Bennett Cooper.



Will exec. 6 Mar 1823; to sons paniel and John; to dau. Rachael Hoyles. Execs: son-in-law John Hoyles, grandson Samuel Lattimore, Jr. Wit: T.B. Wells, T.L. Hoyles. Signed by mark.

no date. Acct. of sale.



Will exec. 7 Jun 1833; to wife Soosanny; to children Samuel, Daniel, John, Thomas, Joseph, Rachel, Soos Caroline, and Frances Latimore, Caty Thompson, Sary Firestone, and Jemimy Thompson; to the present living heirs of Sary Firestone and Jemima Thompson Execs: Samuel Latimore, Wm. Maples, and Joseph Roper. Wit: David Hoyl, John Cobbs, John Ellis. Signed John Latimore.

3 Sep 1833.Will proven.

3 Dec 1833. Invt. sworn to by Wm. Maples and Jos. Roper.

8 Mar 1836. Susan Latimore app. Gdn. to Thomas, Rachel, Caroline, and Jospeh Latimore, minor heirs.

21 Aug 1839. Report by Gdn. and Settlements by Execs.

29 Apr 1839. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt of Thomas Lattimore and Rachel Queener for one slave . each, leaving three slaves in hands of Gdn. for other heirs. •

29 Apr 1842. Sett. by Gdn.

29 Apr 1844. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt 26 Jun 1844 from Caroline Lattimore for her share of estate.

Acct. of sale held 5 Oct 1852 by Thos. and Joseph Lattimore, Agents of the heirs; six of the heirs, namely, Thos., Joseph, Daniel W., and John Lattimore, Joseph Cobbs, and G.W. Queener give their share of an old mare to Sarah Firestone, who has bought it at sale for $25.



7 Dec 1824. James Cowan app. Gdn. of Robert, Josephus, and Almira Lauderdale, minor heirs of Lauderdale, dec'd.



Will exec. 20 Feb 1858, proven May 1861; to wife Mary Ann until youngest child comes of age. Exec: John Atkinson. Wit: A. Barb, Tyra Lawson.

Invt. sold 30 May 1861.

8 Sep 1870. Hugh Lawson died leaving widow Mary Ann who died in Meigs Co. and children: Elias, David, and Wm. of Hamilton Co.; John of Meigs Co.; Mary Ann wife of David or John Powers; Hugh, a minor; Tennessee a minor of Meigs Co. who by 1876 has married Griffin Keith of Hamilton Co.; Cainetta

wife of John Gennoe of Bledsoe; Nathan a nonresident; Louisa, dec'd, who married first James Snider and second John Howard of Bledsoe Co.·, and Sarah, dec'd, unmarried. The children of Louisa, dee' d, are William Gilbert Snider a minor and __ Howard a minor' both of Bledsoe Co.



Will, not dated; to wife Mary; to two youngest sons Pleasant C. and Alexander A.; to sons Nelson, Housen H. who lives in Bradley Co., and Wm. M.; to daughters; to five youngest daughters. Wit: James W. Long and David Cantrell.

2 Nov 1841. Will proven.

6 Dec 1841. Invt. by Nelson and Mary Lawson, Execs.



5 Dec 1834. Invt. by Nelson Lawson, Adm .

2 Dec 1834. James Maddy VS Peter Lawson; Isom Lawson states that sometime before 17 Sep. last Robert Stubblefield brought Peter Lawson to his house sick and with him brought a chest and after Peter died he got a key and opened chest, found $244 in cash and a note on Nelson Lawson executed to George




7 Aug 1848. Mary Ann Lee app. Gdn. to Mary Jane and John Lee minor orphans.



18 Aug 1848. Comm. John W. Barnett, Samuel Wilson, and Joseph Browder set apart year's support for widow Susan and family.

4 Sep 1848. Invt. by Adm.; "note on P.W. Lane in Arkansas for collection".

4 Dec 1848. Acct. of sale; buyers include Susan, Wm., Pet, Calvin, Zelpha, and John S. Lee.

31 May 1850. Sett.; paid Calvin Lee, one of heirs

4 Sep 1850. Sett. by Susannah Lee, Gdn. to James C. Lee, one of children and heirs .

7 Sep 1850. Heirs’ division of property by mutual consent: widow Susannah, Zilpha Lee, James C. Lee, Susan Lee wife of P.N. Lee, Elizabeth Lee now Elizabeth Reynolds wife of H.C. Reynolds, Edward, Wm., and Calvin Lee; Calvin's land is in Monroe Co.; proven 5 Nov 1850 by witnesses Martin M. Hicks and Griffin Lee.

21 Feb 1852. Sett. by same Gdn.



4 Sep 1834. Invt. by Saml. Legg, Adm.

l Dec 1834. Jesse H. Benton, Robert Renfro, and Larkin Taylor app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.



6 Dec 1824. Mortgage deed from Joseph Williams to William B. Lewis, Atty. in fact for heirs.



7 Jun 1842. Alexander D. Keys and Oscar H. Lide app. Adms.

5 Sep 1842. Invt. of sale by Adms.; "Cash due for salary of intestate as President of Bank for three months & ten days ending 10th April 1842 - $llloll"; Comm. John Miller, James S. Bridges, and John McGaughy set aside year's provisions for widow Mary, 4 Jul 1842; Robert Frazier, J.P.

filed 22 Feb 1850. Mary E.P. Lide is widow of Dr. John W. Lide, dec'd, and mother of John W. Lide, age 23, and Samuel W. Lide, aged about 21. She is sister to Ann Virginia Netherland, widow of Dr. James W. Netherland.



7 Jun 1849. Comm. J. Jack, J.F. Benton, and John White set apart year’s support for widow Susannah.



7 Mar 1842. Moses Long chosen Gdn. by Elizabeth, Peggy, and John Long, over 14, and app. Gdn. for Wm. T., Jacob B., and Mary Long, under 14, minor orphans.

Apr 1842. Report by same, Gdn. to minor heirs who are Elizabeth, John, William, Jacob, and Mary Long, and Peggy Long or Ware; widow Nancy Long.

31 Jan 1846. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt in full from Elizabeth and Pleasant M. Long; Jesse A. Ware sued and has been paid his part in full; expenses for four minors.

31 Jan 1848. Sett. by Gdn.

31 Jan 1849. Sett. by Gdn.; paid John S. Long.

l Feb 1850 and 90, 2 Apr 1850. Reports by same Gdn.; Nancy Long, Gdn. (appointed) is paid balance in acct.

6 Aug 1851; 221, 25 Jan 1851 Sett. by Nancy Long, Gdn.



7 Will exec. 25 Mar 1835; to wife Elizabeth; to children: Moses, James, John, George, Maples, Isaac, Ruth Long, Nancy Longley, and Elizabeth Morton. Execs: sons Moses and James. Wit: Jackson Smith, James D. Seweli, William Crayn, and Thomas Atchley.

5 Feb 1849. Will proven.

2 Apr 1849; 235, 20 Mar 1852. Invt. and sales, and Sett.; paid heirs Isaac, John, Moses, and James Long, D. and Rutha Gorman, James and Nancy Longley, Joseph and E. Morton, and P.M. Long for M. Long.

filed 8 Feb 1850. George Long, Sr., died 17 Jan 1849 leaving widow Elizabeth and children: Moses; John and Isaac of Hamilton Co. and later of Walker Co., Ga.; James; Nancy wife of James Longley of Hamilton Co.; Maples of Sevier Co.; Elizabeth wife of Joseph Morton; Ruth wife of David H. Gorman of Cocke Co.; and George, dec'd, who died 1839-1840, leaving widow Nancy and children: William, Jacob, Mary, Elizabeth wife of Pleasant Long of Walker Co., Ga., Margaret wife of Jesse Wear, and John S. Long.



filed 11 Nov 1870. Mahala Jane Long died leaving husband John A. Long and children: Nancy Harriett wife of J.M. Kelly; James Robert Dudley; and minors John Barton, Rufus Albert Spencer, William Carroll Clinton, Mattie Oury, M.N., and Oscar Sissen Long.



2 Feb 1852. Isaac Low of Bradley, Co., and Wm. R. Long of Dalton, Ga., app. Adms.

1 Mar 1852. Invt. and sale.

Apr 1852. Petition to sell land: Isaac Lowe and Wm. R. Long, Adms., Elizabeth H. Lowe, Thomas and Lucy Caldwell, Joseph Long, Luke Lea Long by next friend Hannah Long, all heirs, and Hannah Long, widow; Samuel Long died about 24 Jan 1852.



5 Apr 1852. Court pays for coffin for pauper.

5 Jul 1852. Jury of inquest over body, burned to death.



6 Oct 1851. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



6 Apr 1846. County paid Coroner for holding inquest over body.



Will exec. 12 Aug 1834, probated 2 Dec 1834; to wife Margaret; to daus. Elizabeth Sutton, Lucy R. Reevely, Sally G. Baker; to George A. and Margaret Martin, the children of dau. Martha Martin, dec'd; to Hugh M. (W), Mary Jane, Thomas L., and Matthew D. Walker, children of dau. Polly Ann Walker, dec'd, as they come of age; to son Thos. B.; to John P. Love, son of Thomas; family Bible in six volumes and large Bible containing family records; Joseph Baker husband of dau. Sally G. Baker. Exec: Thomas B. Love, Esq.

"County Court March Session 1853 - Pursuant to the last Will and Testament of John Love dec'd it is ordered by the Court that the following orders receipts and Post Masters Certificates be made a matter of record in the Will Book of McMinn County (to Wit)'': Order dated 22 Jan 1851 from Wm. T. Walker,

Bowdark Post Office, Green County, Mo., to Thos. B. Love of McMinn Co., Tenn., directing that he send by mail 12.50 coined gold, the amount of a legacy left by signer's grandfather JohnLove; Certificate of J. McGaughy, P.M. that the gold was deposited in the post office; identical orders from Matthew W. Walker and from Wm. D. Renshaw and Mary Jane Renshaw formerly Mary Jane Walker; receipt of Hugh M. Walker dated 26 Feb 1843 for 12.50, legacy from his grandfather John Love; receipt of Lucy R. and

Francis Reevely dated 6 Jul 1841 for $50, her legacy from her father John Love; receipt of Elizabeth and James Suton dated 16 Jul 1841 for $50t her legacy from her father; receipt of George

A. Martin dated 9 Feb 1838 for $15, his legacy from his grandfather John Love, dec'd, which will be due four years after the death of grandmother Margaret Love, witness Hugh Reevely; receipt of Margaret R. Martin dated 27 Apr 1839 for $35, her legacy from her grandfather John Love which Thos. B. Love was to pay her four years after her grandmother Margaret Love's decease; receipt of Sally G. and Joseph Baker for $50 legacy from her father John Love.

2 Dec 1834. Will proven by Wm. M. Biggs, Robt. W. McCleary, and Thos. Gilbreath who identify handwriting as that of John Love; Will was found among valuable papers of deceased with his name subscribed thereto. 



7 Nov 1836 . Robartus Love app. Adm.

5 Dec 1836. George Reynolds, Alexander Stephenson, and Wm. Brown app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.

Feb 1837. Invt . of sale by Adm.; buyers include Nancy, Jeremiah, Robartus, John, and Dungens Love.



7 Apr 1856. F.M. Lusk paid for furnishing coffin; Jury of inquest finds that deceased died 11 Feb 1856 by the visitation of God.



3 Oct 1870. J. D. Low app. Adm. and Comm. app. to lay off dower for widow.

7 Nov 1870. Plat of the land assigned to widow Mary E.

6 Mar 1871. James M. Browder qualified as Gdn. of minor heirs except John and Julia by last marriage; Mary C. Lowe app. Gdn. of John W. and Julia R. Lowe, her own minor heirs.

11 Nov 1873. Final sett. by Adm.



1 Apr 1867. Comm. app . to lay off dower to Amanda Lower.

15 Jun 1867. Amanda Lower widow VS S. Houston Jack.



19 May 1864. Invt. and sale by John D. Lowry and A. A. Newman, Adms.

7 Nov 1864. Susan Lowry widow of Daniel Lowry, dec'd VS John D. Lowry and Alexander A. Newman, Adms., Margaret A. Newman, David N. Varnell, Jacob H. and Frances E. Fisher, James R. Lowry,

Francis M. Fisher and Virginia M. Pennington, Martha N. Lowry, Daniel C. Lowry, John N. and Nancy J. Delzell it appearing that Daniel Lowry died on l Mar 1864 application of widow for dower; defendants are heirs.

7 May 1866; 177, 30 May 1866. Settlements.

1 Jan 1866. Daniel Lawry's children are as given above. Margaret A. is wife of A.A. Newman of Bradley Co.; Virginia M. is wife of Francis M. Pennington and Frances Elizabeth is wife of Jacob H. Fisher; Nancy J. is wife of John N. Delzell of Richland Co., Ill,; the children of Mary S. Lowry Varnell, dec'd, are Susan F. born about 1852, James born about 1855, and Wm. Varnell born about 1864.



Will exec. 6 Jan 1863; to sister Amanda Hall; to nephew Alonzo P. Hall when he reaches 21; to bro.-in-law O.P. Hall; their kind attention in all my sickness and troublesome affairs in life; lawsuit pending in Supreme Court at Knoxville, Tenn. Exec: bro.-in-law O.P. Hall. Wit: Geo. W. Bridges, P.M. George.



Will exec. 3 Oct 1840; to wife Jane until youngest child comes of age; to children James H., Thomas J., Daniel A., John W., William D.., David H., Samuel N., Isaac A., Mary J., Nancy A., Elizabeth M., Fanny L., Martha M., and Eleanor M. Execs: James Lowry, Jr., and James Forest. Wit: A. Barb and Thomas J. Lowry.

6 Sep 1841. Will proven.

dating from 30 Oct 1841 to 1 Jul 1851. Invt. of sale and sett. by Execs. and sett. by Mrs. Jane Lowry, Gdn.

1 Jul 1852. Sett. by Gdn.; received from Execs. of estate of James Lowry, Sr., dec'd.

1 Jul 1853. Sett. by Gdn.



6 Apr 1863. Wm. L. Rice, Alex. and Robt. M. Maxwell app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

4 May 1863; 225, 6 May 1863; 245, 9 Aug 1864. T.J. Lowry, Adm. VS Manerva J. Lowry, widow, and Isaac R. and Wallace L. Lowry, minor heirs. Petition to sell land. Isaac A. Lowry died intestate in McMinn Co., 20 Mar 1863, leaving the widow and the two minors his only children.



Will exec. 5 Mar 1845; to wife Nancy; to children: James, Jr.; John D.; Daniel; the heirs of Isaac, dec'd; the heirs of Polly McSpadden, dec'd; Elizabeth Barr; Fanny McGill; Jane Rebecca Cuningham, "making eight in, all". Execs: sons Daniel, James, Jr., and John D. Lowry and friend Wm. Forrest. Wit: Tho. J. Campbell, Wm. Lowry, A.O. Keys.

Invt. and sale held 23 Nov 1849, filed by Execs.

31 Dec 1851. Sett.; paid $630 each to heirs R. McGill and wife, S.A. Barr and wife, Daniel Lowry, John Cuningham and wife; paid $105 each to heirs Mathew B., J.T., J.W., J.A., T.A., and S.E. Mcspadden; paid $45 each to heirs J. Low and wife, Wm. D., D.H., T.J., D.A., Nancy Ann, Jas. H., John W., and S.A. Lowry; paid $225 to Jane Lowry, Gdn. of minor heirs,

Invt. sold 21 Nov 1851 after the death of widow Nancy.

31 Aug 1853. Final sett. by Wm. F. Forrest and James Lowry, two of Execs.; receipts for $393 each from Daniel Lowry, Robert Magill, A. Barr, and J. Cunningham; receipts for $123 each from J.D, and James Lowry; receipts for $65.50 each from M.B., J.A., S.E., J.T., J.W., and Thos. A. McSpadden; receipt for

$90.69 from Jane Lowry, Gdn.; receipt for $30.23 each from J.H., D. A., F. L., Wm. D., D. H., E. M., N. A., J. W., and T. J Lowry and Joshua Lowe.



Will exec. 15 Oct 1825; to wife Susanna; to dau. Sarah Lowry; to son-in-law Jacob Davis; to balance of children. Wit: Hardy S. Morris, Chapman Stewart, and John Newton.

6 Dec 1825. Will proven.



2 Mar 1863. R.A. Lowry app. Adm.

23 May 1871. Sett. by Adm.; book in which sale was recorded was destroyed during the war; nine payments of $24.77 each to James H., John M., and R.A. Lowry, Eliza P. and John M.

Nealy, Mary Mince, Eliza Keys, Drucilla Campbell, Martha Wasson, and Isabella Marreset.



Will exec. 16 Jan 1865; to two sisters Elizabeth M. and Fanny L. Lowry "who have waited on me so kindly in my affliction". Exec: James Lowry, Sr. Wit: Nancy Stalcup, N. Magill, John D. Lowry, Sr.

6 Feb 1865. Will proven.

30 Jun 1866. Sett. by Exec.



Invt. filed 25 Sep 1840 by Richmond Gaddy, Adm.

5 Oct 1840. Richmond Gaddy app. Adm.



29 Aug 1869. James C. Lowry and J.M. Jackson app. Adms. and James Forest, W.L. Burn, and A. Maxwell app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Clarecy and family.

7 Oct 1871. Sett. by Adms.; receipts from David H., J.C., and Mrs. Clarissa Lowry for various amounts.


15 Sep 1857. Sett. by R.A. McAdoo, Gdn. for minor heirs, funds having come to his hands from D.L. Campbell and J. Knox, former Gdns.

15 Sep 1858. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Elizabeth P., Mary, and Nancy McAdoo.

15 Sep 1859. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Mary, Prudence, and Nancy McAdoo; receipt from Prudence for her share in full.

15 Sep 1860; 424, 29 Nov 1861. Sett. and final sett. by Gdn.; receipt from wards for balance.



3 Oct 1864. Elias Walker app. Adm.

4 Nov 1864. Invt. by Adm.; includes "One Stove in Telegraph Office" and "White & Winter Frost borrowed money 400.00"; list 5 May 1863.

no date. Comm. s.w. Royston, R.A. Love, and J.F. Browder set apart year ' ·s support for widow Nancy and family.

28 Jun 1866. Sett.

2 Apr 1866. E. Walker, Adm., Nancy W., Taylor, John, and Alex. McAffrey VS Wm. M. Sehorn et al.



Dec 1848. Copy of report filed in Anderson Co., Tenn., by J.L. McSpadden, Gdn . , certified by John Key, Clerk of Anderson Co.

dating from 1 Sep 1850 to 12 Mar 1857. Settlements by James W. McSpadden Gdn. to Ann E. and

David McAmis, minor heirs; paid for their tuition.

2 Jan 1861. Final sett. by Gdn.; allowed Gdn. for making trip from Cass Co., Mo., to Miss. and disposing of a family of negroes; paid for tuition for Miss Ann McCamish; receipt of A.E. McAmis for one-half of funds.



6 Jan 1857. J.S. Russell app. Adm.

16 Jan 1857. Invt.

12 Sep 1859. Pro rata sett.


Will exec. 31 Aug 1850, proven estate after payment of debts and wife's dower to the children of son T.H., to dau. Alice H., and to son John H.; $1 each to dau. Rebecca J.E. Rowles and to Emma C. and Susan Aldehoff. Execs : wife Mary and T.H. McCallie. Wit : Wm. Park Lea, John


Oct 1850. Will proven.

no date; 279, no date; 400, 1 Jan 1855; 413, 19 Feb 1855. Invt., Acct. of sale, and report by A. Swafford, Gdn. to minor heirs.

4 Oct 1852. Mary Dixon formerly Mary McCauly petitions for dower in land, stating that she is widow of Wm. T. McCauley who died leaving the following living children: Rebecca Jane now Rebecca Rowles, Henry Theodore, Alice Helen, and John H., the two last being minors and children of Mary, the petitioner. Mary and the said Henry Theodore were app. Execs.

filed 19 Aug 1853 and filed 19 Feb 1851 Wm. T. McCallie died 2 Sep 1850 leaving widow Mary who has since married John Dixon, and children as above. The children of son Theodore H. are Wm. P., Henry A., James J., and Mary E., all minors.

21 Oct 1855. Comm. Wm. L. McKamy, A.P. McClatchey, and A. Swafford set apart year's provisions for Mary Dixon, former widow, and her family.

7 Apr 1855. Sett. by Henry T. Mccallie and Mary Dixon, Execs.; Firm of McCallie & Scarbrough dating from 3 Sep 1855 to 3 Sep 1861. Settlements by A. Swafford, Gdn.; by H.W. Van Aldehoff, Gdn. successor to A. Swafford.

no date. Sett. by James Gettys, Gdn. app. May 1866. 6 Sep 1858. A. Swafford resigns as Gdn. and H.W.V. Aldehoff of Bradley Co. is app.

5 Jan 1863. Or~ered by the Court that H. Van D. Aldehoff Gdn. of John McCaulie pay to Dr. Wm. J. Johnson $30 and to Dr. J.B. Smith $34 for the amputation of John McCaulie's arm.



Will exec. l Mar 1870, probated Sep 1870; to heirs Joseph M., Alley /female/, James F., Margarett E., and Nancy Tennessee McCallum and to wife Sarah McCallum; Alley to have $50 more than other heirs; wife Sarah to have all furniture she brought here when we were married and heirs Joseph and Alley to have furniture I had in my possession at time of our marriage; all furniture by us since be equally divided among all heirs. Exec: Chrisley Foster. Attest: John Buttram, Asbery Mains.

15 Aug 1874. Sett. by Exec.; receipts from Sarah and Joseph McCullum, Sarah McCullum Gdn., and Moses and Ally Pearce.



WB E 275-276, Will exec. 4 Feb 1852; to sisters Hannah McCann and Margaret Roberts; to nephew Christopher T. Roberts; land warrant to be sold. Exec: nephew Edmund Robertson Wit: Edmund, E.W., and Elizabeth C. Roberts. Signed by mark

21 Feb 1853; 337, 7 Oct 1853. Invt. and final sett.

Loose paper in WB E: Letters Testamentary to Edmund Roberts issued 4 Oct 1852 empowering him to enter upon Execution of the Will.



Will exec. 17 May 1859. Proven Oct. 1860; “being advanced in age"; to wife Mary, farm on Hiwassee River; other lands to be sold at end of 10 years and money divided equally among the children, with the heirs of deceased dau. Martha Evaline Smith to have her share; younger children to be educated; if unmarried children should marry, they may live on lands until the end of the 10 years the same as Johnson Smith Collins and my son John T. McCarty are now doing. Execs: wife Mary and nephew Timothy H. McCarty. Wit: S.D. Stout, J.H. Effert.

23 Oct 1860 and 26 Apr 1861. Invt. and Add. Invt, filed Apr 1867. John L. McCarty died leaving widow Mary, now of great age, and children: Mary I., widow of ___ Johnson, who marries Samuel Workman in 1867; Elizabeth J. wife of J.B. Collins; Wm. T.; Joseph B.; John T.; Martha E. Smith, dec'd, (whose children are John S., Wm. G., and Mary J. Smith); and James McCarty, dec'd without issue, whose widow is Betty.



filed 27 Dec 1865. John Wallin VS Harrison Dill, et al. Timothy and Mary H. McCarty were Execs. of Will of John L. McCarty. Timothy is now dead.



5 Jul 1841. Fisher, Rider & Co. paid for making coffin for Wm. McCarty who died poor. John M. Gibbs, Inn keeper, paid for taking care of deceased while sick. Chairman of Court ordered to dispose of property of Wm. McCarty, it appearing that he has no relatives, unless application be made for same.



2 Mar 1863. R.M. and A.P. McClatchey app. Adms.

5 Dec 1864. Comm. set apart dower for widow Jane R.

29 Sep 1865. Sale held 28 Mar 1863; records of original Invt. and sale returned to Clerk's office were destroyed in 1864.

18 Nov 1865. Sett.

filed 18 Nov 1865. Adolphus P. McClatchey died intestate in McMinn Co~, 3 Feb 1863, leaving widow Jane R. and heirs: Martha E. wife of James R. Lowry; Ellen Ro; Minerva Jo; James S.; Samuel H.; Wm. T.M.; Wiley M.; (last four are nonresidents) and Allen B. Mcclatchey, a minor. The Adms. are Robert M. and Adolphus P. McClatchey.



5 Oct 1840. Commissioners (below) app.

29 Oct 1840. Comm. John Matlock, Wm. McKamy, and Wm. T. McCallie set apart year's support for widow Elizabeth.

no date. Invt.; includes note on Ezekiel Herrien, NorthCarolina; buyers include A.P., W.J., and Elizabeth McClatchey.

31 Aug 1843. Sett.; one item is a subscription to Holston College, $2.00.

1 Jul 1844. Sett.



3 Sep 1827. John Love app. Gdn. for Peggy Ann McClure.

3 Mar 1828. Gdn. reports receipt of ward's distributive share of her father's estate.

dating from 3 Mar 1828 to 3 Mar 1834. Reports by same Gdn.

dating from 2 Mar 1835 to 15 Dec 1839. Reports by Thomas B. Love, Gdn.

15 Dec 1840. Thomas B. Love, Gdn. to Peggy Ann Taylor, formerly McClure, produced to court a receipt from E.L. (S.) Taylor, stating that he had received from Gdn. the full amt. due his wife Peggy Ann.



2 Mar 1829. Daniel and Susannah McCoy app. Adms.

no date. Invt.

5 Aug 1839. Final sett. by Susannah McCoy, Adminx.; amount paid to the widow for raising the children for many years.



6 Dec 1825. John and Daniel McCoy app. Adms.

3 Mar 1829. Daniel McCoy, surviving Adm., allowed 12 months to settle.



filed 3 May 1870. Elizabeth McCray the widow of Robert McCrary who died 1869 intestate. Land was bought with money coming to Elizabeth from her brother's estate.



CR13 50, 13 Dec 1860. Phillip Rowland and wife VS David McKrosky and others. Petition to sell land. Judgment pro confesson against James S. and John A. McKrosky, nonresidents; p. 55 amended

petition to include Mrs. Esther Melton as defendant;  Joseph w., Francis M., Alfred, and Margaret Melton, Celia wife of Daniel H. Matthews, Sarah C. wife of Tipton M. Stephenson, and May Jane, Peter L., James K.P., George M.D., Amanda H., and Wm. J. Melton, the l.ast six minors, Daniel H. Matthews, and Tipton

M. Stephenson made parties defendant to this suit; p. 235, 6 May 1863 - Time granted for Esther Melton, Gdn. of her own minor children, to file her answer; p. 147, 13 Dec 1865 – Plaintiff suggests death of defendant John A. McKrosky which is admitted.

19 Apr 1867. Note of Philip Rowland, J.C. Townsend, and J.W. Gibson to John F. Slover, Clerk, for benefit of heirs of David McCroskey.



CR4 524, 2 Nov 1840. Will proven by John Scybert, one of the subscribing witnesses.

filed 4 Feb 1860: Wm. Mccroskey died a number of years ago intestate in McMinn Co. leaving widow Isophene, who has since married Wm. Emmerson, and children: Sarah wife of Phillip Rowland, Joseph L., James s., of Ark., Pinkney, and John A. Mccrosky, a minor who is temporarily absent in Sevier Co.



1 Oct 1866. Joseph McCully app. Adm.



2 Jul 1838 . George McCully app. Adm.

Aug 1838. Invt. of sale; buyers include Joseph, George, and D.G. McCully.



4 Sep 1854. Jane E. McDermott and James B. Cooke app. Adms.

no date. Comm. Wm. H. Ballew, R.C. Jackson, and Robt. N. McEwen set apart year's support for widow Jane and family.

no date. Invt. of sale.

filed 8 Aug 1856. Wm. P.H. McDermott died Aug 1854 leaving widow Jane E. and children: Penelope M. wife of James B. Cooke, and the following minors : Wm. P.H., Jr., Louisa A., Samuel A., Joseph A., John M., Inez C., Elizabeth, and Julia McDermott.



7 Aug 1848. F.P. Pettitt, Nathan Sullins, and Allen Dennis app. Comm. to lay off year's support for Mrs. McDonald, widow.

4 Sep 1848. Above Comm. report.

filed about 1849-50. Charles W. McDonald died leaving widow Nancy Ann and nine children : Virginia wife of James Rucker, Christopher, Laura, John, Rebecca, Samantha, Isabella, Eglentine, and Emeline, all minors except Virginia. In the answer of widow to the lawsuit in Nov. 1850, the minors are listed as A.C., Laura E., John P., Hariet R., Ollevia E., Samentha T., and Susannah M.



2 Oct 1865. J.E. McElrath app. Adm.

no date. Invt. by Adm.

filed 6 Jul 1866. Information from Record Bks. C and D.7 H. McD. McElrath died leaving widow E.L., who by Nov. 1867-has married W.C. Eblin, and children as follows: Susan C. who by Nov 1866 has married James H. Hays; Ellen F. who by 28 May 1867 has become 21 and by 28 Nov 1867 has married James c. Morris; J.E. McElrath; and perhaps two other children.

25 May 1869. Sett. by Adm.; estate worth $940,975.50 of which $936,321.00 is in Confederate bonds and currency.



no date. Add. Invt. of late firm of McEwen and Mccamy .

Gdn. report, Pumpkintown, Dec 1827. "I Joseph Roberson Guardian for the children of James and Polly McKamey both deceased acknowledge to have rec'd of Wm. C. McKamey, administrator of James McKamey all the property that was purchased by Polly McKamey at Pumpkintown on the 18th of January 1827. Test: W.T. McEwen "saw Robison sign the above in Augt. 1828 but- ·acknowledged to have rec'd the property above mentioned in Dec. 1827.

18 Jan 1827. Polly McKamey, Adminx., and Wm. C. McKamey, Adm. of estate ofJames McKamey. Dec 1827 Joseph Roberson Gdn. for children ofJames McKamey. Comm. John Miller, J.H. Fyffe, and Wm. Hogan certifyreport on 19 Aug 1828.

Aug 1828. List of accounts of McEwen & McKamey; Lot No. 7 in Athens where the storehouse stands. Wm. McKamey of Anderson Co.

6 Jun 1831. List of property sold at Athens on 6 Sep



4 Jun 1828. Execs. of John McEwing, dec'd, VS Wm. R. Tucker and John McAllen.



3 Apr 1865. John C. McGaughey app. Adm.

1 May 1865. Comm. app. to set apart year’s support for widow Martha.

9 Jun 1865.  Comm. David Cleage, Geo., W. Ross, and H.H. Rider lay off year's support for family.

31 Aug 1865. Acct. of sale, list of accts. due, list of notes due, and list of Bank Notes, filed by same Adm.

7 Dec 1868. R.H. and R.B. McGaughy app. Adms. de bonis non.

12 Apr 1871. Sett. by s a me Adms.; five pages of notes and accts. which were returned in Invt. and which are insolvent and uncollectable.

27 Feb 1874. Final sett.; nine receipts for equal amounts from W.S., G., R.H., Martha, and R.B. McGaughy, R.B. McGaughy Gdn., Jane and J.M. Horton, J.W. and V.A. Witcher, and R.A. and M. Nelson



14 Aug 1867. John C. McGaughey Adm. VS A. Cleage; the death of plaintiff is suggested and proven.

6 Jan 1868. Robert and R.B. McGaughey app.



4 May 1863. Eli Dixon app. Adm. Moses Cunningham, J.J. Middleton, and A. McRoberts app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

filed· 3 Sep 1868. E.K. Ensminger Gdn. of Thomas McGuire, Letitia McGuire and husband Robert McGuire VS Frank M. Rowan, Adm. of Eli Dixon et al. Wm. McGuire died Feb 1863 leaving widow

Letitia Mo (whom he married in Oct 1861 and who has since married Robert McGuire) and an only child Thomas. Eli Dixon, Adm., died and Frank Rowan of Monroe Co. is now Adm. of his estate.



4 Dec 1826. Wm. C. and Mary McKamy app. Adms. and Special Execs.; John Miller, Jesse Mayfield, and Moses Stout app. Comm. to lay off year's support for Mrs. Mary McKamy and family.

6 Mar 1827. Office of Trustee for McMinn Co. vacant by death of James Mccamy Esq. late Trustee.

6 Dec 1827. Joseph Robinson app. Gdn. of Isabella C., Hannah Manerva, and John M. McCamy, minor orphan heirs.



Will exec. 23 Apr 1860, proven Jul 1860; "I wrote my will myself"; to wife Polly; to three sons Wm. P. , Jasper N., and John M.; to daus. Mary C. McKamy when she reaches 21, and Elizabeth Jane Dodson. Execs: sons Wm. P. and Jasper N. Wit: J.M. Miller, Daniel Parkerson.

2 Jul 1860. Will proven; Wm. P. McKamy app. Exec., the other named Exec. being a minor.

6 Aug 1860; 356, 12 Oct 1860. Invt. and Add . Invt.

2 Oct 1860. Resolutions of respect by County Court.

3 Jul 1865. J.N. McKamy app. Gdn. of minor heirs, John M. and Mary C. McKamy.



1 Apr 1867. Comm. app. to lay off year•~ support for widow Emily.

1 Apr 1867. Wm. B. and J.A. McKeldin, and T.L. Farrell app. Adms.

9 Apr 1867. Emily McKeldin Petition for Dower; A. McKeldin died 19 Feb 1867.

3 Feb 1868. J.S. Matthews app. Gdn. of Hugh, Bell, and James R.C. McKeldin, minor heirs.

2 Mar 1872. Sett. by Adms.; Advancements of $3000 each made to heirs Mrs. E. McKeldin, Wm. B., J.A., and H.M. McKeldin, W. Gettys and wife, and Gen. Wm. Brazelton, Gdn.




4 Apr 1870. John L. McKinney app. Gdn . for Buford A. McKiney.



6 Sep 1821. Catherine L. McKinney, Adminx. VS George Harlin.



16 Dec 1867. James R. Gettys VS Boggess et al. The death of Reuben McKinzie one of the defendants is suggested. This may be in Meigs Co., Tenn.



Will exec. 6 Aug 1827; to father John; to mother Rebecca; to all bros. and sisters. Execs: father and James Fyffe. Wit: Benj. C. Stout, Harris D. Thorp. Signed by mark.

14 Aug 1827, no date, 4 Sep 1830. Invt. and settlements.



4 Sep 1854. Amelia McLester app. Gdn. to Araminta and Charles McLester, minor heirs.



7 Sep 1835. Caswell Jarnagin, Caleb Haymes, and Geo. R. Cox app. Comm. to set apart year's support for widow Elizabeth; Alex. C. Robeson and Elizabeth McMahan app. Adms., and Elizabeth McMahan is app. Gdn. of John McMahan, minor son.

7 Dec 1835. Report of sale; includes note on Washington McMahan.

Apr 1837 and June 1838. Reports by Gdn.

27 Sep 1838. Sett. by Adms.; "Paid John Mc.Mahan Sr. and Polly McMahan his wife their claim of support"; paid to James McMahan.

dating from Apr 1839 to 26 Mar 1855. Sett. by same Gdn., John C. McMahan minor heir; (1839: 1 bottle of castor oil for the heir 50¢).

31 Jul 1841. Invt. by A.C. Robison.

24 Aug 1856. Final sett. by Gdn.



6 Dec 1841. Jury of inquest finds that Peter, a slave; of John McMahan's, murdered Esther and Mary Jane McMahan on 15 Nov 1841



7 Nov 1837. Jesse R. Blackburn app. Adm.

6 Aug 1838, 4 Sep 1838, 2 Sep 1839. Invt. Sale and Sett.



10 Dec 1831. Power of Atty. from John Lambert, Gdn. of minor heirs, to James Standifer is acknowledged.



Will exec. 26 Jan 1827; to wife Mary; to children Joseph, William, Nancy, Polly, Narcissa; to grandsons David C. and Jonathan P. McMillion when they become of age. Execs: Joseph and Wm. McMillion. Wit: John H. Porter, James Hickey. Signed by mark.

3 Mar 1828. Will proven.

28 Oct 1834. Sett. filed by Wm. Lowry, Nat Smith, and Elijah Hurst; "heirs six in number"; fin~ in han.ds of executor for David Caldwell, Wm. McDar.iel, D.C. and\J.P. McMillan, and old Lady McMillan.



6 Sep 1825. Report by Thos. Parris and Joseph W. McMillin, Adms.

no date; 62-64, no date. Invt. and Sale; sold. To widow

26 Sep 1850. Sett.; Comm. N. Carson, David Roper, and R. W. McClary settle with Joseph Love Gdn. for David C. McMillin and Carson Caldwell Gdn. for Jonathan P. McMillin.



1 Jun 1835. Wm. J. Johnson app. Gdn. for William C., Nancy G., Reason H., Treacy A., Luisa M., and Elizabeth J. McMinn

Jun 1837, Report by Gdn.; received from Orville Bradley, Exec. Of will of Joseph McMinn on 25 Oct 1835.

4 Jun 1838 to 8 Apr 1840. Reports by Gdn.



3 Oct 1848. Wm. McNabb app. Adm. of Mrs. Elizabeth McNabb.

26 Sep 1850. Sett. by Adm.; received pension money.

CC Record Bk. A, p. 139. Henderson McNabb and James McNabb for himself and the other heirs at law of Elizabeth McNabb, dec'd VS Daniel Wammack and Wm. Rivers and his wife Susan Rivers. Elizabeth McNabb died 20 Jun 1849 leaving heirs James, William Henderson, and others



Will exec. 11 Feb 1861, proven Oct 1861; to wife Lavista, "having no horse I therefore will her none''; to sons H. W., Isaac H., Mathew G., Nathaniel B., and Elkany; to dau. Rhoda T. Robinet; to Lucretia White; "the seven heirs previously mentioned"; to two sons-in-law Price Ward and John Orton, $1 each; to two granddaus. Mary E. Ward and Mary E. Orton when they reach 18; Exec. to get a set of tombstones worth $15 to be placed at head and foot of mother's grave. Exec: James H. Lowrey. Wit: Robert Mansell, Benj. T. Ziegler, and Robt. A. Lowery.

Invt. of notes and property sold 18 Oct 1861.

4 Nov 1861. Comm. R~A. Lowry, B.T. Ziegler, and Jas. H. Lowry lay off year's support for widow.

5 Dec 1864. Sett.; receipts from N.B. McNabb, J.F. Robinett and wife, M.G. McNabb, and widow Lavesta McNabb.

28 Apr 1866. Sett.; receipts from Elkana, H. W., and Jane (James) McNabb.



2 Aug 1869. Report by Daniel Wamack, Gdn. of minor heirs.



2 Mar 1863. Boyd Porter app. Adm.

5 Sep 1864. John B. Porter app. Adm. in place of Boyd Porter, dec'd.

2 Jan 1865. John B. Porter, Adm., ordered to deliver all funds to Gdn. of minor heirs.

l May 1865. Report by R.A. Love, Gdn. of minor son Robert McNutt; has received nothing as yet.

2 Feb 1866. Invt.

Sales held Mar 1863 and Nov 1863 by Boyd Porter, Adm., filed by John B. Porter; payments for items sold Mar 1863 was in Confederate Scrip.

2 Feb 1866. Acct. of sales held 29 Oct 1864.

12 May 1866 and 195, 30 Aug 1866. Sett. by Gdn. and Adm.

filed 12 Feb 1866. James McNutt moved to this country in company with his bro. Wm. F. and his aunt Sarah McNutt in 1861 or 1862. His aunt Sarah married Russell Lane. James McNutt was away for nearly three years and when he returned his bro. Wm. F. had died in 1863 leaving an only child represented by Robert Love, its grandfather. James is the only surviving bro. of Wm. F. McNutt.



1 Feb 1869. John B. Kennedy app. Adm. and Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

1 Mar 1869. Daniel McPhail died Dec 1868 intestate leavind widow Elizabeth and children: Martha J., wife of John B. Kennedy; Nancy M., wife of James S. Beaver; John P., dec'd, whose widow is Mary J. and children are Daniel B., age 10, Elizabeth age 8, and John W. age 6 1 with Stephen Sharitts as their


20 Jan 1871. Final sett. by same Admo; paid equal amounts to Stephen Sharrits, Jas. S. and Nancy Beavers, John B. and Martha J. Kennedy



2 Nov 1868. Wm. McPhail app. Adm.

4 Apr 1870. Stephen Sharits app. Gdn. of minor heirs.



1 Sep 1851. Daniel McPhail app. Adm. of Mary McPhail, Neill McPhail, and Dugald McPhail.

1 Dec 1851; 259, 5 Jul 1852; 275, 4 Oct 1852; 328,

3 Sep 1853. Invt. and sale at their late residence, Add. Invt., Add. Sale, and Sett.

filed l Mar 1869. File contains copy of Circuit Court proceedings, 1853, to partition lands among heirs who are as follows: Daniel McPhail in his own right and as Adm. of Neil McPhail, Doogal McPhail, and Mary Hicks; John McPhail; and the heirs of Mary Hicks, dec'd, who are Sterling Ragsdale wife

Sarah Ann, John Hicks, John Leonard A. Hendricks, Neil McPhail Hicks and and Stephen Hicks, dec'd, whose children are Mary Margaret, John Alexander, Martha, Caroline (or Martha Caroline), William, and Able Hicks.



7 Jun 1847. Sheriff required to bring in William Maberry, orphan, to be delt with as the Court may direct.

5 Jul 1847. Wm. Mabry, an orphan aged 9, next Feb, bound to Wm. Thompson.



6 Dec 1830. John Roberts and James Billingsley app. Comm. to settle with James McNabb, Gdn. for Wm. Maden.

 7 Mar 1831. Report of Comm.; sett o with James McNabb, Gdn. for James (William) Madden; received funds from estate of Wm. Madden.



4 Sep 1865. Comm. app. to set apart year's support widow Amanda E. and family.

no date. Comm. James Willson, James Forrest, and H.L. Shults make report.

2 Jan 1866. Invt. by J.H. Magill, Adm.



Will exec. 2 Mar 1825, probated Dec 1830; to wife Martha "to raise my children". Exec: wife. Wit: James D. Henly, h Walter Billingsley.



Will exec. 3 Apr 1855, proven Jul 1858; all property to be equally divided among Legatees and their heirs; Legatees: Mary Ann, Sarah E., Rachel C., James C., Wm. H., Martha M., and the heirs of Ailey J. Pridmore, dec'd /last names not stated to granddau. Ailey E. Pridmore. Exec: son Wm. H. Maples. Wit:

W.C. Vaughan, Jacob Lowe. Signed by mark.

filed 12 Jul 1858. William Maples died about 25 May 1858 leaving children: William H., Mary Ann wife of Wm. Alexander Carson, Sarah E. Newman, James C. of Texas, Martha wife of Jonathan No Cate of Ga., Rachel C. wife of Joseph R. Rudd of Monroe Co. He also left grandchildren Ailey E. and Wm. M. Pridmore of Bossier Parish, La., minor children of his dec'd dau. Alcey Pridmore.

no date; 350, 19 Oct 1860. Invt. of sale by Raleigh Chesnut and report by Wm. S. Chesnutt, Gdn. of minor heirs, A.E. and W. Pridmore.

28 Dec 1860. Sett. by Adm.; receipts from heirs SarahE. Newman, Rachel Rudd, Wm. Maples, Wm. and Mary A. Carson, Jonathan and Martha Cate, and Wm. S. Chesnutt, Gdn.

9 Dec 1861. Final sett. by Gdn.; wards Wm. M. and Alice 1 E. Pridmore both being of full age.



3 May 18410 Eli Sherrill app. Admo; Wm. Rudd, Nathan Sullens, and Joseph Gaston app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Barbara.

7 Jun 1841; 90, 15 Sep 1842. Sett. Invt. of sale and pro rata



filed 5 Jan 1867. Taylor VS Harris. Peter Marcum died leaving widow Abigail and minor children Frank, William, Thomas, Alice, and Margaret Marcum, all of Claiborne Co.



2 Oct 1860. Geo. W. Bridges app. Adm.

22 Nov 1860. Comm. Jas. Gregory, Sterling Lewis, and John Hart set apart year's support for widow and family, "all the corn at the widow Coatses and the amt coming from James Marler.”



2 Aug 1841. Thomas N. Clark of Roane Co. app. Adm.

l Nov 1841. Invt. by Thos. N. Clark, Jr., Adm. of John Martin, dec'd, formerly of Arkansas.

l Jun 1844. Sett.; Adm. received letter from one of heirs authorizing him to suspend collection of all notes on Chas. T. Thornton.

14 Jun 1844. Sett. by W.S. McEwen, Agent for Thos. N. Clark, Adm.; receipt from Albert G. Rice for all monies and papers.

5 Jun 1844, 2 Apr 1846. Sett. by A.G. Rice, Adm.

2 Apr 1847. Sett.; receipts from heirs John A. Bell, Joseph M. Lynch, Clement V. McNair, George W. Adair, and Brice Martin.

21 Aug 1846. Refunding Bonds by above heirs to guarantee payment of any future debts; all bonds with Lowry Williams and Charles T. Thornton as securities and Catharine Lane and Jas. R. Barnett as witnesses.

10 Jul 1848. Final sett. by Adm.; receipts of heirs Nelley, Lucy, Richard F., Elenor, Joseph L., John, and G.M. Martin, Cicero Martin by Gdn., Samuel and Rachel "Bell, Elizabeth Wright, William and Nancy Cunningham, B. B. and Paulina Nicholson, B. F. and Ann Thompson, all receiving equal amounts.

Refunding bonds by above heirs, with John A. Bell, Joseph M. Lynch, and G.W. Adair as bondsmen, and John A. Adair and C.S. Bean as witnesses; bond of Elenor Martin is by Gdn. Ben F. Thompson; G.M. Martin signs Gabriel M.; B.B. Nicholson signs as Braxten B.



5 Jan 1852. Coroner paid for holding inquest over body.

5 Jul 1852. Jury of inquest over body of John Martin who was killed by Daniel Umphrey to be paid by County.



4 Jul 1853. Samuel Vincent app. Adm. Malinda, William, and Sarah, heirs of dec 1 d son P.H. Martin, each $1; to Ernaline, William, George, and Thomas, heirs of dec'd son Thos. J. Martin, each $1; to two grandsons James and William, sons of dec'd dau. Caroline /no last name given/; to dau. Ernaline Jane E. Wear; to son Zachariah; to son Benjamin F.; to other three children, namely, Canzoda Camron, Rebecca Camren, and Mariah Jones. Execs: sons Benjamin F. and Zechariah. Wit: C.P. Owen, J.D. Chatten. Signed by mark.

7 Aug 1843. Will proven.

4 Sep 1843. Invt.

10 Mar 1847. Sett.; receipts from heirs Martin Cameron, Henry Cameron, Jas. and Mariah Jones, Emeline Wear, Zachariah Martin, and B.F. Martin.



5 Sep 1870. J.H. Crockett app. Adm.; Comm. app. to assign dower to widow.



6 Jun 1859. Urial Johnson and Reuben F. Mastin app. Adms.

Sale at her late residence.

Combined report for estates of Thos. W. and Jemima Mastin.



27 Sep 1853. Comm. J.C. Carlock, Uriel Johnston, and David Cantrell lay off year's support for widow Jemima and family, there being sixteen in family.

5 Nov 1853. Invt. and Sale by John B. and John J. Mastin, Adms.

27 Apr 1855. Sett.; paid expenses in Ducktown; paid Samuel Boswell for privilege of testing.

WB F 249, Dec 1858. Sett. by Jemima Maston, widow, Gdn. to minor heirs; Sarah Ann Maston arrived at lawful age in June 1854 and all her store and other accts. were paid and discharged by Chas. A. Proctor her husband; Susan N. Maston arrived at lawful age in Mar 1856; Reuben F. Maston arrived at lawful age on 28 of this Inst., paid for his schooling at Clear Springs, at Hiwassee College, and at Emory College; Thos. H. Maston now 19 years old, paid for his schooling at Emory College; David C. Maston, now 17; Wm. Wheler Maston now 15; Martha J. Maston now 13.

20 Aug 1859. Sett. by John J. Mastin, Gdn.

no date. Sett. by Wms. Mayfield, Gdn. of David C. Mastin; paid for board and tuition at the north.

no date. Invt. of produce, Thos. W. and Jemima Mastin, dec'd.

20 Aug 1860. Sett. by Wms. Mayfield, Gdn.

3 Jul 1861. Sett. by J.J. Mastin, Gdn.; paid for Wm. W. trip from Tenn. to Mo. and clothing, etc., in St. Louis

paid board at Benards; paid for Martha J. "cash to Salem" four times.

filed 18 Jan 1866 and 160, filed 20 Jan 1868. Thomas W. Mastin died 4 Jul 1853 leaving widow Jemima who died 15 Mar 1859 and the following children: eldest son John J. born 14 Dec 1830

and of Jackson Co., Mo., in 1868; Sarah Ann wife of Charles A. Proctor of Worcester Co., Mass., in 1867 and of Grant Co., Ind., in 1868; Susan N. wife of Thomas Jones of Bartow Co., Ga., in 1867 and of Jackson Co., Mo., in 1868 (Thos. Jones dies during suit Jan 1866 to Feb 1867); Reuben F. of Miami Co., Kan., 1867 and of Jackson Co., Mo., 1868; Thomas H. who was in Rebel Army  and is of Jackson Co., Mo., 1868; David C. of Bartow Co., Ga., 1867 and Jackson Co., Mo., 1868; William W., dec'd by Feb 1867, a minor without wife or child; Martha Jemima, youngest child, aged 7 when father died, wife of David Meriwether of Jasper Co., Ga., 1867 and Jackson Co., Mo., 1868. Thomas W. Mastin had bro. John B. Mastin. Four of Thomas W. Mastin's sons were in Rebel Army. The Complainant in CC 43, John Caldwell of Sevier Co., dies during the lawsuit 1871-72 and suit is revived by A.P., Alexander A., George A., John H., and Alfred Caldwell, James C. Anderson and wife Mary, John C. Douglass and wife Flora Jane, M.J. Parrott and wife Cynthia, heirs at law



Will exec. 27 Feb 1836, registered 7 Dec 1838; to Elizabeth Angeline Rayburn; to Martha Eveline Rayburn; to own bros. and sisters; the Rayburn girls to be educated, "I leave John Matlock and John Hayley to see that this strictly complied with"; "N.B. these Two Children lives in Perry County Tennysee six miles west of Perryville". Execs: John Matlock and John Hayley.

3 Dec 1838. Will prove n by Henry Matlock, Abraham Slover, and Chas. W. Rice who are acquainted with handwriting and state that dec ' d told them that they could find said Will in his valuable papers.

Mar 1839. Invt. of notes due, filed by John Matlock, Exec.

15 May 1848. Sett. by same Exec.; vouchers to heirs: Henry, William, and John Matlock, Elisha Dodson and wife Mary, John Haley and wife Elizabeth, the heirs of Sarah Forrest wife of Richard Forrest, Martha Rice widow of Isaac Rice dec'd, Wm. Rice and wife Elizabeth; all receive equal amounts except Wm. Rice who receives triple the amount.



CR4 440, 1 Apr 1839. Noncupative Will presented for probate and estate did not exceed $250 and same was reduced to writing within  ten days after death of testator; Albartes Arnwine and Henry Matlock were personally present at the making thereof and specially required to bear witness thereto by the Testator himself in his last sickness at the house of Charles Matlock where he had been previously resident for more than 10 days Court permitted the will to be proven. No will on record.



5 Jul 1852. John Matlock app. Adm.

2 Aug 1852. Invt.

26 Feb 1853. Final sett. by Adm.; paid Mrs. Matlock claim; paid heirs John H. Leuty, A. ands. Arnwine, Nancy Matlock, W.M. and Martha Purcell, Henry Matlock, and J.W. Matlock, each $247.82 and A. Arnwine, Gdn., $495.64.

filed 9 Jul 1852. Charles Matlock died intestate Oct 1851, leaving mother Nancy, who was widow of Henry Matlock, dec'd, and bros. and sisters: Sarah wife of Albartis Arnwine, Martha wife of Wm. Purcell, Elizabeth wife of John H. Leuty, John W. and Henry Matlock, and George W. and Jane Matlock, infants.



Will exec. 10 Jun 1847; to wife Nancy, the home farm on Mouse Creek; to sons Charles, Henry, George Washington, and John W.; to daus. Martha, Elizabe th, Nancy Jane, and Sarah the wife of Albertis Arwine; "until the coming of age of my daughter Nancy Jane". Execs: sons Charle s a nd Henry. Wit: Thos. J. Campbell, Stephen Sharrelts.

2 Jun 1851. Will proven by Stephen Sharrets; death of Thos. J. Campbell, the other witness, is proven.

6 Oct 1851. Sett.

12 Sep 1853. Final sett. by Henry Matlock, Exec.; receipts of heirs Wm. and Martha Purcell, Elizabeth Leuty, the heirs of Charles Matlock, A. Arnwine and A. Arnwine, Gdn . , and Nancy Matlock.

1 May 1854; 412, 26 Feb 1855; 418, 15 Nov 1855. Reports by Albartis Arnwine, Gdn., and Henry Matlock, successor Gdn.

15 Jun 1856. Report by same, Gdn. to James Matlock.

6 Jul 1857, Nancy Matlock, dec'd; Henry Matlock surviving Exec. reports the remainder of estate that was left to widow her lifetime.

30 Jul 1857. Sett. by same, Gdn. for Nancy J. Matlock, a minor; John W. Matlock is success or Gdn.

30 Jul 1857. Sett. by Henry Matlock, Exec.

20 Aug 1857. Sett. by Gdn. of Nancy J. Matlock one of the children.

25 May 1858. Final sett. by Gdn. to Nancy Jane; paid "Ear Drops Philadelphia 7.50 receipt from C.W. Matlock for balance in acct.

29 Dec 1859. Sett.

filed 29 Jun 1858. Henry Matlock died 1851 leaving widow Nancy who died Jun 1857 and children: Nancy Jane age 19 who married James P. Senter in 1858, Charles who died without issue between 1851 and 1857, Henry, George Washington born 1837, John W. born 1823, Sarah wife of Albartus Arnwine, Martha wife of Wm. Purcell, and Elizabeth wife of John H. Leuty of Ga.



Will exec. 2 Aug 1861; "Being sound in mind and body on account of having enlisted as a volunteer in the Service of my State and being subject to all the Casualties of war"; all estate to youngest bro. George W. Matlock. Exec: John W. Matlock. Wit: U.L. York and D.A. Wilkins.

2 Jun 1862. Will proven.



Will exec. 27 Sep 1848; to wife Mary; to two sons Henry Harrison and John Clay Matlock; to eldest dau. Sarah Jane Matlock; to daus. Martha Ellen and Mary Elizabeth Matlock; "education of my children". Execs: Wm. L. Rice and Wm. F. Forest. Wit: M.L. Philips, Jonathan Smith.

l Sep 1851. Will proven.

3 Nov 1851. Invt.

3 Sep 1853. Sett. by Wm . F. Forrest, acting Exec.; receipts from Wm. L. Rice, Gdn., and from J.W. and

from l May 1854 to 7 May 1856. Sett. by Wm. L. Rice, Gdn.

7 May 1857. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid funeral expenses of Mary E. Matlock.

7 May 1858. Sett. by Gdn.; "paid Mary Matlock Interest in the Estate of Elizabeth Matlock Dec'd"; paid for board and tuition for Martha at Cleveland .

7 Jun 1858. Wm. L. Rice makes bond as Gdn. to Henry, John and Martha Matlock, minors.

7 May 1859, 322, 7 May 1860. Sett. by same Gdn.

7 May 1861. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid for tuition for Martha L. at Winchester.

from 7 May 1862 to 7 May 1866. Sett. by same Gdn.

filed 13 Dec 1856. John Matlock died Aug 1851 leaving widow Mary and children: Sarah Jane the eldest child who married and died after her father's death without issue, Henry Harrison aged 17, John Clay aged 14, Martha Ellen aged 12, and Mary Elizabeth who died 8 Nov 1856, a minor about 12 yrs. old.



7 Jan 1845. Chas. L. King and J.B. Eldridge, of McMinn and Meigs Cos., app. Adms.

20 Jan 1845. Comm. Saml. Workman, M.D. Anderson, and Robt. Rentfroe lay off year's support for widow Sarah.

3 Feb 1845. Invt. and Sale by Adms.

from 7 Jul. 1845 to 2 Jan 1847. Reports by Thos. B. McElwee, Gdn. to Charles F. and Nancy Ann Matlock, two of the heirs.

from 9 Jul 1847 to 1 Nov 1847. Sett. by Adms.; received from John Matlock, Exec. of Charles Matlock, dec'd, $600.

2 Jan 1848. Sett. by same Gdn.

No date. Add. Invt.; received from Thos. B. McElwee, Adm. of David Hounshell, dec'd.

19 Jun 1848. Sett.; receipts from heirs Thomas B . McElwee and J.B. Eldridge.

11 Jun 1851. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid C.L. Matlock his final share leaving balance due to Nancy P. Matlock the other heir.

20 May 1851. Sett. by Chas . L. King, one of Adms.

Jan 1855. Final sett. by Gdn.; receipt from Wm. C. and Nancy P. Peake for balance of money.

filed 8 Feb 1858. Wm. Matlock died leaving widow Sarah and children: Martha wife of Thomas B. McElwee Sarah A. wife of Joseph W. Gibson, Sorenda wife of John B. Eldridge of Meigs Co., Nancy wife of Wm. C. Peak of Meigs Co., and Charles Matlock.



6 Jun 1836. O.G. Murrell, James H. Fyffe, and Solomon S. Bogart app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow; A.M. Coffey and Uriel Johnson app. Adms.

Oct 1836. Invt. and Sale by Adms.; buyers include Mrs. Mary Mathews and Harland and John Matthews.

6 Dec 1836. Mary Mathews chosen Gdn. by Joseph Mathews, minor heir, who is of age to choose for himself, and is app. Gdn. of minor heirs Asenith Sarah Emily and Jacob Sand Mathews

1 Feb 1838 and C 81-84, 30 Nov 1838. Report by Gdn. and Final Sett. by Adms.

7 Mar 1839. Report by Gdn.; paid expenses for 4 minor heirs.

from 2 Mar 1840 to 2 Mar 1845. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Joseph, Jacobs., Asenith, and Sarah E. Matthews.

2 Mar 1846. Sett. by same Gdn . ; has sold farm in Blount Co. to Harlen Matthews.

from 2 Mar 1847 to 2 Mar 1852. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Jacob, Asenith, and Sarah E.

4 Jul 1848. Mrs. Mary Mathews, Gdn. to her minor children,  renews bond.



Oct 1850. Alexander Maxwell app. Gdn. of Louisa and Cammelia Maxwell, minor children of Robert Maxwell.

7 Mar 1853. Ex parte petition to sell slaves: Wm . Maxwell, Nathan Thomas and wife Mary, Sarah, Robert W., Catharine, Alexander, Louisa, and Carmela Maxwell, the latter two being minors by Gdn., children of Robert Maxwell, and George, Mary Ann, Martha Jane, William T., and Sarah L. Maxwell children of Allen Maxwell, dec'd, and grandchildren of the said Robert Maxwell, all minors by their Gdn. Alexander Maxwell, and Elizabeth Maxwell widow of Allen Maxwell, dec'd. Slaves to be valued at residence of Robert Maxwell. Note that Allen Maxwell is the only person identified as deceased.

2 May 1853. Report by Alexander Maxwell, Gdn. of George, Mary Ann, Martha Jane, William T., and Noah L. Maxwell, minor children of Allen Maxwell, dec'd; has received their portion of proceeds of slaves devised to them by the Wills of Alexander and James Maxwell. Report by Alexander Maxwell, Gdn. of Louisa and Carmilia Maxwell, minor children of Robert Maxwell; has received

two slaves devised to them by the wills of Alexander and James Maxwell dec’d.

from 4 Jul 1853 to 4 Jul 1864. Settlements by same Gdn. for same heirs.

2 Dec 1865. Sett. by same Gdn.; receipt in full 15 Nov 1864 from Chas. and Mary A. Wyatt; receipt in full 2 Dec 1865 from Geo. W. Maxwell; balance due three heirs.



Will exec. 14 Jun 1854; to wife Elizabeth; to children Robert Maxwell, Polly Thomas, Eliza, Carmela, William, Alexander, and Sally Maxwell, Catherine Wallis, and the heirs of son Allen, deceased; to granddau. Harriet Maxwell; to heirs of Elizabeth Hulvy. Execs: Alexander Maxwell and Jefferson Lowry. Wit: Benj. and B.H. Isbell

5 Mar 1855. Will proven.

7 Apr 1855. Invt. by Execs.

28 Mar 1857. Sett. by Execs.; paid about one fourth of funds to S.A. Walace, not identified.

4 Jul 1857 to 4 Jul 1858. Sett. by Alex. Maxwell, Gdn. of minor heirs.

4 Jul 1859. Sett. by Gdn., paid for care of an idiot.

4 Jul 1860. Sett. by Gdn., paid for “Coffin shroud for Lanior”

4 Jul 1861. Sett. by Gdn.; paid for board of an idiot.

4 Jul 1864. Sett. by Gdn.

2 Dec 1865. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid for coffin for Carmelia Maxwell, dec'd, one of the minor heirs.

14 Aug 1875. Sett. by Alexander Maxwell, Exec.; payments to N.L., G. W., R.W., W. T., W., and Alexander Maxwell, Nathan and Mary Thomas, Chris Wyatt, and W.A. Gudger and wife.



6 Mar 1843. By last Will of John May, dec'd, it is ordered that Joseph Cobbs, Saml. Firestone, and Thomas Trew be app. to value two negroes.



4 Dec 1833. Williams Mayfield over 14 chooses his bro. Jesse Mayfield as Gdn.



Dec 1850. Thos. B. Mayfield, Adm. VS Joseph Swan and wife Hulda, David Cobbs and wife Priscilla, John Baker and wife Elizabeth, Williams Mayfield, Jessee Mayfield, and the children of Pearson Mayfield, dec'd, to wit, Samuel, Thomas, James, John, Williams, Standwix, and Pearson, the latter an infant; Subpoena to Polk Co. for John Mayfield; Subpoena to Bradley Co. for Joseph L. Swan and wife.

6 Jan and 3 Feb 1851. Invt. and acct. of sale held 17 Jan 1850 by Thos. B. Mayfield, Adm.

14 Feb 1853. Sett.



4 Dec 1833. Invt. and Thos. B. Mayfield, Adms.

5 Dec 1833. John Miller, Joseph Cobb, and Oliver Dotson app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Penelope.

20 Dec 1833. Report of above Comm.

4 Mar 1834. Thos. B. Mayfield app. Gdn. for Carter Mayfield, an Idiot, who will soon inherit part of his father's estate.

May l837. Report by same Gdn .

2 Jun l838. Last page of sett. by Adms.

20 Apr 1839. Add. report by Adms.; paid to heirs David A. Cobb, Thos. B. Mayfield, Elizabeth Hill, Jesse Mayfield, Mahulda Mayfield, and Thos. B. Mayfield for Carter Mayfield, $50 each.

29 Feb 1840 to 2 Feb 1850. Reports by Thos. B. Mayfield, one of Adms. and Gdn.



6 Mar 1832. Jesse Mayfield app. Adm.

5 Mar 1834. Nancy Mayfield app. Gdn. of Jesse, John, William, James, Stanwix, Thomas, Clement, and Pearson Mayfield, minor heirs.

Jun Court 1834. Sett. by John Bolding and Jos. Cobb, Comm.

3 Apr 1837. Widow Nancy requests that dower of land be set apart.

10 Oct 1847. Sett. by Nancy Blythe, formerly Mayfield, Gdn.; receipts in full from heirs T.B., S.H., John G., Samuel M., Pierson B., William, James, and Jesse Mayfield, all for same amt.



Will exec. 12 Feb 1848; Codicil, same date; to sons Carter, Jesse, Thomas, and Williams; to dau. Freeda Cobb; to dau. Huldy Swann and her child now living; to dau. Elizabeth Hudgins and her heirs now living, viz., Jesse Hill, Eliza Hudgins, and Wm. Hudgins; to heirs of son Pearson Mayfield; to grandson Jesse

Hill when he arrives at age of 21. Execs: Williams F. Keith and son Williams Mayfield. Wit: Jas. B. Taylor, Wm. Reynolds.

2 Dec 1850. Will proven.

6 Jan 1851. Invt. by Wms. Mayfield, Exec.; the bequest dau. Freeda Cobb is received by David Cobb.



In Index Will Book C, the Will is recorded on page 1.

5 Mar 1838. Will proven by James H. Fyffe and Williams Mayfield, the two subscribing witnesses.

2 Apr 1838. Wm. Ballew and Marshall W. Cunningham app. Adms.; Joel K. Brown, Wm. Lowry, and Wm. W. Anderson app. Comm. to lay off year's provisions for widow Nancy C.

9 Jun 1839 to 29 Feb 1840. Invt. of  sale and settlements by Wm. Ballew, Adm.

7 Oct 1839. Martial W. Cunningham released as Adm.

22 Jun 1847. Sett. by same Adm.; "Received from William Mayfield a son of Peirson Mayfield".



no date. Invt. by Return J. Meigs, Adm.; greater part of Invt. is a list of books of deceased; Y. Colville, Clerk.

no date. Supp. Invt.; one item is "Major Fairchild ' s Power of Atto. 23 July 1792”

no date. Sale of personal property of R.J. Meigs, Sr., made at Cherokee Agency, 29 Mar 1823.



Will exec. 16 Nov 1832; to; wife Mary; to four children, Thomas, Alesy, Elish, and Mahaly. Execs: wife Mary and friend Thomas Studdard. Wit: Amos Pott~~C. McMahan. Signed by mark

CR4 135, 4 Mar 1833. Will proven.

no date. Invt. of Sale and Sett.



no date. Invt. of sale by Easter and Alfred Melton,

20 Apr 1858. Comm. lay off year's support for widow family of Elisha Melton who died 3 Feb 1858.

22 Aug 1859; _349, 23 Aug 1860. Sett. by Easter Melton, Adminx. and Gdn. of her own minor children, to wit, Mary J., Peter L., James K.P., George M.D., Mandy H., and Wm. Jones Melton.

1 May 1861. Sett. by same Gdn.; receipts for equal amts. from Caroline Stephenson, Margaret Melton, and Miss Easter Melton.

22 Aug 1861. Sett. by Gdn .

22 Aug 1865. Sett. by same Gdn.; receipts in full from A.T. and M. J. Bayless for one share and P.L. Melton for one share; four remaining heirs.

filed 8 Jan 1860. Amended Bill filed 22 Feb 1868. Elisha Melton left widow Esther and children: Joseph W., the eldest son, of Ga., who died after Orig. Bill was filed (his widow is also dead) and who left dau. Amanda Malissa Mel ton, a minor; Francis M. who by 1868 has moved to Ill o; Margaret; Celia wife

of Daniel H. Mathis of Ga o in 1860 and of McMinn Co. in 1868; Alfred; Sarah Caroline wife of M.T. Stephenson; Mary Jane a minor in 1860 and married to A.T. Bayless by 1868; Peter and Polk who both reach majority between 1860 and 1868; Dallas; Amanda a minor in 1868 who has married A. Wilson Glaze; and William Melton. Nathan Melton is bro. to the deceased.



6 Apr 1869. J.N. Melton app. Adm.

3 May 1869. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

6 Sep 1869. James H. Melton died about 2 Mar 1869 leaving widow Susan and children: John N., Jr.; Aaron of unsound mind; Hulda; Manerva Elizabeth wife of Henry Seybert; Julia N. wife of Horace Baysinger; Allen Haley Melton; and Martha, Adaline Melton, last three being minors.



7 Dec 1835. Isaac Mendingall a minor over 14 chooses James Atkerson as Gdn.

5 Sep 1836. Jonathan Thomas, Jesse H. Benton, and John Grisham app. Comm. to settle with James Atkinson, Gdn. to Isaac and Elizabeth Mendenall.



4 Dec 1848. Charles W. Metcalfe app. Adm.

29 Dec 1848. Acct. of sale and int. by Adm.; buyers include the widow, Charles and James Metcalfe.

2 Oct 1850. Sett.

23 Nov 1858. G.C. Metcalfe died leaving widow Margaret Jane and minor sons Charles P. and George C. who are now of Ky., his only heirs.



3 Apr 1843. Chas. Metcalfe app. Adm.

26 Jun 1846. Sett. by Adm.



4 Dec 1854. Ex parte application to sell land warrant; Addison Lowe, John Bond, Mary Stanton, Benjamin Eldridge and wife Rebecca, John J., Hugh L., James, Alfred K., and Abigail Middleton, heirs; land warrant issued for services in War of 1812.

5 Mar 1855. Land warrant for 40 acres sold to Mary Stanton; as Agent for Marshall W. Cunningham of Mo. for $5.



6 Jun 1820. Ephraim Walker VS Joseph Cretchfield, Exec. of Andrew Miller



Will exec. 25 Sep 1835; to wife Jannet; to children Lucien Bonaparte, Luin, Wade H., Vernantis, Parilee c., Armenia Dimoldi Monterria, John Mandaville, and Dallas Hamilton Miller; a horse, saddle, and bridle to be given to each child as he comes of age; "I order that the old horse Billy King be kept on the place as long as he lives". Execs: estee~ed neighbor and friend John Crawford Merchant of Athens and sons Lucien B. and Luin Miller. Wit: Saml. Workman, John B. Jackson, and James Newland.

7 Oct 1844. Will proven by Saml. Workman, who makes oath that witness John B. Jackson now resided in one of the upper East Tenn. Counties and that witness James Newland now resided in Ark.

2 Nov 1844. Comm. Ch. Metcalfe, Henry H. Rider, and Roberson Snider lay off year's support for widow Jane.

6 Jan 1845; 366, 19 May 1846. Invt. of sale, Invt. of notes, and Sett. by John Crawford and L.B. Miller two of

Execs.; received money collected in Ga.; paid T . F. Hoyle of Ga.

30 Mar 1847. Sett. by same Execs.; receipt from Clerk and Master for total amount in their hands.



7 Jun 1847. John Dobbs app. Gdn. to Hiram Francis Miller, minor orphan.

l Dec 1848. Sett. by Gdn.; "Cash of Dec'd received from New Orleans"; "Cash of Dec'd three months extra pay as soldier"; "land warrant for 160 acres of land due Estate for services rendered by deceased in the late War with Mexico"; paid for care of ward from 1846.



5 Nov 1838. Wm. McKamy and John H. Miller app. Adms. Jesse Dodson, John McClatchy, and Josephs. McConnell app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Jemima. This day John Miller rendered to the Court the letters of Adm. granted to Thomas Miller as Adm. of Wesley Spearman, dec'd, and it appearing to the Court that the said Thomas Miller has died, John H. Miller is therefore app. Adm. of Wesley Spearman, dec'd.

Dec 1838; 106, 5 Jan 1839. Invt. and Sale by Adms.

28 Jan 1841. Report by Jemima Miller, Gdn. to minor heirs, Daniel, Nancy, and Thomas. "Pd to Elizabeth Spearman $60 towards her interest in the land and farm whereon Thomas Miller dee' d for the use & benefit of the said Minors "paid 120 to Stephen Miller to make him equal in his part"

Feb 1841. Sett. by John H. Miller, one of Adms.; receipts to Legatees: Elizabeth Spearman, Malinda, Elisha E., Jemima, Stephen-H., and John H. Miller, George G. and Mary Morris, and to Jemima Miller, Gdn.

no date; 87, Jul 1842. Sett . by same Adm. and by Jemima Miller, Gdn.

19 Jul 1844. Sett. by Stephen Miller, Agent for Jemima Randolph, Gdn.; receipt of Daniel Miller for amount which appears to be his final share.

6 Jul 1846. Sett. by Jemima Randolph, Gdn.

21 Jan 1848. Sett. by same Gdn.; receipt in full from Nancy Roberts formerly Nancy Miller; balance due T.J. Miller.

5 Apr 1849. Final sett. by Gdn.; paid heir Thomas J. Miller balance of acct.



Will exec. 17 Feb 1864 to wife Sarah; to daus. Sintheann Hansard and her heirs, Alsy Wamack and her heirs, Norsis herself, Thersa McNabb, Clerisa Minatt, Silvesta McNabb; to sons D.P., G.P., J.L., and C.W.; "if beloved son C.W. should not make his appearance nor is not heard from in the length of one year of time after peace between the United States of America and the People of the South." Exec : Ja.nes Gregory. Wit: R.A. McAdoo, B.F. Zeigler.

11 Dec 1867. Silas Mynatt VS John Gouldy et al. the death of plaintiff is suggested and admitted.

6 Jan 1868. Will proven.



no date. Invt. by Ewings. Minze, Adm.

Will exec. 27 May 1848; to wife Margaret; to only dau. Degenira, wife of Thos. Cecil, and at her death to her two daus. Mary and Elizabeth Cecil; to son Uen Minze; to Margaret and Nancy, the twin daus. of son Uen; to grandsons Joseph, William H., and Granville Cecil and Onslow G.M., Coleman, and Leander M. Minze; to six granddaus. Margaret, Nancy, Mary J., and Jacenaz Minze and Mary and Elizabeth Cecil. Execs: my relations. Wit: William George, Albertis Arnwine, and Chas. Matlock.

4 Sep 1848. A paper purporting to be the last Will of Joseph Minze dec'd presented for probate; Thomas Cecill and his wife De Jenira late De Jenira Minze, make objection; Will and records sent to Circuit Court.

5 Sep 1848. Margaret and Ewing Minze app. Adminx. And Adm. pendente lite.

3 Sep 1849. Will proven.

15 Sep 1866. Sett. by Thomas Cecill, Gdn. to Margaret Minze.

22 Apr 1870. Joseph Minze died about Aug 1848 leaving widow Margaret who died 17 Sep 1868 at age of about 80, and heirs as given in the Will. Mary Cecil is now Mary Fry of Meigs Co.; Elizabeth Cecil born about 1832, is now Elizabeth Hicks of Meigs Co.; Margaret Minze is wife of G.B. Harding of Mo.; Nancy Minze is dead; Mary J. Minze is of Laclede Co., Mo.; Jacenaz Minze is wife of B. Aaron.



3 Jan 1842. John Jenkins, Thomas W. Smith, and Allen Haley app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.


4 Sep 18650 E. L. Miller app. Adm.

30 Sep 1865. Invt. and sale by Adm.; S.M. Monroe is principal buyer.



May 1869. A. D. Briant app. Adm.; Comm. app. to lay off year’s support for widow

May 1871. Sett. by Adm.; voucher to widow Elizabeth.

1 Mar 1875. Sett . by Adm.; paid for funeral expenses for widow.

filed 26 Jun 18710 George Monroe, a minister living about

8 mi o from Athens, died 13 Oct 1868, aged about 86, leaving

widow Elizabeth who dies during the lawsuit between 25 Apr 1872

and Apr 1873, and the following heirs: son Joseph, dec'd, the  youngest child; dau. Margaret Hardin born about 1818, a widow with 

three children, one of whom is the wife of F.M. Odom; son Robert, dec'd; son George Jr., dec'd, with widow Margaret and son Sherwood M. born 1846; grandson Millard F. Monroe born Sep 1852; and the following children or grandchildren: Joseph Wilson and wife Nancy of Mo.; Catherine Dobbs of Mo.; Jesse Monroe of Ala.; Robert Monroe of Kyo; Martha widow of Wm . Monroe and two children names unknown of Ala. and one child name and residence unknown; Jesse S. Monroe; Samintha P o Monroe wife of Wm. M. Stanon; James McKeehan and wife Eliza B.; Joseph McCollum; Alice Pearce and husband of Ill. W. Ho Rothwell deposes that he thinks Geo. Monroe had eight children at time of his death. Son Joseph died before his father died. Joseph was taken off a prisoner in 1863 and never heard from again, so presumed dead. Joseph lived with his father and after his death his widow Harriett N. and her family continued to live there for about 20 yrs. in all. Joseph’s children are Mary E.J.B. wife of Wiley  M. Wallis, Margaret E. wife of Johns. McChristian, Wm. M., Louis F., Horace S., Chas. B., Joseph M., Sarah A., Elizabeth P., and George N., the last four being minors.



2 Oct 1865. Hariet Monroe app. Adminx.; Comm. app. to set apart year's provisions for widow and family.



6 Feb 1837. Joseph McConnell app. Adm.

3 Apr 1837. Invt. by Adm.

1 May 18370 Martha R. Moore app. Gdn. to James A. and Mary Amanda Moore, minor orphans.

May 1837. Invt. of sale.

5 Jun 1837. Comm. Manuel Parkison, Wm. McKamy, and John Camp settle with same Adm.

Sep 1838 to 21 Jul 1855. Settlements by same Gdn.; "received from Adm. of David Moore dec'd in Iredell County North Carolina" (1841).



Will exec. 5 Feb 1843; to wife Margaret T., all estate; "if any other persons should come and claim an equal heirship give and bequeath unto each of them one dollar". Execs: wife and Richard Co Jackson. Wit: Saml. H. Jordan and O.H. Lide.

6 Mar 1843. Will proven.

3 Jul 1843. Invt. of sale.



Will exec. 10 Jul 1862; to sons Hugh, Alexander, Joseph, William, George, Hamilton, and James; to dau. Mary Sweeny; to granddaus. Una and Ibby Basket. Exec: Urial Johnston. Wit: E. Sawtell and John Hoyl. Signed by mark.

4 Aug 1862. Will proven.

Invt. sold 22 Aug 1862.

7 Oct 1862. Petition to sell slave. Uriel Johnson, Exec. VS William, Hugh, Joseph, Hamilton, George, James, Alexander, and John H. Moore, Wm. and Margaret Basket John and Jane Barker, Martin and Mary Sweeney.



Will exec. 22 Aug 1851, proven 2 Nov 1851; to all my children, George W. Morgan, Cherokee A. Rogers, Rufus Montezuma Morgan, Amanda P. Morgan, M.A.W. Eiffort, Elizabeth L. McElrath. Execs: H.M.D. McElrath, G.W. Morgan, A.L. Rogers, and J.H. Eiffert or any one or more of them as may be agreed upon between them. Wit: Wm. S. Reagan, John W. Griffitts.

5 Jan 1852. George W. Morgan app. Gdn. to R.M. Morgan minor heir.

2 Feb 1852. Invt. by Andrew L. "Patent granted to Gideon Morgan for an roads" and "Right of Knowles patent saw for the State of Tennessee”.



13 Apr. 1825. Wm. Ballew, Moses Cunningham, and John Mathews app. Comm. to lay off year ' s support for widow Rebecca and she is app. Adminx.



5 Sep 1831. Richard Morgan, pauper, died 12 May 1831.



8 Sep 1830. A. R. Turk, Clk. Vs. David Shields, Adm.



13 Apr 1868. The State VS John Morton; Disturbing Public Worship. The death of defendant is suggested and admitted.



2 Dec 1844. Allen Boon app. Adm.; Isham Julian, James Gaut, and Dimmon Dorsey, support for widow.

6 Jan 1845 to 24 Feb 1846. Invt. of sale, Add. Invt., and pro rata sett. by Adm.



6 Apr 1846. Coroner paid for holding inquest over the body.



Will exec. 10 Jan '1857, proven 6 Jul 1857; to wife Rebecca; to dau. Salina wife of Dr. Joseph M. Alexander "my interest in the store at Benton"; to dau. Queentine wife of James T. Lane; to grandchildren Catherine E. and John Moss Taylor, children of dec’d dau. Rebecca, wife of James B. Taylor; to son-in-law James B. Taylor; “my gold watch and chain” to son-in-law Dr. J. M. Alexander; “my Rifle Gun” to G. W. Price; “my gold spectacles & case” to Nathan Kelly; negro boy Henry to have his freedom at death of wife with privilege of going to Liberia and $200 to pay expenses; “an unsettled partnership business between myself & my fried Richard C. Jackson”. Exec: son-in-law Dr. Alexander. Wit” John L. Bridges and Nathan Kelley.

3 Oct 1857. Invt.

3 Oct 1857 to 18 Mar 1862. Settlements by Joseph M. Alexander, Gdn. of Catherine E. and John Moss Taylor.



13 Apr 1868. Rebecca Moss VS Moses Cunningham and others. The death of plaintiff is suggested and admitted.

4 May 1868. Wm. T. Lane app. Adm.



5 Feb 1849. Wm. Walsh app. Adm.

2 Apr 1849. The Adm. reports that no property either real or personal can be found in his county.



1 Jun 1835. Enoch Wilson app. Adm.



Will exec. 15 Jan 1823; estate divided between dau. Elizabeth H. Murphy and son John W. and "my wife’s saddle and little wheel be reserved for the benefit of my children and the raising of them". Execs: trusty friend John Walker and bro. Robert Murphy. Wit: Absalom Coxsey, Benjamin Sanders.

6 Dec 1824. Aaron Haynes, Henry C. Price, and James McNabb app. Comm. to settle with John Walker, Gdn. of Betsey H. Murphy. Supp. Invt. for years through 1830 by John Walker, Gdn.

26 Aug 1831. Comm. Saml. Walker and James Gregg settle with John Walker, Gdn. for Elizabeth Murphy, heir; paid to James Walker for "going to Larren County in the western district" on business of the estate.

filed 12 Feb 1872 (Enrolled Bills, 1865-75). James Murphy died Mar 1823. Dau. Elizabeth H. , now of Bradley Co., married at age of 15 to Wm. S. Stephenson who died 3 Apr 1869. Son JohnW. Murphy died a few weeks after his father died.



Mar 1825. Robert Murphy app. Adm.



Will and Codicil exec. 5 Jul 1855; to son John; to grandson John Murphy $50 and also execs. to pay $29.62¼ "that I received from my sons Jeffersons estate and was to pay over to the said John Murphy without interest when he became of age"; "My grave, my wife’s grave, and my daughter in law Susan Murphey grave" to be impounded; personal property to be sold and money equally divided among Nancy Coxsey, Rachel M. Huart, William, John, and James Murphey, after paying Rachel M. Huart $18 for a saddle. Exec. son John. Wit: H.M. McNabb, David L. Boyd.

3 Dec 1855. Will proven.

Invt. of sale held 24 Dec 1855 by Exec.

29 Aug 1857. Final sett. by Exec.; receipts for $106 each from William, James, and John Murphy, George Coxsy and wife; receipt for $124 from Wm. and Malinda Hughart; receipt for $79.62½ from Noah Orton, Gdn.



7 Apr 1845. Onslow G. Murrell app. Gdn. of Emily S., John D., Sophia C., and Manerva R. Murrell.



2 Jul 1860. Court pays for shroud and coffin for pauper.





Transcript of records 6 Oct 1845 of Van Buren Co. Court at Spencer and recorded 3 Aug 1846 by J.C. Carlock, Clk.; Wm. R. Neal is app. Gdn. to Elizabeth J., Charles W., John A., and

Douglass Neal, minor heirs; James F. Thomas and Lemuel Romans are security for Gdn. bond; members of the Court were Uriah York, Chairman, and John Fleming, David Haston, James Right, James A. Haston, Micajah Simmons, Preston Dulany, Wm. L. Mitchell and Thomas Moore, Justices.



4 Mar 1867. James Brook, Colored, app. Gdn. of minor heirs.



6 Aug 1860. James Neil app. Gdn. to Margaret Lo and Judith L. Neil, his own minor children.

11 Oct 1860 to 3 Jan 1866. Sett. by James Neil, Sr., Gdn.



Will exec. 28 Aug 1858; to wife Sarah, interest on $2000; residue to be divided among all children including children of deceased son John R., but Malinda Sherman is to have $200 more than other children; daus. Polly, Nancy, Malinda, Ollivia 9 and Sarah, their part to them and their heirs and for no other purpose. Execs: sons William, Sterling, and Joseph. Wit: J.H. Reagan, Morgan L. Wallis.

6 Apr 1868. Will proven.

filed 20 Aug 1871. John Neil died Mar 1868 at age 80 odd, leaving widow Sarah (who was sister to Russell Lane and is now living, aged 84, in Monroe Co., with son William), and the following children: Claiborn of Jackson Co., Ore. (started to Ore.

22 Sep 1852 by wagon train and had six children when he went to Ore: Mary (Polly), wife of George Stephens of Monroe Co. (she has children Parshall Cate and Oscar Cate); Sarah wife of James

T. Fitzgerald of Laclede Co., Mo., and later of Jackson Co., Ore.; Malinda wife o~ John F. Sherman of McMinn Co. (she has children Thomas and rank Sherman); Nancy, dec'd wife of Roland

Burnett of Oregon, M .; William, who lived in Ky. in 1852 and is now of Monroe Co.; Joseph, next to the youngest child, of McMinn Co.; Sterling of Houston Co., Ga., and later of Macon Co., Ga. (he married a sister of Russell Hurst); Oliva wife of Burnett of Pop Co., Ark.; Prior who died between 1858 and 1868; John R. who died before 1858. The children of dau. Nancy Burnett, dec'd, are Isham and Prior of Washington Territory and later of Boise City, Idaho; William of Kano in 1871 and of Boulder Coo, Colo., in 1872; Caroline, dec'd wife of ___ Collins, whose children are Mary Jo and Carrie E. Collins both of

Oregon, Moo; Mary wife of Lawson White Lloyd of Kan. and later of Nebraska City, Neb.; Elizabeth wife of James Ewing of Holt or Callaway Co., Mo.; Sarah wife of Thos. W. Collins of Holt Co., Mo.; Malinda wife of Ansel Watrous of Nassau Co., Fla.;

Martha Jane wife of Wm. Hoblitzell of Holt Co., Mo.; and George of Holt Co., Mo. The children of son Prior Neil, dec'd, are Lea of Polk Co., Ga.; John Co of McMinn Co.; Mary J., dec'd wife of James Thomas (whose children are Sarah J., John No, and Franklin P. Thomas, all minors); Louisa wife of L. Francis Stewart of Meigs Co.; Mahala wife of Irby Boggess of Meigs Co. (she was divorced in 1872); Thomas R. and Jerry F. of Meigs Co.; Wm. B. of Calif.; James Polk and Elizabeth Neil, a minor, both of Meigs Co. The children of John R. Neil, dec’d, are Eglintine wife of B. Francis Lillard; Mary Ao wife of· W. Lafayette Lillard; and Sterling Neil, a minor, all of Meigs Co.



Will exec. 29 Jul 1835 9 probated Feb Court 1838; to sons William, Joseph, John, Peter, Jesse; to dau o Nancy Southard; to dau. Sally Hurst; to son Samuel;s heirs; to son Charles' heirs. Execs: son William and Joab Hill. Wit: Alexander Keith, Maria S. Keith, and Simeon Grisham. Signed by mark.

Feb 1839 to 9 Oct 1839. Supp. Return of sale, Supp. Invt., Sett., and Supp. Invt. by Joab Hill, Exec.; receipts from heirs John Hurst, Nancy and Robert Southard, John, Joseph, Peter, William, and Jesse Neil.

2 Mar 1840. Sett. by Wm. Hill, Agent for Joab Hill, Exec.; receipt of Wm. Neil, present Adm. for total sum.



6 Nov 1848. James Forrest and Wm. F. Keith app. Adms.

10 Nov 1848. Comm. Wm. S. Calloway, T. S. Rice, and Daniel Lowry set apart year's support for widow Ann V. and family.

4 Dec 1848; E 53, 6 Aug 1849; 137, 2 Dec 1850. Invt. of sale, Supp. Invt., and Sett. by Adms.

13 Jan 1852. Sett. by Ann Virginia Netherland, Gdn. for minor heirs; land obtained for services rendered the U.S. as a soldier in Mexican War.

3 Jan 1853. James Forrest and Wm. F. Keith, Adms., Ann Virginia Netherland, widow, and Virginia W. Netherland VS Cornelia V., James W., Catharine R., John P., Josephine T., and Ann Eliza Netherland, minor heirs. Since filing bill Virginia W. Netherland has married Wm. M. Heiskell of Monroe Co., Tenn.

26 Feb 1853. Final sett. by Adms.

9 Jan 1860. Sett. by same, Gdn. of her own minor children; vouchers of Carmelia V., Jaso W., Catherine R., John P., Josephine T. and Ann E.

filed 17 Feb 1872. Dr. J.W. Netherland died many years ago, leaving seven children: Virginia wife of Wm. Heiskell, Cornelia wife of James Yearwood, Josephine· wife of Wm. A. Cannon of Madisonville, Annie E. L. wife of Guilford M. Cannon of Monroe Co., James W., C. Ro wife of R.M. Staples, and John P.



4 Jul 1842. Sarah Newman app. Gdn. for John K., Sabra, Jesse, and Wm. B. Newman, minor children of Sarah Newman.



5 Oct 1840. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow Susan.

12 Oct 1840. Comm. L.L. Ball, Emanuel Hany, and John H. Lee make report.

4 Jan 1841 to 6 Feb 1843. Invt. and Invt. of sale by James Orton, Adm.

15 May 1843. Thomas Vaughan, Clerk, makes pro rata sett. between Adm. and creditors.



5 Sep 1864. Comm. app. to set apart y ear's support for widow Clementine and family.

23 Sep 1864 to 21 Sep 1866. Sale, Add. Invt. and sale, Sale, and Sett. by James Russell, Adm.

1 Jul 1867. Clementine Newman app. Gdn. of her own minor heirs, Sarah A., Mary Elmira, Spencer Lee, David M., Robert Clinton, Lefaiet C., and John M. Newman.

15 Jun 1866. Clinton B. Newman died Aug 1864 leaving widow Clementine and children: Margaret E. who by May 1867 has married Wm. Armstrong, and the minors listed above.



3 Jan 1832, probated Mar 1832; to son Samuel; to five sons Joseph, Jared, Samuel, Isaac, and Joshua; to son Johnathan; to son Robert; to granddau. Elizabeth Cate; negro slaves not to be removed from Counties of McMinn, Monroe, or Jefferson and to be emancipated at stated times. Execs: six sons Joseph, Jared, Samuel, Isaac, Joshua, and Robert. Wit: Chas. Wakefield, John Thompson, H.D. Boid, Obed Patty, and James Gaut. Signed by mark.

28 Jan 1850. Isaac Newman died 13 Jan 1832. Sons Jared and Joshua have died and son Joseph is of Jefferson Co.

filed 19 Aug 1851. Isaac Newman moved from Jefferson Co., Tenn., to McMinn Co. before 1825; his dau. Rebecca, dec'd, was wife of Robert Stephenson and mother of Elizabeth, wife of Gideon Cate.



5 Dec 1836. Alfred c. and Mary Newman app. Adms.

Jan 1837. Invt. by Adms.; items include a note on Daniel Newman and "estate by the Dec 1d John W. Newman coming by his wife amount about $100.00".

15 Dec 1838. Sett.

8 Jan 1839. Sett.; the sum due in State of Virginia was found to be not due.

29 Feb 1840. Final sett.; receipts from heirs Mary and Daniel Newman.



7 Nov 1870. Bird Newman app. Adm.



Will exec. 3 Jul 1854; "Item 1 -hereby manumit and set free all my negro slaves", giving them choice of going to Liberia with expenses paid or remaining in slavery to be divided between wife Sarah E. and all the children; to wife Sarah "in addition to what she had when I married her"; to son Clinton B.; to five daus. Nancy Buckner, Elizabeth E. Dorsey, Rebecca Dorsey, Sarah Culton, Mahala Jane Long; to grandson Robert Buckner; to Hugh Holland. Execs: Raleigh Chesnutt and Milton P, Jarnagin. Wit: J.N. Cate, John J. Dixon, B.A. Prophet.

7 Aug 1854. Will proven.

6 Nov 1854. Invt. of sale.

20 Oct 1856. Sett. by Execs.; paid for negroes to Liberia $475.00; "the negroes mentioned in the Will elected to go to Liberia, and after regular emancipation on the 24th October 1855 they were started to Baltimore under the care of Joseph McCulley of this County to be placed under the care and Transportation of the America Colonization Society whence they were shipped for the western cost Liberia of Africa as the Executors are informed and believe"; legatees signing receipts are C.B. Newman

and the husbands of his five sisters, namely, Burrow Buckner and wife Nancy, Dimmon Dorsey and wife Elizabeth, McCamy W. Dorsey and wife Rebecca, A. Culton and wife Sarah, J.A. Long and wife Mahala.



4 Aug 1851. Dimmon Dorsey, Jr., app. Adm.

7 Oct 1851. Invt. and sale by Adm.

filed 19 Aug 18510 Samuel Newman remained in Jefferson Co. for some years after his father Isaac moved to McMinn Co. before 1825. Samuel Newman died in McMinn Co. intestate on 25 Jun 1851, leaving children: William and James G., both married; Elizabeth, dec’d 1848 or 1849, wife of Levi Smith (who dies 1855 during lawsuit) of Lawrence Co., Mo.; John L., married; Laura S. wife of George O. Patty; Sarah, Jane, and Rebecca Newman, all unmarried and living with the father. The children of Elizabeth and Levi Smith are Sarah Jane wife of Jesse Pigg, Zarah wife of Miller Martin, Samuel, William Levi 9 John Thomas, Francis Marion, and Mary Eliza Smith.



Will exec. 12 Aug 1863, probated Sep 1869; “being advanced in age”; to Mary A. Grisham, one-fourth of household furniture as her lawful right; equal division among heirs, viz: the heirs of Wm. Newton, dec’d; Isaac, Jesse D., James A., Edward M., George W. 9 and Jasper Newton; Mary A. Grisham; Malindy L. Teague; Rebecky E. Long. Execs: sons E.M. and Jasper. Wit: James and Daniel Parkerson .

2 Aug 1869. Will proven.

6 Sep 1869. Mary D. Newton, widow, dissents to Will.



Will exec. 23 Jul 1853, proven 1 Aug 1853; to wife Elizabeth R. being now pregnant; to her offspring if born alive, if not born alive then $800 of its share to niece Mary Saunders dau. of sister Mariah A. Saunders of Powhattan Co., Va. Execs: wife and Robert No McEwen. Wit: Milton P. Jarnagin, Wm. P.H. McDermott.

10 Dec 1853. Invt. by Exec.; includes items found in Dr. Nice's Medical Office.

no date. Acct. of sale agreeable to notice given in the Athens Post.

25 Nov 1859. Final sett.; receipt from Elizabeth R. Nice for all funds for herself and for her son Wm. G. Nice of whom she is natural gdn.

filed 6 Aug 18590 Wm. G. Nice died Jul 1853 and his son Wm. G. was born 12 Sep 1853. Widow Elizabeth has bought land in Texas.



Jul 1855. Court pays for funeral expenses for a pauper.



Will exec. 18 Apr 1840; to wife Hannah; to two youngest sons Flemmin L. and Lafawett; to other children: Marys. Sutherland, Sally Walker, Betsey O. Shelton, Lucinda Cousins, Belinda Stults, William, Marshall, and Dutton Lane Norman, all of whom receive $1 each in addition to what they have received. Execs: wife and James W. Oakes. Wit: Jonathan Richardson, Terrell Nance, and Anthony Davis.

2 Aug 1841. Will proven.



1 Jul 1867. Report of Jacob Bryant, Adm., received.

12 Aug 1868. Report by Adm.; eight vouchers of $41.25 each to G.B., G.W., Elizabeth, and F.M. Norvall (Norvell), Emanuel and Sarah Griffitts, J.A. and Elizia J. Henderson, John C. and Cela Jo Wilson, and Isam Collinghan Gdn. for John Norvall.



8 Sep 1829. James H. Fyffe app. Adm.

Invt. 8 Sep 1830 by Adm.



6 Sep 1824. Rebecca O'Neil app. Adminx.



22 Nov 1860. Comm. S.S. Morgan, L.L. Ball, and R.D. Pearce set apart year's support for widow and family.

no date. Invt. by John Rogers, Adm.

filed 11 Dec 1860. Levi Only has died since Aug 1860 leaving widow Mahala J. and children: Wm. E. of Ill., Mary E. wife of W. J. Y. Bennett believed to be of Illo, Martha E. wife of Benjamin Kibble, Malissa Bo, Thomas J., Sarah J., Nancy A., and Amanda A. Only, the last four being minors. Mahala Only and family contemplate moving to Ill.

filed 18 Apr 1871. Mahala Jane, widow of Levi Only, and dau. of Elizabeth Stafford, executed deed in Williamson Co., Ill.



7 Aug 1865. M.B. Goddard of Monroe Co. app. Adm.

20 Oct 1865. Invt. and sale by Adm.

8 Aug 1865. Comm. Wm. Mo Edwards, John D. Lowry, and Hugh Goddard lay off year's support for widow and family.

1 filed 10 Oct 1868. John R. Orr died 1861-62-63 leaving widow Edith and heirs: Joseph, Acquilla, James Ho of Gentry Co., Mo., Caroline wife of Wm. Weathers of Calif., and seven minors, Sherman, Robert, Elizabeth, Harris, Lee, David, and John



2 Nov 1863. Will proven 6y Jas. H. Reagan and Mrs. M.A. Reagan, the witnesses; J.W. and John R. Orr app.

29 No; 1865. Invt. and sale held 13 Nov 1863 by J.W. Orr, Exec.; buyers include J.B., J.W., J.R. , John, and I.H. Orr.

24 Oct 1866. Exec. Sett.; vouchers to Irby H. and J. W. Orr, and Elisha Briant, Gdn.



Will exec. 4 Nov 1830, recorded Sep 1831; to wife Polly; to dau. Jane F. Johnston; to sons John W. and Josiah; to other children; to wife until children shall be schooled and raised. Execs: worthy friends Elijah Walker and John Erwine. Wit. Josiah Rowan, Nealy Chrisman.

Dec 1831. Invt. of notes by Elijah Walker and John Arnwine Execs.

5 Mar 1832. Deed proven: Chas. Metcalf to Jane F. Johnson, John w., Robert H., Josiah J., Francis G., Lucinda William W., Nancy J., and Hetty Ann Orr, heirs.

5 Jun 1833. Comm. Tidence Lane, Joseph Minzes, and George W. Mayo settle with Execs.



7 Sep 1840. Chas. P. and Cloe Owen app. Adm. and Adminx.

5 Oct 1840. Invt. of sale held at Calhoun by Adms.

5 Oct 1840. Comm. John L. McCarty, M.C. Hawk, and Wm. W. Cowan set apart year's support for widow Cloe and family.

6 Apr 1842. Sett. by C.P. Owen, one of Adms.



1 Apr 1850. Sale held 22 Feb 1850 by Philip P. Owens, Adm.

11 Feb 1850. Comm. Wm. R. Weir, Winston Carter, and McChambers set apart year's support for widow Elizabeth.

no date. Final sett. by Adm.; balance paid to J. R. Witt, Gdn.

7 Feb 1853 to 2 Mar 1853. Sett. by James R. Witt, Gdn. of minor heirs.

7 Nov 1853. Philip P. Owens app. Gdn. to Wm. T. Owens, minor heir.

30 Nov 1853. Final sett. by J.R. Witt, Gdn.; receipts for equal amounts from John and Nancy J. Hale, heir, and from P.P. Owens, Gdn.

30 Nov 1856. Sett. by Philip P. Owens, Gdn.

20 Sep 1860. Final sett. by same Gdn.; receipt for balance from Wm. T. Owens.



2 Nov 1857. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



18 Dec 1867. F.J. Paine Adm. for the use of Franklin Locke VS A.R. Snyder et al.



3 May 1847. Invt. and sale held 19 Apr 1847 by James Parkison and Wm. F. Forrest, Adms.

7 Apr 1847. Comm. Matthew R. Gibson, C.L. King, and W.J. McClatchy set apart year's support for widow Julia and family.

l5 Feb 1849. Sett. by Adms.; paid L.C. Rentfrow and wife to make them equal with other heirs.

Mar 1849. Add. Invt. of sale by Adms.

5 Jan 1850. Sett. by Adms.; paid to heirs Mrs. Julia  Parkison, Mrs. Mary Camp, Daniel Parkison, L.C., and Nancy M. Rentfrow, John Parkison, Wm. F. and Lear Forrest, all $108.50; paid heirs Nancy Jane and Jonathan Dodson $27.00; paid Jessee B. Dodson Gdn. for M., Geo. W., and Daniel T. Dodson minor

heirs $81.37; paid Julian Parkison, widow.



Will exec. 17 Mar 1858 to bro. William who is to support aged aunt Elizabeth Gordon during her lifetime; balance to be divided equally among the rest of bros. and sisters, with the share of sister Lucinda Payne to be divided among her heirs and the share of deceased sister Talitha Camran to be divided among her heirs. Exec: bro. John W. Parris. Wit: Joseph Cobbs, Jr., and John Lattimore.

3 May 1858. Will proven; John w. Paris declines to serve as Exec. and Jas. C. Carlock is app. Adm.

4 Oct 1858. Sale by Adm.; buyers include A.J., R.H., Moses, J.W., and Wm. Parris, Jr. and Sr., E.D. Cameron, James Payne, Uriah Payne, Wm. O. Cameron.

5 Sep 1859. Invt. of sale of lands.

25 Jun 1860. Sett.; paid part of legacy to Wm. Parris, Jr.

28 May 1861. Sett.; paid for tombstones and palings for grave of Elizabeth Gordon.

21 Dec 1858. Lemuel J. Paris died leaving bros. and sisters as follows: William, Jr.; Lucinda wife of J.J. Payne of Washington Co., Ark.; Talitha Camron, dec'd; John W.; Robert H.; A.J.; Mary wife of James Hickey of Polk Co.; Elve wife of James Jenkins; Sally wife of John M. Vinzant of Mo.; Jerusha wife of C.H. Ward of Ala.; Nancy Fagan, dec'd. The children of sister Lucinda Payne are Elve, John, William, Jerusha, and perhaps others. The children of sister Talitha Camren, dec'd, are Mary wife of James Corn of Polk Co., Felix, James, Nancy, Caroline, John, and Elve, all minors of Polk Co. The children of sister Nancy Fagan, dec'd, are Mary wife of John Hickey and Nancy a minor. Aunt Elizabeth Gordon, over 85, is sister to Moses Paris.



Will exec. 7 Feb 1869, prob. Jul 1869; body to be decently interred in burying ground at Coghill; all estate real and personal (except the bedstead with "screns" to it and the bedding and bed clothing belonging thereto bequeathed to wife) to be sold and money divided equally amongst wife and several children and children of those that are dead. Execs: son John W. and C.H. Ward. Wit: W.M. Cass, Joseph Cobb, Sr., and S.W. Payne.

2 Aug 1869. J.W. Parris and C.H. Ward qualified as Execs. This entry marked: Null and Void

1 Nov 1869. John W. Parris and C.H. Ward app. Adms. Of Wm. Parris who died intestate.

Feb 1873. A. Slack app. Adm.



7 May 1849. Samuel W. Royston of Washington Co. app. Adm.  

26 Sep 1850. Invt. and sale, and Sett. by Adm.




exec. l Apr 1848 in the City of New Orleans, La.; to wife Anna; to children Elizabeth, John R. 9 Jane A., and James G. Parshall, and Ann Margaret Stone; none of children to be charged for board during their minority; James G. is now at school. Execs: James Gettys and wife Anna. "The foregoing was read to the testator in our presence we being satisfied from conference with him that he was of sound mind" signed W. Perkins and Abram L. Gammon.

2 Oct 1848. Will proven by Abraham L. Gammon who states that the other witness is not an inhabitant of State of Tenn.; John R. Parshall identifies handwriting of Testator.

3 Oct 1848. Mrs. Anna Parshall app. Execx.

8 Sep 1855. Sett. by S.W. Royston, Adm.

14 Jan 1861. Dr. John Parshall died on return from Mexican War, leaving wife Anna who died Mar 1849 and children: Ann M. wife of Rufus W. Stone of Texas; Elizabeth who married Dec 1848 to Saml. W. Royston, an attorney; John R. now dec’d with wife Eva A. and infant dau. Anna Ross Parshall of

Monroe Co.; Jane A. who died several years ago, a minor unmarried; and James G. of Monroe Co., the youngest child who reached his majority in 1857.



4 Jul 1836. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow.

Oct 1836. Inv. By Jont. Couch and Wm. Parson, Adms.

1 Nov 1838. Sett. by Adms.; receipt from Nancy Parson, heir.

3 Dec. 1838. Petition for dower in land by Jane Parsons, widow of Thomas Parsons who died at his usual residence in McMinn Co. sometime during the year 1836.

4 Apr 1840. Sett. by Jont. Couch, Adm.; receipts from heirs Manvel, John, Jane, and Wm. Parson, Mary Creaghead, and from Jane Parson, Gdn. to her son Joseph.

15 Apr 1841. Final sett. by Jonathan Couch, one of Adms.



l Dec 1851. James Sloop app. Adm.

Mar 1852. Invt. and sale by Adm.

filed 31 Jul 1852. James E. Patterson died Nov 1851 leaving widow Caroline, who is sister to James Sloop, and one child Julia Ann, aged less than two years.

6 Nov 1854. Saml. Patterson app. Gdn. to Julia Ann Patterson, minor heir.

4 Jan 1856 to 4 Jan 1860. Sett. by same Gdn.



Will exec. 7 Jan 1828; to wife Mabel; to sons Samuel, William, Robert, James; to daus. Hannah, Anna wife of James Green, Margret Blackburn, Eda Mcelheren, Martha Moor, Sarah wife of Jonathan Moore, Elizabeth Julian, Mabelston and Unicy Grigg. Execs: sons Samuel and Robert. Wit: G.R. Cox, Joshu

Leonard, Joseph Briant.

3 Mar 1828. Will proven.

Oct 1836 to Jan 1838. Sett. by Saml. Patterson, one of Execs.

13 Dec 1838. Sett. by same Exec.; receipts from heirs: Isom Julian, Martha Moore, Jeremiah F. Strange, Joel Gregg, James Green, · Richard Moore, John Mcelheran, Margaret Blackburn, Robert, James, and Wm. Patterson.

27 Sep 1839. Sett. by same Exec.; receipts from heirs John Posten and Samuel Patterson; receipt from Jonathan Moore for equal amt.



1 May 1858. Comm. John J. Dixon, Wm. Faugerson, and Wm. Newman set apart year's provisions for widow Jathary Jane and family.

8 May 1858, l Nov 1858. Invt. of sale by Robert Cochran, Adm. Invt. of sale

3 Oct 1859. Mary J. Patty app. Gdn. to Mary Elizabeth Martha Isabella Myram T. Patty, her own minor children.

28 Sep 1860. Final sett. by Adm.; receipt in full from Mary J. Patty, Gdn.

29 Jun 1861. Sett. by Gdn.; vouchers for boarding threeminor children.

6 Mar 1865. Same Gdn. makes bond.

2 Apr 1866. Mary J. Cochran app. Gdn. of minor heirs



Will exec. 27 Apr 1839; to wife; to son Josiah; sons Benjamin W. and George O. heretofore received their share to J. five youngest sons, Obed, William, Robert, James, and Raphael; share of oldest dau. Lucinda Crockett to remain in hands of Execs. and if any remaining after her decease to be given to her youngest child Sarah; to second dau. Mariah Crockett; to dau.  Elizabeth, yet single; to dau. Martha Barnett; to youngest dau. Susan Jane Patty. Execs: sons Benjamin w. and George O. and son-in-law James Crockett. Wit: C. Sanders, John Fergurson.

l May 1843. Will proven.

12 May 1843. Comm. Wm. Lee, Robert Gregory, and Alexander Stephenson lay off year's support for widow Sarah.

2 Oct 1843; 215, no date. Invt. of sale and Invt. by Execs.; one note on John Harrel dated 1829, doubtful,

if it is on the John Harrel that is dead.

May 1845. Sett.; receipts from heirs Nathaniel Barnett and wife, John Ferguson and wife, Alfred Dodson and wife.

3 Nov 1845, 5 May 1846, and 15 Dec 1847. Add. Invt. and Sett.; receipts from heirs Martha S. Barnett, Susan Jane Ferguson, and Elizabeth Dodson were reported heretofore.



7 Sep 1846 and Oct 1846. Invt. and Acct. of sale by Wm. Ferguson, Adm.

11 Sep 1846. Comm. Chas. T. Thornton, Wm. Newman, and Green L. Reynolds set apart year’s support for widow E. and family.

4 Jan 1847. Add. Sale.

6 Dec 1847. Report by Wm. Ferguson, Gdn., to James R. Patty, minor heir.

19 Sep 1848. Sett. by Adm.; paid widow Edy.

6 Dec 1848 to 26 Mar 1860. Settlements by same Gdn.

2 Feb 1863. Wm. Faugerson resigns as Gdn. of Riley Patty and N. M. Crockett is app.

CC Record Books A and B. William Patty, dec’d, (wife Ede and infant son Riley) was son of Obed Patty.



Will exec. 12 Jan 1844; to wife Charlotte; $1 each to children John, James, and Wm. Payne, and Mary Howard; land to son Uriah; land and dwelling house to son Thomas, and wife to live with him. Exec: son Uriah. Wit: T. L. and John Hoyl

1 Oct 1849. Will proven.



20 Apr 1869 State of Tenn. For the use of Thos. J. Peak, Adm. VS A.D. Briant, Adm. of J. M. Yearwood.



Will exec. 5 Sep 1858; to two sons Wiley and Robert; sister Mary Ann McCasland to handle all property and sales for best interests of the two children and their education; land in Gentry Co., Mo. Exec: sister Mary Ann McCasland. Wit: James Pearce and George W. Bridges.

6 Dec 1858. Will proven.



5 Nov 1867. S. M. Thomas and Robert Pearce app. Adms.

Filed 10 Oct 1868. James Pearce died intestate Oct 1867 leaving children as follows: Robert D.; Abigail A. wife of Samuel M. Thomas; Margaret Willis; Elizabeth Taylor of Chatata, Bradley Co.; James H.; Isabella; Mary wife of John F. Larrison of Bradley Co.; Amanda wife of John Masoner of Meigs Co.; Joriah wife of Robert S. Mahan of Monroe Co.; Nancy Ann wife of Robert Porter of Parker Co., Texas; Sarah Jane, dec’d wife of Merit R. Ware. In 1868 the children of dau. Sarah Jane Ware, dec’d, are James A., Wm. J., H. P., Elizabeth L. wife of Wm. Thornton, Jesse a minor, and four other minors names unknown, all of Ark. In 1872 James A. Ware and Elizabeth L. Thornton are of Pineville, McDonald Co., Mo., Hamilton P. is of Fannin Co., Texas; and J. B. Ware is of Perry Co., Ark. By 1883 there is Power of Atty. From heirs of Susan Jane Ware, dec’d, as follows: Susan Amanda wife of Chas. F. Pitman of Benton Co., Ark.; Rutha M. wife of Pleasant R. Patterson of Southwest City, McDonald Co., Mo., and L. P. Ware, youngest son and one of the minors whose name was unknown, of Graywon Co., Texas. By end of lawsuit E. Grubb and wife I. are entitled to 1/11 of estate.

30 Jan 1871 and 15 Jan 1880. Sett. by Adms.; equal payments to heirs S. M. Thomas and wife A., Margaret Willis, Elizabeth Taylor, J. T. Masoner and wife, J. F. Lorrison, R. D. Pearce, R. S. Mahan and wife J., E. Grubb and wife I., John F. Lorrison for Robert Porter and wife by Atty. In fact, and Allen Ware for M. D. Ware by Atty. in fact.



1 Jan 1844. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



6 Nov 1837. Court pays Christen Peters for keeping Sarah Ann Pearce, orphan.

1 Jan 1838. Above order rescinded and John Rudd paid for keeping same orphan.

7 Jan 1839. Elizabeth Rudd paid for keeping same orphan for year 1838.

7 Jan 1839. Joseph Rudd admitted keeping same orphan.

4 Jul 1842. John K. Boyd paid for taking care of same orphan.

7 Nov 1842. Sarah Ann Pearce, aged 6 last Jan., bound to Thomas W. Johnson.



5 Jul 1847. Court pays for shroud for pauper.



Will exec. 4 Sep 1833; to wife Lovy; to youngest son Charles, a minor; to Maston Pearson; to all lawful heirs. Execs: wife Lovy and John Foster. Wit: Wm. Dotson, J.W. Pearson.

2 Dec 1833. Will proven.

3 Mar 1834 to Dec 1836. Invt. by Execs.



Will exec. 13 May 1824; to wife Allah; to children Pleasant Henderson Pearson, Jesse Wilson Pearson, Louisa, George Washington, William Henry, Christopher Collumbus, and Lusinda Jane Pearson. Execs: wife and friend James Armstrong. Wit: Robt. McCleary, Wm. Weaver.

6 Sep 1824. Will proven.



Will exec. 22 May 1843; wife Nancy; to daus. Mariah Holston and Adaline Bewly; to sons Washington W., A. Jackson, and Henry M.C. Peck and to daus. Laura J. and Arutha Caroline Peck as they arrive at age of 18; youngest dau. Arutha Caroline; to sons James R., and Wm. F.; to grandson Gilbert, son of Gilbert Peck, dec'd, whose share is to be placed in hands of Henry Holston to be used for Gilbert's education. Execs: sonin-law Henry Holston, sons James R. and Wm. F. Peck. Wit: Samuel Workman, Hiram Grisham.

5 Jun 1843. Will proven.

1 Oct 1843 to 18 Sep 1855. Sett. by Execs.

filed 10 Aug 1858. Elliott Peck died leaving widow Nancy and eight children Archibald J.

makes affidavit at Sacramento, Calif.; James Russell Peck of Bradley Co.; Washington W. of Murray Co., Ga.; Wm. F.; Laura J. wife of Wesley Gaston; Henry C. of Gentry Co., Mo.; Levenia A. wife of W.C. Bewley; and Maria L. widow of Henry Holston of Jefferson Co., Tenn.



4 Aug 1862. W.J. Green app. Adm.

no date. Invt. by Adm.



3 Oct 1859 and Apr 1860. Court pays for coffin and burial clothes for pauper.



4 Aug 1851. Jeremiah F. Strange app. Adm.

6 Sep 1851. Sale by Adm.; buyers include N. J., Calvin, and No Peters; one side saddle to Caroline.

no date. Invt.

7 Apr 1856. Newton J. Peters, Gdn. o to John Peters, minor heir, petitions Court to sell military bounty land warrant.



4 Jul 18530 Jury paid for holding inquest over body.

5 Jan 1853. Moses Sweeney, et al VS Landon C. and Newton J. Peters. In 1841 Landon C. Peters was app. Gdn. of minor heirs of Joseph Smith, dec'd. Newton J. Peters is son of Landon Co Landon C. Peters dies during lawsuit by 30 Apr 1853.



2 Aug 1852. Edmund Roberts and Wm. Rucker app. Adms.

4 Sep 1852; 299-301, 3 Jan 1853. Invt. of sale, Invt. of property not sold, Invt. of notes, accts., and slaves,

and Add. Invt. of sale, by Adms.

Oct 18530 James W. McSpadden and George W. Bridges app. Gdns. to George D., Francis A., Carmanda, and Thomas E. McCamron Pettitt, minor heirs.

22 Dec 1855 to 9 Jan 1860. Settlements by Adms. and Gdns.

7 Jun 1858. Petition for partition: George D., Margaret A., Martha M., and Francis A. Pettitt, and Edmund Roberts and wife Elizabeth C. VS Wm. G. Horton and G.W. Bridges, Gdns. For Kennedy L. and Thos. E.M. Pettitt; land to be divided into seven parts.

9 Jan 1860 to 8 Aug 1866. Settlements by George D. Pettitt, Gdn. of minor heirs.

12 Apr 1853. Francis P. Pettitt died Mar 1852 leaving children as named in Petition above. His wife, who was sister to Elizabeth C. McCamon, died two or three years before he died. Elizabeth C. McCamon, a single woman, lived with her mother and father in N.C. in 1825 and her mother died soon after. Elizabeth C. McCamon has sister Polly still living in 1853. S.S. Glenn, who married a sister of Major F.P. Pettitt, dec'd, moved from N.C. to Monroe Coo, Tenn., in 1825 and in 1834 Francis P. Pettitt came from Surry Co., N.C., and lived with Glenn one summer, and then moved down to place where he was living at time of his death.



6 Dec 1830. Petition of widow Susannah for dower in land.



1 Oct 1866. F.A. Pettitt app. Gdn. of his sister Margaret A. Pettitt whom a jury finds in a State of Mania with Paralysis.

5 Nov 1866. Invt. filed.



3 Mar 1845. Wm. Lee, Robt. Gregory, and James Crockett app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Mary.

no date. Above Comm. reports.

2 Aug 1847. Report by Martin M. Hicks, Adm.

27 Apr 18-48. Charles Phillips died 1844 in McMinn Co. intestate leaving the following heirs: widow Mary who is not in McMinn Co.; Elizabeth wife of Wm. Malone of McMinn Co.; Douthit Hicks husband of Hannah Hicks of McMinn Co.; Daniel Casteel of McMinn Co.; Benjamin Phillips of Henderson Co.; William Phillips summoned from Henderson Co. but not found; William Hicks of Henderson Coo; Sarah Jane wife of Chas. B. Lewis summoned from Henderson Co. but not found; Kindrick, Sarah, and John Phillips of Sullivan Co.; Asahel Phillips, dec'd (whose children are John, Jacob, and Henry, all minors); Hannah wife of John Smith of Sullivan Coo; Sarah wife of John W. Malone ofSullivan Co.; Chas. Hicks summoned from Meigs Co. but not found; Margaret wife of Merady Hicks of Monroe Co.; John Casteel of Bradley Co.; Jane wife of Edward Casteel of Bradley Co. but notfound there; Hannah wife of Douthit Hicks summoned in Bradley Co. and not found.



3 Dec 1827. Jackson Smith, Robt. W. McCleary, and Henry Bradford lay off year's support for widow Nancy.

4 Dec 1827. Invt. of personal property, by Nancy, Robert, and Rees Pickens, Adms.

3 Mar 1828. Acct. of sale by same Adms.; buyers include Nancy, Robert, Reese, Rebecca, and Andrew Pickens, and John and Israel C. Smith.

1 Dec 1828. Andrew, Rebecka, William K., Charles A., Nancy, and Martha Pickens, orphans over 14, choose Nancy Pickens and George Bowman as Gdns.

12 Sep 1838. Sett. by Nancy Pickens, Adminx.; receipts from heirs Reece, Robert, Andrew, Nancy and Wm. K. Pickens, A.B. Neal, John and Israel Smith.



5 Feb 1849. John L. Bridges app. Adm.

no date. Invt. and sale by Adm.; notes on James H. and John B. Pike; Susan Pike is a buyer.

6 Mar 1849. Comm. James W. McSpadden, James C. Bryan, and Moses Snider set apart year's support for widow.

10 Sep 1851. Sett. by Adm.; Paid for articles to bury Mrs. Pike Jan 1851; note on John /sic/ Ho Pike who resides in Ga. also two judgments against the said James H. Pike;



2 Jan 1865. Sheriff ordered to bring forward the three children of Sarah Pike, dec'd, so that they may be apprenticed.

6 Feb 1865. Martha Pike aged 12 bound to Aaron Matthews; Adam Pike aged 5 bound to CoJ. Wright.



1 Mar 1841. Adam H. Pitner of Bradley Co. app. Adm.

3 May 1841. W.J. McClatchy, John Wolff, and W.T. McCallie app. Commo to lay off year's support for widow Malinda. h WB D 25, no date. Invt. of sale by Adm.



6 Dec 1858. James W. Plank app. Adm.

1 Apr 1857 to 24 Dec 1860. Invt. and settlements by Adm.; receipts from heirs Luny Janeway,

E. McBee, Thos. Hurst, John, Hiram, and Christian Plank for $41 each and Wm. Plank f~r $10.



Will exec. 7 Nov 1861; to wife Margaret R.; to two youngest sons James K. and Joseph A.; to daus. Mary F., Margaret J., and Elizabeth M. when they arrive at full age; to heirs of dec'd dau. Amelia McCullie; to grandson G.G. McCully; to sons Andrew J. "but owing to his affliction", Wm. W. ($10, having heretofore been provided for), Benj. J., and John B.; to family for "Summers residence", house and lot at the Chilhowee Springs. Execs: wife and John B. Porter. Attest: s.w. Foster, Wm. George.

3 Oct 1864. Will proven.



6 Feb 1843. Elisha Dodson app. Adm.

3 Sep 1849. John M. Dodson app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

no date. Invt. by Adm.

21 Sep 1855. Sett. by Adm.; vouchers include 1841 Orphans Court, expense and trips to Ala., moving the family from Ala. and raising them.

26 Jan 1857. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt 1 Aug 1855 from Harriet A. Turner for about 1/3 of funds; tuition 1853 for Mary Jane Porter; tuition 1855 for Mary J. Turner; tuition for Mary E. Porter.

26 Jan 1859. Sett. by Gdn.

30 Nov 1861. Sett. by Gdn.; paid Mary J. Porter in full; receipts from F.L. and J.D. Porter.



Will exec. 27 Sep 1850 slaves to youngest dau. Mary B., wife of Wm. H. Strain "having otherwise disposed of all my property'' Wit: Hillery Patrick, Jabez Henderson, Saml. Kelly.

Will exec. 7 Mar 1851; "in eightieth year of my age"; to two sons Boyd and Wm. B. Porter, "my whole interest in a family of negros belonging to the estate of Joseph Sharp Dec 1d in the State of Virginia and County of Augusta, the negros is in the hand of July Ann Sharp the wife of Joseph Sharp Dec'd as her lifetime estate"; this interest in said slaves came to him through his wife Fanny who was sister to Joseph Sharp, dec'd; rest of children have received their share. Wit: Pryor N. Lea, Joseph Sharp.

1 Nov 1852. Will proven by Henderson, Kelly, Lea, and Sharp.



5 Sep 1831. Wm. H. Powell and Doctor W.L. Powell, over 14 and under 21, minor children of Benjamin Powell, dec'd, choose George W. Powell of McMinn Co. as Gdn.

4 Sep 1838. Sett. by same, Gdn. to Wm. H. and Doctor Willis Powell

4 Sep 1838. Sett. by same Gdn.; received funds in July 1833; paid one-half to heir Wm. H. the same month.



Will exec. 30 Dec 1852; to wife Polly; to children John F., Kelsey H., Danl. M., and George H. Power, Scythia McChristian, Articena S. Stanton. Danl. M. and Geo. H. are two youngest sons. Exec: John F. Power. Wit: Sythia McCristian, John F. Power.

1 Jan 1855. Will proven by John F. Powers.

5 Mar 1855. Proof given that Sythia McChristian, the other witness, is and is likely to continue sick, and her handwriting is proven.

7 Aug 1855. Invt. of notes by E.L. Miller, Exec.

29 Nov 1856. Sett. by same Exec.; receipts from J.F. Power, D. Morgan Power, Kelsey H. Powers, Geo. Powers, David McCuistian and wife, and Lewis Stanton and wife.



filed 19 Jul 1860. James Miles Power died about 1850, a minor under 21, leaving bros. and sisters Artie E. wife of Willie Lowry of Texas, John F., Jr., George H., and Kelsey S. Power. John F. Power, Sr., is father of James Miles Power, dec’d



4 Jan 1858. Listed as "died insolvent" in Tax Delinquents for 1857.



2 Oct 1865. Carroll Emerson paid for making coffin for pauper.



4 Sep 1865. Benj. Wells app. Adm.

2 Apr 1866. Report by Adm.filed 29 Jun 1867. William Prather died about May 1861 leaving widow Elizabeth and children: D.W., William M., Martin T. of Iowa, John A., and James M. Prather, Louiza Jane McMillon of Bradley Co., Nancy Cassady, Sarah A. Johns, Fatama wife of Benj. Wells, and Mary A.E. Neil. Son Wm. M. dies during the lawsuit in Sep 1868 leaving widow Rosselvene and minor children James H., Maria E., and Ellen M..



filed 6 Sep 1869. Nancy, dau. of Allen Butler land wife of A.J. Price, died in McMinn Co. about 19 Apr 1869 leaving no children, and her next of kin and heirs are T.H. and Isaac Butler; Louisa Coats formerly Butler, widow of Wm. Coats, dec'd; Lucy Pearce; Wm. Herrod; and a niece Mary Butler, a minor of Meigs Co., dau of John Butler, dec'd, who was a bro. of sd. Nancy Price.



2 Oct 1854. Court pays for burial expenses for pauper.



Will exec. 14 Jun 1841 Thomas; to daus. Margaret Green Execs: Thomas Prigmore and Wm. and John Foster. $1 each to sons Ephraim and V and Rutha Kelly; to Sall Kelly. L. Pearson. Wit: Jacob Golden

3 Oct 1842. Will proven.

2 Nov 1843. Sett. by Thos. Prigmore, one of Execs.



4 Oct 1847. Hamilton Stewart, James McNabb, and John Hill app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Nancy.

Loose paper not dated: Petition of widow Nancy that her husband died on 3rd day of April last, leaving herself and four children as heirs; that he left no real estate and little personal property; that Comm. be app. to lay off year’s support.



Will exec. 16 Dec 1834, probated Mar 1835; to wife Sarah; to children Mary Jane, Darky Ellen, and Martha H. Pugh. Execs: wife and Jonathan Pugh. Wit: Hamilton Stewart and John Pugh.

30 Jan 1847. Sett. by Jonathan Pugh, one of Execs.; the widow intermarried with Solomon Smalling ab6ut six years ago.

6 Dec 1847. James McNabb app. Gdn. to minor heirs.

18 Feb 1850. Sett. by Gdn.; paid Mary Jane Pugh, one of heirs.

18 Feb 1852. Sett. by Gdn.; paid to Dorcas Pugh 29 Jul 1850; paid to heirs Wm. J. and Dorcas E. Young; paid "Mary Jane and Edward J. Grisham Order to Richard Simpson".

22 Jun 1855. Final sett. by N.B. McNabb, Agent for James McNabb, Gdn.; receipts from Martha H, Pugh and F.C. Pugh for the balance.



Will exec. 16 Dec 1861, proven May 1862; to children Marylin, Manda L., Mahala E., John W., Wm. L., and Henry Thomas Pugh, until youngest comes of age. Exec: James W. Plank. Wit: Wm. H. Hammons and Thos. Weir.

no date. Comm. Samuel M. Thompson, Stephen Hill, and I.B. Haney lay off year's support for family.

WB F 452, no date. Invt. of notes and accts.

5 Dec 1864. Final sett. by Exec.; receipt from S.M. Thomas, Gdn., for balance.

5 Dec 1865. Sett. by Gdn.

7 Feb 1870. S.M. Thomas resigns and P.L. Dodson is app. Gdn.



Will exec. 15 Apr 1859, proven Jul 1861; to Johnathan F. Pugh, Eliza Reed, Thursa Riggins, Evaline Goforth, James, Josiah, and John Pugh; Eliza Reed to have the house where she now lives "as long as she conducts herself in a becoming way and Lives by herself"; Eliza Pugh wife of Hiram Pugh to have house where she now lives; John Pugh when he is 20 yrs. old; land lying on waters of Rogers Creek; property and money to be equally divided "among my own children". Exec: James W. Plank. Wit: Wm. and F.M.


10 Jul 1861. Invt. by Exec.

6 Apr 1863. Thomas Riggins~ Jr., and Josiah Pugh VS Jas. W. Plank, Exec., et al; Complainants contest the validity of the Will; all papers sent to Circuit Court.

23 Aug 1865. Complainants dismiss suit to contest Will.



Will exec. 21 May 1851; to sister Mary McPhail and her living children; to the living children of bro. Malcom Pursell except Wm. M. Pursell who is to have 25¢ and no more. Execs: Dugald McPhail and Crisley Foster. Wit: Wm. Forster, Andrew Foster.

1 Sep 1851. Will proven.

1 Dec 1851 to 1 Jan 1853, 1 Jan and 16 Aug 1853. Invt. and sale, Sett., and Final sett. by Christley Foster, Exec.; nine receipts for equal amounts from heirs John, Mary, Cynthia, and Martha Purcell by Young A. Purcell, Atty.;  Young A. Purcell and Young A. Purcell, Adm. of Daniel Purcell, all of Boone Co., Mo.; James Purcell, Daniel and John McPhail.



6 Dec 1852. Young A. Purcell of Boon Co., Mo., app. Adm. of Daniel Purcell who has departed this life leaving no will.



3 Jul 1865. Geo. W. Matlock app. Adm.

10 Oct 1873. William M. Purcell died l Nov 1864 leaving widow Martha and children: Henry, Missouri, Young, Martha, Queen, and William Purcell, all minors except Henry.

25 Oct 1873. Sett. by Adm.



17 Aug 1858. Sett. by Saml. H. Jourdan, Gdn. for heirs and distributees of Elizabeth Purris 11 Late of the State of Virginia; receipts in full of heirs and distributees Sarah M. and Jane Jourdan, Mary E. and Sarah P. Gamble (Gamball).



Will exec. 2 Nov 1832, probated' Apr 1841; to wife Betsey; to four sons George W., James C., John, and Jacob; to daus. Sally Kline, Polly Pickle, Nancy Iseley, and Peggy Ward $1 in addition to what they have already received; to little dau. Betsey when she marries or comes of age. Execs: friend Robert W. McClary and son George. Wit: Andrew and Wm. C. Pickins. Signed by mark.


Will exec. 2 May 1858, proven Aug 1858 to wife Frances; to sons John, Charley, Octavus, Allen, and Wiley (to live with wife); to sons Jefferson, Henry, William; to dau. Eliza. Exec: A.J. Hill. Wit: John J. Dixon, John M. Monds, and James H. Dixon.

26 Oct 1858. Invt. of sale by Exec.

17 Feb 1859. Sett. by same Exec. who has resigned and John Jack is Adm. with Will annexed.

7 Mar 1859. Petition to sell land: A.J. Hill, Exec. VS Charles, Octavius, Willowby, and John Raiborn; the first three defendants are minors.

31 May 1859. Sett. by E.P. Bloom; paid for two coffins.

29 Jan 1861. Final sett. by John Jack, Adm.



3 Dec 1838. John Rainey, Sr., app. Adm.

Jan 1839. Sale and pro rata sett. by Adm.; Wm. Rayney is one debtor.



6 Oct 1845. Coroner paid for holding inquest over body.



1 Jan 1866. Mira A. Reagan app. Adminx.

5 Feb 1866. Invt. and sale by Adminx.

21 Feb 1866. Comm. James Willson, James Forrest, and J.F. Lane lay off year's provisions for widow and family.

4 Nov 1875. Sett. by Adminx.; equal payments to W.B.L., M. A., and Jas. A. Reagan, and Julia and Jas. R. Love.



3 Apr 1837. Sarah Rector app. Adminx. and Gdn. to Sena Mary Rebecca and Emma Rector, minor children.

Jun Court 1837. Invt. by Adminx.; lists land in S.C., house and lot in Ala., and house and lot in Athens, Tenn.



9 Dec 1850 to 6 Dec 1852. Invt. and Sale, Add. Invt., and Sett. by Elijah Cate, Adm.; rec’d a pension fund.



1 Feb 1869. E.C. Redmond app. Gdn. of her own minor child, Mary H. Redmond.



4 Sep 1834. Comm. Tidence Lane, Henry Matlock, Jesse H. Benton, set apart year's support for widow and family of small children.

no date. Sale by Larkin Taylor, Adm. ; Fanny Reed is a buyer.

Dec 1836. Sett. by Adm.



7 Sep 1829. Franklin Reader, minor orphan over 14 and under 21, chooses Michael Whetsell as Gdn.



Will exec. 23 Dec 1847; all estate to mother Rachel Kinder;  $1 to "each & every of my legal kin that may see proper to call on my Executors for the same". Execs: kinsman Stephen K. Reeder and friend James F. Bradford. Wit: Wm. Lowry, John King.

6 Jan 1848. Will proven.



Will exec. 24 Sep 1852; to wife Mary McKim Reeder; to all children when they come of age. Testator acknowledges his signature before witnesses John D. Alexander and Saml. F. Gettys on 8 Jan 1862.

5 Sep 1864. M.A. Helm app. Adm. with Will annexed.

30 Sep 1864. Invt., list of accts., and notes by Adm.; Invt. includes 1 cork leg; rent of store from 1 Jul 1864; cash in Confederate Scrip and bonds in hands of Thos. A. Cleage in Ga.; salt and sacks in hands of D.A. Wilkins, Va. Salt Works near Abingdon, Va.; Adm. could not classify notes and debts because so many of debtors were absent from County in either Army or whereabouts not definitely known.

26 Sep 1864. Comm. John J. Helm, Wm. H. Ballew, and R.C. Jackson set apart year's support for widow Mary M. and family.

7 Nov 1864. Mrs. Mary M. Reeder, widow, enters her dissent to the Will.

25 May 1865. Acct. of sales made by Jas. Turner, Auctioneer by order of Adms. 15 Mar 1865.

20 Apr 1867. Mary M. Reeder, Gdn. of John M., Stephen, and William M. Reeder, minor heirs. Stephen K. Reeder died 5 Jul 1864.



Will exec. 27 Apr 1827; to wife Margaret and children; "raising a family"; "those that have married"; land in Rhea Co., Tenn., near Bridwell's. Execs: wife and John Reecer "whom I constitute my son". Wit: John H. Porter, Benjamin Wasson, Jackson. Signed by mark .

3 Mar 1828. Will proven .



6 Feb 1860. Wm. C. Adare app. Adm.

5 Mar 1860. Invt. by Adm.



7 Jan 1862. Mrs. Loretta Reid app. Adm.



6 Sep 1847. Heil Buttram, James Hicks, and John Foster, Sr., app. Comm. to lay off year's support for minor heirs; James w. Christian app. Gdn.



1 Dec 1828. Henry and Ann Reynolds, minor orphans over 14, choose Henry Reynolds as Gdn.



Will exec. 1 Apr 1868; to wife Susan; to sons Wm. L., Michael C., and the heirs of son James M., dec'd; to daus. Exec: eldest son Wm. L. Wit : H.C. Reynolds, J.H. Crockett.

7 Sep 1868. R.J. Patty app. Adm.; Will proven and son Wm. L. declines to serve as Exec.

23 Nov 1874. Sett. by Adm.

1 May 1877. George Reynolds died leaving widow Susan who died about 1875 and the following eight children: Wm. L.; Michael C.; James H. dec'd; Lucy wife of A.J. Hill of Murray Co., Ga.; Ernaline wife of Wm. Lee of Monroe Co.; Letta Paulina, dec'd wife of R.J. Patty; Nancy Avaline wife of O.W. Patty of Little River Co., Ark.; Hannah, dec'd wife of N.H. Cansellor, dec'd at Rolla, Mo. The children of son James H., dec'd, are S.H., Susan wife of Richard Wilson, Robert, and Jackson, last three being minors. The children of dau. Hannah Cansellor, dec'd, are Mary Susan wife of Joseph L. Stewart, Martha E. wife of Samuel Bowles, and Millie Cansellor, all of Rolla, Phelps Co., Mo., and James H.  Cansellor of Maries Co., Mo. The children of dau. Letta Paulina Patty, dec'd, are Geraldine wife of Thos. P. Duggan, Lucy wife of Geo. W. Carson of Monroe Co., Susan T. wife of D.C. Duggan, W.H. Patty, and James R. Patty, a minor of Texas.



11 Dec 1846. Comm. Wm. Newman, John Thompson, and John K. Jackson set apart year's support for widow Tabitha and family.

1 Mar 1847 to 28 Aug 1852, Invt. and settlements by James Chesnutt and H.C. Reynolds, Adms,; receipts

for equal amounts from Mary, Tabitha, H.C., and Wm. H. Reynolds.



10 Dec 1834. Comm. Urial Johnson, John Morris, and Jackson set apart year's support for Mary Reynolds.

2 Jun 1835. Invt. by David Cantrell and Wm. Grant.

Apr 1837. Invt. by same as Adms.; cash received of John Neal and John McDow both of Ala.

5 Aug 1839. Sett. by Adms.; paid to Wm. Donalson Gdn. for Ann Reynolds heir of Wm. Reynolds, dec'd; paid Henry Reynolds heir of Wm. Reynolds, dec'd, money due from Henry Reynolds, dec'd; paid to Mary and Saml. McSpadden heirs of sd. Dec'd cash received in Ala.

25 Feb 1840. Sett. by David Cantrell, Wm. Grant, and Mary McSpadden, Adms.



5 Sep 1870. James S. Russell and Wm. J. Reynolds app. Adms.; Comm. app. to lay off dower to widow.

3 Oct 1870. Plat of the land assigned as dower to widow Nancy.

29 Oct 1872. Final sett. by Adms.; seven receipts for equal amounts from W.J. Reynolds for Mary J. Rice, T.J., John M., D.D. 9 Wm. J., and J.H. Reynolds, and E.A. and A.T. Blair.

loose paper in book: Donalton, Hunt Co., Texas, 17 Oct 1875; receipt from Orville Rice' Gdn. of Margaret, Montie, and Robert Rice, heirs of Mary J. Rice, dec'd.



5 Feb 1866. Montreville Reyholds app. Adm.

20 Mar 1866. Comm. Uriel Johnston, Raleigh Chesnutt, and E. L. Miller, Surveyor, set apart dower in land for "Margaret Reynolds former widow of John Reynolds deceased".

4 Feb 1867. Montraville Reynolds, Adm. VS Wm. H., Manerva J., Robert H., and Susan Clarinda Reynolds, all minors. J.M. King app. Gdn. ad litem.



Will exec. 29 Jan 1852, proven 1 Mar 1852; Tabitha, widow of Green L. Reynolds; to second dau. Lucy Jane; to dau. Polly; to youngest son Samuel; all children to have balance after bequests paid. Exec: eldest son Hugh C. Reynolds. Wit: Jas. and Raleigh Chesnutt. Signed by mark.

7 Jun 1852. Invt. of sale.

21 Mar 1854. Sett. ; paid heirs Lucy J. and Mary M. Reynolds.



2 Nov 1846. Invt. by John Cunningham, Adm.

7 Dec 1846. Acct. of sales by Adm.; Harris Ray is a buyer.

6 Sep 1848. Sett. by Adm.; "cash balance of his pay due from US for services under Capt. J.D. Lowry in Mexico"; "cash on hand at the time dec'd left for Mexico".

27 Feb 1849. Sett. by C.W. Rice, Gdn. to J.R., Martha E., Sarah E., and Susan Rice received of A. Haley.



27 Feb 1849. Sett. by C. W. Rice, Gdn. to J. R., Martha E., Sarah E., and Susan L. Rice; received of A. Haley.



4 Nov 1850. Comm. Wilson Chapman, R.M. Newman, and Saml. Wilson set apart year's support for widow Margaret W., and family.

3 Feb 1851. Invt. of notes due and acct. of sale held 17 Oct 1850 and Add. Invt. by James Forrest

and John Scruggs, Adms.

filed 15 Apr 1851. Albert G. Rice died leaving widow Margaret W. and minor children Orville, Albert, Robert, and an infant not named.



22 Jul 1865. Invt. and sale and sett. by C.L. Rice, Adm.

3 Jul 1865. Invt. filed in lieu of one previously made which was destroyed.

4 Mar 1867. Henry Rice died 10 (12) Oct 1862 leaving widow Margaret (who was without issue) and children by former wife: Charles Lafayette, Henry M., Martha E., and Laura K., the last two being minors over 14, his only children.



2 Dec 1823. Martha Rice app. Gdn. for Charles W., Henry, Elizabeth, Miller F., and Lucinda Rice, minor heirs; James S. Rice app. Gdn. of Tandy and Isaac Rice minor heirs in the settlement of dower for Martha Rice; Martha Rice Gdn., James S. Rice, Gdn., Rubin Walker and wife Susannah all acknowledge that they have been notified that John Rice and James S. Rice would apply for distributive share of real estate.

1 Mar 1824. Report of Comm. app. to divide real estate among heirs: to widow Martha Rice; to Henry Matlock Rice and Miller F. Rice (land in Roane Co. on N. side Tenn. River); to James S., Lucinda, and Isaac Rice, and Reuben Walker (land in Roane Co. on S. side Tenn. River); to Elizabeth, Chas. W., John, Wm. L., and Tandy Rice (land in McMinn Co.)

no date. Invt. of sale by Irby Holt and Wm. Lowry, Adms.

31 May 1828. Comm. James F. Bradford, Benjamin Isbell, and Elijah Hurst make sett. with Adms.

26 Oct 1838. Report by Martha Rice, Gdn.; interest due from Sep 1823 to Oct 1838 ; vouchers to heirs Wm . H. Ballew, Chas. W., Elizabeth, Miller F., and Henry Rice.

4 Jul 1837. Final sett. by Wm. Lowry, one of Adms. with Comm. John B. Jackson, Elijah Hurst, and John McGaughy; listed are Eavan, John, Isaac, Charles W., Henry, Tandy S., and Martha Rice.

26 Oct 1839. Add. report by Gdn.

no date. Sett. by Gdn . ; receipts from heirs Wm . L. Rice, Allen Haley; receipt from heir Miller F. Rice "filed heretofore but he being a minor at the time it is herewith filed again".



7 Mar 1825. John Rice app. Adm.

no date. Sett. by Adm.; in 1823 or 1824 he became Adm. and filed Invt. of sale, but it can not be found; said J.S. Rice was indebted to estate of Isaac Rice; receipts in full from Tandy S. and Isaac Rice, Henry Matlock; Adm. has fully satisfied the debts and also the heirs of said estate.



5 Feb 1838. Jesse Rice app. Adm.

Feb 1839. Supp. return, by Adm.

3 Feb 1840. Sett. by Adm.; paid Wm. Ziegler for his wife Lockey.

4 Feb 1841. Sett. by Adm.; receipts from Wm. and Locky Ziegler, formerly Lecky Rice, widow of John Rice, dec’d; Calloway H. Raper and Lancaster Randolph are heirs; the claim of Jesse Rice, Adm. in sd. estate.

12 Feb 1842. Sett. by Adm.



4 Sep 1854. C.W. Rice app. Adm.

2 Oct 1854. Henry Rice app. joint Adm.

1 Jan 1855; F 57, 9 Mar 1857. Invt. of notes and Sett. by Adms.

4 May 1859. Sett. by Jesse Co Rice, Gdn. of James S. Rice.

15 Feb 1861 and 279, filed 4 Jan 1858. The ten children of John Rice, dec'd, are Isaac R. of Calif.; Wm. J. of Ala.; Letha F. Rice who died without issue; Jesse C.; John; Henry, Jr.; Nancy wife of Thos. A. Owens of Ark.; Sarah wife of George Gardner of Calif.; Charles W., Jr., of Ga. and later of Ark.; and James S. who died a minor.



7 Jan 1856. Jesse C. Rice app. Adm.

4 May 1859. Sett. by Adm.

4 May 1859. Sett. by Adm.; equal amounts paid to heirs Isaac R., John, Chas. W., Henry, Jr., Wm . J., and Jesse C. Rice, and George G. Gardener and wife Sarah T .

4 Jul 1859. Heirs of Letha Rice and also heirs of James S. Rice are C.W., Jr., J. C., I. R., John, and H. Rice, Jr., G.G. and Sarah T. Gardener, N.P. and Thos. A. Owens.



3 Dec 1850. Invt. by H. and C. W. Rice, Adms.

6 Dec 1852. Add. Invt. by Adms.

7 Nov 1854. Loose paper in book and not registered in book. Sett. by Henry Rice, one of Adms.

23 Jun 18580 Sett. by same Adm.; amount received from C. Matlock's estate; vouchers for presents to grandchildren; receipts from C.W., M. F., Wm. L., and Henry Rice, Allen Haley, and Wm. H. Ballew.



4 May 1863. W.L. Rice app. Adm.; Jas. Wilson, Jas. H. Magill, and John F. Sherman app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

30 Dec 1861. Tandy S. Rice dies during lawsuit and his adult children are William of Roane Co., Martha, Nancy, James H., and Lucinda. James H. is a nonresident of Tenn.

6 May 1863. Indiana P. Rice VS Tandy s. Rice. Petition for divorce. Plaintiff dismisses suit and death of defendant is suggested and proven.



3 Dec 1832. Aquilla Leatherwood and Spencer Tillison app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Jane; Mary Rama app. Adminx.

7 Mar 1836. James Long, Thos. Marston, and James Chesnut app. Comm. to settle with Mary Raimy, Adminx.

30 Apr 1836. Above Comm. settle with Mary Rainy (Rany) Adminx.



The Will of Gabriel Richards is not on file in McMinn Co. A copy is found in Roane Co., Tenn., Minute Book Q. 5 Jun 1826. Will proven by John W. and James M. Barnett; Richards died 4 Apr 1826; Will contained clause freeing slaves James and Hannah, who present their petition and are freed as

James and Hannah Richards.

no date. Invt. by Richard and Asa Richards, Execs.

3 Jun 1829. John and Mildred Paine VS the Execs.; John Paine and wife Mildred formerly Richards, heir, suggest to Court that Gabriel Richards at time of making purported Will was not of sound mind; Jury to decide issue; process issued to Asa, Richard, Durrett, George, William, and Gabriel Richards, Wm. Everett and wife Nancy late Richards, Lewis Brock and wife Polly late Richards Rhoda Harvy, and Charles F. Wall, heirs.

1 Mar 1830. Invt. by Richard Richards, Exec.; receipt from Nancy Richards for total funds. ~

8 Jun 1830. Jury finds that "Gabriel Richards devised as in and by the written paper in the Scire facias specified, purporting to be the last Will and testament".



l Sep 1834; 155(2), no date; 261, no date. Invt., Invt. of notes, and Sett. by Daniel Richards and John W. Blevins, Adms.

no date. Sett. by Adms.; money spent for Daniel Richards, Heir, D.R., G., Samuel, and Elenore Richards.

4 Dec 1834. Daniel Richards app. Gdn. for John, Elijah, Edward, Samuel, Daniel, Elenor, Elizabeth, and Susannah Richards, minor heirs.

5 Dec 1834. Elijah L. Richards bound as apprentice to Richard Kelly and John V. Richards bound to Benjamin Ragsdale.

10 Oct 1838. Report by Daniel Richard as one of Adms. and as Gdn.; expenses "coming & going to this city" and in margin "White Ct. Sparta".

19 Jan 1842. Report by same; boarding and schooling Daniel son of Richard Richards; received from estate of John Vance, dec'd.

11 Apr 1849. Sett. by same for years 1843-1848; received & cash of John Vance dec'd willed to said heirs $50.



7 Mar 1825. James Bowers and Harriette Richardson app. Adms.; James Cowan, Sr., George Colville, and Jonathan Couch app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Harriette.



3 Feb 1840. David Richardson of Campbell Co. app. Adm.;

Feb and Mar 1840. Inv. by Adm.



Will exec. 24 Jul 1~22; wife Francis to live on land until youngest child Benjamin comes of age; to children Benjamin, Lewis, Dolly, Abraham, and James B. Execs: Wm. Hawkins, John and Harman

Riddle. Wit: Jesse H. Vermillion, Daniel Newman, James Hawkins. Signed by mark.

2 Dec 1822. Invt. taken 23 Nov 1822 by John Riddle and Wm. Hawkins, Execs.

6 Dec 1831. Daniel Newman VS Wm. Hawkins and John Riddle, Execs. Defendants not to be found, have removed out of this State and ceased to perform duties of Execs.; Frances Riddle, widow, and John Miller app. Adms.

7 Mar 1832. Deed proven; Lewis Riddle for his 1/6 undivided part.

7 Sep 1832. Deed of Trust from Wm. of undivided estate, the s6are of his wife

5 Dec 1833. Wm. Rudd app. Gdn. for Riddle, under 14; Abraham Riddle, over 14, Smith as Gdn.

S. Ragan for his share Mary, formerly Riddle. James and Benjamin chooses Nathaniel Smith as Gdn.

6 Dec 1833. Gilbert Crews, Legatee, and Wm. Rudd, Gdn., petition Court to sell slaves.

5 Nov 1840. Sett. by John Miller, Gdn. to James and Benjamin Riddle.

Jan 1841. Report, 10 Nov 1840; James B. Riddle reports that he received from John Miller, Gdn., all of his part of his father's estate.

15 May 1843. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt from Benjamin Riddle for all of his claim.



3 Oct 1870. E.S. Shipley app. Gdn. of minor heirs.



6 Aug 1866. A.J. Kyker app. Adm.

3 Sep 1866. Invt. and sale by Adm.; buyers include Mary A. and John Riddle and Madison McMullin.

4 Feb 1867. Petition to sell land; Complainants and Defendants are the only distributees; John Riddle, Enoch West and wife Elizabeth, John Inman and wife Sarah C., Jackson C. Dake (Drake) and wife Rhoda VS Martha Dixon, John S. and James W. Dake (Drake), Thomas Dixon, Sarah C. widow of Samuel T. Riddle, Jr., dec'd, Martha and Thomas Moody, James C. and John W. Riddle, Hettie A., Elender, William P. (T.), Mary R., Rhoda E. (C.), and James S. Dixon, Elizabeth Dake (Drake), Phillip M. and Sarah C.

Riddle, Jr., Phillip M., Peter, and Hiel Dake, Samuel S. Dixon, James S. and Rhoda Riddle.

30 Sep 1868. Sett. by Adm.; payments of $15.80 each to John Riddle, James Riddle, Enoch and Elizabeth West, Martha Dixon, John and Sarah Inman, Jack and R. Dake; payments of $2.63 each to James W. and Samuel Dake; balance of $32.04 to be turned over to Gdn. when appointed.



6 Sep 1858. Wm. G. Horton app. Adm..

4 Nov 1858. Sett. by Adm.; paid to Jane Autery for attendance during Mrs. Jane Riggins last illness and funeral expenses.



l Feb 1841. Amanda J. Riggs and Jackson Smith app. Adms.

l Feb and 25 Feb 1841. Invt. and Sale of personal property.

15 Feb 1841. Comm. Thomas W. Marston, John Neill, and Jesse R. Blackburn set apart year's support for wife and family, five in number. ·

23 Feb 1846. Settlements by Amanda J. Riggs, Adminx.

2 Mar 1847. Sett. by Jackson Smith, Gdn. to minor heirs who are also heirs of Samuel Riggs; land in Hawkins and Jefferson Counties; minor heirs are Samuel L. and Jackson Smith Riggs; Gdn. has employed Absalem Kyle, T.A.R. Nelson, and R.J. McKinny to file Bill in Chancery in Hawkins Co;

2 May 1848. Sett. by same Gdn.; support of said children and their mother.

1 Sep 1851. Sett. by same Gdn.; Mrs. Amanda Jane Riggs is the widow.

6 Jun 1853. Report by Wm. D. Smith, Gdn.; paid expenses in prosecuting suit in Chancery Court at Rogersville, Tenn., instituted by former Gdn.

no date; F 63, 1 Jan 1857; 191, 6 Sep 1858. Sett. by O.P. Hall, Gdn.



5 Jun 1865. John M. Wright app. Adm.

14 Jul 1865. Invt. by Adm.; only asset is note dated 15 Apr 1858 on Crepein Miolane.

24 Aug 1865. Wm. Rivers died in May 1865. His wife was Susannah and her son-in-law was John Higdon of Polk Co.

11 Sep 1868. Sett. by Adm.; payments of unequal amounts to Jacob and Robert Rivers.



Will exec. 10 Nov 1863; land on North and South of Spring Creek; to wife Mary who was a "widow with children when I married her and I had children also"; to dau. Elizabeth H. Newton; to sons Henry M., Edmund, and Christopher T. Roberts; to granddau. Mary E. Newton; to granddau. Texanna, one purple cream pitcher. Execs: sons Henry M. and Edmund. Wit: John F. Sharp, Boyd Porter, and N.B. McNabb.

3 Oct 1864. Will proven.



Will exec. 7 Jan 1845; to wife Sarah $15; balance to sons James and Daniel but they must care for mother during her lifetime; "son James who is a slave for life purchased by me from John Roberts. refer to register's book. Book C, page 356 should be set free said James was born the slave of Elizabeth Roberts and became by the division of said estate the property of John Roberts one of the sons of Elizabeth Roberts"; "my said son James being now about 26. Exec: Benjamin Roberts. Wit: Henry M. and Edmund Roberts. Signed by mark.

7 Apr 1845. Will proven.

23 Apr 1847; 496, 6 Jan 1848. Invt., Sale, and Sett. by Exec.



6 Dec 1847. Listed as "Dead" in Tax Delinquents for 1847.



28 Jun 1856. Invt. of sale by Thomas Roberts, Adm.; buyers include D.W., H.M., Thos. M., and Ed Roberts.

2 Oct 1858. Pro rata sett. by Adm.; estate insolvent.



2 Jan 1843. Comm. app. to lay off year's support to widow Catharine.

6 Feb 1843. Inv t. of sale by John McDonald, Adm.

no date. Report of Comm. Henry Rice, Elliott Peck, and Wm. Grubb.

23 Dec 1844. Sett. by Adm.

3 Mar 1845. Report by Adm. who is also Gdn. of James M., Calvin, and A.C. Robeson, minor heirs.

25 Jan 1845. Heirs R.W. Hamilton, W.W. Haymes, James H. Hamilton, Jane Eaton, and Wm. Robeson sign agreement with Adm.

30 Jan 1845. Sett. by Adm. Gdn.

23 Feb 1846. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt from James M. for his share.

23 Feb 1847. Sett. by Gdn.; tuition paid for Calvin in Decatur.

3 Jan 1848. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt for balance from Robt. W. Hamilton, present Gdn.

26 Jan 1851. Sett. by Calvin C. Robison, Gdn. of Alexander C. Robison.

5 Jul 1851. Final sett. by same Gdn.; heir A. C. Robison paid in full.



3 Aug 1846. Wm. W. Haymes app. Adm.

7 Sep 1846 to 7 Dec 1846. Sales and Sett. by Adm.

15 Sep 1848. Sett. by Adm.; receipts from heirs James H. Hamilton and wife, Jane M. Gibbs, Rebecca Hamilton, Wm. W. Haymes, and wife, and Calvin C., William, Alex. C., and James M. Robison, all receiving equal amounts.



1 Jan 1844. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



8 Aug 1845. Comm. Robt. Gregory, Elisha Bryant, and William Terry lay off year's support for widow Eleanor and family.

19 Aug 1847. Invt., Sale, and Sett. by John Grubb and Eleanor Robeson, Adms.

19 Aug 1848. Sett. by Adm.; paid Samuel Wilson, Gdn. to E, Wm. S. and T.F. Robison, minors.

1 Sep 1849. Sett. by Gdn.

6 Oct 1849. Sett. by Adm.; paid heirs John S. and Mary Raper, John and Nancy A. Grubb, John C., N. S., and widow Eleanor Robbison.

1 Sep 1851. Sett. by Gdn. paid Thos. Robison, one of heirs.

1 Sep 1852. Sett. by Gdn.

1 Sep 1853. Sett. by John J. Middleton for Saml. Wilson Gdn.; amount due heirs Wm. S. and Franklin Robeson.

20 Jan 1854. Sett. by same; receipt from Elisha Bryant,  present Gdn. for Franklin T. Robeson.

3 Mar 1856 . Sett. by Gdn.; paid Thos. F. Robertson in full.



Will exec. 26 Apr 1849 to wife Margaret; “for purpose of raising my children"; to children A., Hugh B., William G., and Mary and James McNabb. Signed Michael

1 Oct 1849. Will proven.



filed 13 Apr 1869. Wm. G. Robinett died 23 Apr 1866, unmarried, leaving bros. and sisters: Mary C. Guffey; John F. of Ill.; H.B., dec'd, whose wife is Celia of Mo., and whose children are Wm. A. and James A., both minors.



CR5 412, 7 Feb 1848. John L. Bridges app. Gdn. to minor heirs.

9 Jun 1849. Report by Gdn. of James and Nancy E. Robison paid for articles furnished to Mary E.; receipt from A. Henderson who has married Jane.

no date. Sett. by Gdn.; rec'd money from Pension Agent at Knoxville and back pay from Dept. at Washington.

no date. Sett. by Gdn.; balance paid to Alexander Henderson present Gdn. who has been app. by County Court of Polk Co.



6 Mar 1837. Elizabeth Eliza Rogers, minor over 14, chooses as Gdn. her mother Sarah Rogers.

4 May 1840. Power of Atty. from Sarah Rogers, Gdn. to Elizabeth Eliza Rogers acknowledged.



6 May 1863. O.P. Hall VS W.H. Rogers Appeal. Plaintiff suggests death of defendant.




4 Jul 1870. Marked 11dec'd" in list of, Tax Delinquents for 1869.



7 and 11 Apr 1856. Court appropriated $1050 to arrest and bring to trial a negro boy named Jack who is charged with having murdered William Rolin of McMinn Co.

10 Apr 1856. Jury of inquest finds that William Rowland was i murdered by persons unknown at his store house on 29 Feb 1856.



8 Sep 1835. James Romack app. Adm.



6 Mar 1848. Lewis R. Hurst app. Adm.

3 Apr 1848. Coroner paid for holding inquest over the body.

9 Apr 1849. Invt. and Sale, and Final sett. by Adm.; George W. Mayo, Clk., makes pro rata sett. between

creditors; note of deceased payable to Wm. Romines and filed by Wm. F. Keith is the only claim.

2 Aug 1869. G.W. Ross app. Gdn. of David L., Wm. W., James E., J.M . , Charles B., Mary W., and Lizzie B. Ross, his own minor heirs.



2 Oct 1848. James E. Rucker app. Adm.

13 Sep 1849. Invt. and Sett. by Adm.; money due from U. S. for services as soldier in Mexican War.



6 Nov 1837. Wm. Rucker app. Adm.

Dec 1837. Invt. by Adm.; land lying on Mouse Creek.

no date, Comm. Robert Renfro, Wm. Bryan, and Boyd Porter set apart year's support for widow Mary (Sarah).

9 Jan 1840. Invt. of sale and Sett, by Adm.

l Feb 1842. Sett. by Adm,; receipts for equal amounts from heirs: widow Mary Rucker, Jesse, J.E., John, and Mordecai Rucker, James Gresham, Matilda Witt, James A. Bates, and Margaret Rucker Adminx. of son Wilford Rucker, dec'd.



5 Nov 1855. James R. Witt and H.H. Burk app. Adrns.

no date. Comm. Boyd Porter, Allen Dennis, and H.M. Roberts set apart year's support for widow Miram and family.

3 Dec 1855. Mrs. Miram Rucker app. Gdn. for Joseph C. and Miram M. Rucker, minors.

3 Har 1856. Invt. and Sale by Adms.

4 Feb 1856. Comm. M.D. Anderson, J.W- Howard, and J.C. Barbb, O.C. surveyor, assign dower in land to widow Gemima.

4 May 1857 to 30 Jan 1862. Add. Invt. by Adm,, Gdn., and Sett. by H.M. Roberts, successor to Gdn.

27 Feb 1858. Sett. by Wm. Burk, Gdn. or Wm. A. Rucker, minor.

6 Jul 1863. app. Gdn. H.M. Roberts resigns and Mrs. Miram Rucker is

9 Jul 1865. Sett. by Miram Rucker, Gdn.

filed 8 Jul 1857. Mordecai Rucker died before Sep 1855 leaving widow Miriam and children: Silas N., Rachel wife of Hamilton Wasson of Mo., Sarah C. wife of Hilton H. Burke, Nancy wife of Levi Swinrord of Smith Co., Tex., in 1854, Mary M. wife of Pleasant B. Bryon of Smith Co., Tex., in 1854, James C. of

Smith Co., Tex., in 1854, William A., Joseph C., and Miriam M., minors John E. a minor, unmarried, who died one week after father died, Wilford a minor who died about a week before rather died. One statement says that the Swinfords are of Williamson Co., Ill. Ervine Rucker is bro. of Mordecai, dec'd.



Will exec. 9 Aug 1828; to wife Sarah; to dau. Mary G.; to youngest son Thomas; to eldest son Joseph; to second son John; to third son William to dau. Franky Kindrick and the children she had by her deceased husband Robert Kindrick; to grandchildren Sandy, Nancy, Franky, Parker, Sally, and Bryson Hood.

Execs: son William and Moses Stout. Wit: Martin Senter and Jacob Hoss. Signed by mark.

CR2 383, 7 Sep 1829. Will proven.

CR4 195 1 2 Jun 1~34. Wm. Rudd, Exec, allowed pay.

2 Jun 1845. Invt. of sale held 19 Apr 1845 by Wm. Rudd, Exec.

Oct 1847. Sett. by Exec.; receipts in full from heirs Joseph, Mina J., John, and William Rudd, Johns. O'Neal for R. Kendrick's heirs, Wm. Cowden, Parker Hood, Alex. Hood, Jas. N. Haden, and Solomon Kelly.



4 Apr 1859. Herrod Rudd app. Adm.

30 Mar 1861. Sale and sett. by Adm.

5 Nov 1866. Comm. app. to lay off dower for widow Jane.



5 May 1845. John Rudd app. Adm.

2 Jun 1845. Acct. of sale by Adm.; buyers include Joseph, Wm., Herrod, John, Nealy, and Parker Rudd.

24 Nov 1846. Sett. by Adm.; "To paid as security of Sarah Rudd on a judgment that John Parshall obtained against Sarah Rudd, Mena Rudd, and myself"



7 Dec 1840. Wm. and Joseph Rudd app. Adms.

Jan 1841. Invt. of sale by Adms.; note on Joseph H. Rudd; one gray mare not sold by consent of heirs and was left with the mother of Thomas Rudd, dec'd, for her use till her death; buyers include Isaiah, John, Meeney, Elizabeth, Joseph, and Wm. Rudd.

15 Dec 1842. Sett. by Wm. Rudd, Adm.; “Meeny Rudd Hier Note lifted.”



5 Jun 1865. Herod H. Rudd app. Adm.



10 Nov 1862. Jas. S. Russell app. Adm.

4 Jul 1864. Invt. sold by Adm.; invt. consists mainly of books; buyers include T.J., G. T., James, W.T., and Elizabeth Russell.

1 May 1866. Acct. of sale and Sett. by Adm.



9 Oct 1858. Comm. A.D. Briant, I. S. Garrison, and C. L. Owens set apart year's provisions for widow Kissah and family.

9 Oct 1860. Invt. of sale, and Sett. by Henderson Carter, Adm.



No date. Invt. and sale by A. Winkle and G. P. Owen, Adms.  

14 Dec 1849. Comm. J.H. Reagan, Phillip Fry, and N.C. Hood set apart year’s support for widow Nancy and family.

3 Dec 1851. Sett. by A. Winkle, one of Adms.; paid David Whiteside on probate of a lost note sent from Va.

16 Dec 1852. Sett. by same Adm.



filed 15 Apr 1879. John Saffell died before 1854 leaving widow Clementine A. and children: Richard M. and Samuel, both died unmarried minors, Sarah J. wife of W. C. Holland of Dallas Co., Texas, and Elizabeth c. wife of J.C. M. Bogle of Blount Co. both daus. were minors in 1854.



6 Apr 1868. A.H. Crow app. Adm. of Arthur St. John, late of the State of Missouri, dec'd, who had goods, chattels, papers, etc., in McMinn Co.

4 May 1872. Sett. by Adm.; vouchers of $618.55 each to Henry and John St. John, Mary C. Davis, and Susannah Sanders, and $661.00 to R.O. and W.H. Bridges.

19 May 1874. Sett. by Joseph Neil, Adm. of A.H. Crow who was Adm. of A. St. John; four receipts for $61.25 each from John and Henry St. John, Mary E. Davis, and Susannah P. Sanders; receipt for $18.81 from W.H. and Rebecca O. Bridges.



Will exec. 4 Dec 1841; to wife Sarah, all land and property during her lifetime "by her giving to her daughter Catharine Saint John two beads & furniture"; at wife's death Catharine Saint John and Morgan Miller to have $114 to make them equal with James Matterson Saint John. Wit: Joseph Browder, James Barnett.

4 Sep 1848. Will proven by Joseph Browder; John L. Newman makes oath that the handwriting of witness James M. Barnett, who had died since signing, is genuine; Mrs. Sarah St. John app. Adminx.

no date. Invt. by Adminx.



6 Apr 1846. H. H. Rider paid for making coffin for pauper.



3 Oct 1848. John M. Cantrell app. Adm.

6 Nov 1848. Benjamin Marr, Robert Braden, and Jonathan Floyd app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.

Invt. and acct. of sale by Adm.

2 Feb 1852. Sett. by John Jack, Adm., successor to John M. Cantrell; creditors take pro rata settlement.

filed 25 May 1855. Clement Sanders died leaving widow Margaret and children: Ellen wife of James M. Hicks, Catherine wife of James J. Rayburn, Mary Jane Brock, Elizabeth wife of Calvin Kirby, Wm. T., Arden, John, Nancy J., Margaret, and Martha.

filed 25 May 1861. Clem Saunders died intestate in McMinn Co., 27 Jul 1848, leaving widow Margaret and ten children, the youngest of whom is Martha Jane, who has come of age in the pasthree years.



7 Mar 1827. Robt. Renfroe paid for holding inquest over body.



6 Mar 1826. Margaret Scites app. Adminx.; Abner Lee, Wm. L. Taylor, and Isaac Carlock app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Margaret.



filed 15 Apr 1851, and reinstated Nov 1867. Scruggs and Forrest, Adms. of Albert G. Rice, dec'd VS

Widow and Heirs. Nov Term 1867 the death of John Scruggs is suggested.



1 Dec 1856. Slaves decreed by Supreme Court to be property of children of Jane R. Seay. In 1852, the mother of said slaves was sold by the husband of Jane R. Seay to Wm. F. Jackson of Roane Co., Tenn. The children of Jane R. Seay are as follows: Laurena Frances wife of Galen B. Gideon, Elizabeth Jane wife of Thos. S. Kitchen, Silas B. Seay, Hulda A. Lemons, Littleton P. Seay, Barthena E. Seay, Hesekiah R. Seay who died 18 Sep 1852 a minor, unmarried, and Bennette F. Seay, dec'd, whose children are Silas B., Jr., Littleton P., Jr., and Wm. Seay.




5 Mar 1866. A. D. Briant app. Adm.

7 May 1866. Sale by Adm.



10 May 1862. Comm. B.F. Martin, Samuel Workman, and Wm~ j Rogers lay off year's support for family, "we allow her".

1 Aug 1862. Invt. of notes by Thos. Rogers, Adm.

6 Apr 1863. Saml. Workman and Wm. Rogers with County Surveyor a Lot No. 51 in Calhoun to widow Sarah as dower; land in Gordon Co., Ga.

18 Jun 1873. Calvin H. Senter died early in 1862 leaving widow Sarah who died 10 Jun 1873 and no children. His bros. and sisters are Nancy Senter of McMinn Co.; Preston Senter of Polk Co.; Susan M. widow of John Hamilton, dec'd, of Roane Co.; Bradford Senter of Haywood Co.; Lewcarena wife of Isham Cox of Ga.; Sarah dec'd wife of R.B. Davis of Ark. (whose children are Catharine, James, Sarah, Benjamin, Paralee, Leucarena, and Elizabeth Davis, all minors of Ark.)



7 Jan 1839. Wm. Bates app. Adm.

4 Feb 1839. Elizabeth Senter app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

Feb 1839. Invt. by Adm.

Apr 1839. Comm. John L. McCarty, M.C. Hawk, and James M. Wallen set aside year's support for widow and family.

Apr 1839; 191, 6 Jan 1840; 251, 29 Feb 1840. Invt., Sett., and pro rata sett. by Adm.



7 Oct 1839. A. P. Fore and Isaac Rice app. Adms.

Mar 1840. Invt. of sale and Supp. Invt. by Adms.

3 Dec 1841. Sett. by Isaac Rice, surviving Adm.; receipt from A.C. Robeson and T.S. Rice, Gdns. to minor heirs.

7 Jan 1843. Sett. by Tandy s. Rice, Gdn., and John McDonald, Adm. of estate of Alexander C. Robeson dec'd who was also Gdn.

6 Sep 1847. Sett. by Gdn.; receipt from James H. Senter for boarding children.

True copy of Court records of Lincoln Co., Ky.; 3 Jan 1848; James P. Senter, minor over 14, chooses Hardin M. Weatherford as his Gdn.

7 Feb 1848. Petition of James P. Senter of Lincoln Co., Ky., and one of the heirs, who states that in Jan 1843 he was a citizen of McMinn Co. and Tandy S. Rice was app. his Gdn.; that afterwards he moved to Lincoln Co., Ky., where almost all his paternal relations reside; that he is receiving nothing of his estate; that it will be to his interest to have his part of estate removed to Ky.

6 Sep 1849. Sett. by Gdn.; paid heir James Senter; balance due John L. and Wm. T. Senter.

6 Sep 1850 to 12 Mar 1856. Sett. by Gdn.; paid heir John L. 1852 and final sett. 1856.

4 Oct 1852. Petition to sell Bounty Land Warrant No. 17444 issued 17 May 1852 to John L. and Wm. T. Senter, minor children, for services of their father.



Will not dated, proven 6 Mar 1865; Witnesses make oath that Will is a true copy in effect and substance of original Will; to mother Polly Neil $5; to wife Elizabeth; to three stepchildren Wm. A. Cochran, Catherine Humphreys, and Martha Jane Carson. Exec: Wm. A. Cochran. Wit: Uriel Johnston, James


3 Aug 1863. Will proven.

3 Apr 1865. Clerk makes affidavit that original Will filed was destroyed by Rebel Army.

4 Sep 1865. Wm. Humphreys app. Adm. with Will annexed.



7 Mar 1826. Wm. Sewell app. Adm.



6 Oct 1851. Court pays for holding inquest.

15 Dec 1852. Grand Jury presents that on 5 Sep 1851 a certain Charles J. Price did with malice aforethought strike, beat, and kick William Shamblin inflicting mortal wounds from which Shamblin died on 6 Sep 1851.



6 Sep 1858. Wm. B. Porter app. Adm.

6 Dec 1858. Invt. of sale by Adm.; buyers include Mary, John, and Alex. Sharp; "one receipt of R.M. Henderson of Ala. for eight notes"; "one other receipt on John G. Gillispie of Ala."

no date. Comm. Wm. S. Calaway, J. Atkins, and John G. Hale lay off year's support for widow and family.

7 Feb 1859. A.S. Sharp died 31 Aug 1858 leaving widow Mary D. who is dau. of Wm. B. Porter, and children: Mary Elizabeth, Wm. B., Alexander, John B., and Lockey M. Sharp, all under age 8. John F. Sharp is bro. to the dec'd.



Will exec. 14 Oct 1834; probated Dec 1835; "my wife Caty and Child if lucky brought forth and lives if the child doesn’t  live to be divided equally between my wife Caty and my brothers". Exec: Joel Sharp. Wit: James Taylor and Eli E. Sharp. Signed by mark.

7 Dec 1835. Will proven.



7 Aug 1843. Edward Sharp of Bradley Co. app. Adm.

4 Dec 1843. Invt. of sale by Adm.; note on Joel Sharp moved to Ark.; note on Eli Sharp moved to Mo.

filed 14 Mar 1844. Jacob Sharp died about 16 Jun 1843 leaving children: Edward of Bradley Co., Eli, Joel, Hiram, Oliver, Nancy Graves, Nelly Matthews, dec'd. Hiram and Joel are of Carroll and Marion Counties, Ark., but now in Meigs Co. Nancy and Nelly are "the reputed daughters and heirs". Nelly died before her father Jacob.



11 Aug 1869. Grand Jury Indictment: The State VS John Wright, John Jackson, and James Perry. On 31 May 1869, defendants shot with a pistol Jerry Sharp who lived until 5 Jun 1869.

Nolle prosequi entered.



6 Jan 1851. Court pays for burying apparel for Turner Sharp who died in Apr 1850.



29 Jun 1866. Sett. by James H. Magill, Gdn. of minor heirs.



May 1840. Thos B. Smith VS Saml. Shelton, Adm.

7 Jun 1841. Samuel Shelton app. Adm.

5 Jul 1841. Sett. by Adm.



4 Jan 1841. Jeremiah Benton, Thomas Lasly, and Charles Hester app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Elizabeth.

1 Mar 1841. Invt. of sale by Thos. K. Napier and Josiah Childers, Adm.; report of above Comm.

13 Apr 1843. Sett. by Adms.

13 Sep 1849. Sett. by Josiah Childers, one of Adms.; paid heirs John C. and Joseph Shelton, John McGinly, and T.K. Napier.



7 May 1844. Jesse H. Benton, Daniel D. Stockton, and George W. Million app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow.

5 Jun 1848. Mrs. Mary Shelton, Widow, consents that her two sons Samuel aged about 8 and Wm. C. aged 5 years the 26 Jun 1848 be bound to Tapley Gregory.



4 Jul 1853. James Bonner, Esq., paid for holding inquest over the body in year 1851.



4 Dec 1865. John F. Sherman app. Adm.

1 Jan 1866. Acct. of sale by Adm.; buyers include John F. and Thos. J. Sherman.

15 Jan 1868. Sett. by Adm.; payments of $97.35 each to Isaac, John F., and A. J. Lane, $19.46 each to Armena and J. M. Lane, uneqal amounts of about one-fourth of funds to Elizabeth Lane and Mary Goss, $100.35 to S. C. Lane, $21.25 to S. F. and M.S. Bryant, all unidentified.

26 May 1868. Sett. by Adm.; payment of $42.75 to M.S. Bryant; payment of balance (about one-fourth of funds and same amount as paid to Mary Goss) to John F. Sherman.



6 Jun 1853. Benjamin Wells, Martin D. Anderson, and Elisha Williams lay off year's support for widow



6 Dec 1831. Mary C., Sarah Ann, and Christopher J. Shields, over 14, choose their father George A. Shields as their Gdn. and he is app. Gdn. to Benj. J. and Fannay H. Shields who are also his minor children not old enough to come into court; Power of Atty. from Geo. H. Shields to Geo. A. Shields acknowledged.

28 Mar 1832. Sett. by Gdn.; list includes amount of cash in hands of Sarah Shields, amount going to the widow, amount coming to eight heirs.

3 Dec l832o James Walker and Joseph Bullard released as bondsmen for Geo. A. Shields, Gdn., and David and Geo. H.: Shields and Jacob Vinzandt become Security.

2 Nov 1838. Sett. by Gdn.; receipts on "sd. heirs" as follows: William Murphrey Heir for full amount of his part and same for Mary C., Frances H., Christopher J., and Benj. J. Shealds.



11 Dec 1865. The State VS W. L. Shields. The death of defendant is proven.



Will exec. 30 May 1830; to wife Elizabeth; to wife's eldest son Uriah; "equally divided between my beloved wife and all my children above named Uriah shall have an equal part with the balance of my wife's children over and above the said horse above given". Execs: wife and James Rutherford. Wit: James H. Reagan and Philip Fry.

7 Jun 1830. Will proven.

24 Nov 1868 and later dates. Thomas Shipley, Mary and R.B. Smith VS Uriah Shipley, William

Shipley, the minor heirs of Randall Shipley dec'd, James H. Shipley, Sarah Shipley, James Shipley, Joseph Shipley, Parlee Shipley, Emeline Shipley, and the minor heirs of Nehemiah Shipley

dec'd, Hannah Shipley, William Shipley, Jr., Nancy E. Shipley, Thomas Shipley, David R. Shipley, John T. Smith, (Nehemiah Smith, Sterling Smith;) Elizabeth Smith, Frank, Smith; Melton Smith. /There are no papers in the files for this 'lawsuit and date of filing is not given./ Christopher Shipley died 1830.

His Will provided that at the death of his wife Elizabeth his land should be sold and the proceeds divided among his children. Elizabeth has now died. Uriah, James Harvey, James, and Emeline Shipley, Sterling Smith, and the widow of Randal Shipley dec'd whose name is unknown, have all been notified by publication and William Shipley, Sr., Hannah Shipley, John T. and Nehemiah Smith have had notice by subpoena and all have failed to answer. The children of Randal Shipley dec'd whose names are unknown, Sarah, James, Joseph, and Paralee Shipley, minor children of Martin J. Shipley dec'd, also the minor children of Nehemiah Shipley whose names are unknown, William, Mary E., Thomas C., and David R.

Shipley, minor children of David Shipley dec'd, Elizabeth, Frank, and Melton Smith are all minors and a guardian ad litem is appointed for them. William Shipley is entitled to one share in his own right as heir and to one share which he purchased from David Shipley in 1856. The share of Elizabeth Smith was deeded to William Shipley but was not acknowledged according to law.  William Shipley also purchased the share of Randall Shipley. Nehemiah Shipley sold his share to William Shipley and also sold the shares of Thomas, Martin J., and James H. Shipley which he had purchased in 1848.



6 Jul 1868. R.B. Smith app. Adm.



5 Apr 1841. Invt. of sale by L. L. Ball, Adm.; "part of Turnpike situated on paint mountain in Green County"; "money in hands of James Coulter Agent for Elizabeth Shoemaker from a

settlement made sometime about the middle of September 1837”

21 Aug 1844. Sett. by Adm.; receipts for equal amounts from J. Ross, Thomas Ball, H. and M. Holland, James and S. Coulter, John and Rebecca Gladdin, and L. L. Ball, with latter as "distributive share".



2 Nov 1840. John Shook app. Adm.



8 Dec 1827. John Shook, Jr., app. Adm. Invt. by Adm.



3 Mar 1828. Mary Short app. Adminx.

1 Jun 1829. Invt., Sale, and Sett.



3 Mar 1834. Invt. and Sale by John Neil and Russell Lane, Adms.

19 Dec 1833. Comm. John Arnwine, John Goss, and Henry Matlock set apart year's support for widow and family.

Apr 1837. Comm. A.G. and John Goss, and Jas. Wilson settle with Adms.

3 Feb 1846. Reports by Humphrey L. Shults, Gdn. to Granville, Mary Ann, David, Jacob,

and Sarah Shults, children of David Shults, dec'd.

3 Feb 1847. Report by Gdn.; the minor heirs receive from Geo. Shults their interest in estate of Jacob Shults, dee' d.

3 Feb 1848. Report by Gdn.

3 Feb 1849. Report by Gdn.; proc eds from farm given to widow Olivia Shults for schooling of the children.

3 Feb 1850. Sett. by Gdn.

3 Feb 1851. Sett. by Gdn.; equal amounts paid to James and Mary A. McGonigal, Oliver Shults, and 1Gramble Shults one of the heirs.

3 Feb 1852. Sett. by Gdn.

6 Apr 1852. Petition to apportion slaves: Humphrey L. Shults, David Neil and wife Elizabeth A., Granville Shults, and James McGonigal and wife Mary A. VS Sarah Shults by her Gdn., children of David Shults.

3 Feb 1853. Sett. by Gdn. for Sarah Shults; rec'd cash from estate of Olivia Shults, dec'd.

16 Apr 1853. David Shults died in McMinn Co. in the fall of 1833 leaving Olivia his widow who died Nov 1851, and five children, to wit, Elizabeth A. now Elizabeth A. Neil, Humphrey L., Granville, Sarah, and Mary Ann Shults who married James M. McGonigal and who died intestate in Bradley Co., Tenn., on 29 Oct 1852 leaving John R. McGonigal her son and heir.

5 May 1855. Sett. by same Gdn.






1 Jan 1844. Court pays Fisher and Rider for making coffin for pauper in 1839.



4 Jun 1828. Act of Assembly passed at Nashville on 22 Oct 1827 entitled An Act for the relief of the widow and heirs of James Sisk, dec'd.



9 Jul 1844. Court pays for coffin for pauper.


2 May 1836. Abram L. Slack app. Adm.

no date. Invt. by Adm.; includes "Something Expected from an undivided part of the estate of henry Lanes deceased Virginia amount not known also from that portion due samsun Lanes

deceased in H. Lanes.”

3 Nov 1838 to 6 Jan 1843. Sale and Settlements by Adm.; receipt from widow Harret.

22 Aug 1846. Sett. by Adm.; "for taking care of three children, Abraham, Henry, and John Slack from the year 1836

22 Aug 1847 to 22 Aug 1855. Settlements by same Adm.

22 Aug 1856. Sett. by A.L. Slack, 11 Gdn. of Elisha L. Slack Deceased"; receipt from Henry I. Slack for about one-half of funds.

no date. Sett. by same Gdn.; John Slack has arrived at age of 21 and receives balance of funds.



3 Jan 1859. Christopher Sliger app. Gdn. to Elizabeth, Joseph, William, Jacob, and Sarah Sliger, his own minor children.

5 Nov 1866. Sett. filed by Gdn.



2 Sep 1861. Levina Sloop app. Gdn. of her own minor children.



7 May 1855. Acct. of sale by H.P. Wilson, Adm.

14 Apr 1855. Comm. James Neill, John Hoyl, and Uriel Johnson set apart year’s provisions for widow Elizabeth and family, there being seven persons in family.

19 Sep 1856. Sett. by same Adm.

5 Jul 1858. Petition for partition of land: ElizabethSloop, widow, Elizabeth E., James C. and John Sloop, Malvinah Patterson and husband Samuel, Julietta Hogan and husband Thomas, Caroline Gibbs and husband James, Mary Ann Pickering and husband John, and George H. Sloop VS Henry M. Sloop. Comm. allot onehalf of land to Henry M. Sloop and other half to heirs of Henry Sloop, dec'd, with widow Elizabeth getting her dower.

Nov 1872. Henry Sloop died about 1 Mar 1855 leaving children as follows: Mary Ann Pickron, Geo. H.

Sloop, Juliet wife of Thomas Hogan, and Henry M. Sloop, all now of Mo., Caroline wife of James Gibbs of Ky., Elizabeth E. Sloop Malvina wife of Saml. Patterson, John Sloop who has since died without issue, and James Sloop, who has since died leaving children Henry L., M.L., S.E., and Eliza Sloop who afterwards married Casey and has since died leaving L. C. Casey her only child, all of McMinn Co.



 8 May 1861. Comm. S.P. Henderson, Nathan Kelly, and R. F. Mastin set apart year’s support for widow and family; Invt. by Urial Johnston, Adm.



4 Nov 1867. Petition for dower and sale of land: Elizabeth Sloop widow of John Sloop, dec’d VS Heirs, to wit, Henry M. Sloop, Absalom Casey and wife Elizabeth, Layfayet, Henry L., and  Eliza Sloop, Samuel Patterson and wife Malvina, Elizabeth Sloop,; (all citizens of McMinn Co.), George H. Sloop, Mary Ann Picerin, Thomas Hogan and wife Julity, James Gibbs and wife Susan Caroline. Petition states that there are eight heirs. Henry L., Lafayette, and Eliza are minors.

27 Dec 1867. John N. Sloop died in McMinn Co., Nov 1861, leaving widow Elizabeth, formerly Elizabeth Stott, dau. of Elizabeth Stott, and no children. His bros. and sisters are as stated in list of children of Henry Sloop, dec’d, above. Elizabeth Stott came from N.C. with John N. Sloop and wife.

Jonas Early also came f r om N.C. when he was 2 or 3 yrs. old with John N. Sloop and lived wi t h him until he went in Army.



4 Jan 1861. Sett. by Jas. Lamar, Gdn. to minor heirs, Mary E. Lamar, Elizabeth A.F. Small, and J. T. Snider; receipt in full from Mary Lamar.



CR8, 4 Aug 1862. J.F. Sharp, Wm. B. Johnson, and P.A. Bradford app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family; J.C. Weir and Isabella Smart app. Adms.

3 Nov 1862. Invt. filed by J.C. Weir, Adm.



5 Apr 1869. George Swafford, Colored, app . Gdn. of minor heirs.



Will exec. 24 Jul 1862, Codicil 29 Jul 1862; to wife Margret and her three sons; to sons Isaac, John, William, Joseph, Andrew, Archibald F.; to daus. Nancy wife of Henry Goforth, Jane wife of Jacob Whiteside, Margaret wife of G. W. Vinsant; all sons and daus. to be made equal; to grandson Isaac Smart, Jr., when he comes of age (his mother is Ibby); land and negroes to be sold in space of two years after war is over. Exec: son Isaac. Wit: Simeon Graves, Samuel Pearin, Wm. W. Huddleston. Signed by mark.

1 Dec 1862. Will proven by the three witnesses.

1 Feb 1866; 168, 16 Apr 1866. Invt. of sale and Invt. of notes by Exec.

7 May 1866. It appearing that the Will Book in which the Will of Thomas Smart dec'd was recorded has been lost or destroyed it is ordered that said Will as probated at December Session of Court 1862 be again spread of record in present Will Book.

filed 2 Mar 1867. Thos. Smart died 1862 leaving family as given in the Will. Margaret Vinzant and Wm. Smart are of Ark.; Joseph B. is of Ill.; Andrew J., is of Kano; John B. is of Pulaski Co., Mo.; Jane H. and Jacob Whiteside are of Benton Co., Ark.; Archibald F. is dec'd and his son is Isaac of Mo.



4 Apr 1853. Israel C. Smith app. Gdn. to James M., Joseph A., Israel O., and Nancy J. Smith his own minor children and also to Martha A., Mary M., and Rebecca C. Smith, minor children of John Smith.

7 Nov 1853. Report by same Gdn.; Martha A. is not in list.

29 Aug 1856. Sett. by same Gdn.; receipt from James M. Smith "his shear" $60; receipt from Joseph A. Smith for $60; receipt from Mary M. Smith for $39; receipt from Thomas and  Nancy George for $63.96; leaving balance of $85.57; refers to sett. in E 338. /This report is entitled "John Smith dec'd" but is clearly the same guardianship. as in E 338, in which the name of deceased is not given~/



Will exec. 23 Aug 1860; horse to oldest son James A. Smith; saddle to oldest dau. Mariah F. Smith; Exec. Elisha Bryant to take control of all children and all estate and what may be due from "my mother's estate at her death". Wit: James Denton, W.H. Hicks.

2 Oct 1860. Will proven.

27 Dec 1864. Invt. and Sett. by Exec.

Jun 1867. Elisha Bryant Gdn. resigns; James A. Smith app. Gdn. to John W. and Thomas Smith.



Will exec. 14 Aug 1844; "being sick and weak in body"; wife Polly to keep all property which she has in her hands; balance to be sold and money put on interest for children. Exec: Robertson Snider. Wit: Lewis Stanton, James L. Power, John W. Knox. Signed by mark.

no date. Invt. taken 5 Oct 1844 by Exec.

6 Nov 1846. Invt. of sale and sett. by Exec.



7 Aug 1854. Wm. D. Smith app. Adm.




filed 5 May 1866, (Incomplete file with Orig. Bill missing) and Deed Bk. P, page 115. James Forrest, Adm., et al VS Lydia Ann Smith, widow, and Adaline D., F.M., Mary c., and Christopher C.  Smith, Harriet S. McCuistian, James M., Sarah c., John S., Thomas R., Missouri C., and Margaret T. Smith, heirs of H.B. Smith, dec'd. H.B. Smith was heir of Isaiah Smith, dec'd, and heir to 1/11 of his land.



filed 9 Aug 1869. Hezekiah Smith was killed while in Confederate Army in Nov 1863 leaving widow Lucinda and children Joseph F. aged 16, Martha J. aged 14, Alfred A., aged 12, and Sarah A. Smith aged 10, all of McMinn Co.



4 Jul 1859. Coroner's Jury of inquest reports that Isah Smith being alone on 4 Jul 1859 in County of McMinn did kill himself by drowning hanging.

23 Aug 1859. Comm. D.W. Ballew, T.S. Rice, and James Wilson set apart year’s support to the children under the age of 15 yrs.

No date. Sale by Jas. Forest, son of Joseph Smith Adm.: buyers include Henderson, C. C., and Mary Smith

18 Feb 1858. Isaiah Smith, son of Joseph Smith, dies during the lawsuit, leaving children: Henderson B., Francis M., Mary C., Christopher c., James M., Sarah c., John S., Thos. R., J. Missouri E., and Margaret T. Smith, and Harriet D. McCuiston.



Will exec. 26 Sep 1848, Codicil exec. 27 Sep 1848, proven 7 Jun 1852; to wife Elizabeth; to daus. Margaret L. Haley, Harriet W. Grills, Amanda J. Riggs, Sidney R. Haley; to son Wm. D.; to son Nathaniel D., $50; to the children of Nat. D. "knowing that he is a profligate son disposed to waste"; to dau. Eliza Emeline Lowry, wife of Alexander M. Lowry $50; to heirs of dau. Eliza Emeline with no control from husband, "he is a profligate son inlaw"; slaves to be divided into seven equal parts for children except shares of Nat D. and Eliza Emeline to be under control of Execs. Execs: Wm. D. Smith and Milton L. Phillips. Wit: John Matlock, J.W. and Jesse Dodson, Isaac Morris, and Wm. Neill. Codicil No. 2, 22 Sep 1851; the property willed to dau. Harriet Grills is to be under control of Execs. because Jefferson Grills will not take care of property. Wit: Isaac Morris and Wm. Neill. Codicil No. 3, 8 May 1852; Wm. Neill to be Exec. in place of Milton L. Philips. Wit: Joseph M. Alexander, Isaac Morris, and Clement Eaton.

no date. Invt. of sale and allotment of slaves; dau. Amanda is now Amanda J. Hall; slaves at the request of Maj. Wm. D. Smith are valued by John Moss and Williams Mayfield, two disinterested persons; filed by  D. Smith and Wm. Neill, Execs.

2 May 1853. Add. Invt. and sale. An account book which deceased mentions in Codicil No. 2 was

found, 1963, in the files of the Chancery Court.

31 May 1854. Jackson Smith died 28-May 1852. Widow Elizabeth died 15 Jun 1854. Dau. Sidney is wife of Wm. Haley. The first wife of son Wm. D. died and he has small children. Dau. Harriet Grills dies during the lawsuit. Dau. Eliza Emeline is divorced from husband Alexander M. Lowry, who is son of Wm. Lowry. Ellis M. Riggs was first husband of dau. Amanda.

1 Dec 1870. Dau. Amanda J. is widow of O.P. Hall. Son Wm. D., who left this part of the country about Oct or Nov 1865 is now of Benton Co., Ark.; daus. Margaret L. and Sidney R. Haley are of Roane Co.; son Nat D. is of Ga.

filed 23 Oct 1872. Dau. Margaret is wife of Charles Haley of Roane Co. Son Nat. D. is of Walker Co., Ga. Dau. Eliza Emeline had child who died an infant before Jackson Smith died, and no other child. The children of dau. Harriet Grills, dec'd, are Mary E. wife of Samuel Knox of Adair Co., Mo.; Sfdney; William; Emeline; Stark D.; Joseph; and Thomas Grills nonresidents; Martha L., dec'd by 1877, wife of Needam Tatham also dec'd by 1877; Margaret who married first  Edmondson, and married second David L. Baxter of Green Co., Ark.; Amanda who married first Stroud or Steward and married second Arter

Moore, now dec'd, of Green Co., Ark. Martha L. Grills and husband Needam Trantham left children, Philadelphia, Ela, Thomas Jefferson, Charles F., and Lillie B. Trantham, all minor nonresidents.



7 Dec 1830. William, David, and John Smith, over 14, minor children, choose Mary Smith of McMinn Co. as Gdn. and she is app. Gdn. to Israel, Mary, and Morning Smith, minor heirs under 14. Robt. M. Swan and Arch. R. Turk app. Comm. to settle with the Adms. of William Smith, dec'd, who was Adm. of James Smith, dec'd, and Gdn. of minor children of sd. James Smith, dec'd.

9 Mar 1831. Above Comm. settle with Adms. of Wm. Smith, dec'd, who was Adm. of his son James Smith, dec'd; paid Mrs. Smith widow of James Smith, dec'd, her 1/3 agreeable to the laws of South Carolina allowing three years for disposing of said estate since Mar 1824 find that Wm. Smith, dec'd, was not Gdn. to the children as had been represented to the Court.

1 Dec 1834. Joseph, John, and Israel Smith, Execs. of Wm. Smith who was Adm. of James Smith.



2 Sep 1839. Burden M. Smith app. Adm.

5 Dec 1840. Invt. and Sett. by Berden M.C. Smith, Adm.



1 Nov 1869. James Dean app. Adm.



7 Sep 1840. Henderson Smith app. Adm.

5 Oct 1840. Comm. Nimrod Triplet, Caleb Smith, and Hugh Reavely set apart year's support for widow Margaret.

Dec 1840. Invt. of sale by Adm.

4 Oct 1841. Landon C. Peters app. Gdn. of Margaret L., Joseph N., and Matilda R. Smith, minor heirs. ·

8 Nov 1842. Sett. by Adm.; receipt from heir C.A. Pickens.

7 Sep 1844; 292, 24 May 1845. Sett. by same Gdn.

14 Aug 1845. Sett. by same Adm.; receipts for equal amounts from Jonathan T. and Irby H. Smith.

5 May 1846. Sett. by Charles A. Pickens, Gdn.; has received nothing from former Gdn.

28 Jan 1850. Sett. by Gdn.; paid heir Nimrod N. Smith; paid W.H. Maples for heir Nelson N. Smith; paid tuition for heir Matilda Smith.

2 Oct 1854. Sett. and Final Sett. by Gdn.; receipt for balance in acct. from heir J.N. Smith and from

R.A. Stephenson and wife.

18 Feb 1858. Joseph Smith died 9 Aug 1840 leaving widow Margaret, who married Landon C. Peters now dec'd, and ten children as follows: Henderson, who died about 1854 in Mo.; Robert B.; Isaiah who dies during the lawsuit; Callaway H. now of Iowa; Malinda now wife of Charles A. Pickens; Jonathan T.;

Erby H. and Joseph N., of Ark. or Mo.; Louisa now wife of Newton N. Smith; and Matilda who married Robert A. Stephenson and who by Dec 1858 has died leaving children, names unknown.



6 Nov 1855. Martin M. Hicks app. Adm.

24 Nov 1855. Invt. of sale by Adm.

19 Nov 1855. Comm. W.L. Burns, Eli Dixon, and Elisha Briant set apart year's support for widow Delila.



7 Mar 1842. Thos. J. Metcalf app. Adm. of Nathaniel Smith who was a nonresident at the time of his death, had made no will and had effects both real and personal in this County.

4 Jul 1842. Report by Adm..

4 Dec 1854. This entry has been crossed out. John W. Smith, Mary M. Carr, Wm. Wright and wife Martha, Mark Roberts and wife Emily, adult heirs, and James C., Laura, and Texana Smith, minor  heirs by Gdn. Mary Mo Carr. Petition to sell land.



7 Jun 1841. Sarah Smith app. Adminx.

Oct 1841. Invt. by Adminx.

26 Jun 1841. Comm. Willis Wright, Tapley Gregory, and Thos. Williams lay off year's support for widow Sarah.

4 Oct 1841. Invt. of sale by Adminx. and Richard A. McAdoo, one of Clerks of sd. sale.

30 May 1843. Sett.

7 Apr 1845. Tubal Zeigler app. Gdn. to Catherine Jane Smith.

25 Apr 1845. Sett. by Willis Wright, Gdn. to Jane Smith he was app. May 1843.

7 May 1845. Report by Tubal Zeigler, Gdn.

4 May 1846. Sett. by same Gdn.; he was not app. until 1 May 1845.

5 Apr 1847. Sett. by same Gdn., one - fourth of rent of farm belongs to said minor.

no date. Order to J.C. Carlock, Clk., from Catherine Jo Smith authorizing him to pay to Willis Wright $2.10 which Tubal Zeigler paid in for her. Attest: B.T. Zeigler.



3 Jul 1848. Coroner paid for holding inquest over body on 20 May 1848.

3 Jul 1848. George Smith of McMinn Co. app. Adm.

4 Sep 1848. Invt. and Invt. of sale by Adm.

16 Aug 1848. Comm. M.W. Cunningham, Henry McGuire, and Levi Deaton set apart year's support to widow and several minor heirs.

1 Oct 1850 and 1 Oct 1851. Sett. by Adm.; paid widow Isabella.

May 1850. George J. Smith, Adm. VS Widow and Heirs; heirs are Minerva Jane Smith, Margaret Adaline intermarried with Joseph R. Barnett, Mary Isabella, Elizabeth, Marshall, Elvina, and Robert Smith, the five last named infants; Isabella Smith, widow, app. Gdn.



2 Nov 1868. James M. Knox app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

25 Oct 1867. Samuel A. Smith, a lawyer, died leaving widow Louvennia who has married J.H. Earnest of Green Co., Tenn., and children: ~ohn L.M. of Bradley Co.; Isabella and William, minors of McMinn Co.



Will exec. 22 Apr 1844; wife Warnin to remain on farm and receive suitable maintenance; $15 yearly to be paid to sister Susan Smith; all estate to lawful heirs of Nathaniel Smith, late of Republic of Texas, deceased, who are John Williams Smith, Martha Maria widow of Thos. J. Metcalfe, dec’d, William Pinckney Smith, Nathaniel Henry Smith, Sam Houston Smith, Emily Jane Smith, James Coleman Smith, Laura Chitten Smith, Amelia Texianna Smith, and eldest dau. Mary Myers Carr, with the exception that Mary Myers Carr is to receive only 25¢; the said heirs are to be brought - if willing - from Texas and other parts wherever they may be and live with wife. Execs: Chas. Metcalfe and Henry Matlock. Wit: G.C. Metcalfe, Abner Cunningham. Signed by mark. Codicil dated 25 Apr 1844: Sarah Thomas Metcalfe, dau. of Thos. J., dec'd, and Martha Maria Metcalfe, to receive equal share with other legatees. Wit: Jas. B. Taylor, G.C. Metcalfe, Abner Cunningham.

6 May 1844. Will proven; Henry Matlock declines to serve as Exec. And Court appoints Wm. Burns.

2 Sep 1844. Warnin Smith, widow, enters her dissent to Will.

3 Dec 1844. Invt. and Invt. of sale by Execs.

23 Mar 1848. Sett. by Exec.; pay for services except trip to Texas.

15 Aug 1848. Comm. J. McGaughy, S.K. Reeder, and A. Slover set apart year's support to widow Warning.

1 Jun 1849. Reports by Elizabeth Smith, Gdn. to Susan Smith and John Hoyl, Gdn. to widow Warning Smith.

2 Oct 1850. Sett. by Chas. Metcalfe, Exec.; "time and expenses traveling to & from the Republic of Texas in search of the children of Nat Smith".

21 Jun 1851. Sett. by John Hoyl, Gdn.

2 Sep 1850. Sett. by same Exec.; paid J.M. Martin in right of wife and daughter.

16 Apr 1853. Sett. by same Gdn.



4 Sep 1826. Elizabeth Smith app. Adminx.



7 Oct 1829; to wife Nancy; to sons John, Israel, and Joseph; to daus. Patty, Sarah, Mary, and Nancy; to

two unmarried children Joseph and Nancy; to children of dec'd son James, viz: William, David, John, Israel, Mary, and Mouring; to Mary Smith wife of dec'd son. Execs: sons John, Israel, and Joseph. Wit: Geo Bowman, Richard Tankersly.

11 Dec 1829. Will proven and Execs. qualify. Invt. filed by John and I.C. Smith, Execs.; includes a note in South Carolina.

1 Dec 1834. Joseph, John, and Israel Smith, Execs. of Wm. Smith, dec'd, who was Adm. of James Smith.

2 Jan 1856. William Smith died leaving widow Nancy, now age 83 who wants to move West in the Fall, and children: Joseph who died Aug 1855; John; Israel C.; James, dec'd; Patty Pickens, dec'd; Sarah wife of Richard Tankersley of Williamson Co., Texas; Mary wife of Robert Pickens of Bradley Co.; and Nancy Marshall of Monroe Co. /Mary wife of Samuel Julian and Mourning wife of George Julia are also listed as children but by all other records they are the children of son James, dec'd. Son Joseph, dec'd,

left widow Delilah Jane who was his second wife, and children: Mary E. wife of Thos. L. Marshall, Sarah E., Joel C., James A., Miriam or Maria F., Louisa Jane, John W., and Thomas Smith, the last five being children by second wife, and all except Mary E. being minors. Dau. Patty Pickens, dec'd, left the following children: Margaret wife of Simeon Rogers of Forsythe Co., Ga.; W.S.; Robert M.; Martha A.; James M.; and Israel W. Pickens, all of Anderson Dist., S.C. Son James, dec'd, left children: William of Hamilton Co., David of Bradley Co., and Israel G. of Green Co., Ala.



6 Mar 1848. Joseph Hamilton app. Gdn. of minor heirs.

5 Jun 1848. A.G. Rice, Wm. Dodson, and Robert Cohorn app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Elizabeth.

3 Jul 1848. John B., Joseph H., James A., William P., Nancy J., Silina E. Louisa J., Matilda C., and Margaret J. Smith, minor children and heirs, choose Elizabeth Smith as Gdn.; she is app. Gdn. and Joseph Hamilton who was app. Gdn. for a special purpose is ordered to turn funds over to her.

4 Jul 1848. Elizabeth Smith makes bond as Gdn. to her own children.

4 Jul 1848. Report by Joseph Hamilton, Gdn.; received on 20 May 1848 of Joseph Smith of Cabarrus Co., N.C., Adm. of sd. dec'd; final sett. to "Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Guardian $147.92 and to 4 heirs of sd. estate now of age, or their agents, $65.72

26 Jul 1849 to 21 May 1859. Settlements by Elizabeth Smith, Gdn. $147.92 and to 4 heirs of sd. estate now of age, or their agents, $65.72.

26 July to 21 May 1859. Settlements by Elizabeth Smith, Gdn.; paid heir John Smith 1849; paid Nancy Jane and E. W. brden 1853; paid James A. Smith 1856; receipt in full from Wm. S. Smith 1859.

21 May 1860. Sett. by J.H. Smith for Elizabeth Smith, Gdn.; receipt in full from James and Sarah A. Carright.



5 Feb 1866. Joseph W. Hamilton app. Gdn. for William Benjamin and Sarah Elizabeth Smith, minor heirs




8 Sep 1824. Invt. by James McKamy and John Miller, Adms .

7 Dec 1824. Wm. Cate, James Rucker, and Elijah Grisham app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Milley.

7 Mar 1826. Sheriff ordered to take charge of the three eldest children of the late Milly Snodgrass, present wife of Nathan Hambrick, until next session of Court.

5 Jun 1826. Jeremiah Hambrick app. Gdn. for Nancy, Eloner, and Thomas Snodgrass, minor orphans over 14.

4 Jun 1827. John Miller, Esq., released as Adm.; Irby Holt and Richard Tankersley app. Comm. to settle with said Miller; he is allowed $2 per day for 22 days going to and returning from Ky. on business for estate.



5 Jun 1838. Thomas Miller app. Adm.

6 Aug 1838. Invt. by Robert Miller, Adm.

6 Aug 1838. Wm. McKamy, Jesse Dodson, and Joseph S. McConnell, Comm. to lay off year's support to widow Elizabeth and family, make report; Sale by Adm.

15 Nov 1838. Report; John H. Miller, present Adm. of Wesley Spearman, and Wm. McKamy, one of Adms. of Thomas Miller's estate, came into court where Wm. McKamy turned over to John H. Miller "papers and effects so far as the said Thomas Miller former administrator of the sd. Wesley Spearman Dec'd had administered".

3 Jul 1840. Sett. by Adm. John H. Miller.

9 Feb 1860. Wesley Spearman died leaving widow Elizabeth and children: Sarah A.J. wife of Jeremiah W. Davis, John M., Mary wife of Joel Roberts, Robert L., L.M., Susannah wife of Chas. R. Basket, Jemima, Malinda, and Nancy Spearman. Mrs. Spearman and large family of minor children sold land and went. West probably to Texas. File contains deed 1861 from the heirs at Grayson Co., Tex.



28 Dec 1859. Mary A. Spillman, Adminx. Vs. Joseph A. Hix

14 Dec 1860. M.A. Spellman, Adminx. VS J.J. Elliott.



5 Sep 1870. Richard Spradling, Jr., app. Adm.

21 Oct 1871. The children of Richard Spradling are: Richard, Jr., Mortimer of Meigs Co., Stanley of Hamilton Co., residence unknown, Amanda wife of Emberson Sliger of Calif., Louisa wife of Hiram Brandon, and Mary Ann dec'd wife of John Hart whose children are: John, Benjamin, and. Elizabeth, wife of James Robeson.

31 Jan 1872 to 12 Jun 1873. Settlements by Adm.



7 Mar 1870. Isaac Stalcup app. Adm.

2 May 1870. Petition of widow Nancy for dower; plat of the dower land.

15 Dec 1871. Moses Stalcup died about Feb 1869 leaving widow Nancy and children: Isaac;

Elias; Lee H.; C. C.; F. A.; James H. of Hamilton Co.; Moses of Ind.; W.R. and John W. of Grayson Co., Texas; Joseph C. a minor of Polk Co., Mo.; Sarah E. wife of John H. Wood; and King, dec'd, whose minor son W .K. is of Mo.

Jun 1871. H.H. Raper app. Gdn . in Barry Co., Mo., of Wm. K. Stalcup a minor under 14; funds are in Tenn. with E.M. Stalcup as Gdn.; Court orders transfer of funds to Barry Co., Mo., the present residence of minor heir.

17 Jan 1872. Sett. by Adm.



28 Dec 1857. Comm. John Jack, Joseph Rud, and J.M. Burger set apart year’s provisions

for widow Elizabeth and family, includes $25 for his for his teaching school.



l Jun 1868. Will presented, proven by Claborn M. Howard and John W. Miller the subscribing witnesses, and ordered to be spread of Record.



7 Jul 1862. Wm. G. Horton and James Steed app. Adm.

4 Nov 1862. Wm. H. Howard and wife Nancy L., W. G. Horton and wife P.C., James Steed, John A. Prather and wife Matilda, H.C.P. Horton and wife Bettie, Matlock and wife Louisa, J. S. Riggs and wife Sarah, C. V. Cobb and wife Julia, and W.H.H. Howard VS J.C. Steed, D.A. Lowry and wife Lucinda, J.M Clementson and wife Mary, Henry Steed, Sarah Steed, John R. Howard, Jr., J.C., Ben, N., and C.L . Howard, last four minors. Petition to sell land. Publication made as to all the respondents and judgment pro confession entered to all who are adults and the Gdn. of minors has answered.

15 Aug 1864. Sett. by Wm. G. Horton, Adm.; heirs receiving about $32.75 each are J.C., W.H., and James Steed, Wm. H. Howard and wife, W.G. Horton and wife, D.A. Lowry and wife; heirs receiving $5.45 each are C.L. Matlock and wife, C.L. Cobb and wife, J.S. Riggs and wife, and W.H.H. Howard; J.R. Howard, Gdn., receives $18.20 .



20 Oct 1841. Comm. Wm. Rudd, Nathan Sullins, and A.C. Robeson lay off year's support for widow Sarah.

no date. Invt. of sale; buyers include Sarah, Justus C., and James Steed.

4 Sep 1843; 211, 21 Jun 1844. Invt. and Sett. by Adm.



Will exec. 24 Nov 1851; Codicil dated 21 Nov 1853; all estate to Lucinda America McNabb, dau. of Wm. and Salina McNabb; if she dies without issue all estate to children of bros. and sisters including Louisa Vanderpool and Nancy Hyden dau. of bro. Henry; Wm. McNabb and wife Salina and C.M. Howard to occupy lands, supporting in the meantime Lucinda America. Exec. And Gdn.: particular friend John R. Howard. Wit: Wm. Lowery, J. McGaughy. Codicil: property to C.M. Howard if he should marry and have heirs.

6 Apr 1858. Will proven.

l Jul 1859. Howard VS McNabb. Justus Steed died, unmarried, leaving illegitimate children Claibourn M. Howard and Salina, dec 1 d wife of Wm. McNabb . He also left nieces and nephews: Louisa Vanderpool; Nancy, wife of Jesse Albert Hyden; Phoebe Johnson and husband Berry; Lucinda Johnson and husband Mitchell; Elizabeth Howard and husband John R.; Louisa Howardand husband Wm.; Phoebe Horton and husband Wm. G.; Matilda Prather and husband John ; Billie, Sarah, Mildred, and James Steed; Lucinda Lowry and husband Daniel A. of Ga.; Mary Clement son and husband John M. of Ill.; James Steed of Monroe Co.; Campbell J. Steed of Bradley Co., and Henry Steed a nonresident.



on loose sheet of paper, not entered in book: 5 Oct 1846, McMinn Co., Tenn.; Isaiah Smith and Andrew John on oath say that Phebe Steed was a pensioner at the rate of $57 per annum commencing

l Mar 1839 and that the said Phebe Steed departed this life Aug 4, 1846, leaving the following named children and only heirs and legatees at law; viz., Justice Steed, Thomas Steed, Henry Steed, James Steed, Nancy Johnston, and Polly Steed.



Will exec. 27 Apr 1862; to sister Polly Steed and Sarah Louisa Vanderpool, the undivided half of land on which I live; if Sarah Louisa should survive sister Polly, then she and her heirs to have all. Exec: esteemed friend Jessy A. Hyden. Wit: David W. Ballew, J.A. Hyden. Signed by mark.

2 Feb 1863. Will proven by Jesse A. Hyden of Knox Co.

1 Jul 1867. Will ordered to be recorded as Will Book in which it was recorded has been destroyed.



Will exec. 30 Apr 1858, proven Apr 1860; to wife Elizabeth; to two youngest daus. Armindy and Cyntha; to balance of children: John, Robert, Edward, William, Daniel Dyre, and Alex. Stephenson, Jr., Anny wife of Joseph Walker, Susan wife of James Buckner. Execs: sons Edward and William. Wit: John Gardiner, C.H. Bogart, John J. Dixon. Signed by mark.

7 May 1860. Comm. Joseph Hamelton, John Torbert, and Wm. Brown lay off year's support for widow Stephens.

14 Mar 1862. Invt. and Sett. by Edward Stephenson, Exec.



Will exec. 18 May 1854; to wife Catherine; four sons Wm. Henderson, John Cannon, Robert Alexander, and Mashie Tipton Stephenson to have all land and support "me and my wife" during lifetime and to support two daus. Caroline and Arminda as long as they wish to live with them; the four sons to pay each of the other children $1. Exec: son John Cannon Stephenson. Wit: C.A. Pickens, N.N. Smith. Signed by mark.

2 Oct 1865. Will proven.



7 Jun 1852. Jackson West app. Adm.

11 Aug 1852. Invt. and sale and by Jackson West, Adm.



11 Aug 1868. Joseph A. Stephenson VS John Morris; the death of plaintiff is suggested and admitted.

13 Apr 1869. Jane T. Stephenson has been app. Adminx.



Will exec. 27 May 1845; to dau. Elizabeth wife of Gideon Cate, who is dau. by first wife Rebecca; to two little daus. by last wife Mary, Sarah B. and Margaret R. Exec: nephew Robert C. Morris. Wit: James, Jesse H., and John C. Gaut.  4 Mar 1850. Invt. of sale by Gideon Cate, Adm. with Will Annexed, and report by Dimmon Dorsey, Gdn. to Sarah B. and Margaret R.



4 Feb 1839. Wm. S. Stephenson app. Adm.

6 Sep 1843. Invt. of sale, and Sett. by Adm.

9 Dec 1844. Sett. by Adm.; Vouchers: John L., Mary E., and W.S. Stephenson, $19 each "for mother's estate" and Henry Cameron's receipt for $19 also.

7 Apr 1845. Invt. of slave property by Adm.



4 Jul 1859. Benj. Eldridge, Byrum Allen, and Mount Reynolds app. Comm. to lay off year's support for Sally Stepp.



7 Dec 1846. In list of Removals so that Tax for 1846 can not be collected is "Jehu Stockton, Dead 30¢".



2 Aug 1847. Daniel D. Stockton app. Adm.

Feb 1848. Invt. of sale by Adm.



Will exec. 20 1840, returned to Court 5 Oct 1840; to Elizabeth L. Baldwin; to heirs of Catherine Hall Thomas B. Stockton Robert Stockton James Y. Stockton /no punctuation/; to Mary Callaway; to Joseph and Benjamin Wilson; to Pleasant W. Lane for medical services; to Wm. H. Stockton. Execs: Wm. H.

Stockton and Pleasant w. Lane. Wit: John N. Delzell and A.P.H. Jordan.

5 Oct 1840. Pleasant W. Lane declines to serve as Exec.

6 Sep 1841. Neley Chrisman, Sec. for Wm. Haden Stockton, Exec.

No date. Sett. by Exec.



6 Jul 1868. Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

25 May 1874. Sett. by S. S. Morgan, Adm.; receipts from John W. Stokes.

9 Oct 1873. Henry R. Stokes left widow Elizabeth and children: Martha, wife of John Davis, and John, both of Meigs Co.; Wm. of Moo; and Hixon, residence unknown.



Will exec. 24 Jun 1819, proven Jackson Co., Tenn.

Feb 1820. Execs. refuse to serve, Edmund Roberts and Uriah Stone app. with James D. Hendley and Alexander Ruth as securities with Samuel G. Smith, Clk.; Copy of Will from Jackson Co., records made 29 Apr 1820; to wife Ann; to son Uriah, to grandson Asbury son of Uriah; to daus. Jane Roberts and Ann Smith; to son Elijah who has no heirs; to granddau. Lucy Ball in place of her mother and my daughter who is now deceased; to Edmund Roberts husband of dau. Jane; to dau. Jane's three children Westley, Ann, and Thomas Wm. Spearman; dau. Jane has no children by Edmund Roberts. Execs: Archibald Stone, Esq., and James Crawford, both of Barron Co., Ky. Wit: Andrew Hibbits and James Fergason.

4 Sep 1827. Wm. Stone of Jackson Co., Tenn., made his Will, died shortly afterwards, and by one clause in Will he gives his black man Thomas his freedom after death of wife; Thomas Stone applies for freedom, proving that Wm. Stone's wife is dead.



27 Dec 1867. Sloop VS Sloop. Elizabeth Stott died about 10 Oct 1865 intestate leaving five heirs: dau. Elizabeth widow of John N. Sloop; Nancy wife of Andrew Nancy, formerly Nancy Stott, of N.C.; Mary Ann wife of Elijah Hall, formerly Mary Ann Stott, of N.C.; Rebecca Sparks, formerly Stott, of S. C.; and Frances wife of Abraham Gross, formerly Stott, of Ill.



Will exec. 4 Aug 1829; to wife Jane and children. Execs: wife and Solomon Bogart. Wit: A.D. Keys, Geo. W. Mayo, and Saml. M. Gantt.

7 Sep 1829. Will proven.

7 Oct 1829. Invt. and Sale are the following doctors: John K. Saml. Edmundson, Horace Hickox, and

Dec 1832. Supp. Invt.  by Execs.; among the buyers Farmer, Alexander, Morrow, Reid.

twelve pages, not numbered, in back of book, not dated; accts .due to Dr. Stout, making an extensive list of residents of McMinn Co. and area; also four pages accts of sales, including one tract of land in Rhea Co.



no date. Comm. Jacob Vanzant, James Buckner, Jonathan F. Pugh set apart year's provisions for widow Martha and family

23 Sep 1850. Invt. of sale and sett. by Bing Newton, Adm.

no date. Acct. of sale of rent corn by Nathaniel Barnett Adm.

5 Jan 1852. Sett. by John Whiteside, Gdn. to minor heirs; paid heir Margaret Weir.

27 Nov 1851. Sett. by Nathan Barnett, Adm., successor to Bing Newton; horse sold to heir Henry C. Stuart.

26 Jul 1852. Final sett. by Adm.; receipts in equal amounts from Mary and Stephen Hill, Henry C. Stewart, Andrew and Lydia Goforth, and Martha Stewart, and receipt for triple the amount from John Whiteside, Gdn.

21 Feb 1853. "Rec'd of John Whiteside guardian of Giles Stewart" signed by William Stewart Gdn. to Giles Stewart.

21 Feb 1853. Report by John Whiteside, Gdn.; receipts from heirs David D. and Margaret Weir and Wm. Stewart; receipt from Wm. Stewart Gdn. to Giles Stewart.

21 Feb 1854. Sett. by Wm. Stewart, Gdn.

21 Feb 1854. Sett. by John Whiteside, former Gdn.; "Stephen Hill heir receipt bought of Margaret Ware".

CC Record Bk. B, page 96. David D., John M.C., and David Weir, John and Stephen Hill VS Mourning Isabel Weir defended by her Gdn. ad litem Willie Lowry. On 16 Oct 1852 David D. Weir and wife Margaret, formerly Margaret Stewart, sold to John Hill one child's part or 1/6 of the land which Margaret inherited from her father Hamilton Stewart. Margaret Weir died leaving Mourning Isabel as her only child.



7 Sep 1868. Phillip Raulin app. Gdn. of minor heirs of John Stuart.

3 Jan 1870. Report made by same, Gdn. to minor heirs of John and Sarah Stuart.



7 Sep 1868. James Steward app. Adm.




Will exec. 29 Aug 1834 to sons Robert and Absalem. Exec: Isom Lawson. Wit: Morrison K. Lawson and John Bookout.

7 Sep 1838. Invt. and Final sett. by Exec.



3 Jun 1833. Mahaly Stubblefield app. Adminx.; John Morris, Lewis Triplet, and Wm. ___ app. Comm . to lay off year's support for widow Mahaly.

20 Sep 1833. Invt. and Acct. of sale by Adminx.

no date. Sett. by Adminx.; Court allowed her balance of property and use of farm until 1853 for her service in raising, clothing, and schooling children Pleasant C., Mary Ann, and Martha.



6 Jan 1862. Comm. Allen Haley, F.M. Lusk, and John F. Barton app. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

21 Jun 1862. Above Comm. report.

filed 19 Aug 1868. Abraham Studdard died Dec 1861 leaving heirs: Tabitha Studdard; minors George and Tennessee Studdard; minors Matilda and Tilitha Gibson; William, Hugh, Jane, and Mary Studdard; and F. A. Dixon and wife Elizabeth.



Will exec. 2 Jul 1827; to John, Mary, Richard, Abraham, Hannah, youngest son Thomas Studdard, youngest dau. Aby (Abby) "having seven heirs and five of them having been portioned off to wit John Mary Richard Abraham and Hannah". Wit: Wm. Triplet, James Patty. Signed by mark.

5 Sep 1831. Will proven by Amos Potts and Wm. Triplett.



Will exec. 9 Oct 1856, proven 6 Apr 1857; to son-in-law Lazarus Dodson and his wife Rebecca L.; to three children Timothy and Morris Sullens and dau. Hazy Cardwell; to other children, viz, Annis Murry, Elizabeth Myra Street, James Axley Sullens, Mary L. Woodward (and her children), Nathan A., David, and Stephen Bradford Sullens. Execs: son Timothy and son-in-law Lazarus Dodson. Wit: Wm. F. Keith, Wm. H. Briant. Signed by mark.

21 Dec 1861. Invt. and sale, Sett., and Final sett. by Execs.

5 Mar 1860. Hazy Cardwell app. Gdn. to Nathan A., Mary R., Eliza H., Jas. H., and Timothy N. Cardwell, her own minor children.

no date. Sett. by Hazy Cardwell, Gdn. Name of dec'd is not given in this entry.



6 Jan 1862. Court pays for coffin for pauper.



5 Jun 1865. Malinda Swaggerty app. Adminx.

13 Dec 1865. Malinda Swaggerty and others VS Henry Latham and others; name of Malinda Swaggerty to be changed to Malinda Andes and name of Adam W. Andes to be added as plaintiff.

1 Apr 1867. Malinda Andes renewed bond as Gdn. of minor heirs.

14 Apr 1868. Malinda Andes in her own right and as Gdn. of Sarah A. Swaggerty and John Andes VS Henry Latham and others.

7 Sep 1868. Robt. Hackler app. Gdn. of Sarah Ann Swaggerty minor child.



4 Oct 1852. J. William Cullins app. Gdn. to two of minor heirs and Silas Smith app. Gdn. to four of the minor heirs of Johnson L. Sims

2 May 1853: Report by John William Cullins, Gdn. to Wm. L. and L.J. Sims, minor children of J.L. Sims; total amount in gdnship. is $286.25 and is received from Jesse Swain, Exec. of estate of John Swain, dec'd, for benefit of the wards.

24 Nov 1852. Report by Silas Smith, Gdn. to four minor children of J.L. Sims, namely, Andrew J., OoJ., L.D., and Robert C.P. Sims; amount in gdnship. is $572.50 and was received from Jesse Swain, Exec. of John Swain, dec'd, as their distributive share.

6 Oct 1855. Reports by the two Gdns.; Luticia J. Sims receives her final share in 1854; Silas Smith transfers Gdnship. to N.N. Smith in 1855; Wm. L. Sims receives his final share in 1855.

3 Sep and 3 Dec 1855. Wm. Cullins resumed gdnship. of minor heirs of J. L. Simses Dec. and Silas Smith resigns as Gdn. of minor heirs of J.L. Sims Dec., with "Dec." in both entries marked out.

6 Nov 1854. Bond renewed by Silas Smith, Gdn. to Jackson, Oliver, Lina, and Robert Simms.

12 Oct 1857. Sett. by N.N. Smith, Gdn.

12 Oct 1858 to 6 Aug 1866. Sett. by same Gdn.; paid to Andrew J. Sims on Power of Atty. in 1858; paid to Oliver J. Sims in 1860.



3 Jan 1853. Court pays for coffin for pauper.


Will exec. 5 May 1832, probated Sep 1832 to wife Sarah to son James; to three sons Enoch, John, and James; to William Talant; to Thomas Talant; to Lidia Wasson, Minty Hankens, Jane Fisher; land divided among sons Enoch, John, and James, and $1 each to remaining legatees. Execs: wife Sarah and son, not

named. Wit: James McNabb and Robt. Mansell o Signed by mark.

3 Sep 1832. Will partly proven by Robt. Mansell.

4 Mar 1833. Will fully proven by James McNabb; widow Sarah app. Execx.



6 Jun 1870. Joseph Neil app. Gdn. of Mary A. Tallent.



4 Dec 1865. David Cleage app. Gdn. of John M. Taylor, minor.



1 Dec 1834. John N. Taylor app. Adm.

Sep 1835. Sale by Adm.; buyers include widow Peggy Ann.



Will exec. 9 Feb 1857, proven 6 Apr 1857; "as I have no children I will my dear wife Minerva C. the entire right” during her lifetime and at her death property to be sold and divided equally among bros. and sisters. Execx; wife. Wit: E. Z. Taylor, M. C. Parker

Filed 4 Mar 1874. (Enrolled Bills, 1865-75). Bros and sisters are Louisa Boatright of Ark.; H. W. of Grainger Co., Emily Witt of Hawkins Co.; E. A. of Monroe Co.; George, dec’d; Rachel Witt; Amanda A. Brickel of Monroe Co.; Elbert E. of Oregon, The children of bro. George, dec’d, are Lafayette, Thomas H., James, Venia wife of Shelton, Mary, Jabin, and George, all of Grainger Co., and last three are minors.



6 Aug 1860. Report made by Joseph M. Alexander, Gdn. to minor heirs.


TAYLOR, SAMUEL (a man of color)

2 Apr 1838. Will proven by Hamilton Bradford and Sml. McConnal, the two subscribing witnesses; Henry Bradford and Wm. Baker app. Execs.

June 1838 to 14 May 1865. Invt. of sale, and Settlements by Execs.; paid Amy Taylor widow (1840) and paid Aimy Dodson formerly Aimy Taylor (1841).



13 Dec 1869. James McDaniel Exec. VS James Dennis. Note to Exec. dated 11 Oct 1865.



6 Aug 1838. James Thomas and J. B. Fitchjerrill app. Adms.

Oct 1838. Invt. and sale by Adms.

15 Sep 1838. Comm. Elijah Cate, Wm. Dotson, and Joseph Minze set apart year’s provisions for widow Mary.

26 Aug 1845. Sett. by Adms.; receipts from heirs T. Lane, Wm. M. Robeson, John C., J. H., D.H., Sam, and James Thomas, Jr., R. W. Jameson, R. Northcross, j. B. Thomas heir of T. Thomas, J. B. Fitzgerald, and heirs of T. Thomas; all paid same amount with J. B. Thomas and heirs of Talbert Thomas receiving same amount with J. B. Thomas and heirs of Talbert Thomas receiving as one heir.



3 Feb 1868. Robert Cochran app. Adm.



Will exec. 28 Feb 1863; to wife jame, homeplace and land on north side of Athens and Decatur wagon road; to dau. Harriett Thomas, the above land at death of wife; to dau. Louisa Wattenbarger, the land on south side of road; to dau. Angeline Arwine; dau. Caroline wife of Marshall C. Owen, and sons James, John L., and Alfred c. have already received their share; to grandson John F. Thomas, infant son of Alfred C. Exec: friend and neighbor Elijah Loughmiller. Wit: Robert Boyd, A.J. Mathis.

21 Sep 1865. Invt. and sale, and Sett. by Exec.

25 Apr 1877. Jonathan Thomas died 10 Mar 1863. John F., Thomas, son of Alfred C., is now 15.



20 Sep 1852. Sale of prop. of estate of James Thomas, Sr., dec'd, and which was in possession of his wife Mary at her death and sold by James Thomas and J.B. Fitzgerald, Adms. of estate of James Thomas, dec'd.



8 Nov 1871. James M. Thomasson died intestate in Miss. 1862 on his way home from Vicksburg, leaving widow Nancy J. and children Emma E. now aged about 10 and Louisa V. now aged about 9, all of McMinn Co. Widow Nancy J. is dau. of James C. Carlock.



7 Dec 1830. Alfred Thompson app. Gdn. of Amy, John, Willliam, and Sarah Thompson, minor orphans.



6 Mar 1832. Bill of sale proven; from Wm. Ward to Manerva, Stephen, Rachel, William, and John Thompson, hiers.



CR4 44, 6 Dec 1831. Danl. Lattimore and Jemimah Thompson app. Adms.; Caleb Starr, Wm. Maples, and John Cobb app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow Jemimah.

no date; 79, 28 Jan 1832; 121, 17 Aug 1833. Invt., Sale, m and Sett. by Adms.

8 Mar 1836. Jeremiah Lillard app. Gdn. to Saml., Merranda, Francis, Katherine, and Alfred Thompson, minor orphans.

29 Apr 1839. Reports by Gdn.

no date. Report by same Gdn.; he has been gdn. to Samuel, Miranda, Franklin, Catherine, and Alfred Thompson, minor heirs, and one small black boy 8 or 9 yrs. old for four years, supporting them, and has never received any consideration.



3 Mar 1828. Mary and Robert Thompson app. Adms.

4 Jun 1828. Acct. of sale by Adms.



The following information is contained in two loose sheets of paper, not dated, found in the files of the Chancery Court, entitled "Petition of Mildred B. Thornton & others". The plea is to Hon. Thos. L. Williams Judge which would place the date between 1844 and 1854. In rearranging the files, these papers

have been given the number 519. Except as noted there is no indication of the places of residence of persons named or of place of probate of the Will of Mildred Dudley.

Mildred Dudley in her will leaves slaves to her son Anthony R. Thornton in trust for Milred B. wife of son Anthony R. Thornton, Mary H. wife of her son Benjamin G. Thornton, Ann wife of her son Wm. F. Thornton, Mariah wife of her son Reubin Thornton, Susan wife of her son Nicholas C. Thornton, and for Lucy B. wife of her son Charles T. Thornton. Anthony R. Thornton the Trustee died recently, and the petition is to appoint Reubin Thornton of McMinn Co. as Trustee. Mildred Ann Grimes Thornton, dau. of Anthony R. and Mildred B. Thornton, is now dec’d. Mary H., wife of Benj. G. Thornton is now dec’d and her heirs are Ann W., and her husband is Mirck, Benj. G., Sarah A. and her husband James R. Barnett, and Anthony R. Thornton. Susan the wife of Nicholas C. Thornton is now dec’d and her heirs are Richard L., Mildred A., Wm. C. and Mary Jane and her husband Kindrick. There are no other living beneficiaries of the will.  



6 Nov 1848. A.G. Rice app. Adm.

no date. Acct. of sales by Adm.; This is evidently sale of a store's stock.

l Jan 1849. Coroner paid for holding inquest over the body.

25 Sep 1849. Invt. of notes, Add. sale, and Final sett. by Adm.; balance paid over to Wm. Lowry, Clerk and Master.

7 May 1849. Wm. R. Thornton was son of Charles T. Thornton.



4 Jul 1864. Invt. by A. Blizard, Adm.

3 Oct 1864. Report made by Elizabeth Thurman, Gdn. of Wm. H. and Mary Lee Thurman, minor heirs.

6 Aug 1866. Acct. of sales at late residence in McMinn Co. and carpenter's tools sold at Athens; buyers include Mrs. John Thurman, Mrs. Wm. Thurman, Bettie Thurman.

19 Aug 1867. A. Blizard, Adm. VS Widow and Heirs. Mary Lee, William, and James Thurman are minors under 14; subpoena served on Malinda Hamilton, formerly Thurman, and her husband Robert N. Hamilton, defendants, and they fail to appear. Malinda Hamilton, as widow of dec'd, is entitled to dower.



4 Mar 1867. John Rogers Adm.; Comm. app. to lay off year's support for widow and family.

29 Dec 1869. Sett. by Adm.; paid to Mrs. M. Tillery, Margaret Tillery, and M. Tillery, at various times.



2 Dec 1839. Serene Tipton, of age to choose for herself, chooses Allen Dennis as Gdn.

15 Jan 1841. Report by Gdn.; charges for his services and expense in going to and from Wilson Co., West Tenn.  The name of the ward is written Serena Tempton, with Tipton inserted and Tempton has been changed from Templeton.

15 May 1842. Sett. by Gdn.; Syrena-Tipton gives receipt in full for her estate.



7 Mar 1826. Sheriff ordered to take charge of Emeline Trapt, an orphan child, dau. of Mourning Trap, until next Session of Court.



6 Oct 1862. John A. Goly app. Gdn. of minor hiers.



Will exec. 17 Sep 1860, proven Jul 1862; to wife Nancy; to the nine legatees children and grandchildren; children: Eliza wife of James C. Queener, Warner, Perry, Mary Ann, and James C. Trew, Caroline wife of Abraham Slack, Wm. Trew; grandchildren: Isaac No and Nancy Elizabeth Trew minor children of dec'd sons George and John. Exec. and Gdn. of grandchildren: Wm. Trew. Wit: John A. Gouldy, James Thompson, and John G. Mayfield.

11 May 1866. Invt., Sale, and Sett. by Exes,

1 Jul 1867 (John A. Gouldy resigns as Gdn. and Chas. Cate is app. Gdn. to Isaac No Trew son of Nancy Trew and of Nancy E. Trew dau. of Mary Trew.

21 Aug 1862. Thomas Trew died 23 Jun 1862.

13 Apr 1868. Son George's widow is Polly and his dau. is Nancy Elizabeth. Son John's widow is Ellen of Monroe Co. and his son is Isaac N. a minor who dies during the lawsuit.



Will exec. 29 May 1838; to wife Prudence and children. Wit: Thomas Vaughn, Wm.

1 Oct 1838. Will proven by Wm. R. Douglass.

Jan 1839. Invt. by Prudence Triplett, Execx.



CR5 285, 6 Apr 1846. Jacob Hinkle paid for making coffin for pauper.



7 Sep 1840. Abraham Slover and James Wo Netherland app. Adms.

5 Apr 1841. Invt. and Sale by Adms.

29 Dec 1843. Sett. by Abraham Slover, one of Adms.; vouchers to heirs Michael, William, and Margaret Trout, and to "Michael Trout for self, Stephen Wood & Mathias Trout".



6 Dec 1830. Susannah Tumblin app. Adminx.

6 Jun 18310 Invt. and Sale by Adminx.



4 Jan 1858. C.A. Proctor app. Adm.

11 Apr 1859. Invt. and Sett. by Adm.; Jesse Tunnel receipt.




Will exec. 19 Sep 1833; to wife Easter; to daus. Sarah and Lydia; to sons James and Wesley; to young children Jesse, Elizabeth, Margaret, Kiziah, Nancy, William P., and Easter Catharine. Execs: wife and bro. William Tunnell. Wit: John Wilson, Absolem H. Doan.

2 Dec 1833. Will proven.

14 Aug 1839. Invt. and Sett. by Wm. Tunnell, Exec.; paid "Widow Tunnel Troubbles and expenses raising the Children $50.00".

2 Jan 1858. John Tunnell died 1833 leaving widow Easter who died 30 Nov 1857 and children: Sarah wife of Eli B. Cate; Lydia wife of Bennett Franklin of Bradley Co.; James; Westley now dec'd unmarried without issue; Jessee; Elizabeth wife of Absolum Kegley of Va.; Margaret wife of John M. Hunt of Floyd Co., Ga.; Kiziah, unmarried; Nancy wife of Augustus Eaton; Wm. P. Easter Catherine wife of James F. Roberts. William Tunnell, bro. to John dec'd, died about 1844.



Will exec. 13 Mar 1837; to wife Gincy "earnestly requesting that she shall not marry"; at death or marriage of wife; to Saml. Workman who married niece Rebecca Griffith, nephew James Griffith, niece Mary Jane Collier, Archibald R.T. Hambright, and Archibald R. Turk son of bro. Wm. Execs: Alex. D. Keyes and Saml. Workman. Wit: John F. Amos, Benj. Hambright, and J.W. Eddington.

5 Feb 1844. Came Saml. Workman, one of the persons therein named as an Exec., and produced a paper writing purporting to be the last Will of Archibald R. Turk, dec'd, and to be proven as a noncupative will; paper filed and widow and next of kin to be called to contest the said Will if they think proper; John Wolff app. Adm. pendente lite and Will contested by Wm. Turk.

3 Feb 1845. Will proven by Benjamin Hambright, one of witnesses, who makes oath that the other two witnesses are not now citizens of this State; the two Execs. named in Will refuse to serve; Saml. Workman and John Wolff app. Adms.

4 Aug 1845. Invt. of sales by Adms.

7 Aug 1845. Comm. Wm. McKamy, Wm. S. Stephenson, and Winston Carter lay off year's support for Gincy Douthitt, formerly Gincy Turk, widow.

6 Oct 1845. Add. Invt. by Adms.

7 Jun 1847. Invt. of notes and accts., all of which are on persons removed from the country or insolvent; included are the following items: 1 note on Pleasant W. Lane, has runaway and insolvent; a copy of a note sent to Wm. Fagg of North Carolina, Buncomb Co., on Samuel Smith; 1 note on George Smiley of Virginia; J.W. Eddington, insolvent and removed from the country.

5 Feb 1850. Add. Invt. of sale and Final Sett. by Adms.; paid Gincy Douthitt, widow.

filed 16 Apr 1852. Archibald Turk died about 25 Dec 1843.



2 Aug 1869. John F. Slover, H.K. Brown, and W.G. Horton app. Comm. to lay off year's support for widow and family.



Will exec. 16 Sep 1847; "being very sick"; to wife Frances; to son Thomas A.; to sons John W. and Joseph K. when they come of age; to five daus. Margaret Ann Barker, Jane M. Swinney, Mary S., Nancy P., and Rebecca E. Underdown, the three younger named girls when they come of age. Execs: Robt. Gregory, James D. Henley. Wit: Daniel Pearce, H.K. John, and Thos. C. Henley. Signed by mark.

4 Oct 1847. Will proven.

18 Jul 1851. Acct. of sales, and Settlements by Execs.



6 Jun 1853. Isaac Davis app. Adm.

29 Jun 1856. Invt. of sale and Settlements by Adm. and by W.G. Barker, Gdn. to minor heir; buyers include Frances Underdown.

7 Aug 1854. Wm. G. Barker app. Gdn. to Thos. A. Underdown, minor heir.



4 Oct 1847. Court pays for shroud for pauper.



17 Dec 1868. Manerva Hames, Adminx. Debonis non VS Hilton Humphreys.

9 Apr 1872. Manerva Hames has married Wm. E. Rucker and suit is revived in his name jointly with hers.



5 Jan 1863. H.F. Luttrell app. Adm.